57 research outputs found

    Strategic analysis of sustainable socioeconomic situation of rural areas in the Samara Region of the Russian Federation

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    On the one hand, the relevance of this problem is primarily determined by growing gap of rural territorial entities in socioeconomic development, and on the other hand, due to their significance in such prominent aspects for the country as food security, maintaining the existing land, industrial, ecological, demographic and human potential. The purpose of the article is comprehensive assessment of socioeconomic, institutional and ecological situation of rural areas in order to justify managerial decisions and effective policy making at the regional and local levels. The leading method for studying this problem is stratigic analysis of processes of developing rural areas, as well as factors, affecting development. The results of the study: In this article the authors assessed the situation in socioeconomic sphere of munitipalities in the Samara Region of the Russian Federation, accordingly, based on this, the authors concluded about a predominance of degradation processes, which form instability in the development of rural areas. The results of this study can be used by the regional authorities in their practice for making and implementation both regional policy, as well as strategy of socioeconomic development of rural area. © 2016 Belyaeva et al

    Environmental risk to health of the population

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    Researches of the last years in the field of ecological epidemiology and the analysis of risk for health allow to claim with confidence that the polluted environment is one of the important factors defining changes of a state of health of the population. Expert opinions on the scale of this influence differ considerably now. These estimations vary from small shares of percent to several percent, reaching in some cases 30-50%. An attempt to elaborate economic approaches to a risk assessment to health of the population has been made in this work. The main reason which demands development of special approaches for an assessment of an environmental risk is that quantitative estimation of risk for health from environmental pollution is difficult to be realized. As a rule, population is affected by the whole set of the polluting substances from the atmosphere, drinking water, food, etc. For effective risk management it is necessary to assess and compare diverse risks caused by action of various pollutants coming to an organism in different ways. The stated methodical materials give an idea of possibility of the stage-by-stage multilevel risk analysis at the solution of environmental problems. Further comparative analysis connected with definition and comparison of various dangers can be done by means of the results received at a risk evaluation stage. © 2016 Anopchenko et al

    Molecular cytogenetic characterisation of a mosaic add(12)(p13.3) with an inv dup(3)(q26.31 --> qter) detected in an autistic boy

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    BACKGROUND: Inverted duplications (inv dup) of a terminal chromosome region are a particular subset of rearrangements that often results in partial tetrasomy or partial trisomy when accompanied by a deleted chromosome. Associated mosaicism could be the consequence of a post-zygotic event or could result from the correction of a trisomic conception. Tetrasomies of distal segments of the chromosome 3q are rare genetic events and their phenotypic manifestations are diverse. To our knowledge, there are only 12 cases reported with partial 3q tetrasomy. Generally, individuals with this genomic imbalance present mild to severe developmental delay, facial dysmorphisms and skin pigmentary disorders. RESULTS: We present the results of the molecular cytogenetic characterization of an unbalanced mosaic karyotype consisting of mos 46,XY,add(12)(p13.3) [56]/46,XY [44] in a previously described 11 years old autistic boy, re-evaluated at adult age. The employment of fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) and multicolor banding (MCB) techniques identified the extra material on 12p to be derived from chromosome 3, defining the additional material on 12p as an inv dup(3)(qter --> q26.3::q26.3 --> qter). Subsequently, array-based comparative genomic hybridization (aCGH) confirmed the breakpoint at 3q26.31, defining the extra material with a length of 24.92 Mb to be between 174.37 and 199.29 Mb. CONCLUSION: This is the thirteenth reported case of inversion-duplication 3q, being the first one described as an inv dup translocated onto a non-homologous chromosome. The mosaic terminal inv dup(3q) observed could be the result of two proposed alternative mechanisms. The most striking feature of this case is the autistic behavior of the proband, a characteristic not shared by any other patient with tetrasomy for 3q26.31 --> 3qter. The present work further illustrates the advantages of the use of an integrative cytogenetic strategy, composed both by conventional and molecular techniques, on providing powerful information for an accurate diagnosis. This report also highlights a chromosome region potentially involved in autistic disorders

    Characterization of a prenatally assessed de novo supernumerary minute ring chromosome 20 in a phenotypically normal male

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The heterogeneous group of small supernumerary marker chromosomes (sSMCs) presents serious counseling problems, especially if they are present de novo and diagnosed prenatally. The incidence has been estimated at 1 in 1000 prenatal samples. We present a case of mosaic sSMC diagnosed prenatally after amniocentesis. The sSMC was characterized by various molecular cytogenetic techniques and determined to be a r(20) chromosome. After genetic counseling, the parents decided to continue the pregnancy, and a boy with minor phenotypic variants was born after 39 weeks of pregnancy. The case is compared with four other cases of prenatally detected r(20) mosaicism.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Here we describe a 3 months old male child with normal pre- and postnatal development and with a de novo ring supernumerary marker chromosome in amniocytes cultures. Using new fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) techniques, three distinguishable sSMCs (cryptic mosaicism), all derived from chromosome 20, were observed, including ring and minute chromosomes. This heterogeneity was impossible to detect by the conventional G-banding technique or conventional FISH technique that were used before the application of new FISH techniques (subcentromere-specific multicolor-FISH [subcenM-FISH]) and a probe, specific for the 20p12.2 band. The sSMC present in 25% of the cells was present as r(20)(::p12.2~12.3->q11.1::)<abbrgrp><abbr bid="B5">5</abbr></abbrgrp>/r(20;20)(::p12.1->q11.1::q11.1 >p12.1::)<abbrgrp><abbr bid="B2">2</abbr></abbrgrp>/min(20;20)(:p12.1->q11.1::q11.1->p12.1:)<abbrgrp><abbr bid="B1">1</abbr></abbrgrp>. The final karyotype was 47,XY,+r(20)[25%]/46,XY[75%].</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>We emphasize the importance of application of molecular cytogenetics in a prenatally diagnostic laboratory and description of more cases to enable a better genetic counseling and risk evaluation.</p

