135 research outputs found

    The Generalized Star Product and the Factorization of Scattering Matrices on Graphs

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    In this article we continue our analysis of Schr\"odinger operators on arbitrary graphs given as certain Laplace operators. In the present paper we give the proof of the composition rule for the scattering matrices. This composition rule gives the scattering matrix of a graph as a generalized star product of the scattering matrices corresponding to its subgraphs. We perform a detailed analysis of the generalized star product for arbitrary unitary matrices. The relation to the theory of transfer matrices is also discussed

    Global Bounds for the Lyapunov Exponent and the Integrated Density of States of Random Schr\"odinger Operators in One Dimension

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    In this article we prove an upper bound for the Lyapunov exponent γ(E)\gamma(E) and a two-sided bound for the integrated density of states N(E)N(E) at an arbitrary energy E>0E>0 of random Schr\"odinger operators in one dimension. These Schr\"odinger operators are given by potentials of identical shape centered at every lattice site but with non-overlapping supports and with randomly varying coupling constants. Both types of bounds only involve scattering data for the single-site potential. They show in particular that both γ(E)\gamma(E) and N(E)E/πN(E)-\sqrt{E}/\pi decay at infinity at least like 1/E1/\sqrt{E}. As an example we consider the random Kronig-Penney model.Comment: 9 page

    Boundary condition at the junction

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    The quantum graph plays the role of a solvable model for a two-dimensional network. Here fitting parameters of the quantum graph for modelling the junction is discussed, using previous results of the second author.Comment: Replaces unpublished draft on related researc

    Sharpening the norm bound in the subspace perturbation theory

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    Let A be a self-adjoint operator on a Hilbert space H. Assume that {\sigma} is an isolated component of the spectrum of A, i.e. dist({\sigma},{\Sigma})=d>0 where {\Sigma}=spec(A)\{\sigma}. Suppose that V is a bounded self-adjoint operator on H such that ||V||<d/2 and let L=A+V. Denote by P the spectral projection of A associated with the spectral set {\sigma} and let Q be the spectral projection of L corresponding to the closed ||V||-neighborhood of {\sigma}. We prove a bound of the form arcsin(||P-Q||)\leq M(||V||/d), M: [0,1/2)-->R^+, that is essentially stronger than the previously known estimates for ||P-Q||. In particular, the bound obtained ensures that ||P-Q||<1 and, thus, that the spectral subspaces Ran(P) and Ran(Q) are in the acute-angle case whenever ||V||<cd with c=0.454169... (the precise expression for c is also given). Our proof of the above results is based on using the triangle inequality for the maximal angle between subspaces and on employing the a priori generic \sin2\theta estimate for the variation of a spectral subspace. As an example, the boundedly perturbed quantum harmonic oscillator is discussed.Comment: Some typos fixed; minor changes in the text; a new reference adde

    Физико-химическая характеристика и кривые разгонки газового конденсата Мыльджинского месторождения

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    The industrial application of laser welding implies a reliable and efficient production process. In order to facilitate this, modeling and simulation is used to reveal the crucial points of the welding process. The welding process is described by transport phenomena for mass, momentum and energy. The three involved phases (solid, liquid, gaseous) interact over the free moving phase boundaries. The present boundary layer characters allow to reduce the dimension of these Free Boundary Problems. However, the boundary layer character of the melt flow is lost close to the stagnation point. This can be understood as perturbation of the asymptotic solution in the boundary layer. This perturbation is identified to be singular. The description of the flow near the stagnation point leads to a modified Hiemenz problem which can be solved analytically. The resulting welding model reproduces the time-dependent spatially 3d-distributed welding process. Technical relevant prediction of seam width and depth are compared to experimental results. The reproduction of thermal monitoring signals from the interaction zone between laser and material will be approached

    The Berry-Keating operator on L^2(\rz_>, x) and on compact quantum graphs with general self-adjoint realizations

