38 research outputs found

    Magnetically altered ethanol fermentation capacity of Saccharomyces cerevisiae

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    We studied the effect of static magnetic fields on ethanol production by yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae 424A (LNH-ST) using sugar cane molasses during the fermentation in an enclosed bioreactor. Two static NdFeB magnets were attached to a cylindrical tube reactor with their opposite poles (north to south), creating 150 mT magnetic field inside the reactor. Comparable differences emerged between the results of these two experimental conditions. We found ethanol productivity to be 15% higher in the samples exposed to 150 mT magnetic field

    Virtual water in agricultural production

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    Virtual water refers both to water consumed during the process of production and water remaining as the constituent of the product. Apart from its quantity, easily calculated, it can also be determined in qualitative terms, through the water footprint, which describes the amount of water used by any biological entity. It can be presented as three-portion system, comprised of blue, green and gray water. The attempts to solve agricultural problems in the countries suffering from water shortage, the importance of green water has been emphasized, pointing to adequate water management. Virtual water concept enabled understanding of the international water trading ways, as it remains within the products traded. Adjusting export oriented food production any country can save significant amounts of domestic water, thus implementing its water sustainability that is important for all the countries. Since large quantities of good quality water for agricultural irrigation are the utmost requirement, it is often a limiting factor, implying that new methodology of water-food transformation should be developed

    Upotreba komorača u organskoj poljoprivredi

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    Fennel (Foeniculum vulgare Mill.) originated from Mediterranean area. His ap­pearance is very similar to dill, but unlike it has a sweet taste and odor similar to anise. Fennel has two varieties: var. vulgare also called bitter, and var. dulce or sweet fennel. In organic farming has a much greater significance var. vulgare, which is a perennial species that are grown for fruit. The essential oil of the fruit has antifungal, virostatic, insecticidal and nematicidal properties, and is therefore very suitable for the synthesis of potential biopesticides that could have wide application in organic agriculture. Fennel in flowering produces large quantities of pollen and nectar, so it attracts a large number of beneficial insects for which it is often used for joint planting with other plants, but also as a buffer in organic agriculture. This plant has long been known as a healing, both in human medicine and in veterinary medicine and animal nutrition. Mainly used as a natural antibiotic and stimulator of growth, particularly in poultry, but has great significance in beekeeping, fish and sheep breeding.Komorač (Foeniculum vulgare Mill.) potiče iz Sredozemlja. Izgled mu je veo­ma sličan mirođiji, ali za razliku od nje ima sladak ukus i miris sličan anisu. Komorač ima dva varijeteta: var. vulgare koji se još naziva gorki, i var. dulce ili slatki komorač. Za organsku poljoprivredu mnogo veći značaj ima var. vulgare, koji je višegodišnja vrsta koja se gaji zbog plodova. Etarsko ulje plodova poseduje antifungalne, virostatičke, insekticidne i nematocidne osobine, te je stoga veoma pogodano za sintezu potencijalnih biopesticida koji bi mogli da imaju široku primenu u organskoj poljoprivredi. Komorač u cvetanju produkuje veliku količinu polena i nektara, pa privlači veliki broj korisnih insekata, zbog čega se često ko­risti za združenu setvu sa drugim biljkama, ali i kao zaštitni pojas u organskoj poljoprivredi. Ova biljka je od davnina poznata i kao lekovita, kako u humanoj medicini, tako i u veterini i ishrani domaćih životinja. Uglavnom se koristi kao prirodni antibiotik i stimulator rasta, posebno u živinarstvu, ali ima veliki značaj i u pčelarstvu, ribarstvu i ovčarstvu

    Valorizacija sporednih proizvoda iz dorade semenske uljane repice

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    After technological processing of rapeseed significant amounts of useful and useless waste products stand out. The aim of the present study was to investigate the chemical composition, content of glucosinolates, microbiological safety, and presence of mycotoxins and heavy element contents of useful rapeseed by-products which are intended for animal nutrition. Feed components as well as complete mixtures for animal feed must be safe and in accordance with the requirements of the current national regulation. The investigated useful by-products contained significant amounts of proteins (21.80%) and fat (33.78%). As a part of the research, extrusion of the mixture containing rapeseed by-products and maize in the ratio of 50:50% was performed. The process of extrusion was carried out at 130 °C. Based on the obtained results it was noticed that the investigated extruded mixture is a convenient protein-energy supplement suitable for animal feed production with significantly reduced glucosinolate content (from 10.30 to 7.82 µmol/g). It was also observed that the extrusion of feed mixture led to the reduction of the number of microorganisms which ensures safe feedstuff for animal feed production.U tehnološkom postupku prerade semenske uljane repice izdvaja se značajna količina otpadnih produkata. Cilj istraživanja bio je da se ispita hemijski sastav, sadržaj glukozinolata, mikrobiološka ispravnost, prisustvo mikotoksina i teških metala u nusproizvodima koji se dobijaju pri doradi semenske uljane repice, namenjenih proizvodnji hrane za životinje. Potpune smeše za ishranu životinja kao i hraniva moraju biti higijenski ispravne i udovoljiti zahtevima važećeg Pravilnika o kvalitetu hrane za životinje. Na osnovu ispitivanja pomenutih parametara, ustanovljeno je da ispitivani sporedni proizvodi sadrže značajnu količinu proteina (21,80%) i masti (33,78%). U okviru istraživanja izvršeno je ekstrudiranje sporednog proizvoda iz dorade semenske uljane repice sa kukuruzom u odnosu 50:50%. Ekstrudiranje smeše primesa iz dorade semenske uljane repice i kukuruza je sprovedeno na temperaturi od 130 °C. Dobijeno je hranivo zadovoljavajućeg nutritivno-hemijskog profila, uz značajnu redukciju sadržaja glukozinolata za 24,08% (sa 10,30 na 7,82 µmol/g). Na osnovu izvedenih ispitivanja, ustanovljeno je da procesom ekstrudiranja hraniva dolazi do smanjenja broja mikroorganizama čime se obezbeđuje higijenska ispravnost ekstrudata

