395 research outputs found

    On The Vorticity Of Unsteady MHD Free Convection Flow Through Porous Medium With Heat And Mass Transfer Past A Porous Vertical Moving Plate With Heat Source /Sink

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    The paper is devoted to a study of a vorticity of the unsteady MHD free convection flow through porous medium with heat and mass transfer past a porous vertical moving plate with heat source /sink. The vorticity of the flow has been found for different values of Prandtl number..............

    Per Urethral Catheterisation: Microbial Growth Incidence and its Management

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    The urinary tract is the most common site of nosocomial infections accounting for more than 40% of the total number reported by acute care hospitals and affecting approximately 600,000 patients per year. Catheter Associated Urinary Tract Infection (CAUTI) defines in terms of “bacteriuria” and “urinary tract infection” frequently. Bacteriuria or funguria levels >103 colony- forming units (CFU) have been shown to be highly predictive of CAUTI, given that these levels increase to 105 CFU within 24 to 48 hours. In Indian population, catheterassociated urinary tract infection (CAUTI) is an important cause of morbidity and mortality, affecting all age groups. Biofilm is the predominant mode of growth in aquatic ecosystems and, as such, plays a central role in the pathogenesis of Catheter Associated Urinary Tract Infections (CAUTI). The present review focuses to evaluate the incidence and pattern of microbes in catheter associated urinary tract infection and provides information about the etiology of CAUTI. Most of the studies concluded that gram negative pathogen E.coli showed the highest incidence rate and other pathogens like Klebsiella pneumonia, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and staphylococcus species also having the incidence rate in the patient having CAUTI. The antibiotic resistance pattern showed the variation in resistance and sensitivity of antibiotics against the pathogens. The present study focuses on the incidence of the microbial growth in patient having catheterization and also elucidates the antibiotic sensitivity pattern. It is necessary to determine the antibiotic resistance and sensitivity status during and after the catheterization

    Various approaches for targeting colon: a review

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    The colonic region of GIT has become an increasingly important site for drug delivery and absorption. This site specific delivery of drug to lower parts of the GIT is advantage for localized treatment of several colonic disease like colon cancer, crohn’s disease, ulceratice colitis, IBD, diarrhea etc. colon targeted drug delivery system (CTDDS) ensure direct treatment at the disease site and avoiding the systemic side effects. It is suitable for absorption site for protein and peptide drugs. Cytochrome P450 3A class of drug metabolizing enzyme, have lower activity in colon.  This review, mainly compares the primary approaches for (CTDDS) Colon targeted Drug Delivery system namely prodrugs, pH and time dependent systems, and microbially triggered systems, which achieved limited success and had limitations as compared with newer CDDS namely pressure controlled colonic delivery capsules, CODESTM, and osmotic controlled drug delivery which are unique in terms of achieving in vivo site specificity, and feasibility of manufacturing proces

    How to select Instruments supporting R&D and Innovation by Industry

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    We present a theoretical framework which allows for the comparison of the effectiveness of tax measures, loans and funding, in supporting industry-oriented research. We estimate for each of the instruments the exact contribution required by a firm to decide on investing in R&D, given the costs and probability of success of the project, and the foreseen change in profit following successful implementation of the research results. We apply Prospect Theory to analyse the risk attitude of the firm. By comparing the contribution required, we identify the instrument which is most effective, and therefore preferred by a government. Our analysis indicates that there exists a critical value for the probability of success of the project for which the modality of the most effective instruments changes. For a probability of success smaller than the critical value, a tax measures offering support only in case of successful completion of the project is preferred. For a probability higher than the critical value, a loan is most effective. The value of the critical probability depends on the perception of risk and loss aversion of the firm involved in the research

    In-situ gel: a study of dental diseases

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    In-situ forming polymeric gelling systems has become prominent among novel drug delivery system (NDDS) in recent years due to advantages such as sustained and prolonged drug action, improved patient compliance and reduced frequency of administration of the drug in comparison to conventional drug delivery system (DDS). This is a type of mucoadhesive DDS where the polymeric formulation is in sol form before administration and once comes in contact with body fluids; it undergoes gelation to form a gel. The formulation of gel depends upon factors like temperature modulation, pH changes, presence of ions and ultraviolet irradiation from which drug gets released in sustained and controlled manner. Conventional formulation for the treatment of dental diseases has certain drawbacks. A new concept of in situ gel was develop to overcome the shortcoming of conventional formulation which deals with dental diseases. Conventional oral formulations like solution, suspension, and ointments have many disadvantages which result into poor bioavailability of drug in the buccal cavity. In-situ forming polymeric formulation drug delivery systems is in sol form before administration in the body, but once administered, undergoes gelation in-situ to form a gel

    Measurement of Thermo-Elastic Deformation of an Optic using a Polarization Based Shearing Interferometer

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    A shearing interferometer is presented which uses polarization control to shear the wavefront and to modulate the interference pattern. The shear is generated by spatial walk-off in a birefringent crystal. By adjusting the orientation of the birefringent crystal, the components of the wavefront gradient can be independently measured to allow determination of the full wavefront vector gradient as well as reconstruction of the wavefront. Further, the monolithic nature of the crystal used for shearing allows the interferometer to be setup without need for precise alignment of any components. An algorithm incorporating homodyne detection is presented which analyzes the modulated interferograms to determine the components of the wavefront gradient, from which the wavefront is reconstructed. The thermal deformation of a mirror subject to heating from absorption of a Gaussian pump beam was accurately observed with a sensitivity better than \lambda/160. We show that this sensitivity is scale invariant, and present a method to account for the non-uniform spatial frequency response of the interferometer

    To speak or not to speak, and what to speak, when doing task actions collaboratively

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    Transactive discussion during collaborative learning is crucial for building on each other's reasoning and developing problem solving strategies. In a tabletop collaborative learning activity, student actions on the interface can drive their thinking and be used to ground discussions, thus affecting their problem-solving performance and learning. However, it is not clear how the interplay of actions and discussions, for instance, how students performing actions or pausing actions while discussing, is related to their learning. In this paper, we seek to understand how the transactivity of actions and discussions is associated with learning. Specifically, we ask what is the relationship between discussion and actions, and how it is different between those who learn (gainers) and those who do not (non-gainers). We present a combined differential sequence mining and content analysis approach to examine this relationship, which we applied on the data from 32 teams collaborating on a problem designed to help them learn concepts of minimum spanning trees. We found that discussion and action occur concurrently more frequently among gainers than non-gainers. Further we find that gainers tend to do more reflective actions along with discussion, such as looking at their previous solutions, than non-gainers. Finally, gainers discussion consists more of goal clarification, reflection on past solutions and agreement on future actions than non-gainers, who do not share their ideas and cannot agree on next steps. Thus this approach helps us identify how the interplay of actions and discussion could lead to learning, and the findings offer guidelines to teachers and instructional designers regarding indicators of productive collaborative learning, and when and how, they should intervene to improve learning. Concretely, the results suggest that teachers should support elaborative, reflective and planning discussions along with reflective actions
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