9 research outputs found

    Massenspektrometrische Analyse des DNA Metabolismus

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    Massenspektrometrische Analyse des DNA Metabolismus

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    Active turnover of genomic methylcytosine in pluripotent cells

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    Epigenetic plasticity underpins cell potency, but the extent to which active turnover of DNA methylation contributes to such plasticity is not known and the underlying pathways are poorly understood. Here we use metabolic labelling with stable isotopes and mass spectrometry to quantitatively address the global turnover of genomic methylcytidine (mdC), hydroxymethylcytidine (hmdC) and formylcytidine (fdC) across mouse pluripotent cell states. High rates of mdC/hmdC oxidation and fdC turnover characterize a formative-like pluripotent state. In primed pluripotent cells the global mdC turnover rate is about 3-6% faster than can be explained by passive dilution through DNA synthesis. While this active component is largely dependent on Tet-mediated mdC oxidation, we unveil additional oxidation-independent mdC turnover, possibly through DNA repair. This process accelerates upon acquisition of primed pluripotency and returns to low levels in lineage committed cells. Thus, in pluripotent cells active mdC turnover involves both mdC oxidation-dependent and independent processes

    5‑Formyl- and 5‑Carboxydeoxycytidines Do Not Cause Accumulation of Harmful Repair Intermediates in Stem Cells

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    5-Formyl-dC (fdC) and 5-carboxy-dC (cadC) are newly discovered bases in the mammalian genome that are supposed to be substrates for base excision repair (BER) in the framework of active demethylation. The bases are recognized by the monofunctional thymine DNA glycosylase (Tdg), which cleaves the glycosidic bond of the bases to give potentially harmful abasic sites (AP-sites). Because of the turnover of fdC and cadC during cell state transitions, it is an open question to what extent such harmful AP-sites may accumulate during these processes. Here, we report the development of a new reagent that in combination with mass spectrometry (MS) allows us to quantify the levels of AP-sites. This combination also allowed the quantification of β-elimination (βE) products, which are repair intermediates of bifunctional DNA glycosylases. In combination with feeding of isotopically labeled nucleosides, we were able to trace the intermediates back to their original nucleobases. We show that, while the steady-state levels of fdC and cadC are substantially increased in Tdg-deficient cells, those of both AP- and βE-sites are unaltered. The levels of the detected BER intermediates are 1 and 2 orders of magnitude lower than those of cadC and fdC, respectively. Thus, neither the presence of fdC nor that of cadC in stem cells leads to the accumulation of harmful AP- and βE-site intermediates

    5-Formylcytosine to Cytosine Conversion by C-C Bond Cleavage in vivo

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    Tet enzymes oxidise 5-methyl-deoxycytidine (mdC) to 5-hydroxymethyl-dC (hmdC), 5-formyl-dC (fdC) and 5-carboxy-dC (cadC) in DNA. It was proposed that fdC and cadC deformylate and decarboxylate to dC in the course of an active demethylation process. This would re-install canonical dC bases at previously methylated sites. The question whether such direct C-C bond cleavage reactions at fdC and cadC occur in vivo remains an unsolved problem. Here we report the incorporation of synthetic isotope- and (R)-2’-fluorine-labelled dC and fdC-derivatives into the genome of cultured mammalian cells. Following the fate of these probe molecules using UHPLC-MS/MS provided quantitative data about the formed reaction products. The data show that the labelled fdC probe is efficiently converted into the corresponding labelled dC, most likely after its incorporation into the genome. This allows concluding that fdC is undergoing C-C bond cleavage in stem cells that leads to the direct re-installation of unmodified dC

    Tet oxidizes thymine to 5-hydroxymethyluracil in mouse embryonic stem cell DNA

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    Ten eleven translocation (Tet) enzymes oxidize the epigenetically important DNA base 5-methylcytosine (mC) stepwise to 5-hydroxymethylcytosine (hmC), 5-formylcytosine and 5-carboxycytosine. It is currently unknown whether Tet-induced oxidation is limited to cytosine-derived nucleobases or whether other nucleobases are oxidized as well. We synthesized isotopologs of all major oxidized pyrimidine and purine bases and performed quantitative MS to show that Tet-induced oxidation is not limited to mC but that thymine is also a substrate that gives 5-hydroxymethyluracil (hmU) in mouse embryonic stem cells (mESCs). Using MS-based isotope tracing, we show that deamination of hmC does not contribute to the steady-state levels of hmU in mESCs. Protein pull-down experiments in combination with peptide tracing identifies hmU as a base that influences binding of chromatin remodeling proteins and transcription factors, suggesting that hmU has a specific function in stem cells besides triggering DNA repair