51 research outputs found

    First Results From Sleuth: The Palomar Planet Finder

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    We discuss preliminary results from our first search campaign for transiting planets performed using Sleuth, an automated 10 cm telescope with a 6 degree square field of view. We monitored a field in Hercules for 40 clear nights between UT 2003 May 10 and July 01, and obtained an rms precision (per 15-min average) over the entire data set of better than 1% on the brightest 2026 stars, and better than 1.5% on the brightest 3865 stars. We identified no strong candidates in the Hercules field. We conducted a blind test of our ability to recover transiting systems by injecting signals into our data and measuring the recovery rate as a function of transit depth and orbital period. About 85% of transit signals with a depth of 0.02 mag were recovered. However, only 50% of transit signals with a depth of 0.01 mag were recovered. We expect that the number of stars for which we can search for transiting planets will increase substantially for our current field in Andromeda, due to the lower Galactic latitude of the field

    Sherlock: An Automated Follow-Up Telescope for Wide-Field Transit Searches

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    The most significant challenge currently facing photometric surveys for transiting gas-giant planets is that of confusion with eclipsing binary systems that mimic the photometric signature. A simple way to reject most forms of these false positives is high-precision, rapid-cadence monitoring of the suspected transit at higher angular resolution and in several filters. We are currently building a system that will perform higher-angular-resolution, multi-color follow-up observations of candidate systems identified by Sleuth (our wide-field transit survey instrument at Palomar), and its two twin system instruments in Tenerife and northern Arizona.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, to appear in AIP Conf Proc: The Search for Other Worlds, eds. S. S. Holt & D. Demin

    An Explicit Formula for Undulator Radiation

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    Differential splicing of neuronal genes in a Trem2*R47H mouse model mimics alterations associated with Alzheimer\u27s disease.

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    BACKGROUND: Molecular characterization of late-onset Alzheimer\u27s disease (LOAD), the leading cause of age-related dementia, has revealed transcripts, proteins, and pathway alterations associated with disease. Assessing these postmortem signatures of LOAD in experimental model systems can further elucidate their relevance to disease origins and progression. Model organisms engineered with human genetic factors further link these signatures to disease-associated variants, especially when studies are designed to leverage homology across species. Here we assess differential gene splicing patterns in aging mouse models carrying humanized APOE4 and/or the Trem2*R47H variant on a C57BL/6J background. We performed a differential expression of gene (DEG) and differential splicing analyses on whole brain transcriptomes at multiple ages. To better understand the difference between differentially expressed and differentially spliced genes, we evaluated enrichment of KEGG pathways and cell-type specific gene signatures of the adult brain from each alteration type. To determine LOAD relevance, we compared differential splicing results from mouse models with multiple human AD splicing studies. RESULTS: We found that differentially expressed genes in Trem2*R47H mice were significantly enriched in multiple AD-related pathways, including immune response, osteoclast differentiation, and metabolism, whereas differentially spliced genes were enriched for neuronal related functions, including GABAergic synapse and glutamatergic synapse. These results were reinforced by the enrichment of microglial genes in DEGs and neuronal genes in differentially spliced genes in Trem2*R47H mice. We observed significant overlap between differentially spliced genes in Trem2*R47H mice and brains from human AD subjects. These effects were absent in APOE4 mice and suppressed in APOE4.Trem2*R47H double mutant mice relative to Trem2*R47H mice. CONCLUSIONS: The cross-species observation that alternative splicing observed in LOAD are present in Trem2*R47H mouse models suggests a novel link between this candidate risk gene and molecular signatures of LOAD in neurons and demonstrates how deep molecular analysis of new genetic models links molecular disease outcomes to a human candidate gene

    The APOEε3/ε4 Genotype Drives Distinct Gene Signatures in the Cortex of Young Mice