    Virtual water in agricultural production

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    Virtual water refers both to water consumed during the process of production and water remaining as the constituent of the product. Apart from its quantity, easily calculated, it can also be determined in qualitative terms, through the water footprint, which describes the amount of water used by any biological entity. It can be presented as three-portion system, comprised of blue, green and gray water. The attempts to solve agricultural problems in the countries suffering from water shortage, the importance of green water has been emphasized, pointing to adequate water management. Virtual water concept enabled understanding of the international water trading ways, as it remains within the products traded. Adjusting export oriented food production any country can save significant amounts of domestic water, thus implementing its water sustainability that is important for all the countries. Since large quantities of good quality water for agricultural irrigation are the utmost requirement, it is often a limiting factor, implying that new methodology of water-food transformation should be developed

    Effect of preceding crops nitrogen fertilization and cobalt and molybdenum application on yield and quality of soybean grain

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    The three-year study was conducted on a calcareous chernozem experimental plot of the Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops. The experimental field trial was designed as corn soybean wheat crop rotation and performed in four replications. The aim of this study was to determine the effects of soybean seed inoculation with microbiological fertilizer, seed treatment with cobalt and molybdenum, as well as the effect of preceding maize crop fertilization with different dosages of nitrogen, on soybean yield and its protein and oil contents. This would allow defining optimal seed treatment that would enable production of high and stable yield of quality soybeans with the rationalization of the use of mineral nitrogen fertilizers. The application of the largest dose of 250 kg N ha(-1) was responsible for significantly (by 12.11%) higher yields compared with the control. Grain yield was not affected by the application of cobalt and molybdenum. No significant yield increase was found when seed that was treated only with Nitragin. The contents of protein and oil were statistically very significantly different between the three experimental years because the investigated qualitative properties of grain are highly dependent on hydrothermal conditions. The protein content in the soybean increased very significantly following the increasing amounts of nitrogen. Very significant effect of seed treatment on protein and oil content was found. The two-field system of maize and wheat cultivation should be upgraded to the three-field system: maize - soybean - wheat. The use of cobalt and molybdenum in slightly alkaline and alkaline soils did not contribute to the increase of grain yield or protein content in the grain. However, it caused very significant increase in soybean oil content on slightly alkaline soils. The effect of the increase was 1.77%

    Analiza komponenti etarskih ulja plodova selena i celera dobijenih headspace ekstrakcijom

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    Lovage and celery are important as vegetables, spices and medicinal herbs rich in essential oil, which gives them a characteristic aroma. In addition, they have great pharmacological potential and the possibility of being applied as dietary supplements, functional foods and as alternative medicinal substances. By using the headspace extraction essential oil was obtained from the fruit of these two plants and was identified by GC analysis. In the essential oil of lovage fruit 21 components were identified, among which the dominant were ß-phellandrene (77.1%), α-pinene (4.7%), α-phellandrene (4.3%), sabinene (3.3%), myrcene (3.3%) and cis-ß-ocymene (2.7%), while other components were present with less than 1%. The most abundant class of compounds are monoterpenes, while from the compounds of phthalide class only cis-ligustilide was recorded with 0.3%. The essential oil of celery fruit consisted of 17 components, out of which the most common were limonene (94.4%), myrcene (2.2%) and ß-pinene (1.6%), while other components were present in small amounts. The most common class of compounds are monoterpenes, while from the phthalide class sedanenolid was present with 0.2%, while 3-n-buthylphthalide and sedanolide were found in traces.Selen i celer su značajne povrtarske, začinske i lekovite biljke bogate etarskim uljem koje im daje karakterističnu aromu. Pored toga, imaju veliki farmakološki potencijal i mogućnost primene kao dijetetski suplementi, funkcionalna hrana i alternativne lekovite supstance. Primenom Head­space ekstrakcije dobijeno je etarsko ulje iz plodova ove dve biljke koje je identifikovano GC analizom. U etarskom ulju plodova selena identifikovana je 21 komponenta, među kojima dominira β-felandren (77,1%), α-pinen (4,7%), α-felandren (4,3%), sabinen (3,3%), mircen (3,3%) i cis-β-ocimen (2,7%), dok su ostale komponente prisutne sa manje od 1%. Najzastupljenija klasa jedinjenja su monoterpeni, dok je od jedinjenja iz klase ftalida zabeležen samo cis-igustilid sa 0,3%. U etarskom ulju plodova celera, utvrđeno je 17 komponenata, od kojih je najzastupljeniji bio limonen (94,4%), mircen (2,2%) i β-pinen (1,6%), dok su ostale komponente bile prisutne u malim količinama. Najzastupljenija klasa jedinjenja su monoterpeni, dok je od ftalida utvrđen sedanenolid sa 0,2%, a 3-n-butilftalid i sedanolid su bili prisutni u tragovima. PR Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 172053 i realizovano je u okviru projekata: 114-451-2373/2014-03 koji finansira Pokrajinski sekretarijat za nauku i tehnološki razvoj AP Vojvodine

