28 research outputs found

    Programowalna platforma mobilna do nauki programowania

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     Athe article shows possibilities of appication of low-cost technologies to construction programmable wheeledmobile platforms for multipurpose use, including learning. The prototype moves thanks to use of two DC motors.Onboard copmputer is based on Arduino Uno.W artykule przedstawiono możliwości wykorzystania niskobudżetowych technologii do budowy programowalnych kołowych platform mobilnych, między innymi do zastosowań edukacyjnych. Prototyp opracowanej platformy porusza się z wykorzystaniem dwóch silników DC, komputer pokładowy to moduł Arduino Un

    Fuzzy-based Description of Computational Complexity of Central Nervous Systems, Journal of Telecommunications and Information Technology, 2020, nr 3

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    Computational intelligence algorithms are currently capable of dealing with simple cognitive processes, but still remain inefficient compared with the human brain’s ability to learn from few exemplars or to analyze problems that have not been defined in an explicit manner. Generalization and decision-making processes typically require an uncertainty model that is applied to the decision options while relying on the probability approach. Thus, models of such cognitive functions usually interact with reinforcement-based learning to simplify complex problems. Decision-makers are needed to choose from the decision options that are available, in order to ensure that the decision-makers’ choices are rational. They maximize the subjective overall utility expected, given by the outcomes in different states and weighted with subjective beliefs about the occurrence of those states. Beliefs are captured by probabilities and new information is incorporated using the Bayes’ law. Fuzzy-based models described in this paper propose a different – they may serve as a point of departure for a family of novel methods enabling more effective and neurobiologically reliable brain simulation that is based on fuzzy logic techniques and that turns out to be useful in both basic and applied sciences. The approach presented provides a valuable insight into understanding the aforementioned processes, doing that in a descriptive, fuzzy-based manner, without presenting a complex analysi

    System zdalnego monitorowania wilgotności gleby z wykorzystaniem technologii LoRa

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    The aim of this article is to design and build a soil moisture sensor prototype for use in open fields. The made sensor allows to monitor changes in soil moisture at four depths, respectively: 5, 10, 15 and 20 cm. The sensor uses lora technologies to connect to the LoraWAN network and the available integrations to create a panel for data viewing. The correct operation of the sensor is confirmed by the tests that have been carried out to determine the operating time of the device on a single battery charge and the ability to convert energy via a photovoltaic cellCelem niniejszego artykułu jest projekt oraz budowa prototypu czujnika wilgotności gleby przeznaczonego do zastosowania w otwartym terenie. Wykonany czujnik pozwala na monitorowanie zmian wilgotności gleby na czterech głębokościach odpowiednio: 5, 10, 15 oraz 20 cm. Projektowany układ wykorzystuje technologie lora do uzyskania połączenia z siecią LoraWAN oraz dostępne integracje do stworzenia panelu służącego do podglądu danych. Poprawne działanie czujnika potwierdzają przeprowadzone testy pozwalające określić czas pracy urządzenia na jednym naładowaniu akumulatora oraz zdolność do przetwarzania energii za pośrednictwem ogniwa fotowoltaicznego

    Koncepcja uniwerslanej platfromy mobilnej, raport części wyników z grantu „Studenckie koła naukowe tworzą innowacje”

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     The article presents the concept of developed project and design of mobile platform. This is one of the results of project implementation as a part of the competition ”Student science clubs create innovations.”. The report contains an overview the drive system design, power supply and measurement data acquisition. In addition, it presented the software solution adopted in the scope of control movement platform.W pracy zaprezentowano koncepcje opracowanego projektu i konstrukcji platformy mobilnej. Jest to jeden z efektów realizacji projektu w ramach konkursu „Studenckie koła naukowe tworzą innowacje”. Praca zawiera omówienie konstrukcji układu napędowego, zasilania oraz akwizycji danych pomiarowych. Ponadto zaprezentowano zastosowane rozwiązania programistyczne w zakresie kontroli ruchu platformy

    A prospective pilot study on use of liquid crystal thermography to detect early breast cancer

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    Background: Breast cancer is the most common cancer in women. While mammography is the standard for early detection in women older than 50 years of age, there is no standard for younger women. The aim of this prospective pilot study was to assess liquid crystal contact thermography, using the Braster device, as a means for the early detection of breast cancer. The device is intended to be used as a complementary tool to standard of care (sonography, mammography, etc). Patients and Methods: A total of 274 consecutive women presenting at Polish breast centers for prophylactic breast examination were enrolled to receive thermography; 19 were excluded for errors in thermographic image acquisition. The women were divided according to age (n = 135, <50 years; n = 120, ≥50 years). A control population was included (n = 40, <50 years; n = 23, ≥50 years). The primary endpoint, stratified by age group, was the C-statistic for discrimination between breast cancer and noncancer. Results: In women with abnormal breast ultrasound (n = 95, <50 years; n = 87, ≥50 years), the C-statistic was 0.85 and 0.75, respectively (P = .20), for discrimination between breast cancer and noncancer. Sensitivity did not differ (P = .79) between the younger (82%) and older women (78%), while specificity was lower in the older women (60% vs 87%, P = .025). The false-positive rate was similar in women with normal and abnormal breast ultrasound. Positive thermographic result in women with Breast Imaging Reporting and Data System (BIRADS) 4A on ultrasound increased the probability of breast cancer by over 2-fold. Conversely, a negative thermographic result decreased the probability of cancer more than 3-fold. Breast size and structure did not affect the thermography performance. No adverse events were observed. Conclusions: Thermography performed well in women <50 years of age, while its specificity in women ≥50 years was inadequate. These promising findings suggest that the Braster device deserves further investigation as a supporting tool for the early detection of breast cancer in women younger than 50 years of age

