233 research outputs found

    High Frequency Radar Wind Turbine Interference Community Working Group Report

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    Land-based High Frequency (HF) Radars provide critically important observations of the coastal ocean that will be adversely affected by the spinning blades of utility-scale wind turbines. Pathways to mitigate the interference of turbines on HF radar observations exist for small number of turbines; however, a greatly increased pace of research is required to understand how to minimize the complex interference patterns that will be caused by the large arrays of turbines planned for the U.S. outer continental shelf. To support the U.S.’s operational and scientific needs, HF radars must be able to collect high-quality measurements of the ocean’s surface inand around areas with significant numbers of wind turbines. This is a solvable problem, but given the rapid pace of wind energy development, immediate action is needed to ensure that HF radar wind turbine interference mitigation efforts keep pace with the planned build out of turbines

    Phase IIIa-CCS: Latitudinal variation of upwelling, retention, nutrient supply and freshwater effects in the California Current System

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    US-GLOBEC NEP AbstractThis proposal requests funding to: a) synthesize the moored current meter, shore-based HF radar, ship-based hydrographic, and remotely sensed data from the GLOBEC Northeast Pacific (NEP) Long-Term Observation Program (LTOP) and related programs into a coherent, best description of the mesoscale variability along the Pacific Northwest coast from 42 to 48N; and b) relate this physical variability to primary production, zooplankton distributions, and salmon year-class strength in the region. The long-term moorings will allow quantification of the relevant time scales from internal waves to the inter-annual; the satellite images of sea surface temperature and chlorophyll will show the spatial scales; and the HF surface fields will allow timeand space-varying statistics of the mesoscale currents and quasi-Lagrangian pathways to be assessed. The primary scientific objective will be to characterize the alongshelf variability in the upwelling, the nutrients it supplies to the photic zone for utilization by marine organisms, and the retention times of plankton. This variability is affected by the alongshore distribution of the wind stress and fresh water input, by the changes in the bottom topography and coastline orientation, and by pre-conditioning established by inter-annual variability and climate change

    Two coastal upwelling domains in the northern California Current system

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    A pair of hydrographic sections, one north and one south of Cape Blanco at 42.9N, was sampled in five summers (1998–2000 and 2002–2003). The NH line at 44.6N lies about 130 km south of the Columbia River, and spans a relatively wide shelf off Newport, Oregon. The CR line at 41.9N off Crescent City, California, lies 300 km farther south and spans a narrower shelf. Summer winds are predominantly southward in both locations but the southward winds are stronger on the CR line. Sampling included CTD/rosette casts (to measure temperature, salinity, dissolved oxygen, nutrients, chlorophyll), zooplankton net tows and continuous operation of an Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler. We summarize and compare July-August observations from the two locations. We find significant summer-season differences in the coastal upwelling domains north and south of Cape Blanco. Compared to the domain off Newport, the domain off Crescent City has a more saline, cooler, denser and thicker surface mixed layer, a wider coastal zone inshore of the upwelling front and jet, higher nutrient concentrations in the photic zone and higher phytoplankton biomass. The southward coastal jet lies near the coast (about 20–30 km offshore, over the shelf) on the NH line, but far from shore (about 120 km) on the CR line; a weak secondary jet lies near the shelf-break (35 km from shore) off Crescent City. Phytoplankton tend to be light-limited on the CR line and nutrient-limited on the NH line. Copepod biomass is high (15 mg C m−3) inshore of the mid-shelf on both NH and CR lines, and is also high in the core of the coastal jet off Crescent City. The CR line shows evidence of deep chlorophyll pockets that have been subducted from the surface layer. We attribute these significant differences to stronger mean southward wind stress over the southern domain, to strong small-scale wind stress curl in the lee of Cape Blanco, and to the reduced influence of the Columbia River discharge in this region