101 research outputs found

    Развитие положительного самоотношения и самоакцепции студентов-первокурсников юридических специальностей в процессе психолого-педагогической подготовки

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    У статті розглянуті проблеми формування емоційного компоненту комунікативної компетентності майбутніх юристів у процесі соціально-психологічного тренінгу. Серед ефектів СПТ, які свідчать про сформованість комунікативної компетентності майбутніх юристів – зміни у самосприйнятті та самоакцептації, що виступають передумовою формування комунікативних умінь та навичок і сприяють підвищенню мотивації майбутніх юристів до вивчення психолого-педагогічних дисциплін.In the article the problems of forming of emotional component of communicative competence of future lawyers are considered in the process of the social psychological training. Among the effects of SPT, which testify to formed of communicative competence of future lawyers – changes in self-perception and self-acceptance, that come forward pre-condition of forming of communicative abilities and skills and instrumental in the increase of motivation of future lawyers to the study of psychological-pedagogical disciplines.В статье рассмотрены проблемы формирования эмоционального компонента коммуникативной компетентности будущих юристов в процессе социально психологического тренинга. Среди эффектов СПТ, которые свидетельствуют о сформированности коммуникативной компетентности будущих юристов – изменениях в самовосприятии и самоакцепции, что выступают предпосылкой формирования коммуникативных умений и навыков и способствуют повышению мотивации будущих юристов к изучению психолого-педагогических дисциплин

    Инновации в управлении персоналом

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    В статье рассматриваются инновационные подходы к управлению персоналом, направленные на эффективное формирование и развитие организации в условиях рыночной экономики и развивающихся информационных технологий

    Influence of professional physical loads on the functional indicators of dental status

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    The article presents the results of the assessment of occlusalarticulation parameters of the dentofacial system of athletes. During the study, the presence of a “chewing apparatus dysfunction” among athletes in 25.5% was found. According to T-scan III, occlusion disorders are characteristic of all athletes and manifest themselves in premature and super contacts when teeth are closed. The obtained results dictate the need for the development of new therapeutic and preventive methods of correction in athletes

    Application of atomic force microscopy for the study of structural features of hard tooth tissues

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    The emergence of new research techniques allows to study the morphology of dental hard tissues at a qualitatively new level. The aim of this research is to study and to carry out the comparative analysis of the microstructure of the enamel intact tooth, the tooth with a foci of demineralization and increased abrasion using the atomic force microscopy (AFM). The AFM method enabled us to get images and evaluate the form of core particles of the studied of the tooth enamel. The study identified the heterogeneity of the studied surfaces.Появление новых методов исследования позволяет изучать морфологию твердых тканей зуба на качественно новом уровне. Целью данного исследования было изучение и сравнительный анализ микроструктуры эмали интактного зуба, зуба с очагом деминерализации и повышенной стираемости с применением атомно-силовой микроскопии. Метод ACM позволил нам получить изображения и оценить форму структурообразующих частиц эмали зуба. В ходе исследования была выявлена неоднородность исследуемых поверхностей

    Transcriptional activity of repair, apoptosis and cell cycle genes (TP53, MDM2, ATM, BAX, BCL-2, CDKN1A, OGG1, XPC, PADI4, MAPK8, NF-KB1, STAT3, GATA3) in chronically exposed persons with different intensity of apoptosis of peripheral blood lymphocytes

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    Transcriptional activity of genes involved in maintaining genetic homeostasis (genes for repair, cell cycle and apoptosis: TP53, MDM2, ATM, BAX, BCL-2, CDKN1A, OGG1, XPC, PADI4, MAPK8, NF-KB1, STAT3, GATA3) was studied in chronically exposed persons with an increased intensity of early and late stages of apoptosis and necrosis of peripheral blood lymphocytes. The object of this study was peripheral blood mononuclear cells obtained from 132 chronically exposed residents of the Techa riverside villages. The mean accumulated dose to red bone marrow was 426.4±48.2 mGy (1.3–2930.0 mGy), to thymus and peripheral immune organs, 58.9±7.9 mGy (0.1–489.0 mGy). The study was performed more than 60 years after the onset of exposure, the average age of exposed persons was 68±0.6 years (55–86 years). The study of apoptotic and necrotic death of peripheral blood lymphocytes was based on the presence of phosphatidylserine on the cell membrane surface, as well as on its permeability for DNA-intercalating dye. Evaluation of the relative content of mRNA genes for repair, cell cycle, and apoptosis was carried out using real-time PCR. An increased relative content of PADI4 gene mRNA was registered in the group of chronically exposed persons with the increased intensity of early apoptosis (p = 0.006). Modulation of the relative content of mRNA of the TP53 (p = 0.013) and BCL-2 (p = 0.021) genes was detected in the group of chronically exposed individuals with the increased intensity of the late stage of apoptosis. A statistically significant increase in the transcriptional activity of the TP53 gene was observed in the group of chronically exposed persons with the increased intensity of peripheral blood lymphocyte necrosis in the long-term period (p = 0.015). In the course of the study it was noted that exposed people with increased intensity of apoptosis, first of all, demonstrate changes in the transcriptional activity of apoptotic genes. These data are consistent with current views on the activation of programmed cell death

