132 research outputs found

    Retention Of The Newly Licensed Registered Nursing Workforce Post-Coronavirus (covid-19): Establishing A Trauma-Informed Wellness Program, The Registered Nurse Residency Script For The Future (rnrx) (Š Maryellen Hope Kosturko, 2022)

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    Retention of newly licensed registered nurses (NLRNs) is crucial to the future success of a thriving nursing workforce. It is well-established that most NLRNs experience stress as they transition from school to work environments leading some to leave the workforce or nursing altogether within their first two years post-graduation. The novel Coronavirus virus (Covid-19) pandemic exacerbated this problem as NLRNs experienced increased stress, fear, exhaustion, uncertainty, and dissatisfaction, further threatening the future of the nursing workforce. The aim of this project was to develop and implement a trauma-informed wellness program in an acute care inpatient hospital, The Registered Nurse Residency Script for the Future (RNRx), to support the NLRNs well-being post-exposure to the traumatic experience of caring for patients with the novel Covid-19 virus. The 6-week RNRx program consisted of three program elements: (1) a Nurse-peer Buddy System; (2) Wellness Check-ins/Decompression huddles and; (3) Celebration/Compassion Circles. Thirty six participants completed the Secondary Traumatic Stress Scale at the beginning and immediately following the end of the 6 week program. Pre and post program results for the overall STSS score were compared using a Welch one-tailed unpaired t test on the R foundation Statistical tool. The results show a statistically significant improvement in the overall well-being of all NLRN participants immediately after RNRx program completion (p= 0.004). The RNRx program can be easily and cost-effectively scaled across this large New England academic health system of five acute care hospitals and in other inpatient environments to support nurse well-being post-trauma. As the program is scaled, long term measurement of program impact on nurse retention is recommended

    Alkaloids of the family Amaryllidaceae and their biological aktivity II.

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    Univerzita Karlova, Farmaceutická fakulta v Hradci Králové Ústav: Katedra farmakognozie (16-16180) Řešitel: Štefan Kosturko Školitel: PharmDr. Marcela Šafratová, Ph.D. Konzultant: PharmDr. Daniela Hulcová, Ph.D. Název práce: Alkaloidy čeledi Amaryllidaceae a jejich biologická aktivita II. Klíčová slova: Narcissus pseudonarcissus dutch master; cibule; alkaloidní extrakty; GC/MS analýza; biologická aktivita; acetylcholinesterasa; butyrylcholinesterasa. Hlavní náplní diplomové práce ,,Alkaloidy čeledi Amaryllidaceae a jejich biologická aktivita II.'' byla izolace alkaloidů jako čistých substancí, v množství dostatečném k identifikaci jejich struktury a in vitro testům biologické aktivity. Alkaloidy byly separovány z podfrakce číslo 82 - 97 o hmotnosti 2,3268 g, která byla jako součást celkového rostlinného extraktu připravena paní doktorkou PharmDr. Danielou Hulcovou Ph.D., v rámci její doktorské disertační práce. Doktorka Hulcová vykonala primární extrakční a separační práce a získala celkový koncentrovaný alkaloidní extrakt o hmotnosti 58 g, který zahrnoval již zmíněnou podfrakci. Již zmíněná alkaloidní podfrakce byla prostřednictvím preparativní chromatografie na tenké vrstvě rozdělena na pět samostatných separátů, které byly podrobeny dalším fytochemickým pracím a bylo získáno pět alkaloidů v...Charles University, Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové Department: Department of Pharmacognosy (16-16180) Author: Štefan Kosturko Supervisor: PharmDr. Marcela Šafratová, Ph.D. Advisor: PharmDr. Daniela Hulcová, Ph.D. Thesis title: Alkaloids of the family Amaryllidaceae and their biological activity II. Key words: Narcissus pseudonarcissus dutch master; bulbs; alkaloidal extracts; GC/MS analysis; biological activity; acetylcholinesterase; butyrylcholinesterase. The main aim of the thesis ‚,Alkaloids of the family Amaryllidaceae and their biological activity II.'' was the isolation of alkaloids, as a pure substances, in sufficient quantities to identify their structure and to test their biological aktivity in vitro. Alkaloids were separated from subfraction number 82 - 97 of weigh 2,3268 g. This subfraction was a part of the total plant extract, which was prepared by PharmDr. Daniela Hulcová Ph.D., as a part of her dissertation thesis and who also performed primary extraction and separation work. A total and concentrated alkaloid extract weighing 58 g, which included the aforementioned subfraction, was obtained. The already mentioned alkaloid subfraction, was divided by preparative thin-layer chromatography into five separates, which were subjected to further phytochemical work, and five pure...Katedra farmakognozieDepartment of PharmacognosyFarmaceutická fakulta v Hradci KrálovéFaculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králov

    Nursing leadership during COVID-19: Enhancing patient, family and workforce experience

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    The global COVID-19 pandemic has challenged nurse leaders in ways that one could not imagine six months ago. Along with ongoing priorities of providing high quality, cost-effective and safe care, nurse leaders are also committed to creating environments that support excellence in patient and family experience. This article will provide exemplars of how nurse leaders used decisive decision-making, adapted to novel situations and issues, ensured reliable and safe delivery of care and engaged patients, families and their workforce to create excellent experiences of care during the pandemic. Throughout this crisis, nurse leaders have learned how to grapple with quick and often uncertain decision-making, adapted ways to engage patient and family amidst new care situations and operational policies, delivered care reliably with ever changing metrics and measures and created environments to support and bring smiles to nurses and other health care staff. New opportunities to care for and positively engage patients and families have emerged. Experience Framework This article is associated with the Culture & Leadership lens of The Beryl Institute Experience Framework. (http://bit.ly/ExperienceFramework) Access other PXJ articles related to this lens. Access other resources related to this len

