1,119 research outputs found

    Gravitational Wave Background from Neutrino-Driven Gamma-Ray Bursts

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    We discuss the gravitational wave background (GWB) from a cosmological population of gamma-ray bursts (GRBs). Among various emission mechanisms for the gravitational waves (GWs), we pay a particular attention to the vast anisotropic neutrino emissions from the accretion disk around the black hole formed after the so-called failed supernova explosions. The produced GWs by such mechanism are known as burst with memory, which could dominate over the low-frequency regime below \sim 10Hz. To estimate their amplitudes, we derive general analytic formulae for gravitational waveform from the axisymmetric jets. Based on the formulae, we first quantify the spectrum of GWs from a single GRB. Then, summing up its cosmological population, we find that the resultant value of the density parameter becomes roughly \Omega_{GW} \approx 10^{-20} over the wide-band of the low-frequency region, f\sim 10^{-4}-10^1Hz. The amplitude of GWB is sufficiently smaller than the primordial GWBs originated from an inflationary epoch and far below the detection limit.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    Core-collapse supernova simulations and the formation of neutron stars, hybrid stars, and black holes

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    We investigate observable signatures of a first-order quantum chromodynamics (QCD) phase transition in the context of core collapse supernovae. To this end, we conduct axially symmetric numerical relativity simulations with multi-energy neutrino transport, using a hadron-quark hybrid equation of state (EOS). We consider four non-rotating progenitor models, whose masses range from 9.69.6 to 7070\,M⊙_\odot. We find that the two less massive progenitor stars (9.6 and 11.2\,M⊙_\odot) show a successful explosion, which is driven by the neutrino heating. They do not undergo the QCD phase transition and leave behind a neutron star (NS). As for the more massive progenitor stars (50 and 70\,M⊙_\odot), the proto-neutron star (PNS) core enters the phase transition region and experiences the second collapse. Because of a sudden stiffening of the EOS entering to the pure quark matter regime, a strong shock wave is formed and blows off the PNS envelope in the 50\,M⊙_\odot model. Consequently the remnant becomes a quark core surrounded by hadronic matters, leading to the formation of the hybrid star. However for the 70\,M⊙_\odot model, the shock wave cannot overcome the continuous mass accretion and it readily becomes a black hole. We find that the neutrino and gravitational wave (GW) signals from supernova explosions driven by the hadron-quark phase transition are detectable for the present generation of neutrino and GW detectors. Furthermore, the analysis of the GW detector response reveals unique kHz signatures, which will allow us to distinguish this class of supernova explosions from failed and neutrino-driven explosions

    Three-Dimensional Simulations of Standing Accretion Shock Instability in Core-Collapse Supernovae

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    We have studied non-axisymmetric standing accretion shock instability, or SASI, by 3D hydrodynamical simulations. This is an extention of our previous study on axisymmetric SASI. We have prepared a spherically symmetric and steady accretion flow through a standing shock wave onto a proto-neutron star, taking into account a realistic equation of state and neutrino heating and cooling. This unperturbed model is supposed to represent approximately the typical post-bounce phase of core-collapse supernovae. We then have added a small perturbation (~1%) to the radial velocity and computed the ensuing evolutions. Not only axisymmetric but non-axisymmetric perturbations have been also imposed. We have applied mode analysis to the non-spherical deformation of the shock surface, using the spherical harmonics. We have found that (1) the growth rates of SASI are degenerate with respect to the azimuthal index m of the spherical harmonics Y_l^m, just as expected for a spherically symmetric background, (2) nonlinear mode couplings produce only m=0 modes for the axisymmetric perturbations, whereas m=!0 modes are also generated in the non-axisymmetric cases according to the selection rule for the quadratic couplings, (3) the nonlinear saturation level of each mode is lower in general for 3D than for 2D because a larger number of modes are contributing to turbulence in 3D, (4) low l modes are dominant in the nonlinear phase, (5) the equi-partition is nearly established among different m modes in the nonlinear phase, (6) the spectra with respect to l obey power laws with a slope slightly steeper for 3D, and (7) although these features are common to the models with and without a shock revival at the end of simulation, the dominance of low l modes is more remarkable in the models with a shock revival.Comment: 37 pages, 16 figures, and 1 table, submitted to Ap

    Nucleosynthesis in 2D Core-Collapse Supernovae of 11.2 and 17.0 M⊙_{\odot} Progenitors: Implications for Mo and Ru Production

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    Core-collapse supernovae are the first polluters of heavy elements in the galactic history. As such, it is important to study the nuclear compositions of their ejecta, and understand their dependence on the progenitor structure (e.g., mass, compactness, metallicity). Here, we present a detailed nucleosynthesis study based on two long-term, two-dimensional core-collapse supernova simulations of a 11.2 M⊙_{\odot} and a 17.0 M⊙_{\odot} star. We find that in both models nuclei well beyond the iron group (up to Z≈44Z \approx 44) can be produced, and discuss in detail also the nucleosynthesis of the p-nuclei 92,94^{92,94}Mo and 96,98^{96,98}Ru. While we observe the production of 92^{92}Mo and 94^{94}Mo in slightly neutron-rich conditions in both simulations, 96,98^{96,98}Ru can only be produced efficiently via the ν\nup-process. Furthermore, the production of Ru in the ν\nup-process heavily depends on the presence of very proton-rich material in the ejecta. This disentanglement of production mechanisms has interesting consequences when comparing to the abundance ratios between these isotopes in the solar system and in presolar grains.Comment: 48 pages, 19 figures, accepted for publication in: J. Phys. G: Nucl. Part. Phy

