119 research outputs found

    ERAWATCH country reports 2011: Czech Republic

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    The main objective of the ERAWATCH Annual Country Reports is to characterise and assess the performance of national research systems and related policies in a structured manner that is comparable across countries. EW Country Reports 2011 identify the structural challenges faced by national innovation systems. They further analyse and assess the ability of the policy mix in place to consistently and efficiently tackle these challenges. The annex of the reports gives an overview of the latest national policy efforts towards the enhancement of European Research Area and further assess their efficiency to achieve the targets. These reports were originally produced in November - December 2011, focusing on policy developments over the previous twelve months. The reports were produced by the ERAWATCH Network under contract to JRC-IPTS. The analytical framework and the structure of the reports have been developed by the Institute for Prospective Technological Studies of the Joint Research Centre (JRC-IPTS) and Directorate General for Research and Innovation with contributions from ERAWATCH Network AsblJRC.J.2-Knowledge for Growt

    Contact application of Lamiaceae botanicals reduces bean weevil infestation in stored beans

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    The bean weevil (Acanthoscelides obtectus, Say) is a serious pest of stored bean seeds. Bean weevil control relies heavily on the use of synthetic insecticides. In the search for a sustainable alternative, the residual contact toxicity and anti-oviposition activity of thyme (Thymus vulgaris L.), rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis L.) and basil (Ocimum basilicum L.) essential oils as well as their dominant components (thymol, alpha-pinene, 1,8-cineole and linalool) were tested against A. obtectus adults. Out of the seven tested botanicals, T. vulgaris oil, thymol and linalool exhibited the highest toxic potential (>90% mortality). Females were less susceptible than males. The insecticidal activity of these botanicals was much greater when they were applied on glass compared to direct application to the bean. All tested botanicals reduced oviposition by bean weevil females. T. vulgaris oil, thymol and a-pinene also deterred bean weevil oviposition, as revealed by a two-choice test. Our research shows that T. vulgaris oil and thymol are promising and sustainable alternatives to synthetic pesticides for protecting stored beans against the bean weevil

    Suzbijanje kukuruzove zlatice Diabrotica virgifera virgifera

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    Western corn rootworm (WCR) was registered for the first time in Europe near the Surčin international airport in Serbia in 1992. The spread of WCR on the territory of Serbia and its population density increased fast. The Serbian territory was entirely populated in the following few years, while major damages occurred on corn grown for two or more years in the same field. Data on damages caused to over 140,000 ha under corn until 1999 were collected by organized monitoring. After 2000 and 2003, population abundance of D.v. virgifera, as well as the number of damaged corn fields, significantly decreased due to drought and application of crop rotation. Corn rootworm has one generation per year. It overwinters in the egg stage. Under the climatic conditions of Serbia larvae hatching starts around May 15th. The highest number of larvae on root is observed around June 20th when feeding is most intensive and plants become lodged as they lose roots. First adults emerge by the end of June. Their abundance increases during July and reaches maximum by the end of the month. From the second decade of August the abundance decreases. Adults are present in the field until the first frosts. Larvae are much more harmful and significant than adults. Larvae feed on roots or into roots by boring. Roots can be entirely destroyed under heavy attack and the host plants lodged already at the end of June. Under our climatic and agrotechnical conditions, adults are sporadic pests. Adults are a threat only when sowing is done after the optimal sowing date or in case of stubble corn sowing. Crop rotation is an efficient and most widespread means of WCR control. No damage on corn grown in crop rotation has been registered in Serbia for now. In the first year of production corn does not require protection from Diabrotica virgifera virgifera LeConte larvae. Several insecticides have performed high efficacy by application at sowing and have been registered for commercial use. On the other hand, soil insecticides have never been applied on a significant area in Serbia.Kukuruzova zlatica je prvi put registrovana 1992. godine pored međunarodnog aerodroma Surčin. Širenje zlatice po teritoriji Srbije i porast gustine njene populacije je bilo brzo. Celokupna teritorija Srbije je naseljena u narednih nekoliko godina, pri čemu su se značajne štete javile na kukuruzu u ponovljenoj setvi. Sakupljeni su podaci o štetama na preko 140.000 ha kukuruza u periodu do 1999. godine. Posle 2000. i 2003. godine brojnost popualcije D.v. virgifera kao i broj oštećenih kukuruzovih polja je značajno smanjen zbog suše i masovne primene plodoreda. Kukuruzova zlatica ima jednu generaciju godišnje. Prezimljava u stadijumu jajeta. U klimatskim uslovima Srbije piljenje larvi počinje oko 15. maja. Najveći broj larvi se nalazi na korenu kukuruza oko 20. juna kada je ishrana larvi najintenzivnija. Zbog gubitka korena dolazi do poleganja biljaka. Odrasli insekti se javljaju krajem juna. Njihova brojnost raste tokom jula i dostiže maksimum krajem tog meseca. Od druge dekade avgusta brojnost imaga opada. Odrasli insekti se mogu naći u polju sve do prvih mrazeva. Larve se hrane na korenu ili se ubušuju u njega. U slučaju velikog napada koren može biti potpuno uništen i takve biljke već krajem juna poležu. U našim klimatskim i agrotehničkim uslovima odrasli insekti su sporadične štetočine. Oni mogu biti štetni u slučajevima kasnije setve ili postrne setve. Plodored je efikasan i najrasprostranjeniji način suzbijanja kukuruzove zlatice. Do sada se u Srbiji nisu javile štete na kukuruzu u plodoredu. Stoga se u kukuruzu u plodoredu ne primenjuju zaštitne mere. Više insekticida pokazuje dobre rezultate u suzbijanju kukuruzove zlatice kada se primenjuju sa setvom i imaju dozvolu za primenu u Srbiji. Međutim, zemljišni insekticidi nisu nikada do sada primenjeni na većim površinama za suzbijanje kukuruzove zlatice

