239 research outputs found

    PC to PC Transfer of Text, Images Using Visible Light Communication (VLC)

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    Light Emitting Diodes are assuming a noteworthy part in numerous regions of our everyday life. Aside from transmitting light, these LED\u27s can be used for data transmission utilizing Visible Light Communication (VLC). In this paper, We propose a complete model to transfer text, images from one device to another using Visible light communication, in which transmitter transmits the encrypted data through visible light and the receiver at the receiving end identifies the transmitted data and decrypts it to retrieve the data sent

    Iterative nonlinear goal programming and application to production planning problems

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    Call number: LD2668 .T4 1978 R36Master of Scienc

    Effect of lockdown on activities of daily living in the built environment and wellbeing

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    In an effort to arrest the spread of coronavirus (COVID-19) infection, a nationwide lockdown was declared in India in March 2020. To assess how personal built environments affected the citizens in the first few weeks, an explorative online survey was conducted, eliciting responses about work habits before the lockdown, psychological wellbeing, time spent in various activities, characteristics of those who worked from home, and food and sleep patterns. We received 121 (76 male and 45 female) responses with an average age of 35.5 years [max: 70 years, min: 18 years, standard deviation (SD): 12.9 years]. The major difference caused by the lockdown was a reduction in the time taken and distance travelled of the commute to workplaces, which was an average of 30 minutes and 9.5 km, respectively. In terms of diet, subjects who were vegetarian did not experience any difference, unlike those who were non-vegetarians (p < 0.05). The results show an association of the dependent variable of ‘feeling in general’ with predictor variables of ‘energy, pep, vitality’ and ‘feel healthy to work’ during the pandemic, whereas the predictor variables of ‘energy, pep, vitality’, ‘happy and satisfied personal life’, ‘feel healthy to work’ show an association with the dependent variable of ‘feeling in general’ before the lockdown with a significance of p < 0.02 and R2 = 0.51 and R2 = 0.60, respectively. Among those who worked from home in constrained environments, people found spaces and seemed to adapt reasonably well to the built environment with employees showing a preference for working from bedrooms and students for working from ‘sit-out’ (outside) spaces (p < 0.05). There was no change in the quality or quantity of sleep during the lockdown. This study in the early weeks of the lockdown documents the way in which individuals lived through it in terms of the built environment at home

    Abnormal ossified structures around the hip joint and its clinical implications

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    Background: The hip joint is the body’s second largest weight-bearing joint forms a connection from the lower limb to the pelvic girdle. It is formed by an articulation between the pelvic acetabulum and the head of the femur. Ankylosis or fusion of the joint, ossification of the adjacent ligaments and calcific tendinitis of adjacent muscles can decrease the mobility of the joint. The study was undertaken to evaluate the incidence of abnormal ossified structures around the hip joint.Methods: This study was carried out on 228 dry human hip bones (right- 114 and left-114) and 228 dry human femur bones (right- 114 and left-114) irrespective of age and sex at Varun Arjun medical college-Banthra, UP, KMCT Medical College, Manassery-Calicut and Melaka Manipal Medical College-Manipal. All the hip and femur bones were macroscopically inspected for the abnormal ossified structures around the pelvic acetabulum and upper end of the femur. Photographs of the abnormal ossified structures were taken for proper documentation.Results: Very rare and unusual unilateral ossified and complete fused left hip joint was noted (0.43%). Unilateral ossified acetabular labrum with ossified transverse acetabular ligament was noted in seven right hip bones (3.07%). Unusual ossified fibrous capsule on the posterior aspect of neck of femur was noted in 4 left sided femur bones (1.75%). Unusual unilateral ossified deposits near the greater trochanter and intertrochanteric line of femur was noted in nine left sided femur bones (3.94%).Conclusions: Anatomical knowledge of ankylosis of hip joint, ossification of the ligaments and muscles tendons around the hip joint as found in the present study made this study unique such abnormal ossifications may be helpful for clinicians, radiologists and surgeons for differential diagnosis and can be implicated in the development of innovative treatments of hip joint and hip pains

    Monitoring Fiber Stress During Curing of Single Fiber Glass- and Graphite-Epoxy Composites

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    The difference in thermal expansion characteristics of epoxy matrices and graphite fibers can produce significant residual stresses in the fibers during curing of composite materials. Tests on single fiber glass-epoxy and graphite-epoxy composite specimens were conducted in which the glass and graphite fibers were preloaded in tension, and the epoxy matrix was cast around the fibers. The fiber tension was monitored while the matrix was placed around the fiber and subjected to the temperature-time curing cycle. Two mechanisms responsible for producing stress in embedded fibers were identified as matrix thermal expansion and contraction and matrix cure shrinkage. A simple analysis based on the change in fiber tension during the curing cycle was conducted to estimate the produced stresses. Experimental results on single fiber glass- and graphite-epoxy composites show that the fiber was subjected to significant tensile stresses when the temperature was raised from the first to the second dwell period. When initial fiber pretension is about 60 percent of the fiber failure load, these curing-induced stresses can cause tensile fracture of the embedded fiber