    Efikasnost hijaluronske kiseline u terapiji hroničnog gingivitisa kod dece

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    Introduction/Aim. Gingivitis is a common occurrence in children and may well be thought as a risk factor for the appearance and progression of the diseases of parodontal tissues. It is thus necessary to react in a timely and adequate fashion to prevent the disease to become serious and produce parodontopathy. The aim of the study was to establish the efficacy of hyaluronic acid in the treatment of chronic gingivitis in children. Methods. The study enrolled 130 children with permanent dentition. All of the examinees were divided into three groups: group I - 50 patients with chronic gingivitis in which only the basic treatment was applied; group II - 50 patients with chronic gingivitis in which hyaluronic acid was applied in addition to basic treatment; group III - 30 examinees with healthy gingiva (control group). Assessment of oral hygiene and status of the gingiva and parodontium was done using the appropriate indexes before and after the treatment. Inflammation of the gingiva was monitored by way of cytomorphometric studies. Results. The pretreatment values of the plaque index (PI) were high: in the group I PI was 1.94; in the group II PI was 1.68. After the treatment, the PI value was reduced to null in both groups (PI = 0). In the group III PI was 0.17. The bleeding index (BI) in the group I was 2.02 before and 0.32 after the treatment; the BI value in the group II was 1.74 before and 0.16 after the treatment. In the group III BI was 0. In the group I, the Community Periodontal Index of Treatment Needs (CPITN) was 1.66 before and 0.32 after the treatment; in the group II, the CPITN value was 1.5 before and 0.24 after the treatment. In the group III, the CPITN value was 0. In the group I, the size of the nuclei of the stratified squamous epithelium of the gingiva was reduced, although not so much as the nuclear size in the group II of examinees. Conclusion. Basic treatment is able to successfully treat chronic gingivitis in children. The use of hyaluronic acid together with the basic treatment can markedly improve the treatment effect.Uvod/Cilj. Gingivitis je česta pojava kod dece i može se smatrati faktorom rizika od nastanka i progresije oboljenja ostalih parodontalnih tkiva. Zato je potrebno blagovremeno i adekvatno reagovati kako ne bi došlo do progresije bolesti i nastanka parodontopatije. Cilj rada bio je da se utvrdi efikasnost primene hijaluronske kiseline u terapiji hroničnih gingivitisa kod dece. Metode. Ispitivanjem je bilo obuhvaćeno 130 dece sa stalnom denticijom. Svi ispitanici bili su podeljeni u tri grupe: grupa I - 50 ispitanika sa hroničnim gingivitisom kod kojih je primenjena samo bazična terapija; grupa II - 50 ispitanika sa hroničnim gingivitisom, kod kojih je uz bazičnu terapiju primenjena i terapija hijaluronskom kiselinom; grupa III - 30 ispitanika sa zdravom gingivom (kontrolna grupa). Procena stanja oralne higijene, stanja zdravlja gingive i parodoncijuma vršena je uz pomoć odgovarajućih indeksa pre i posle terapije. Inflamacija gingive praćena je citomorfometrijskim ispitivanjima. Rezultati. Pre terapije, vrednosti indeksa plaka (PI) bile su visoke: u grupi I 1,94, a u grupi II 1,68. Nakon terapije u obe grupe vrednosti PI iznosile su 0. U grupi III vrednost PI bila je 0,17. Indeks krvarenja (IKR) u grupi I pre terapije bio je 2,02, a posle terapije 0,32; u grupi II IKR pre terapije bio je 1,74, a posle terapije 0,16. U grupi III IKR bio je 0. U grupi I, pre terapije, Community Periodontal Index of Treatment Needs (CPITN) bio je 1,66, a posle terapije 0,32; u grupi II pre terapije CPITN bio je 1,5, a posle terapije 0,24. U grupi III CPITN indeks bio je 0. Kod ispitanika grupe I nakon terapije citomorfometrijskim ispitivanjem utvrđeno je da je došlo do smanjenja veličine jedara pločasto slojevitog epitela gingive, ali ne u tolikoj meri kao kod ispitanika grupe II. Zaključak. Bazičnom terapijom može se uspešno sanirati hronični gingivitis kod dece. Primena hijaluronske kiseline uz bazičnu terapiju može bitno poboljšati ovaj efekat