    Efekti primene biostimulatora na prinos nadzemne biomase bosiljka (Ocimum Basilicum L. ) na različitim tipovima zemljišta

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    The influence of Epin-extra and cirkon biostimulators in the above-ground biomass yield varieties of basil 'sitnolisni'. Research was conducted on three soil types humogley, chernozem and brown forest. The experiment was based direct sowing of seeds on the model completely randomized block design with four replications. Epin- extra first application was the extra dose of 50 ml/ha at the time of basil plant growth (height 20 cm). Another application is in the dose was 40 ml/ha at the stage before flowering plants. The first application of cirkon in the dose was 30 ml/ha at the time of plant growth (height 20 cm). Another application is in the dose was 40 ml/ha at flowering stage of the plant basil. The third option was no application biostimulators and control variant. The highest yield of above-ground biomass basil was achieved on the chernozem soil, and the lowest on the type of soil in the marsh soil. In the variant with cirkon biostimulator achieved very significantly higher above-ground biomass yield of basil varieties with biostimulator epi-extra and control variant.Ispitivan je uticaj biostimulatora EPIN-extra i cirkon na prinos nadzemne biomase sorte bosiljka 'sitnolisni'. Istraživanja su provedena na tri tipa zemljišta: ritska crnica, černozem i gajnjača. Ogled je zasnovan direktnom setvom semena, po modelu potpuno slučajnog blok sistema u četri ponavljanja. Prva primena EPINextra bila je u dozi 50 ml/ha, u vreme porasta biljaka bosiljka (visina oko 20 cm). Druga primena bila je u dozi 40 ml/ha, u fazi pred cvetanje biljaka. Prva primena cirkona bila je u dozi 30 ml/ha, u vreme porasta biljaka (visina oko 20 cm). Druga primena bila je u dozi 40 ml/ha, u fazi pred cvetanje biljaka bosiljka. Treća varijanta, bila je bez primene biostimulatora, odnosno kontrolna varijanta. Najveći prinos nadzemne biomase bosiljka ostvaren je na zemljištu u tipu černozema, a najmanji na zemljištu u tipu ritske crnice. U varijanti sa biostimulatorom cirkon, ostvaren je veoma značajno veći prinos nadzemne biomase bosiljka od varijante sa biostimulatorom EPIN-extra i kontrolne varijante

    Efekti direktne selekcije na produktivna svojstva žalfije (Salvia officinalis L.)