    Reliable and accurate diagnostics from highly multiplexed sequencing assays

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    Scalable, inexpensive, and secure testing for SARS-CoV-2 infection is crucial for control of the novel coronavirus pandemic. Recently developed highly multiplexed sequencing assays (HMSAs) that rely on high-throughput sequencing can, in principle, meet these demands, and present promising alternatives to currently used RT-qPCR-based tests. However, reliable analysis, interpretation, and clinical use of HMSAs requires overcoming several computational, statistical and engineering challenges. Using recently acquired experimental data, we present and validate a computational workflow based on kallisto and bustools, that utilizes robust statistical methods and fast, memory efficient algorithms, to quickly, accurately and reliably process high-throughput sequencing data. We show that our workflow is effective at processing data from all recently proposed SARS-CoV-2 sequencing based diagnostic tests, and is generally applicable to any diagnostic HMSA

    Anatomical and congenital variations of human dry sternum bone: its embryogenesis and clinical implications

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    Background: The sternum is one of the skeleton parts with frequently detected variation in cross-sectional images or autopsy series. The anatomical or congenital variations of the sternum in the anterior chest wall may involve malignancies, injuries or severe traumas. The aim of the study was undertaken to evaluate the incidence of anatomical and congenital variations of human dry sternum bones.Methods: This study was carried out on 120 dry human sternum bones irrespective of age and sex at Varun Arjun medical college- Banthra, UP, KMCT Medical College, Manassery-Calicut and Melaka Manipal Medical College-Manipal. All the sternum bones were macroscopically inspected for the anatomical and congenital variations of human dry sternum bones. Photographs of the anatomical and congenital variations were taken for proper documentation.Results: Complete sternal foramina in the body of the sternum were noted in 9 bones (7.5%), with an average vertical diameter of 17mm and transverse diameter of 16mm (The highest vertical diameter of 19mm and transverse diameter of 17mm was noted); Incomplete sternal foramina in the body of the sternum were noted in 4 bones (3.3%);Complete sternal foramina in the xiphoid process of the sternum were noted in 7 bones (5.8%) with an average vertical diameter of 6mm and transverse diameter of 8mm; Unusual complete sternal foramina in the body and incomplete sternal foramina in the xiphoid process of the sternum were noted in 8 bones (6.6%); Very rare longer xiphoid process (7.3 cm) with complete sternal foramina was noted in 7 bone (5.8%); Unusual Longer xiphoid process with an average length of 6.7cm with sharp bifid ends was noted in 8 bones (6.6%).Conclusions: The knowledge of existence of anatomical variants and congenital foramina of sternum and xiphoid process found in our study is essential, especially for bone marrow sampling, radiology (X - ray, CT, MRI, and USG) reporting, pathology autopsy and forensic medicine post-mortem reporting and patoacupuncture practice to avoid complications during various surgical procedures

    Relapsed breast adenorcarcinoma presenting as pulmonary lymphangitic carcinomatosis

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    Reliable and accurate diagnostics from highly multiplexed sequencing assays

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    Scalable, inexpensive, and secure testing for SARS-CoV-2 infection is crucial for control of the novel coronavirus pandemic. Recently developed highly multiplexed sequencing assays (HMSAs) that rely on high-throughput sequencing can, in principle, meet these demands, and present promising alternatives to currently used RT-qPCR-based tests. However, reliable analysis, interpretation, and clinical use of HMSAs requires overcoming several computational, statistical and engineering challenges. Using recently acquired experimental data, we present and validate a computational workflow based on kallisto and bustools, that utilizes robust statistical methods and fast, memory efficient algorithms, to quickly, accurately and reliably process high-throughput sequencing data. We show that our workflow is effective at processing data from all recently proposed SARS-CoV-2 sequencing based diagnostic tests, and is generally applicable to any diagnostic HMSA

    Multiplexed characterization of rationally designed promoter architectures deconstructs combinatorial logic for IPTG-inducible systems

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    A crucial step towards engineering biological systems is the ability to precisely tune the genetic response to environmental stimuli. In the case of Escherichia coli inducible promoters, our incomplete understanding of the relationship between sequence composition and gene expression hinders our ability to predictably control transcriptional responses. Here, we profile the expression dynamics of 8269 rationally designed, IPTG-inducible promoters that collectively explore the individual and combinatorial effects of RNA polymerase and LacI repressor binding site strengths. We then fit a statistical mechanics model to measured expression that accurately models gene expression and reveals properties of theoretically optimal inducible promoters. Furthermore, we characterize three alternative promoter architectures and show that repositioning binding sites within promoters influences the types of combinatorial effects observed between promoter elements. In total, this approach enables us to deconstruct relationships between inducible promoter elements and discover practical insights for engineering inducible promoters with desirable characteristics
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