78 research outputs found

    Aramäische Archive aus achämenidischer Zeit und ihre Funktion

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    An verschiedenen Orten insbesondere in Ägypten, aber auch in Palästina, wurden aramäische Dokumente gefunden, die aus der Zeit des achämenidischen Reiches stammen. Von diesen wurden einige ursprünglichen Archiven zugeordnet, wobei die Zuordnung häufig auf Grund inhaltlicher Argumente vorgenommen wurde und die Frage, in den Hintergrund trat, ob die jeweiligen so erschlossenen Archive auch auf Grund ihrer Fundumstände eine Einheit bildeten. Es liegt auf der Hand, dass eine inhaltliche Analyse solcher sekundär erschlossenen Archive letztlich nur das ergeben kann, was die modernen Forschung als ein Archiv konstituierend vorausgesetzt hat. Der vorliegende Beitrag, der sich der Frage widmet, welche Dokumente Bestandteil eines Archivs war und was dies für die Funktion solcher Archive bedeutet, berücksichtig jedoch nur solche Dokumente, deren Zugehörigkeit zu einem bestimmten Archiv sich auf Grund der Fundumstände mit hinreichender Sicherheit wahrscheinlich machen lässt. Den so erschlossenen Archiven aus Ägypten – das des Jedanja (traditionell der Mibtahja, TAD B2.2-4+6-11), des Anani und seiner Frau Jehoišma (TAD B3.2-13) und des Nahthor (TAD A6.3-16) – werden neben den Texten vom Wadi Daliye auch die Schriftrollen an die Seite gestellt, die Abschriften ursprünglich eigenständiger Dokumente enthalten und somit auch ein Art Archiv darstellen. Eine kritische Durchsicht der Dokumente ergibt ein erstaunlich eindeutiges Bild: In den Archiven werden nur Dokumente aufbewahrt, die für den Besitzer des Archivs von unmittelbarer Bedeutung sind. So enthalten die Archive der Privatpersonen grundsätzlich nur Dokumente, die für ihre Rechts- und Besitzansprüche bedeutsam sind, das Briefarchiv des Beamten Nahthor nur Briefe, die im Hinblick auf seinen Amt und seine Dienstgeschäfte Bedeutung haben. Auch die Texte vom Wadi Daliye, die möglicherweise einem institutionellem Archiv zuzuschreiben sind, betreffen im Wesentlichen nur den Problembereich des Besitzstandes an Unfreien und zuweilen an Immobilien. Das Ergebnis, dass die Archivtexte für den aktuellen Archivbesitzer von konkreter Bedeutung waren, spiegelt sich auch darin, dass die Texte eines Archivs nur aus einem überschaubaren Zeitraum von kaum mehr als 60 Jahren, in den meisten Fällen aber deutlich weniger, stammen. Dementsprechend wurden auch die Sammelrollen offenkundig nach einem relativ kurzen Zeitraum obsolet.In different places in Egypt – but also in Palestine –, Aramaic documents have been found which were written during the time of the Achaemenid empire. Mainly based on observations concerning their content, several of these have been interpreted as parts of ancient archives. The question whether the various documents of a supposed archive were in fact found in the same spot has been mostly neglected. Of course, any analysis of an archive reconstructed in this way would in fact produce the very same picture which modern scholars already had in mind when they reconstructed the archive. Thus, to answer the question of what kind of documents were stored in an archive and for what purpose, my paper will take into consideration only documents whose assignment to a certain archive can be proved or at least regarded as highly probable on account of the archeological evidence. Besides archives from Egypt which can be established in this way – the archive of Jedanja (TAD B2.2-4+6-11), of Anani and his wife Jehoišma (TAD B3.2-13), and of Nakhthor (TAD A6.3-16) – and the texts from Wadi Daliye, I have also taken into account scrolls which contain copies of several documents and thus form a kind of archive by themselves. A critical analysis of these documents provide an astonishingly consistent picture: only those documents which had direct relevance to the owner of the archive were preserved. Thus, the archives of private individuals contain only those documents which were relevant to their own legal entitlements or property rights. The archive of the official Nakhthor contains only letters concerning his position and duties. Also the bulk of the texts from Wadi Daliye, which possibly belonged to an official archive, concerns the ownership of unfree persons and sometimes of real estates and were thus important for the community. The conclusion that such archives only contain documents of actual relevance entails that the documents of an archive generally concern only a timeframe of up to 60 years–and in most instances even a shorter one. But also the scrolls containing collections of copied documents became obsolete after a relatively short time and could be used afterwards for other purposes

    Verbreitung und Habitatwahl der Trauerente Melanitta nigra in der östlichen Deutschen Bucht