    Rules of engagement promote polarity in RNA trafficking

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    Many cell biological pathways exhibit overall polarity (net movement of molecules in one direction) even though individual molecular interactions in the pathway are freely reversible. The A2 RNA trafficking pathway exhibits polarity in moving specific RNA molecules from the nucleus to localization sites in the myelin compartment of oligodendrocytes or dendritic spines in neurons. The A2 pathway is mediated by a ubiquitously expressed trans-acting trafficking factor (hnRNP A2) that interacts with a specific 11 nucleotide cis-acting trafficking sequence termed the A2 response element (A2RE) found in several localized RNAs. Five different molecular partners for hnRNP A2 have been identified in the A2 pathway: hnRNP A2 itself, transportin, A2RE RNA, TOG (tumor overexpressed gene) and hnRNP E1, each playing a key role in one particular step of the A2 pathway. Sequential interactions of hnRNP A2 with different molecular partners at each step mediate directed movement of trafficking intermediates along the pathway. Specific "rules of engagement" (both and, either or, only if) govern sequential interactions of hnRNP A2 with each of its molecular partners. Rules of engagement are defined experimentally using three component binding assays to measure differential binding of hnRNP A2 to one partner in the presence of each of the other partners in the pathway. Here we describe rules of engagement for hnRNP A2 binding to each of its molecular partners and discuss how these rules of engagement promote polarity in the A2 RNA trafficking pathway. For molecules with multiple binding partners, specific rules of engagement govern different molecular interactions. Rules of engagement are ultimately determined by structural relationships between binding sites on individual molecules. In the A2 RNA trafficking pathway rules of engagement governing interactions of hnRNP A2 with different binding partners provide the basis for polarity of movement of intermediates along the pathway

    Raman spectroscopic detection of the T-HgII-T base pair and the ionic characteristics of mercury

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    Developing applications for metal-mediated base pairs (metallo-base-pair) has recently become a high-priority area in nucleic acid research, and physicochemical analyses are important for designing and fine-tuning molecular devices using metallo-base-pairs. In this study, we characterized the HgII-mediated T-T (T-HgII-T) base pair by Raman spectroscopy, which revealed the unique physical and chemical properties of HgII. A characteristic Raman marker band at 1586 cm−1 was observed and assigned to the C4=O4 stretching mode. We confirmed the assignment by the isotopic shift (18O-labeling at O4) and density functional theory (DFT) calculations. The unusually low wavenumber of the C4=O4 stretching suggested that the bond order of the C4=O4 bond reduced from its canonical value. This reduction of the bond order can be explained if the enolate-like structure (N3=C4-O4−) is involved as a resonance contributor in the thymine ring of the T-HgII-T pair. This resonance includes the N-HgII-bonded state (HgII-N3-C4=O4) and the N-HgII-dissociated state (HgII+ N3=C4-O4−), and the latter contributor reduced the bond order of N-HgII. Consequently, the HgII nucleus in the T-HgII-T pair exhibited a cationic character. Natural bond orbital (NBO) analysis supports the interpretations of the Raman experiments

    Alkaloids of the family Amaryllidaceae and their biological aktivity II.

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    Charles University, Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové Department: Department of Pharmacognosy (16-16180) Author: Štefan Kosturko Supervisor: PharmDr. Marcela Šafratová, Ph.D. Advisor: PharmDr. Daniela Hulcová, Ph.D. Thesis title: Alkaloids of the family Amaryllidaceae and their biological activity II. Key words: Narcissus pseudonarcissus dutch master; bulbs; alkaloidal extracts; GC/MS analysis; biological activity; acetylcholinesterase; butyrylcholinesterase. The main aim of the thesis ‚,Alkaloids of the family Amaryllidaceae and their biological activity II.'' was the isolation of alkaloids, as a pure substances, in sufficient quantities to identify their structure and to test their biological aktivity in vitro. Alkaloids were separated from subfraction number 82 - 97 of weigh 2,3268 g. This subfraction was a part of the total plant extract, which was prepared by PharmDr. Daniela Hulcová Ph.D., as a part of her dissertation thesis and who also performed primary extraction and separation work. A total and concentrated alkaloid extract weighing 58 g, which included the aforementioned subfraction, was obtained. The already mentioned alkaloid subfraction, was divided by preparative thin-layer chromatography into five separates, which were subjected to further phytochemical work, and five pure..

    Alkaloids of the family Amaryllidaceae and their biological aktivity II.

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    Charles University, Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové Department: Department of Pharmacognosy (16-16180) Author: Štefan Kosturko Supervisor: PharmDr. Marcela Šafratová, Ph.D. Advisor: PharmDr. Daniela Hulcová, Ph.D. Thesis title: Alkaloids of the family Amaryllidaceae and their biological activity II. Key words: Narcissus pseudonarcissus dutch master; bulbs; alkaloidal extracts; GC/MS analysis; biological activity; acetylcholinesterase; butyrylcholinesterase. The main aim of the thesis ‚,Alkaloids of the family Amaryllidaceae and their biological activity II.'' was the isolation of alkaloids, as a pure substances, in sufficient quantities to identify their structure and to test their biological aktivity in vitro. Alkaloids were separated from subfraction number 82 - 97 of weigh 2,3268 g. This subfraction was a part of the total plant extract, which was prepared by PharmDr. Daniela Hulcová Ph.D., as a part of her dissertation thesis and who also performed primary extraction and separation work. A total and concentrated alkaloid extract weighing 58 g, which included the aforementioned subfraction, was obtained. The already mentioned alkaloid subfraction, was divided by preparative thin-layer chromatography into five separates, which were subjected to further phytochemical work, and five pure..
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