    The applicability of self-play algorithms to trading and forecasting financial markets

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    The central research question to answer in this study is whether the AI methodology of Self-Play can be applied to financial markets. In typical use-cases of Self-Play, two AI agents play against each other in a particular game, e.g., chess or Go. By repeatedly playing the game, they learn its rules as well as possible winning strategies. When considering financial markets, however, we usually have one player—the trader—that does not face one individual adversary but competes against a vast universe of other market participants. Furthermore, the optimal behaviour in financial markets is not described via a winning strategy, but via the objective of maximising profits while managing risks appropriately. Lastly, data issues cause additional challenges, since, in finance, they are quite often incomplete, noisy and difficult to obtain. We will show that academic research using Self-Play has mostly not focused on finance, and if it has, it was usually restricted to stock markets, not considering the large FX, commodities and bond markets. Despite those challenges, we see enormous potential of applying self-play concepts and algorithms to financial markets and economic forecasts

    Egzoszkielet na rękę - koncepcja i rozwój w ramach grantu "Rzeczy są dla ludzi"

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    The Institute of Computer Science and the Faculty of Mechatronics at Kazimierz Wielki University, together with Edurewolucje Sp. z o. o. z/s in Bydgoszcz, received funding under the 'Things are for people' competition of the National Centre for Research and Development for the project entitled 'Development of a functional arm exoskeleton for active training and rehabilitation'. The aim of the project is to carry out research and development work leading to the development of an innovative technology allowing for the independent rehabilitation ofpeople with special needs (with the participation of rehabilitators and physiotherapists). The project envisages the construction of a prototype of a mechanical rehabilitation robot, the so-called hand exoskeleton, which will support the process of rehabilitation of people with paresis and other specific needs regarding lack of mobility in the hand area. The project will develop specialised, dedicated software that will adapt the strength and type of work of the hand exoskeleton to the current needs and goals of the patient's rehabilitation programme. The aim ofthis paper is to provide an insight into the origins and development of the above concept within the project team during the project work to date.Instytut Informatyki oraz Wydział Mechatroniki Uniwersytetu Kazimierza Wielkiego wraz z firmą Edurewolucje Sp. z o. o. z/s w Bydgoszczy w ramach konkursu Narodowego Centrum Badań i Rozwoju "Rzeczy są dla ludzi" otrzymali dofinansowanie na realizacjęprzedsięwzięcia pn. „Opracowanie funkcjonalnego egzoszkieletu ręki do aktywnego treningu i rehabilitacji”. Celem projektu jest realizacja prac badawczo-rozwojowych prowadzących do opracowania innowacyjnej technologii pozwalającej na samodzielną rehabilitację osób zeszczególnymi potrzebami (przy udziale rehabilitantów i fizjoterapeutów). Projekt przewiduje skonstruowanie prototypu mechanicznego robota rehabilitacyjnego tzw. egzoszkieletu ręki, który wspomoże proces rehabilitacji osób z jej niedowładem oraz innymi szczególnymipotrzebami dotyczącymi braku mobilności w obszarze ręki. W ramach projektu powstanie specjalistyczne, dedykowane oprogramowanie, które będzie dostosowywało siłę i rodzaj pracy egzoszkieletu na rękę do aktualnych potrzeb i celów programu rehabilitacyjnego pacjenta. Celem niniejszej pracy jest przybliżenie powstania i rozwoju ww. koncepcji w ramach zespołu projektowego podczas dotychczasowych prac projektowych

    An Expert System for Automatic Classification of Sound Signals

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    In this paper, we present the results of research focusing on methods for recognition/classification of audio signals. We consider the results of the research project to serve as a basis for the main module of a hybrid expert system currently under development. In our earlier studies, we conducted research on the effectiveness of three classifiers: fuzzy classifier, neural classifier and WEKA system for reference data. In this project, a particular emphasis was placed on fine-tuning the fuzzy classifier model and on identifying neural classifier applications, taking into account new neural networks that we have not studied so far in connection with sounds classification methods

    An Expert System for Automatic Classification of Sound Signals, Journal of Telecommunications and Information Technology, 2020, nr 2

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    In this paper, we present the results of research focusing on methods for recognition/classification of audio signals. We consider the results of the research project to serve as a basis for the main module of a hybrid expert system currently under development. In our earlier studies, we conducted research on the effectiveness of three classifiers: fuzzy classifier, neural classifier and WEKA system for reference data. In this project, a particular emphasis was placed on fine-tuning the fuzzy classifier model and on identifying neural classifier applications, taking into account new neural networks that we have not studied so far in connection with sounds classification method