    The electronic learning system as a means of forming professional competencies among university students

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    © 2015 by the author(s). The purpose of this article is aimed at the development of pedagogical tools and methods of forming students' competencies in the course of higher education. The submitted paper presents the potential of information technology in forming professional competencies of the university students providing the students' classroom and individual organization. The grounds for the presented paper have become the ideas of competence-based approach, the system of modern didactic principles that intensify the students' learning and cognitive activities. The article describes the structure of modern e-learning system that satisfies the federal state educational standards and contributes to the students' professional competencies. This article is intended for the educators, researchers, heads of educational institutions engaged in the development of academic syllabi and pedagogical tools to provide university students with professional competencies


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    Цель. Оценить уровень гормонов участвующих в формировании костной ткани и некоторых биохимических маркеров ее повреждения, а так же значения показателей денситометрии у пациентов с различной стадией остеопороза. Материал и методы. В исследовании принимали участие 45 русских женщин, которые были разделены на 3 группы: 1 группа - 15 условно здоровых, 2 группа - 15 женщин с остеопенией и 3 группа - 15 человек с остеопорозом, в возрасте от 48 до 60 лет. Минеральная плотность костной ткани в шейке бедра и поясничном отделе позвоночника устанавливалась с помощью рентгеновской денситометрии посредством Т-критерия. В сыворотке крови определяли концентрацию кортизола, общего трийодтиронина, пара-тиреоидного гормона, кальцитриола и эстрадиола методом ИФА. Также определяли уровни продуктов распада коллагена: С-концевых телопептидов коллагена I типа и пиридонолина. Статистическую обработку результатов проводили с помощью пакета прикладных программ Statistica 6.0 for Windows. Количественные данные представляли в виде медианы с верхним и нижним квартилями (25-й и 75-й процентили) - Me (25;75). При сравнении количественных показателей, использовали критерии Манна-Уитни. Результаты. Данные денситометрии значительно различались во 2 и 3 группах женщин по сравнению с контролем (p<0,001) и были равны по Т-критерию шейки бедра: 0,90 [0,63; 1,23], -1,65 [-2,28; -0,78], -1,80 [-2,10; -1,20] SD; по T-критерию позвоночника: 0,35 [-0,18; 1,13], -1,95 [-3,50; -1,38], -1,15 [-2,30; 0] SD в 1, 2 и 3 группах соответственно. Лабораторные исследования показали, что у всех обследуемых лиц уровни гормонов были в пределах референсных значений. Содержание эстрадиола, по сравнению с контролем, в группе пациентов с остеопенией было меньше на 15% (p=0,002), а в группе с остеопорозом - на 8,4% (p=0,036). Значения кальцитриола были выше на 107% (p=0,001) во 2 группе и на 43% (p=0,036) - в третьей по сравнению с контролем, и кроме того, во второй выше, чем в третьей на 31% (p=0,045). Концентрации ПТГ также была наибольшей в группе с остеопенией: на 51% (p=0,002) больше чем в контроле. Также были рассчитаны соотношения величин гормонов, участвующих в кальцификации и деминирализации костной ткани, характеризующие связь патологии костно-суставной системы с гормональными изменениями. Наиболее значимые различия выявлены в соотношении уровней эстрадиола и паратиреоидного гормона, которые были в группе с остеопенией на 46% (p=0,006), а в группе с остеопорозом на 41% (p=0,041) ниже, чем в контроле. Наибольшие гормональные изменения регистрируются в группе с остеопенией. Коэффициент отношения эстрадиола к ПТГ гормону в группе контроля составил 1,82 [1,10; 2,33], в группе с остеопенией 0,99 [0,93; 1,06], а с остеопорозом 1,43 [1,01; 1,58]. При проведении многофакторного анализа параметров гормонального статуса и биохимических маркеров повреждения костной ткани к Т-критерию позвоночника и шейки бедра уставили, что соотношение эстрадиола к паратиреодному гормону имеет сильную связь с изменением показателей минеральной плотности позвоночника в различных группах пациентов. Это подтверждает возможность использования данного соотношения в качестве раннего диагностического маркера развития остеопороза. Выводы. Наиболее целесообразно использовать в качестве ранних биохимических маркеров развития остеопороза у женщин уровень паратгормона, эстрадиола и их соотношение. Значения показателей денситометрии по Т-критерию шейки бедра в большей степени соответствуют степени тяжести остеопороза, нежели величины T-критерия позвоночника

    The electronic learning system as a means of forming professional competencies among university students

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    © 2015 by the author(s). The purpose of this article is aimed at the development of pedagogical tools and methods of forming students' competencies in the course of higher education. The submitted paper presents the potential of information technology in forming professional competencies of the university students providing the students' classroom and individual organization. The grounds for the presented paper have become the ideas of competence-based approach, the system of modern didactic principles that intensify the students' learning and cognitive activities. The article describes the structure of modern e-learning system that satisfies the federal state educational standards and contributes to the students' professional competencies. This article is intended for the educators, researchers, heads of educational institutions engaged in the development of academic syllabi and pedagogical tools to provide university students with professional competencies