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    The Berry-Keating operator H_{\mathrm{BK}}:= -\ui\hbar(x\frac{ \phantom{x}}{ x}+{1/2}) [M. V. Berry and J. P. Keating, SIAM Rev. 41 (1999) 236] governing the Schr\"odinger dynamics is discussed in the Hilbert space L^2(\rz_>, x) and on compact quantum graphs. It is proved that the spectrum of HBKH_{\mathrm{BK}} defined on L^2(\rz_>, x) is purely continuous and thus this quantization of HBKH_{\mathrm{BK}} cannot yield the hypothetical Hilbert-Polya operator possessing as eigenvalues the nontrivial zeros of the Riemann zeta function. A complete classification of all self-adjoint extensions of HBKH_{\mathrm{BK}} acting on compact quantum graphs is given together with the corresponding secular equation in form of a determinant whose zeros determine the discrete spectrum of HBKH_{\mathrm{BK}}. In addition, an exact trace formula and the Weyl asymptotics of the eigenvalue counting function are derived. Furthermore, we introduce the "squared" Berry-Keating operator HBK2:=x22xx22xxx1/4H_{\mathrm{BK}}^2:= -x^2\frac{ ^2\phantom{x}}{ x^2}-2x\frac{ \phantom{x}}{ x}-{1/4} which is a special case of the Black-Scholes operator used in financial theory of option pricing. Again, all self-adjoint extensions, the corresponding secular equation, the trace formula and the Weyl asymptotics are derived for HBK2H_{\mathrm{BK}}^2 on compact quantum graphs. While the spectra of both HBKH_{\mathrm{BK}} and HBK2H_{\mathrm{BK}}^2 on any compact quantum graph are discrete, their Weyl asymptotics demonstrate that neither HBKH_{\mathrm{BK}} nor HBK2H_{\mathrm{BK}}^2 can yield as eigenvalues the nontrivial Riemann zeros. Some simple examples are worked out in detail.Comment: 33p

    Lagrangian structures in time-periodic vortical flows

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    The Lagrangian trajectories of fluid particles are experimentally studied in an oscillating four-vortex velocity field. The oscillations occur due to a loss of stability of a steady flow and result in a regular reclosure of streamlines between the vortices of the same sign. The Eulerian velocity field is visualized by tracer displacements over a short time period. The obtained data on tracer motions during a number of oscillation periods show that the Lagrangian trajectories form quasi-regular structures. The destruction of these structures is determined by two characteristic time scales: the tracers are redistributed sufficiently fast between the vortices of the same sign and much more slowly transported into the vortices of opposite sign. The observed behavior of the Lagrangian trajectories is quantitatively reproduced in a new numerical experiment with two-dimensional model of the velocity field with a small number of spatial harmonics. A qualitative interpretation of phenomena observed on the basis of the theory of adiabatic chaos in the Hamiltonian systems is given. <br><br> The Lagrangian trajectories are numerically simulated under varying flow parameters. It is shown that the spatial-temporal characteristics of the Lagrangian structures depend on the properties of temporal change in the streamlines topology and on the adiabatic parameter corresponding to the flow. The condition for the occurrence of traps (the regions where the Lagrangian particles reside for a long time) is obtained

    Zeta functions of quantum graphs

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    In this article we construct zeta functions of quantum graphs using a contour integral technique based on the argument principle. We start by considering the special case of the star graph with Neumann matching conditions at the center of the star. We then extend the technique to allow any matching conditions at the center for which the Laplace operator is self-adjoint and finally obtain an expression for the zeta function of any graph with general vertex matching conditions. In the process it is convenient to work with new forms for the secular equation of a quantum graph that extend the well known secular equation of the Neumann star graph. In the second half of the article we apply the zeta function to obtain new results for the spectral determinant, vacuum energy and heat kernel coefficients of quantum graphs. These have all been topics of current research in their own right and in each case this unified approach significantly expands results in the literature.Comment: 32 pages, typos corrected, references adde

    Kirchhoff's Rule for Quantum Wires

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    In this article we formulate and discuss one particle quantum scattering theory on an arbitrary finite graph with nn open ends and where we define the Hamiltonian to be (minus) the Laplace operator with general boundary conditions at the vertices. This results in a scattering theory with nn channels. The corresponding on-shell S-matrix formed by the reflection and transmission amplitudes for incoming plane waves of energy E>0E>0 is explicitly given in terms of the boundary conditions and the lengths of the internal lines. It is shown to be unitary, which may be viewed as the quantum version of Kirchhoff's law. We exhibit covariance and symmetry properties. It is symmetric if the boundary conditions are real. Also there is a duality transformation on the set of boundary conditions and the lengths of the internal lines such that the low energy behaviour of one theory gives the high energy behaviour of the transformed theory. Finally we provide a composition rule by which the on-shell S-matrix of a graph is factorizable in terms of the S-matrices of its subgraphs. All proofs only use known facts from the theory of self-adjoint extensions, standard linear algebra, complex function theory and elementary arguments from the theory of Hermitean symplectic forms.Comment: 40 page

    Grassmann-Gaussian integrals and generalized star products

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    In quantum scattering on networks there is a non-linear composition rule for on-shell scattering matrices which serves as a replacement for the multiplicative rule of transfer matrices valid in other physical contexts. In this article, we show how this composition rule is obtained using Berezin integration theory with Grassmann variables.Comment: 14 pages, 2 figures. In memory of Al.B. Zamolodichiko