384 research outputs found

    Inclusive Innovation in the Private Sector: The Case of East African Tech Start-Ups

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    Inclusive innovation argues for the inclusion of societally marginalised groups into the innovation process in order for them to better benefit from the innovations. In the literature on the topic, the main actors behind these innovations are multinational enterprises or entities from the public or third sector. However, in a developing country context, inclusive innovation might be equally relevant for small private sector entities, as they often target the same users, for example the non-profit sector. \ \ This paper studies the role of inclusive innovation in technology start-ups in East Africa and argues that, despite their profit seeking purpose, contextual factors force many of these start-ups to automatically adopt methods advocated by inclusive innovation. This has important implications to evaluating the role of the private sector as a provider of services and products that can be seen as having a positive impact on the lives of these groups

    The long-term performance of acquiring companies in Finland

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    This research paper concentrates on evaluating the long-term post-merger performance of Finnish mergers and acquisitions completed during 1995–2006. As the overall wealth effects related to acquisitions are enormous, their performance and success has been immensely studied both by researchers and corporate managers. This research though has mainly concentrated on observing the announcement period returns while the long-term studies have been scarce. The purpose of this study is to test how and if the pre-merger valuation of the acquirer influences the eventual three-year post-merger performance. Using an event study method, the aim is to find out if high-valuation “glamour” firms are the primary cause of the long-term performance. The effects of the chosen payment method and acquirer size are also studied in order to offer a more comprehensive view of the factors affecting the mergers and acquisitions. Attention is also given for recent findings of the short comings of long-term event-studies and especially the problems which might present themselves. These findings imply that measuring problems associated to the use of the conventional t-test for long-term event-studies might have been a source of the negative underperformance of some of the earlier studies. The results clearly show that Finnish acquirers which undertake mergers and acquisitions perform poorly afterwards, but a majority of the poor performance can be accounted for high-valuation “glamour” acquirers. Low-valuation “value” firms also underperform but no statistical significance is found. The evidence also suggests that the chosen method of payment affects the long-term performance as acquisitions financed using equity only fared considerably worse than those financed with cash only. The acquirer size had also effect on the eventual performance of the merger. All size groups underperformed but statistical significance was only found for medium and small acquirers.fi=Opinnäytetyö kokotekstinä PDF-muodossa.|en=Thesis fulltext in PDF format.|sv=Lärdomsprov tillgängligt som fulltext i PDF-format

    Mutaatio sydämen jänniteherkässä natriumkanava Nav1.5:ssa pidentää kardiomyosyyttien proliferaatiota vasemman kammion nonkompaktio kardiomyopatiassa

