162 research outputs found

    Open Source Software for Education

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    Webinar presentation by Colin Koteles, Associate Professor / Web Services Manager, College of DuPage Library

    Fatty Acid ω-Hydroxylases in Soybean

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    Soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr.) is an important and widely cultivated crop. A substantial cause of soybean yield loss is due to root rot caused by the pathogen Phytophthora sojae. There is an established correlation between preformed soybean root aliphatic suberin and high levels of partial resistance to P. sojae. Since fatty acid ω-hydroxylase (FAωH), which introduces a second functional group to fatty acids, is a critical enzyme in suberin biosynthesis, characterization of soybean FAωHs was undertaken. Six putative soybean FAωHs (Gm FAωHs) were identified using a sequence-based in silico approach. Gene-specific primers were developed and relative expression was analyzed across various tissues using RT-PCR. While differential expression patterns were detected for Gm FAωH-1, Gm FAωH-2, Gm FAωH-3 and Gm FAωH-4, neither Gm FAωH-5 nor Gm FAωH-6 were detected in any of the tissues examined. In comparison with RNA-Seq and EST in silico data, RT-PCR profiles revealed contrasting expression patterns

    A new non-magnetic time-of-flight mass spectrometer.

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    Introduction To The Issue On Interdiffused Quantum-well Materials And Devices

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    A helyi akciócsoportok működése egy országos felmérés tükrében

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    A tanulmányban kérdőíves felmérésünk eredményeire támaszkodva bemutatjuk a 2007-ben megalakult LEADER HACS-ok fontosabb működési jellemzÅ‘it. Országos felmérésünkbÅ‘l kiderül, hogy nincsen hagyománya, gyakorlata a fejlesztésekben való együttműködésnek, holott a helyi program végrehajtása nagymértékben múlik a helyi társadalom felkészültségén, az emberek és szervezetek együttműködésén. A HACS-ok által lefedett térségek fejlÅ‘dését több vonatkozásban a humán erÅ‘források, a vidéki emberek és közösségeik (az ún. szoft tényezÅ‘k) hiányosságai gátolják, következésképpen sürgetÅ‘ a humán erÅ‘források fejlesztése is. A HACS-ok feladatuknak a támogatási források odaítélését tartják, ami fontos, de korántsem elégséges ahhoz, hogy a tÅ‘lük elvárt, a helyi vidékfejlesztési stratégiák végrehajtásában betöltendÅ‘ katalizátor szerepüket ellássák. Ehhez elengedhetetlen az akciócsoportok társadalomszervezÅ‘ szerepvállalása, a helyi közösségek cselekvÅ‘képessége érdekében. A szubszidiaritással összhangban a vidékfejlesztést a helyi közösségek által irányítottan szükséges eldönteni és megvalósítani. A felmérés szerint a HACS-ok erÅ‘s kormányzati befolyás és kontroll mellett decentralizáltan, de a szubszidiaritás híján működnek. A jelenlegi struktúrában a HACS-ok – az ellátott feladatokkal kapcsolatban felmerülÅ‘ működési kiadásainak – finanszírozása nemzeti és uniós forrásokból történik, az elszámolható kiadások 100%-ának mértékéig. Az elszámolás adminisztrációja jelentÅ‘s terhet ró a HACS-okra. Ahhoz, hogy az akciócsoportok betölthessék valós, helyi fejlÅ‘dést katalizáló szerepüket, fel kell ismerniük küldetésüket, szabályozási és finanszírozási oldalról pedig segíteni szükséges, hogy a tÅ‘lük elvárt feladatokat ellássák. ---------------------------- Based on the results of our questionnaire survey, our study presents the major operational features of LEADER LAGs established in Hungary in 2007. Our national survey revealed that there were no traditions or practices for development cooperation, while the successful local implementation of the programme depends to a great extent on the level of preparation of the local society and on the cooperation of local people and organisations. The development of areas covered by LAGs is hindered by insufficiencies in human resources, of rural people and communities (the so-called soft factors). This makes the development of human resources an urgent task. LAGs consider their principal task to be the securing of grant funds. This is obviously necessary, but far from sufficient to fulfil their role as a catalyst in the implementation of local rural development strategies. For this purpose, it is essential for action groups to play a proactive role in organizing and thereby increase the capacity of local communities. In accordance with the basic principle of subsidiarity, rural development should be implemented locally, managed by local communities, and decisions should be made at local levels. The survey points out that LAGs operate under strong government influence and control, in a decentralized manner but without subsidiarity. In the present structure, the activities of LAGs are predominantly financed from central (national and EU) resources, covering 100 per cent of the eligible costs. Cost accounting is a significant administrative burden for LAGs. In order for action groups to fulfil their real roles to boost local development, they need to recognize their mission; also, from the financing and regulatory side, they must be given support in completing the tasks expected from them.helyi akciócsoportok (HACS-ok), szubszidiaritás, együttműködés, kapacitásépítés, fenntarthatóság, Local Action Groups (LAG's), subsidiarity, cooperation, capacity building, sustainability, Agricultural and Food Policy, Community/Rural/Urban Development, Labor and Human Capital, Public Economics,

