392 research outputs found

    Isolation of cationic and neutral (allenylidene)(carbene) and bis(allenylidene)gold complexes.

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    The one-electron reduction of a cationic (allenylidene)[cyclic(alkyl) (amino)carbene]gold(i) complex leads to the corresponding neutral, paramagnetic, formally gold(0) complex. DFT calculations reveal that the spin density of this highly robust coinage metal complex is mainly located on the allenylidene fragment, with only 1.8 and 3.1% on the gold center and the CAAC ligand, respectively. In addition, the first homoleptic bis(allenylidene)gold(i) complex has been prepared and fully characterized


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    Currently in a systemic crisis and the availability of sanctions in the first place is the problem of development of regions of Russia, therefore, the definition of the main socio-economic trends of development of regions is the most relevant. Research and analysis of fields of activity of separate regions enables determination of the trajectories of regional development in the whole country. The article identifies the main positive and negative trends in socio-economic development of Nizhniy Novgorod region, classified according to three main spheres of life: social, economic and information based on which the basic problems of territorial development, which are the causes of instability in the region


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    Тhe article is devoted to the topical subject of a modern economy-development of regional economy in crisis, because of the need to determine the competitive status of the region (municipality), identification of factors of instability for further dynamic socio-economic development of the territory. The author of the article proposes an indicative list of factors for assessing the volatility of the regional economy in the context of a systemic crisis


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    Currently in a systemic crisis and the availability of sanctions in the first place is the problem of development of regions of Russia, therefore, the definition of the main socio-economic trends of development of regions is the most relevant. Research and analysis of fields of activity of separate regions enables determination of the trajectories of regional development in the whole country. The article identifies the main positive and negative trends in socio-economic development of Nizhniy Novgorod region, classified according to three main spheres of life: social, economic and information based on which the basic problems of territorial development, which are the causes of instability in the region


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    Тhe article is devoted to the topical subject of a modern economy-development of regional economy in crisis, because of the need to determine the competitive status of the region (municipality), identification of factors of instability for further dynamic socio-economic development of the territory. The author of the article proposes an indicative list of factors for assessing the volatility of the regional economy in the context of a systemic crisis


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    The article presents a qualitative analysis of risks energy companies on the basis of their classification. The analysis of the main types of risk generation, transmission and retail companies and the impact of risks on the results of their activities. The result is a material that is used as a basis for further building the risk management system on the basis of their classification, ranking, and determining the extent of their impact on the operations of energy companies


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    The article presents a qualitative analysis of risks energy companies on the basis of their classification. The analysis of the main types of risk generation, transmission and retail companies and the impact of risks on the results of their activities. The result is a material that is used as a basis for further building the risk management system on the basis of their classification, ranking, and determining the extent of their impact on the operations of energy companies

