105 research outputs found

    Historical accuracy in Nollywood costume designs: Approaches constraints and gains

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    In recent years, historical accuracy in costume design has attracted much attention based on the activities of many scholars, performing artists, and audiences. Accuracy of costumes in period films is an issue because modern productions of historical events can differ dramatically from the actual period in which the designer is striving to recreate. Essentially, the success or otherwise of a costume designer lies in her ability to accurately representing the historical setting and create convincing costumes and a visual, artistic, and audience satisfying aesthetics. But costumes as both signifiers of character and markers of history have hardly fulfilled these roles in Nigeria’s Nollywood due to limitations of documentation. Based on a critical analysis of three period films, this paper anchoring on Gofman's dramaturgy theory, investigates historical accuracy in costume designs of Nollywood and seeks to determine if the costumes captured in these movies are historically accurate to the Nigerian dress culture from 1960-1970. The findings reveal that designers of Nollywood in a bid to create the right period look are encumbered by numerous factors including limitations in documented history, research, budget, material artifice, professional historians and so on. Consequently, the costume designs of the selected films are  characterized by inadequate use of lines, colour, scenic background and hair styles. The paper therefore suggests a strategic approach to historically informed films for it is hoped that historical accuracy in costume design is a useful goal that can be attained by giving room for individual creativity

    Experience with the Extendable Computer System Simulator

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    Experience with Extendable Computer System Simulator as special-purpose language for computer systems modelin

    Sexuality and womanhood in selected Nigerian film

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    Taatanan Molotov ja ruumisarkkuja : Suomalaislasten kotirintamakokemuksia toisen maailmansodan ajalta

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    Käsittelen tässä tutkielmassa suomalaislasten kotirintamakokemuksia toisen maailmansodan ajalta 1930- ja 1940-luvuilta. Tutkimusmenetelmäni ovat muistitieto ja kokemushistoria, joiden avulla selvitän, millaista oli elää lapsuutta sota-aikana. Tutkimukseni pohjana ovat viisi vuonna 2017 tekemääni haastattelua sekä yhdeksän Suomalaisen Kirjallisuuden Seuran kirjoituskeruilla kerättyä muistelukirjoitusta. Kaksi muistelukirjoitusta on valittu Evakkotytön ja -pojan tarina -keruusta ja loput seitsemän Sota-aika (1939–1945) muistoissamme -keruusta. Haastateltavat ja kirjoituskeruista valitut kirjoittajat olivat 2–10-vuotiaita talvisodan syttyessä. Käsittelen sota-ajan lapsuutta kolmen tutkimuskysymyksen kautta. Tutkin millaisia kohtaamisia lapsilla oli sota-aikana, miksi juuri nämä kohtaamiset ovat jääneet lasten mieleen sekä mitä sota merkitsi lasten elämässä ja miten lapsuus koettiin sota-aikana. Kokemukset on käsitelty sekä erilaisten ihmisten että tilanteiden kohtaamiskokemusten kautta. Alaluvuissa käsitellään evakkolasten ja paikallisten kohtaamisia uudella paikkakunnalla, sotavankien ja inkeriläissiirtolaisten kohtaamisia, suomalais- ja saksalaissotilaiden kohtaamisia, perheenjäseniä rintamalla ja sukulaisten kohtaamisia, koulunkäyntiä sota-aikana, sota-ajan leikkejä ja töitä, pommituskokemuksia sekä sota-ajan selviytymiskokemuksia. Tutkimuskirjallisuuden avulla näille kokemuksille annetaan kontekstia. Kohtaamiskokemuksia vertailemalla ja analysoimalla huomasin, että lapsilla oli usein samankaltaisia kokemuksia, mutta jokaisen muistot ovat kuitenkin yksilöllisiä. Negatiiviset kokemukset jäivät lasten mieleen loppuelämäksi, varsinkin epäoikeudenmukaisiksi koetut tilanteet. Positiiviset uusien ihmisten kohtaamiset jäivät myös mieleen, varsinkin jos ne olivat lisäksi jännittäviä ja poikkesivat normaalista arjesta. Sotaleikit ja kielletyt asiat sekä jännittäviksi ja pelottaviksi koetut pommitukset jäivät lasten mieleen. Sota-ajan selviytymiskokemukset pula-aikana talkoineen ja töineen sekä erilaiset sodan koettelemukset vaikuttivat lasten elämään ja lapsuuteen voimakkaasti. Eri ihmisillä sotakokemukset olivat kuitenkin erilaisia ja niihin vaikuttivat muun muassa asuinpaikka, persoonallisuus ja miten sota koetteli lapsen perhettä