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    A great variability and diversity of sage (Salvia officinalis L.) determine its utility use. Due to its complex chemical composition, sage can be used as a medicinal, scent, melliferous, spice plant and as a natural antioxidant. A cultivated sage population, originating from an autochthonous material from natural habitats, was used as a breeding material. Studies encompassed 60 clones selected from an initial population, while the best 12 were presented in this paper. The trials were carried out in 2005 and 2006. Means, variance, coefficient of variation and selection gain for plant height (cm), herb yield (g), leaf yield (g) and essential oil content (%) were analyzed. The selection gain was evaluated at the selection intensity of 5 and 10%. Clones 20, 22 and 28 out of 60 clones had significantly higher means for observed traits. High values of variance and coefficients of variations for herb and leaf yields point out to the existence of variability, which is an essential condition for the beginning of selection. The application of direct selection with the use of vegetative multiplication resulted in a high selection gain for herb and leaf yields and in a low gain for the essential oil content. The selection gain was greater at the selection intensity of 5% than of 10%. It can be stated that herb and leaf yields can have a greater effect on essential oil yield per area unit than its percentage participation. The selection gain varied over years and traits.Ispitivanjima je obuhvaćeno 60 klonova odabranih iz početne populacije, dok je u radu prikazano 12 najboljih. Ogledi su izvedeni tokom 2005. i 2006. Od 60 klonova, klonovi 20, 22 i 28 su imali značajno više srednje vrednosti za ispitivana svojstva. Visoke vrednosti varijanse i koeficijenata varijacije za prinos herbe i lišća ukazuju na postojanje varijabilnosti koja je osnovni uslov za početak selekcije. Primenom metoda direktne selekcije uz korišćenje vegetativnog razmnožavanja ostvarena je visoka selekciona dobit za prinos herbe i lista, a niska za sadržaj etarskog ulja. Pri intenzitetu selekcije od 5% ostvarena je veća selekciona dobit u odnosu na intenzitet od 10%

    Analysis of polymorphism in the survivin gene promoter as a potential risk factor for head and neck cancers development

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    Introduction. Association studies have shown that gene polymorphisms in various classes of genes can modulate cancer risk. The -31G/C polymorphism in the promoter of survivin gene, affects the expression of the anti-apoptotic protein survivin which in turn may predispose an individual to some types of cancer. Objective. The aim of the study was to determine whether the survivin promoter -31G/C polymorphism could be a susceptibility factor for squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) of the oral cavity and basal cell carcinoma (BCC) of the skin. Methods. The DNA obtained from 88 patients with SCC, 60 patients with BCC and 111 healthy individuals was subjected to polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis (PCR- RFLP) in order to determine genotype and allele frequencies in patients and control groups. Logistic regression was used for cancer risk assessment. Results. The following distribution of genotypes was obtained: CC genotype 15% in the SCC group, 13% in the BCC group and 12% in controls; CG genotype 41% in SCCs, 35% in BCCs, 48% in controls; GG genotype 44% in SCCs, 52% in BCCs and 40% in controls. Allelic frequencies were as follows: G allele 0.65 in SCCs, 0.69 in BCCs and 0.64 in the control group; C allele 0.35 in SCCs, 0.31 in BCCs and 0.36 in the control group. There was no statistically significant difference in allele or genotype frequencies between the patients and controls (p>0.05). Conclusion. In Serbian population, -31G/C polymorphism in the promoter of the survivin gene cannot be considered as a risk factor for oral squamous cell carcinoma and skin basal cell carcinoma. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 175075

    Silicon Alleviates Iron Deficiency in Barley by Enhancing Expression of Strategy II Genes and Metal Redistribution

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    The beneficial effects of silicon (Si) have been shown on plants using reduction-based strategy for iron (Fe) acquisition. Here we investigated the influence of Si on Fe deficiency stress alleviation in barley (Hordeum vulgare), a crop plant which uses the chelation-based strategy for Fe acquisition. Analyses of chlorophyll content, ROS accumulation, antioxidative status, concentrations of Fe and other micronutrients, along with the expression of Strategy II genes were studied in response to Si supply. Si successfully ameliorated Fe deficiency in barley, diminishing chlorophyll and biomass loss, and improving the activity of antioxidative enzymes, resulting in lowered reactive oxidative species accumulation in the youngest leaves. Alleviation of Fe deficiency stress correlated well with the Si-induced increase of Fe content in the youngest leaves, while it was decreased in root. Moreover, Si nutrition lowered accumulation of other micronutrients in the youngest leaves of Fe deprived plants, by retaining them in the root. On the transcriptional level, Si led to an expedient increase in the expression of genes involved in Strategy II Fe acquisition in roots at the early stage of Fe deficiency stress, while decreasing their expression in a prolonged stress response. Expression of Strategy II genes was remarkably upregulated in the leaves of Si supplied plants. This study broadens the perspective of mechanisms of Si action, providing evidence for ameliorative effects of Si on Strategy II plants, including its influence on accumulation and distribution of microelements, as well as on the expression of the Strategy II genes