    Belief in the paranormal and modern health worries

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    It has been found, that despite the improvement of the objective health indicators, people's subjective perception of health is that health indicators are getting worse (Barsky A.J., 1988), which is one of the reasons why a new term "modern health worries" is coming into use in medical literature (Petrie K.J., Wessely S., 2002). People are worried and scared of the effect of new high tech innovations (effect of cell phone radiation, environmental pollution, ozone layer depletion, etc.), changes in manufacturing of food products (genetically modified food, food concentrates etc.). Nowadays, many people, being worried about their health, turn to new eating habits (veganism), defend themselves against various innovations in the health system (vaccination), etc. It could be defined as fear of consequences of scientific progress. The reason of fear is not only the misunderstanding of scientific innovations. Quite often, it is a belief in pseudoscientific theories (for example, "conspiracy") or belief in the paranormal phenomena (karma violations, disruption of the cosmic plan). In a part of cases protesters against vaccines and genetically modified food belong to new religious movements which are based on belief in the paranormal and magical thinking. Magical thinking predisposes to the negative attitude towards scientific assumptions and innovations, like a genetically modified food (Saher, 2006). Aim of study. To study the correlation between pseudoscientific assumptions, belief in the paranormal and modern health worries. This condition of modern health worries is becoming important for health care system. It causes the increase in the number of symptoms (Koteles et al., 2011), which, in its turn, increases the doctors' visit rate on one hand (Rief W et al., 2012), but, on the other hand, increases evasion to attend traditional medical care activities. Part of supporters of pseudoscientific beliefs experiences anxiety as to the bad food toxins accumulating in the body and undertake unnecessary procedures, like an excessive detoxication of the body by means of enema. Some are of the opinion that meat promotes aggressiveness, while different esoteric theories advise to develop peacefulness and altruism. Consumption of meat can be addressed to as an offense against cosmic morality and karma. Part of supporters of pseudoscientific theories considers scientifically-educated doctors as wreckers, the disinterested, persons who are financially interested in orders of commercial firms and therefore entrust the treatment of even serious diseases to alternative medicine specialists (SKDS, 2012). Turning to unconventional, magical medicine is promoted also by the fact, that part of the people who believe in the magic, view the "healing energy" as being more "natural" and harmless. Functional somatoform disorders, due to modern health worries, can also be "healed" by specialists of unconventional medicine. Since the emotional factors are decisive in the etiopathogenesis of these symptoms, the unconventional medical approach promotes the decrease of functional symptoms. A vicious circle develops - belief in the magic and the paranormal things causes symptoms, at the same time the belief in the magic alleviates the same symptoms. As a result, a literature review was done on the interrelationship of pseudoscientific assumptions and health worries. Conclusion. When treating the patients worried about their health, one has to take into account the aspects of complicated subjective perception, including belief in paranormal phenomena, pseudoscientific theories and prevalence of magical thinking.publishersversionPeer reviewe

    Public Art Archive

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    Review of Public Art Archive, Reviewed June 2014 by Andrea Koteles, Information and Outreach Assistant Artspace [email protected]

    ICPSR Working Paper 4

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    This paper provides an overview of a methodology used to identify and organize health questions and measures related to Alzheimer’s and other cognitive impairments using data maintained or supported by NACDA. This project specifically used the National Social Life, Health and Aging Project (NSHAP) and the National Health and Aging Trends Study (NHATS) as our comparison proof of concept. The methodology used in this process identifies variables that measure Alzheimer’s disease (A.D.) and other cognitive impairments within NSHAP and NHATS as well as sociodemographic, and comorbidity data commonly associated with increased risk of A.D. and other cognitive impairments. As both NSHAP and NHATS represent multiple waves of longitudinal follow-up information we created longitudinal metadata files that allow for the comparison of A.D. and other cognitive impairments risk across time using these two studies. The project generated enhanced metadata using DDI Lifecycle software to make the discovery of A.D. and other cognitive impairments variables more straightforward and increase the user-friendly elements of these studies. Finally, the proposed supplement included the creation of a customized bibliography (see Appendix) of the use of NSHAP and NHATS data in the analysis of A.D. and other cognitive impairments research, allowing researchers to more easily review the existing body of literature using these data resources. This report describes NACDA’s effort to increase the availability, usability, and discoverability of A.D. and other cognitive impairments information in these studies, encouraging use of NSHAP and NHATS for Alzheimer’s related research and adding to our understanding of how cognitive issues change across time.National Institute on Aging (NIA)http://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/156403/4/NACDA_cross-series_nshap-nhats_ICPSR_working_paper4_aug2020v2.pdfSEL

    X-Irradiation-Induced Disorganization of Cytoskeletal Filaments and Cell Contacts in HT29 Cells

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    Organization of cytoskeleton and cell contacts were studied by immunochemistry and electron microscopy in confluent HT29 cultured cells following exposure to 0.5 and 1.0 Gy doses of X-ray. Microtubules were resistant to irradiation, whereas, the actin and intermediate filaments disrupted rapidly following the treatment and their components appeared as clumps of actin and cytokeratin aggregates in the cytoplasm as demonstrated by immunochemistry. Loss of cell contacts and decrease in the number of desmosomes was also characteristic of irradiated cells. Electron microscopy revealed intact desmosomes in control cells and abnormal desmosomes in the irradiated samples characterized by the absence of tonofilaments. The perinuclear filament network and cortical filaments were well detectable by electron microscopy. Under the effect of irradiation, the perinuclear filaments almost disappeared and, at the same time, small bundles of filaments were formed irregularly in the cytoplasm associated with amorphous material