    Study of the efficiency of profile subjects taught to students of the dental faculty from the first semester of the first year

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    The purpose of the study is to find out the differences in knowledge and attitude to oral hygiene among the first and second–year students as well as fourth and fifth-year students of USMU Faculty of Dentistry to assess the effectiveness of teaching junior students the profile subjects.Цель исследования – выявление отличий в знаниях и отношении к гигиене полости рта между студентами 1–2 и 4–5 курсов стоматологического факультета УГМУ для оценки эффективности обучения студентов 1–2 курсов профильным предметам

    Participation of UGMU dental students in the faculty's volunteer movement

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    In 2017, the Happy Smile project was developed at the dental faculty of Ural State Medical University and its active implementation began, during which teachers and students conduct preventive measures in educational institutions shopping centers, and hospitals in the city. Studied the involvement of students in the implementation of this, and identified factors affecting the development of this activit

    Molecular genetic characteristics of colorectal cancer depending on the status of microsatellite instability

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    Introduction. The emergence of new markers that determine the choice of therapy for metastatic colorectal cancer (CRC) has led to an increase in overall survival. The optimal treatment tactics now take into account both clinical and molecular-genetic characteristics of the tumor.Aim. Investigation of the features of the KRAS, NRAS and BRAF mutations and amplification of the HER2 gene depending on microsatellite instability (MSI) in CRC.Materials and methods. The study included 400 patients with CRC. MSI, BRAF V600E mutation, mutations in the KRAS and NRAS genes was identified to them. MSI was determined by fragment analysis, and mutations in the KRAS, NRAS, BRAF genes by realtime PCR. HER2 amplification was determined in 100 patients with a negative RAS/BRAF. NTRK translocations were determined in all patients with MSI. Data on preoperative levels of CEA and CA19-9 were obtained from 185 patients.Results and discussion. The prevalence of MSI was 6.8%. The prevalence of KRAS, NRAS, BRAF mutations in CRC with MSI was 66.7%, and in CRC with MSS - 52.3%. In patients with MSI, the level of CEA was lower than in MSS (p = 0.0061). The overall prevalence of KRAS and NRAS mutations was 45% and 2.5%. The overall prevalence of the BRAF V600E mutation was 5.8% and was more common in MSI-positive tumors (p < 0.0001). Regardless of MSI, BRAF-positive tumors were characterized by right-sided localization (p < 0.0001), category T3-4 (p = 0.013), lymph node involvement (p = 0.004), carcinomatosis (p = 0.046), high levels of CA19-9 (p = 0.014). HER2 amplification was found in 7% of wild-type RAS/BRAF cases and was associated with rectal cancer (p = 0.044), category T3-4 (p = 0.041), and distant metastases (p = 0.038). HER2 amplifications and NTRK translocations were not detected in cases with MSI.Conclusion. MSI-positive CRC had a higher prevalence of mutations in major genes. CRC with the BRAF V600E mutation and HER2 amplification had aggressive clinical and morphological parameters

    Epidemiology of hard tissues diseases of teeth among sportsmens in the Ural region

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    The article presents the results of a dental examination of 125 athletes involved in cyclical, speed-strength and team sports. The study revealed a high prevalence of dental diseases among athletes, which proves the need for the development of new methods of treatment and prophylactic and a differential approach of dental care to this population.В статье представлены результаты стоматологического обследования 125 спортсменов, занимающихся циклическими, скоростносиловыми и игровыми видами спорта. В ходе исследования была выявлена высокая распространенность стоматологических заболеваний среди спортсменов, что доказывает необходимость в разработке новых лечебнопрофилактических методов коррекции и дифференциального подхода к оказанию стоматологической помощи данному контингенту населения