    Scientometrics: A Tool for Monitoring and Support of Research

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    The origins of scientometrics (research metrics) are discussed. The approaches to research evaluation are reviewed, and the tendency to replacing formal quantitative indicators by expert review based on bibliometric indicators is emphasized. The principles of “Leiden Manifesto of Scientometrics” are set out, providing for transparent monitoring and support of research and encouraging constructive dialog between the scientific community and the public. The methodological framework and the peculiarities of implementation of the information and analytical system “Bibliometryka Ukrayinskoyi Nauky” (“Bibliometrics of the Ukrainian Science”), constructed by the Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine, are shown. The proposals on creating advisory councils, responsible for formulating conclusions on the research effectiveness of institutions, are given. The feasibility of building a common platform for expert evaluation of research for the Eastern Partnership Countries by launching similar bibliometric projects in these countries and their further convergence is considered.Досліджено витоки наукометрії. Розглянуто підходи до оцінювання результативності наукової діяльності та відмічено тенденцію переходу від формальних кількісних індикаторів до отримання експертного висновку на основі бібліометричних показників. Викладено принципи Лейденського маніфесту наукометрії, дотримання яких забезпечує прозорий моніторинг і підтримку розвитку науки, а також сприяє налагодженню конструктивного діалогу між науковим середовищем та суспільством. Показано концептуальні положення і особливості практичної реалізації інформаційно-аналітичної системи «Бібліометрика української науки», розробленої в Національній бібліотеці України імені В. І. Вернадського. Розглянуто пропозиції щодо формування експертних рад, які ухвалюватимуть висновки про ефективність наукової діяльності установ. Обґрунтовано доцільність побудови загальної платформи для експертного оцінювання наукових досліджень країн Східного партнерства шляхом ініціювання аналогічних бібліометричних проектів у цих країнах та їх подальшої конвергенції.Исследованы истоки наукометрии. Рассмотрены подходы к оцениванию результативности научной деятельности и отмечена тенденция перехода от формальных количественных индикаторов к получению экспертного вывода на основе библиометрических показателей. Изложены принципы Лейденского манифеста наукометрии, соблюдение которых обеспечивает прозрачный мониторинг и поддержку развития науки, а также способствует налаживанию конструктивного диалога между научной средой и обществом. Представлены концептуальные положения и особенности практической реализации информационно-аналитической системы «Библиометрика украинской науки», разработанной в Национальной библиотеке Украины имени В. И. Вернадского. Рассмотрены предложения по формированию экспертных советов, которые будут принимать заключения об эффективности научной деятельности учреждений. Обоснована целесообразность построения общей платформы для экспертного оценивания научных исследований стран Восточного партнерства путем инициирования аналогичных библиометрических проектов в этих странах и их последующей конвергенции

    Welding optimization of thin metal

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    Початкову матрицю планування експерименту оптимізовано за вартістю реалізації за допомогою програмного забезпечення. Отримано математичну модель процесу зварювання пластин. Визначено оптимальний режим проведення точкового зварювання пластин зі сталі електротехнічної малої товщини.Optimization of metal plates welding with small thickness was held using the methods of planning the experiment. The initial design of experiment matrix is optimized for the implementation cost using the search program of optimal combinatorial multilevel multifactor experiment plans. At the core of the program is the generation of combinatorial multifactor experiment plans, evaluation of their characteristics, the selection of the optimal implementation cost variant. Using the program the prize of the implementation cost of the experiment plan in 1,93 times as compared with the initial plan and in 3,00 times as compared with the plan that has a maximum value, is achieved. According to the obtained optimized plan a full factorial experiment was conducted. For each experiment matrix duplicate experiment was carried out to reduce random errors. As the factors that influence the value of capacitor, the rate of transformation, the pressure on the electrodes were considered. As the parameter of optimization the efforts gap of welded plates on tensile machine was elected. The mathematical model of plates welding is obtained. The adequacy of the obtained mathematical model is confirmed by the Fisher's exact test. Checking of the regression coefficients significance was performed using the Student's criterion. The coefficients of all the factors considered were significant. According to the mathematical models, a substantial change in the parameter optimization is caused by a change in value of capacitor, because it has the largest coefficient in absolute value. To increase the welded plates break efforts it is necessary to increase the value of capacitor and to reduce the rate of transformation and pressure on the electrodes. The search of the optimal parameters of welding process was carried out using a gradient method. The movement of the gradient is carried out by adding to the basic level of pitch variation for each factor. The calculation step is carried out by multiplying the coefficients of variation of the mathematical model for the interval of variation for each factor. The gradient motion series of experiments are obtained. The experiences that matter the most parameter optimization have been realized in practice. Obtained in practice parameter of optimization is close to the calculated using the mathematical model. The optimal mode of spot resistance welding of thin electrical steel plates is defined. To achieve the maximum strength spot welding of thin electrical steel plates it is recommended to set the following parameters: the value of capacitor – 140 uF, the coefficient of transformation – 75, the pressure on the electrodes – 10 N