    A comparison of femoral tunnel placement in ACL reconstruction using a 70° arthroscope through the anterolateral portal versus a 30° arthroscope through the anteromedial portal: a pilot 3D-CT study

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    Background: Graft malposition is a risk factor for failure of anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction. A 70° arthroscope improves visualisation of the medial wall of the lateral femoral condyle without switching portals. We investigated whether the use of this arthroscope affected the accuracy and precision of femoral tunnel placement. Methods: Fifty consecutive adult patients were recruited. Following one withdrawal and two exclusions, 47 patients (30 in group 1 (70° arthroscope), 17 in group 2 (30° arthroscope)) underwent three-dimensional computed tomography imaging using a grid-based system to measure tunnel position. Results: No difference was found in the accuracy or precision of tunnels (mean position: group 1 = 33.3 ± 6.0% deep-shallow, 27.2 ± 5.2% high-low; group 2 = 31.7 ± 6.9% deep-shallow, 29.0 ± 6.2% high-low; not significant). A post-hoc power analysis suggests a study of 106 patients would be required. Conclusions: This pilot study suggests that tunnel position is not affected by the arthroscope used. An appropriately powered study could investigate this finding alongside other potential benefits of using a 70° arthroscope for this procedure. Trial registration: ClinicalTrials.gov, NCT02816606. Registered on 28 June 2016.This article is freely available via Open Access. Click on the Publisher URL to access it via the publisher's site

    The anterolateral ligament of the knee: unwrapping the enigma. Anatomical study and comparison to previous reports.

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    It has been suggested that the anterolateral ligament (ALL) of the knee may have importance in limiting rotational instability, and reconstruction may prevent a continued pivot-shift following anterior cruciate ligament surgery. However, the anatomy of this ligament has not been consistently reported in recent publications. We describe our experience of cadaveric dissection with reference to other published work.This article is freely available via Open Access. Click on the 'Additional Link' above to access the full-text from the publisher's site.Published (Open Access

    Parsing Conjunctions Deterministically

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    Conjunctions have always been a source of problems for natural language parsers. This paper shows how these problems may be circumvented using a rule.based, wait-and-see parsing strategy. A parser is presented which analyzes conjunction structures deterministically, and the specific rules it uses are described and illustrated. This parser appears to be faster for conjunctions than other parsers in the literature and some comparative timings are given

    Growth Impact of Insecurity on the Nigerian Economy

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    This research work investigated restructuring national security for economic growth in Nigeria for the period 1981 to 2017. In a bid to actualize the main objective of this study, a good number of literature materials were reviewed and data were collected from secondary sources such as the various editions of CBN Statistical Bulletin. The data were analyzed using Augmented Dickey-Fuller (ADF) Unit Root test, Johansen co-integration test, Error Correction Model. The selected variables (i.e. Gross Domestic product, Life expectancy at birth, terrorism risk index, discomfort index, adult literacy rate,  corruption perception index and unemployment rate) had a cointegrating relationship indicating long-run relationship among the variables. The result of the Error Correction Mechanism (ECM) had the expected negative sign and statistically significant at the 0.05 level, an indication that any disequilibrium in the system will be adjusted. Based on the conclusion made, it is recommended that government should restructure and decentralize security architecture, increase capital expenditure on security and provide the enabling environment for people to work especially in the area of security of lives and property. This is against the back-drop that no meaningful economic activity can thrive in the face of insecurit