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    Introduction: Restrictions on existing APOE mouse models have impacted research toward understanding the strongest genetic risk factor contributing to Alzheimer\u27s disease (AD) and dementia, APOEε4 , by hindering observation of a key, common genotype in humans - APOEε3/ε4 . Human studies are typically underpowered to address APOEε4 allele risk as the APOEε4/ε4 genotype is rare, which leaves human and mouse research unsupported to evaluate the APOEε3/ε4 genotype on molecular and pathological risk for AD and dementia. Methods: As a part of MODEL-AD, we created and validated new versions of humanized APOEε3/ε3 and APOEε4/ε4 mouse strains that, due to unrestricted breeding, allow for the evaluation of the APOEε3/ε4 genotype. As biometric measures are often translatable between mouse and human, we profiled circulating lipid concentrations. We also performed transcriptional profiling of the cerebral cortex at 2 and 4 months (mos), comparing APOEε3/ε4 and APOEε4/ε4 to the reference APOEε3/ε3 using linear modeling and WGCNA. Further, APOE mice were exercised and compared to litter-matched sedentary controls, to evaluate the interaction between APOEε4 and exercise at a young age. Results: Expression of human APOE isoforms were confirmed in APOEε3/ε3, APOEε3/ε4 and APOEε4/ε4 mouse brains. At two mos, cholesterol composition was influenced by sex, but not APOE genotype. Results show that the APOEε3/ε4 and APOEε4/ε4 genotype exert differential effects on cortical gene expression. APOEε3/ε4 uniquely impacts \u27hormone regulation\u27 and \u27insulin signaling,\u27 terms absent in APOEε4/ε4 data. At four mos, cholesterol and triglyceride levels were affected by sex and activity, with only triglyceride levels influenced by APOE genotype. Linear modeling revealed APOEε3/ε4 , but not APOEε4/ε4 , affected \u27extracellular matrix\u27 and \u27blood coagulation\u27 related terms. We confirmed these results using WGCNA, indicating robust, yet subtle, transcriptional patterns. While there was little evidence of APOE genotype by exercise interaction on the cortical transcriptome at this young age, running was predicted to affect myelination and gliogenesis, independent of APOE genotype with few APOE genotype-specific affects identified. Discussion: APOEε4 allele dosage-specific effects were observed in circulating lipid levels and cortical transcriptional profiles. Future studies are needed to establish how these data may contribute to therapeutic development in APOEε3/ε4 and APOEε4/ε4 dementia patients

    A novel systems biology approach to evaluate mouse models of late-onset Alzheimer\u27s disease.

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    BACKGROUND: Late-onset Alzheimer\u27s disease (LOAD) is the most common form of dementia worldwide. To date, animal models of Alzheimer\u27s have focused on rare familial mutations, due to a lack of frank neuropathology from models based on common disease genes. Recent multi-cohort studies of postmortem human brain transcriptomes have identified a set of 30 gene co-expression modules associated with LOAD, providing a molecular catalog of relevant endophenotypes. RESULTS: This resource enables precise gene-based alignment between new animal models and human molecular signatures of disease. Here, we describe a new resource to efficiently screen mouse models for LOAD relevance. A new NanoString nCounter® Mouse AD panel was designed to correlate key human disease processes and pathways with mRNA from mouse brains. Analysis of the 5xFAD mouse, a widely used amyloid pathology model, and three mouse models based on LOAD genetics carrying APOE4 and TREM2*R47H alleles demonstrated overlaps with distinct human AD modules that, in turn, were functionally enriched in key disease-associated pathways. Comprehensive comparison with full transcriptome data from same-sample RNA-Seq showed strong correlation between gene expression changes independent of experimental platform. CONCLUSIONS: Taken together, we show that the nCounter Mouse AD panel offers a rapid, cost-effective and highly reproducible approach to assess disease relevance of potential LOAD mouse models

    Uncovering Disease Mechanisms in a Novel Mouse Model Expressing Humanized APOEε4 and Trem2*R47H.