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    Understanding the processes affecting the distribution of an avian (and every other) species in time and space necessitates the inclusion of a variety of factors. Choice and utilisation of a habitat should be seen in the context of energetic costs and benefits, as organisms are believed to distribute in order to enhance their survival. In this thesis, the distribution and habitat selection of the Common Scoter Melanitta nigra (Linneaus, 1758) a benthic-feeding sea duck spending much of its non-breeding season in the eastern German Bight, southeastern North Sea, was investigated with regard to seasonal differences. As Common Scoters are located in German Waters predominantly during their moulting and wintering season and as these periods reflect different energetic needs, this seasonal variability is expected to have an influence on how they distribute themselves relative to their food and disturbance. To analyse distribution patterns and habitat selection, Common Scoter count data from Seabirds at Sea surveys collected in 2006-2017 were used, either from a long term data base (FTZ) or obtained from additional surveys conducted during the PhD. To relate bird distributions to their prey base, benthos and sediment samples were collected in separate moulting and wintering areas to investigate benthic community structures. In addition to sediment samples, information on supplementary environmental parameters (such as water depth or bed shear stress) was gathered during surveys or taken from the literature. To determine, which parameter(s) might have the greatest influence on Scoter distribution, Generalised Additive Models (GAMs) with Integrated Nested Laplace Approximation (INLA) were performed for the moulting and wintering season.Die Untersuchung von räumlichen und zeitlichen Verbreitungsmustern von Organismen erfordert die Berücksichtigung einer Vielzahl von Faktoren. Die Wahl und Nutzung eines Habitats müssen im Hinblick darauf betrachtet werden, dass Organismen sich vorranging in einer Art und Weise verbreiten, die ihre Überlebenschancen erhöht. In der vorliegenden Doktorarbeit wurden die Verbreitung und Habitatwahl der Trauerente Melanitta nigra (Linneaus, 1758), einer sich von benthischen Organismen ernährenden Meeresentenart, die außerhalb der Brutsaison in hohen Dichten in der östlichen Deutschen Bucht, südöstliche Nordsee, zu finden ist, unter dem Aspekt von saisonalen Unterschieden analysiert. Trauerenten finden sich in deutschen Meeren hauptsächlich während der Mauser- und Winterzeit. Da diese beiden Zeiträume von unterschiedlichen energetischen Anforderungen geprägt sind, ist davon auszugehen, dass diese saisonale Variabilität einen Einfluss auf die Verbreitung von Trauerenten im Hinblick auf Nahrungsverfügbarkeit und Störungsquellen hat. Zur Analyse der Verbreitungsmuster und Habitatwahl wurden Daten aus Seevogel auf See (SAS) Zählungen aus den Jahren 2006-2017 verwendet, die entweder einer bereits existierenden Langzeitdatenreihe entnommen (FTZ) oder während der Zeit der Doktorarbeit gesammelt wurden. Ergänzt wurde dies durch die Sammlung von Benthos- und Sedimentproben in einem zentralen Mauser- bzw. Wintergebiet, um die Zusammensetzung von benthischen Gemeinschaften zu untersuchen. Neben den Sedimentproben wurden Information zu weiteren Umweltparametern (wie zum Beispiel Wassertiefe oder Schubspannung) erhoben oder anhand von Referenzwerten aus der Literatur bestimmt. Um herauszufinden, welche(r) Umweltparameter den größten Einfluss auf die Trauerentenverbreitung haben (hat), wurden Generalisierte Additive Modelle (GAMs) mithilfe der sogenannten Integrated Nested Laplace Approximation (INLA) für die Mauser- und Winterzeit aufgestellt

    Alien Registration- Kottsieper, Rosa (Pittston, Kennebec County)

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    Alien Registration- Kottsieper, Edward, Sr. (Pittston, Kennebec County)

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    Experiential knowledge of serious mental health problems: One clinician and academic\u27s perspective

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    In 1998, a dialogue between mental health consumers and psychologists was sponsored by the Center for Mental Health Services. It is against this backdrop that the author briefly discusses her personal experience with serious mental health problems and how it has informed her clinical training and practice, especially in working with individuals with serious mental health problems and disorders. Using some of the overall recommendations of the 1998 meeting as guiding principles, the author reviews the literature on four topics that have become salient in her role as clientg€ scientistg€ practitioner. Her experiential, academic, and clinical knowledge has led her to focus on how she can provide hope to her clientsg€ patients in their recoveries and increase the use of first-person stories of individuals with mental disorders in both her practice and teaching. The discussion of therapist self-disclosure is reexamined in light of current research evidence and shifts in theoretical paradigms. Finally, readers are encouraged to examine the ongoing stigma associated with mental disorders perpetuated within the profession and look at experiential knowledge of mental disorders as an additional competence in the field of psychology rather than solely as an issue of professional competence or impairment. © 2009 SAGE Publications

    Distribution and habitat selection of the Common Scoter Melanitta nigra in the eastern German North Sea

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    Understanding the processes affecting the distribution of an avian (and every other) species in time and space necessitates the inclusion of a variety of factors. Choice and utilisation of a habitat should be seen in the context of energetic costs and benefits, as organisms are believed to distribute in order to enhance their survival. In this thesis, the distribution and habitat selection of the Common Scoter Melanitta nigra (Linneaus, 1758) a benthic-feeding sea duck spending much of its non-breeding season in the eastern German Bight, southeastern North Sea, was investigated with regard to seasonal differences. As Common Scoters are located in German Waters predominantly during their moulting and wintering season and as these periods reflect different energetic needs, this seasonal variability is expected to have an influence on how they distribute themselves relative to their food and disturbance. To analyse distribution patterns and habitat selection, Common Scoter count data from Seabirds at Sea surveys collected in 2006-2017 were used, either from a long term data base (FTZ) or obtained from additional surveys conducted during the PhD. To relate bird distributions to their prey base, benthos and sediment samples were collected in separate moulting and wintering areas to investigate benthic community structures. In addition to sediment samples, information on supplementary environmental parameters (such as water depth or bed shear stress) was gathered during surveys or taken from the literature. To determine, which parameter(s) might have the greatest influence on Scoter distribution, Generalised Additive Models (GAMs) with Integrated Nested Laplace Approximation (INLA) were performed for the moulting and wintering season

    Alien Registration- Kottsieper, Rosa (Pittston, Kennebec County)

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