15 research outputs found

    Ethnic club cultures: postmigrant leisure socialities and music in urban Europe

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    Exit and voice revisited: the challenge of migrant media

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    This paper discusses the implications of transnational media production and diasporic networks for the cultural politics of migrant minorities. How are fields of cultural politics transformed if Hirschmann’s famous options ‘exit’ and ‘voice’ are no longer constituting mutually exclusive responses to dissent within a nation-state, but modes of action that can combine and build upon each other in the context of migration and diasporic media activism? Two case studies are discussed in more detail, relating to Alevi amateur television production in Germany and to a Kurdish satellite television station that reaches out to a diaspora across Europe and the Middle East. Keywords: migrant media, transnationalism, Alevis, Kurds, Turkey, German

    Begegnung mit "Fremden": Reizmomente des urbanen Lebens : Feldforschung in ethnischen Clubszenen: TĂŒrkisch-deutsche ClubnĂ€chte in Berlin, afrokaribische Events in Paris oder "Asian student nights" in London

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    Migranten werden in politischen Debatten oft als festgefĂŒgte Gemeinschaft betrachtet, die in ihrer eigenen nach außen abgeschotteten Welt leben – in einer Parallelgesellschaft. Doch ist das wirklich so? Wie gestalten insbesondere junge Leute mit Migrationshintergrund ihre sozialen Bindungen, wenn sie sich in der urbanen Clubszene europĂ€ischer GroßstĂ€dte bewegen? Das Team um die Soziologin und Kulturanthropologin Kira Kosnick untersucht die Dynamiken dieser Prozesse

    Decolonizing Migration Studies? Thinking about Migration Studies from the Margins

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    Against the background of calls to â€șdecolonize knowledgeâ€č in migration studies as in different academic fields, this article addresses the conditions under which knowledge on migration is produced at German universities. Noting that refugee scholars and those with migration backgrounds from outside Western Europe or North America face specific difficulties in pursuing academic careers, a â€școloniality of migrationâ€č framework is employed to examine how different groups are differentially integrated into the German academic system. Suggesting a self-reflexive focus on the conditions for academic research at higher education institutions, it is argued that the conditions under which a heterogeneous â€șweâ€č performs the work of migration studies are differentially implicated in the governmental curtailment and management of migration and (post)migrant subjects, and in global unequal forms of hegemonic knowledge production. Migrationsforschung dekolonialisieren? Überlegungen zur Migrationsforschung und ihren RĂ€ndern Vor dem Hintergrund von Forderungen nach einer â€șDekolonisierung des Wissensâ€č in der Migrationsforschung, aber auch in anderen wissenschaftlichen Feldern thematisiert dieser Beitrag die Bedingungen, unter denen Wissensproduktion zu Migration an deutschen UniversitĂ€ten stattfindet. Angesichts der besonderen Schwierigkeiten, mit denen geflĂŒchtete Wissenschaftler* innen, aber auch jene mit MigrationshintergrĂŒnden aus LĂ€ndern jenseits von Westeuropa oder Nordamerika auf ihrem akademischen Karriereweg konfrontiert sind, wird der â€școloniality of migrationâ€č-Ansatz genutzt, um die differenzielle Integration verschiedener Gruppen in das deutsche Wissenschaftssystem zu untersuchen. Im Zuge einer selbstreflexiven Thematisierung der Produktionsbedingungen von Forschung an Hochschulen wird argumentiert, dass die Bedingungen, unter denen ein heterogenes â€șWirâ€č die Arbeit der Migrationsforschung betreibt, mit der gouvernementalen Regulierung von Migration und (post)migrantischen Subjekten verknĂŒpft sind sowie mit global ungleichen Formen hegemonialer Wissensproduktion

    Migrant Publics: Mass Media and Stranger-Relationality in Urban Space

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    The development of ethnic minority broadcasting in Germany that aims to give a voice to immigrants and minorities can easily be read as a story of decline. Challenging the focus on discursive deliberation that has marked major debates on minority representation and the public sphere, this article suggests a reconceptualization of the concept of the public in order to highlight different aspects of urban space-making and social imaginaries that are shaped by contemporary Turkish-German mediascapes.En Allemagne, le dĂ©veloppement de chaĂźnes ethniques destinĂ©es Ă  reprĂ©senter immigrants et minoritĂ©s, peut ĂȘtre aisĂ©ment lu comme une histoire en dĂ©clin. En reconsidĂ©rant le dĂ©bat discursif qui a marquĂ© les principales rĂ©flexions menĂ©es sur la reprĂ©sentation des minoritĂ©s dans la sphĂšre publique, cet article propose une rĂ©Ă©valuation de la notion de public dans le but de souligner les diffĂ©rents aspects de la construction de l’espace urbain et des imaginaires sociaux produits par les paysages mĂ©diatiques (mediascapes) turco-allemands.El desarrollo de las emisoras de los grupos de minorĂ­as Ă©tnicas en Alemania que tiene como propĂłsito darle una voz a los inmigrantes y grupos minoritarios, fĂĄcilmente se puede entender cĂłmo una historia en declive. Retando el enfoque de la deliberaciĂłn discursiva que ha marcado los debates mĂĄs importantes sobre la representaciĂłn de minorĂ­as y la esfera pĂșblica, este ensayo/ trabajo/artĂ­culo sugiere una reconcepttualizaciĂłn del concepto de lo pĂșblico para enfatizar los diferentes aspectos de cĂłmo se crea el espacio urbano y los imaginarios sociales que han sido moldeados por “mediaescapes” Ă©tnicas contemporĂĄneas

    Sexual citizenship and migration in a transnational perspective

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    This working paper is based on a lecture given at the Summer School “Multiple Inequalities in the Age of Transnationalization”, June 23-27 2014 at Goethe University Frankfurt. In it, I explore the linkages between sexuality and migration and aim to show that instead of deeming them a narrow subfield of migration studies, thinking through these linkages has much wider implications for different fields, including post- and decolonial queer studies, the study of race and sexuality, the study of citizenship and state projects of inclusion/exclusion, and for work that attempts to ce-center the predominant knowledge production focused on the Global North