82 research outputs found

    The National Early Warning Score and its subcomponents recorded within ±24 hours of emergency medical admission are poor predictors of hospital-acquired acute kidney injury

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    YesBackground: Hospital-acquired Acute Kidney Injury (H-AKI) is a common cause of avoidable morbidity and mortality. Aim: To determine if the patients’ vital signs data as defined by a National Early Warning Score (NEWS), can predict H-AKI following emergency admission to hospital. Methods: Analyses of emergency admissions to York hospital over 24-months with NEWS data. We report the area under the curve (AUC) for logistic regression models that used the index NEWS (model A0), plus age and sex (A1), plus subcomponents of NEWS (A2) and two-way interactions (A3). Likewise for maximum NEWS (models B0,B1,B2,B3). Results: 4.05% (1361/33608) of emergency admissions had H-AKI. Models using the index NEWS had the lower AUCs (0.59 to 0.68) than models using the maximum NEWS AUCs (0.75 to 0.77). The maximum NEWS model (B3) was more sensitivity than the index NEWS model (A0) (67.60% vs 19.84%) but identified twice as many cases as being at risk of H-AKI (9581 vs 4099) at a NEWS of 5. Conclusions: The index NEWS is a poor predictor of H-AKI. The maximum NEWS is a better predictor but seems unfeasible because it is only knowable in retrospect and is associated with a substantial increase in workload albeit with improved sensitivity.The Health Foundatio

    Soil biota composition and the performance of a noxious weed across its invaded range

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    This is an accepted manuscript of an article originally published by Wiley.The success of invasive plant species is driven, in part, by feedback with soil ecosystems. Yet, how variation in belowground communities across latitudinal gradients affects invader distributions remains poorly understood. To determine the effect of soil communities on the performance of the noxious weed Cirsium arvense across its invaded range, we grew seedlings for 40 days in soils collected across a 699 km linear distance from both inside and outside established populations. We also described the mesofaunal and bacterial communities across all soil samples. We found that C. arvense typically performed better when grown in soils sourced from northern populations than from southern locations where it has a longer invasion history. We also found evidence that C. arvense performed best in soils sourced from outside invaded patches, although this was not consistent across all sites. The bacterial community showed a significant increase in the magnitude of compositional change in invaded sites at higher latitudes, while the mesofaunal community showed the opposite pattern. Bacterial community composition was significantly correlated with C. arvense performance, although mesofaunal community composition was not. Our results demonstrate that the interactions between an invasive plant and associated soil communities change across the invaded range, and the bacterial community in particular may affect variation in plant performance. Observed patterns may be caused by C.arvense presence and time since invasion allowing for an accumulation of species‐specific pathogens in southern soils, while the naïveté of northern soils to invasion results in a more responsive bacterial community. Although these interactions are difficult to predict, such effects could possibly facilitate the establishment of this exotic species to novel locations.This research was supported by the Univ. of Toronto Research and Scholarly Activity Fund, a Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) Discovery Grant (PMK) and a Queen Elizabeth II/Pfizer Canada Graduate Scholarship in Science and Technology (KAN)

    Soil biota composition and the performance of a noxious weed across its invaded range

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    The success of invasive plant species is driven, in part, by feedback with soil ecosystems. Yet, how variation in belowground communities across latitudinal gradients affects invader distributions remains poorly understood. To determine the effect of soil communities on the performance of the noxious weed Cirsium arvense across its invaded range, we grew seedlings for 40 days in soils collected across a 699 km linear distance from both inside and outside established populations. We also described the mesofaunal and bacterial communities across all soil samples. We found that C. arvense typically performed better when grown in soils sourced from northern populations than from southern locations where it has a longer invasion history. We also found evidence that C. arvense performed best in soils sourced from outside invaded patches, although this was not consistent across all sites. The bacterial community showed a significant increase in the magnitude of compositional change in invaded sites at higher latitudes, while the mesofaunal community showed the opposite pattern. Bacterial community composition was significantly correlated with C. arvense performance, although mesofaunal community composition was not. Our results demonstrate that the interactions between an invasive plant and associated soil communities change across the invaded range, and the bacterial community in particular may affect variation in plant performance. Observed patterns may be caused by C.arvense presence and time since invasion allowing for an accumulation of species-specific pathogens in southern soils, while the naivete of northern soils to invasion results in a more responsive bacterial community. Although these interactions are difficult to predict, such effects could possibly facilitate the establishment of this exotic species to novel locations. </p