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    Late-onset Alzheimer\u27s disease (AD; LOAD) is the most common human neurodegenerative disease, however, the availability and efficacy of disease-modifying interventions is severely lacking. Despite exceptional efforts to understand disease progression via legacy amyloidogenic transgene mouse models, focus on disease translation with innovative mouse strains that better model the complexity of human AD is required to accelerate the development of future treatment modalities. LOAD within the human population is a polygenic and environmentally influenced disease with many risk factors acting in concert to produce disease processes parallel to those often muted by the early and aggressive aggregate formation in popular mouse strains. In addition to extracellular deposits of amyloid plaques and inclusions of the microtubule-associated protein tau, AD is also defined by synaptic/neuronal loss, vascular deficits, and neuroinflammation. These underlying processes need to be better defined, how the disease progresses with age, and compared to human-relevant outcomes. To create more translatable mouse models, MODEL-AD (Model Organism Development and Evaluation for Late-onset AD) groups are identifying and integrating disease-relevant, humanized gene sequences from public databases beginning with APOEε4 and Trem2*R47H, two of the most powerful risk factors present in human LOAD populations. Mice expressing endogenous, humanized APOEε4 and Trem2*R47H gene sequences were extensively aged and assayed using a multi-disciplined phenotyping approach associated with and relative to human AD pathology. Robust analytical pipelines measured behavioral, transcriptomic, metabolic, and neuropathological phenotypes in cross-sectional cohorts for progression of disease hallmarks at all life stages. In vivo PET/MRI neuroimaging revealed regional alterations in glycolytic metabolism and vascular perfusion. Transcriptional profiling by RNA-Seq of brain hemispheres identified sex and age as the main sources of variation between genotypes including age-specific enrichment of AD-related processes. Similarly, age was the strongest determinant of behavioral change. In the absence of mouse amyloid plaque formation, many of the hallmarks of AD were not observed in this strain. However, as a sensitized baseline model with many additional alleles and environmental modifications already appended, the dataset from this initial MODEL-AD strain serves an important role in establishing the individual effects and interaction between two strong genetic risk factors for LOAD in a mouse host

    Plcg2M28L Interacts With High Fat/High Sugar Diet to Accelerate Alzheimer\u27s Disease-Relevant Phenotypes in Mice.

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    Obesity is recognized as a significant risk factor for Alzheimer\u27s disease (AD). Studies have supported the notion that obesity accelerates AD-related pathophysiology in mouse models of AD. The majority of studies, to date, have focused on the use of early-onset AD models. Here, we evaluate the impact of genetic risk factors on late-onset AD (LOAD) in mice fed with a high fat/high sugar diet (HFD). We focused on three mouse models created through the IU/JAX/PITT MODEL-AD Center. These included a combined risk model wit

    Comprehensive Evaluation of the 5XFAD Mouse Model for Preclinical Testing Applications: A MODEL-AD Study.

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    The ability to investigate therapeutic interventions in animal models of neurodegenerative diseases depends on extensive characterization of the model(s) being used. There are numerous models that have been generated to study Alzheimer\u27s disease (AD) and the underlying pathogenesis of the disease. While transgenic models have been instrumental in understanding AD mechanisms and risk factors, they are limited in the degree of characteristics displayed in comparison with AD in humans, and the full spectrum of AD effects has yet to be recapitulated in a single mouse model. The Model Organism Development and Evaluation for Late-Onset Alzheimer\u27s Disease (MODEL-AD) consortium was assembled by the National Institute on Aging (NIA) to develop more robust animal models of AD with increased relevance to human disease, standardize the characterization of AD mouse models, improve preclinical testing in animals, and establish clinically relevant AD biomarkers, among other aims toward enhancing the translational value of AD models in clinical drug design and treatment development. Here we have conducted a detailed characterization of the 5XFAD mouse, including transcriptomics, electroencephalogram

    Comprehensive Evaluation of the 5XFAD Mouse Model for Preclinical Testing Applications: A MODEL-AD Study.

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    The ability to investigate therapeutic interventions in animal models of neurodegenerative diseases depends on extensive characterization of the model(s) being used. There are numerous models that have been generated to study Alzheimer\u27s disease (AD) and the underlying pathogenesis of the disease. While transgenic models have been instrumental in understanding AD mechanisms and risk factors, they are limited in the degree of characteristics displayed in comparison with AD in humans, and the full spectrum of AD effects has yet to be recapitulated in a single mouse model. The Model Organism Development and Evaluation for Late-Onset Alzheimer\u27s Disease (MODEL-AD) consortium was assembled by the National Institute on Aging (NIA) to develop more robust animal models of AD with increased relevance to human disease, standardize the characterization of AD mouse models, improve preclinical testing in animals, and establish clinically relevant AD biomarkers, among other aims toward enhancing the translational value of AD models in clinical drug design and treatment development. Here we have conducted a detailed characterization of the 5XFAD mouse, including transcriptomics, electroencephalogram
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