    Neutrino-driven supernova explosions powered by nuclear reactions

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    We have investigated the revival of a shock wave by nuclear burning reactions at the central region of core-collapse supernovae. For this purpose, we performed hydrodynamic simulations of core collapse and bounce for 15 M ⊙ progenitor model, using ZEUS-MP code in axi-symmetric coordinates. Our numerical code is equipped with a simple nuclear reaction network including 13 α nuclei form 4He to 56Ni, and accounting for energy feedback from nuclear reactions as well as neutrino heating and cooling. We found that the energy released by nuclear reactions is significantly helpful in accelerating shock waves and is able to produce energetic explosion even if the input neutrino luminosity is lo

    The Core-Collapse Supernova with "Non-Uniform" Magnetic Fields

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    We perform two-dimensional numerical simulations on the core-collapse of a massive star with strong magnetic fields and differential rotations using a numerical code ZEUS-2D. Changing field configurations and laws of differential rotation parametrically, we compute 14 models and investigate effects of these parameters on the dynamics. In our models, we do not solve the neutrino transport and instead employ a phenomenological parametric EOS that takes into account the neutrino emissions. As a result of the calculations, we find that the field configuration plays a significant role in the dynamics of the core if the initial magnetic field is large enough. Models with initially concentrated fields produce more energetic explosions and more prolate shock waves than the uniform field. Quadrapole-like fields produce remarkably collimated and fast jet, which might be important for gamma-ray bursts(GRB). The Lorentz forces exerted in the region where the plasma-beta is less than unity are responsible for these dynamics. The pure toroidal field, on the other hand, does not lead to any explosion or matter ejection. This suggests the presupernova models of Heger et al.(2003), in which toroidal fields are predominant, is disadvantageous for the magnetorotation-induced supernova considered here. Models with initially weak magnetic fields do not lead to explosion or matter ejection, either. In these models magnetic fields play no role as they do not grow on the timescale considered in this paper so that the magnetic pressure could be comparable to the matter pressure. This is because the exponential field growth as expected in MRI is not seen in our models. The magnetic field is amplified mainly by field-compression and field-wrapping in our simulations.Comment: 24 pages, 5 figures, ApJ in press, typos correcte

    Inelastic Neutrino-Helium Scatterings and Standing Accretion Shock Instability in Core-Collapse Supernovae

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    We present the results of numerical experiments, in which we have investigated the influence of the inelastic neutrino-helium interactions on the standing accretion shock instability supposed to occur in the post-bounce supernova core. The axisymmetric hydrodynamical simulations of accretion flows through the standing accretion shock wave onto the protoneutron star show that the interactions are relatively minor and the linear growth of the shock instability is hardly affected. The extra heating given by the inelastic reactions becomes important for the shock revival after the instability enters the non-linear regime, but only when the neutrino luminosity is very close to the critical value, at which the shock would be revived without the interactions. We have also studied the dependence of the results on the initial amplitudes of perturbation and the temperatures of mu and tau neutrinos.Comment: 19 pages, 6 figures, submitted to Ap

    Neutrino oscillations in magnetically driven supernova explosions

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    We investigate neutrino oscillations from core-collapse supernovae that produce magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) explosions. By calculating numerically the flavor conversion of neutrinos in the highly non-spherical envelope, we study how the explosion anisotropy has impacts on the emergent neutrino spectra through the Mikheyev-Smirnov-Wolfenstein effect. In the case of the inverted mass hierarchy with a relatively large theta_(13), we show that survival probabilities of electron type neutrinos and antineutrinos seen from the rotational axis of the MHD supernovae (i.e., polar direction), can be significantly different from those along the equatorial direction. The event numbers of electron type antineutrinos observed from the polar direction are predicted to show steepest decrease, reflecting the passage of the magneto-driven shock to the so-called high-resonance regions. Furthermore we point out that such a shock effect, depending on the original neutrino spectra, appears also for the low-resonance regions, which leads to a noticeable decrease in the electron type neutrino signals. This reflects a unique nature of the magnetic explosion featuring a very early shock-arrival to the resonance regions, which is in sharp contrast to the neutrino-driven delayed supernova models. Our results suggest that the two features in the electron type antineutrinos and neutrinos signals, if visible to the Super-Kamiokande for a Galactic supernova, could mark an observational signature of the magnetically driven explosions, presumably linked to the formation of magnetars and/or long-duration gamma-ray bursts.Comment: 25 pages, 21 figures, JCAP in pres

    Effects of QCD phase transition on gravitational radiation from two-dimensional collapse and bounce of massive stars

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    We perform two-dimensional, magnetohydrodynamical core-collapse simulations of massive stars accompanying the QCD phase transition. We study how the phase transition affects the gravitational waveforms near the epoch of core-bounce. As for initial models, we change the strength of rotation and magnetic fields. Particularly, the degree of differential rotation in the iron core (Fe-core) is changed parametrically. As for the microphysics, we adopt a phenomenological equation of state above the nuclear density, including two parameters to change the hardness before the transition. We assume the first order phase transition, where the conversion of bulk nuclear matter to a chirally symmetric quark-gluon phase is described by the MIT bag model. Based on these computations, we find that the phase transition can make the maximum amplitudes larger up to ∼\sim 10 percents than the ones without the phase transition. On the other hand, the maximum amplitudes become smaller up to ∼\sim 10 percents owing to the phase transition, when the degree of the differential rotation becomes larger. We find that even extremely strong magnetic fields ∼1017\sim 10^{17} G in the protoneutron star do not affect these results.Comment: 12 pages, 12 figures. Resubmitted to Phys.Rev.
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