    Effect of N-forms on Silicon Mobilization in the Rhizosphere of White Lupin

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    Silicon (Si) is the major constituent of soil present in various fractions, i.e., mobile, adsorbed, occluded (in pedogenic oxides and hydroxides), amorphous (biogenic and lithogenic) and crystalline (primary and secondary silicates, and quartz). Different soil factors such as pH, temperatures, microbial activity, the presence of cations, Al/Fe oxides and hydroxides and organic compounds, influence Si transformation, thereby modifying plant availably of Si. Silicon mobility and transformation in the soil have mainly been studied in the context of pedogenesis or biogeochemical Si cycling. However, research on Si mobility, transformation, and plant availability in the rhizosphere is still lacking. Here, we investigated the root potential of white lupine (Lupinus albus L.), known as a phosphorus (P)-efficient model plant (e.g., root release of H+ and carboxylates), to mobilize Si from the soil. Plants were grown in the rhizoboxes filled with low P soil (control) and fertilized with different N-forms (NO3, NH4 and NO3NH4). The control, NO3- and NO3NH4-fertilized plants accumulated significantly lower amounts of Si than the NH4-fertilized ones. All applied N-forms influenced Si availability in the bulk soil, but Si fractions have further been modified in the rhizosphere, what was crucial for Si accumulation in plants. For instance, NO3 supply slightly decreased Si availability in the bulk soil, but lupine plants accumulated a similar amount of Si as the control plants. A strong gradient of decreasing Si concentrations between bulk and rhizosphere soils was observed in mobile, adsorbed, and amorphous biogenic Si pools in the control and in all N treatments, while occluded and lithogenic amorphous Si pools were recalcitrant. Interestingly, a gradient of increasing concentrations of the amorphous biogenic Si pool between bulk and rhizosphere soils was recorded in the NH4 treatment, concomitantly with the strongest rhizosphere acidification

    Pure Camphor and a Thujone‐Camphor Mixture as Eco‐Friendly Antifeedants against Larvae and Adults of the Colorado Potato Beetle

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    The Colorado potato beetle (CPB) is a serious pest of economically important Solanaceae species. The use of essential oil compounds in pest management has been proposed as an alternative to harmful chemical insecticides that disturb human health and ecosystem functioning. We examined the antifeedant activity of three concentrations (0.125%, 0.25% and 0.5%) of pure camphor and a thujone-camphor mixture against 3rd instar larvae and adults. Their efficacy was evaluated according to the degree of leaf damage and avoidance of treated leaves by the CPB. Treatment of potato leaves significantly reduced leaf damage compared to the control. Leaf protection increased at higher concentrations of the examined compounds. Camphor was more effective against larvae and the thujone-camphor mixture was more effective against adults. Additionally, adults moved faster towards the control leaf disc in the two-choice olfactometer assay if an alternative disc was treated with a thujone-camphor mixture, whereas larvae responded similarly to the two potential repellents. However, after contact with the leaf disc treated with the highest compound concentration, the larvae escaped faster from the thujone-camphor mixture than from pure camphor. In conclusion, both examined compounds are promising eco-friendly antifeedants, but their efficacy depends on the developmental stage of the beetle, compound type and applied concentration

    Effects of preparation conditions on the catalytic activity of chicken eggshell catalysts for the transesterification of oils to biodiesel

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    Eggshell based catalysts were synthesized by calcination (600 and 900 ºC, 4 h) of raw and rehydration (RH) modified (RH-temperature of 80 ºC, S/L ratio of 1/5, and RH-time of 6 h) eggshell. After RH-treatment, the sample underwent calcination at 600 ºC, 4 h. Obtained catalysts were characterized by XRD, SEM, N2-physisorption, and Hg-porosimetry, whereas the catalytic activity was analyzed in a batch reactor (reaction temperature of 60 ºC, sunflower oil/methanol molar ratio of 1/12, and catalyst concentration of 4 wt.%). The concentration of fatty acid methyl esters (FAMEs) was determined by HPLC. The reaction has reached equilibrium (FAME > 97%) with rehydrated catalyst for 1.5 h, whereas with catalyst calcined at 900 ºC for 4 h