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    Trabekuloiva kardiomyopatia (left ventricular noncompaction cardiomyopathy) on synnynnäinen sydänlihassairaus, jonka uskotaan johtuvan sikiöaikaisesta kehityshäiriöstä kardiogeneesin viimeisessä vaiheessa sydänlihaksen tiivistymisen yhteydessä, mikä on osa kammioiden kehitystä. On viitteitä siitä, että häiriöt solusyklin säätelyssä ja sydänlihassolujen eli kardiomyosyyttien proliferaation voimistuminen tai heikkeneminen sydämen kehityksen ovat osallisia LVNC:n kehityksessä. Sydämen jänniteherkän natriumkanavan Nav1.5:n α-alayksikköä koodaava SCN5A-geeni on yhdistetty LVNC:n fenotyyppiin suomalaisessa perheessä. LVNC:n geneettinen tausta on moninainen ja yli 40 eri geenin mutaatioita on yhdistetty sairauteen. Toistaiseksi SCN5A -geenimutaation ja LVNC:n välistä yhteyttä ei ole osoitettu. On vahvaa näyttöä siitä, että sähköisen toiminnan säätelyn ohella Nav1.5 -kanavalla on keskeinen rooli sydämen kehityksessä ja kardiomyosyyttien proliferaation säätelyssä. Tässä työssä käytimme potilasspesifisiä ihmisen indusoituja monikykyisiä kantasoluja ja niistä erilaistettuja kardiomyosyyttejä (human induced pluripotent stem cell derived cardiomyocytes, hiPSC-CMs). Kantasolut olivat peräisin SCN5A-mutaatiota kantavilta LVNC-potilailta ja kontrollisolulinjana kaikissa kokeissa käytetään iPS(IMR90)-4-solulinjaa. Menetelminä tässä työssä käytimme immunofluoresenssivärjäystä yhdessä high content-kuvantamisen kanssa soluproliferaation ja Nav1.5-kanavan solunsisäisen lokalisaation ja ekspression tutkimiseksi. Proliferaatiota tutkittiin eri aikaipisteisstä – 21, 28, 35 ja 42 päivää hiPSC-CM:n erilaistuksen aloituksesta. Tutkimme myös potilasspesifisten hiPSC-CM:n stressivastetta altistamalla solut mekaaniselle venytykselle, joka on keskeinen hypertrofiaa aiheuttava ärsyke. Venytyksen jälkeen suoritimme kvantitatiivinen polymeraasiketjureaktio ja määritimme NPPA ja NPPB geenieksression. Tulostemme mukaan potilasspesifisillä hiPSC-CM:illä on pitkittynyt proliferaatiokyky verrattuna kontrollisoluihin. Potilasspesifisissä soluissa proliferaatiokyky nousee kohti kokeen viimeistä aikapistettä, kun taas kontrollisoluissa proliferaatiokyky on ensimmäisestä aikaipisteestä lähtien laskeva. Eroja havaittiin myös NPPA ja NPPB geeniekspressiossa 24 tunnin mekaanisen venytyksen jälkeen. NPPB-ekspressio oli kolminkertainen potilasspesifisissä soluissa verrattuna kontrollisoluihin. Nämä tulokset viittaavat siihen, että SCN5A-geenillä on tärkeä rooli sydänlihassolujen proliferaatiossa. Lisääntynyt proliferaatio kehityksen aikaisissa trabekulaatioissa voisi johtaa lisääntyneeseen trabekulaatioon ja heikentyneeseen kompaktioprotesseen ja luoda siten pohjan LVNC:n kehitykselle. Tutkimillamme potilasspesifisillä hiPSC-CM:illä oli myös heikentynyt sietokyky mekaaniselle venytykselle, mikä puolestaan korostaa SCN5A-geenin tärkeää roolia kardiomyosyyttien fysiologiassa, joka ei liity pelkästään sähköiseen toimintaan.Left ventricular noncompaction cardiomyopathy (LVNC) is a unique form of cardiomyopathy, which is believed to arise from arrest in the compaction process during cardiac development. Dysfunctions in cell cycle regulation and increased or decreased proliferation of cardiomyocytes during cardiac development are likely to contribute to the development of LVNC. SCN5A gene encoding the α-subunit of cardiac voltage gated sodium channel Nav1.5 has associated with LVNC- phenotype in a Finnish family. The direct correlation of SCN5A gene mutation and LVNC has not been studied before. There is strong evidence that Nav1.5 channel has an essential role in cardiac development and cardiomyocyte proliferation, therefore perturbed function of the channel might also contribute to the development of LVNC. We used patient-specific human induced pluripotent stem cell -derived cardiomyocytes (hiPSC-CMs), reprogrammed from fibroblasts obtained from LVNC patient carrying SCN5A to study the phenotype of the cells. We utilized immunofluorescent staining in combination with high content analysis (HCA) to investigate the proliferation and Nav1.5 cellular localization. Proliferation potential was assessed at multiple timepoints from three to six weeks. We also investigated the stress response of patient-specific hiPSC-CMs by exposing the cells to mechanical stretch, a hypertrophy inducer, followed by quantitative reverse transcription PCR to study changes in stress biomarker levels. According to our results, the patient-specific hiPSC-CMs have prolonged proliferation compared to control cells as the proliferation peaks towards the last timepoint, whereas in control cells it decreases. Differences were also observed in the hypertrophic gene expression after 24-hour mechanical stretching. An increase in NPPB expression levels caused by stretching was threefold in patient-specific cells to control cells. These results implicate that SCN5A gene has as an important role on cardiomyocyte proliferation. Mutations in SCN5A could correspond to increased proliferation in trabeculations during cardiac development, which might be preventing the compaction process and lead to the development of LVNC. Our results emphasizes that SCN5A has an important role in cardiomyocyte physiology unrelated solely to electrical activity

    Risk Management of External Resources in Digital Ecosystems

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    Participation in digital ecosystems entails the use of externally provided resources such as data, computing capabilities and digital functionalities. Though in many ways useful, these also create dependencies between organizations and pose them to risks that they have little direct control. The question that emerges is how to manage these type of ecosystem risks, which evolve from the digital dependencies created by the digital interconnections between ecosystem actors. By interviewing relevant personnel from companies participating to digital ecosystems and thus utilizing externally provided digital resources, the research evaluates to what extent existing risk management approaches can be utilized to address ecosystem risks. The research finds that risk management in ecosystems rests more upon rationalization than concrete actions to address risks. It further suggests more collective responses to managing ecosystem risks and, among others, highlights the use of alliances of ecosystem resource-takers to counter ecosystem risks

    Quest for Control: Managing Software Development in Networked Operating Environments

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    Instead of developing software purely within the confines of one company, software companies increasingly procure many of the functionalities of their software from external entities and actors via system integrations and utilizing resources provided by external application programming interfaces (APIs). In addition to the benefits that can be reaped via integrations and working in cooperation with other companies, this type of networked software development leads to a reduction of control for the individual companies. As a result, companies need to resort to specific strategies and practices that reduce the risks emerging from lack of control. By utilizing data collected from Finnish software companies, we map the factors that cause reduction of control, study why companies give away control, and identify the challenges surfacing from it. To tackle these issues, we identify two strategies that software companies can take to counter the reduction of control

    When local routines meet global technology: a case study on the role of context in application development in Kampala

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    The growth in mobile ownership and increase in Internet connectivity has led many developing countries to actively pursue the creation of application development sectors within their economies. Application development appears as a feasible option to even the less developed regions, as most of the technological resources needed in application development can be accessed with relative ease and low cost, no matter the location. What is more, in addition to economic benefits the applications can also have a role in solving societal challenges. Although technologically application development seems relatively straightforward, what remains less well understood is how contextual factors, such as norms and cultures, impact the application development process within these countries. This thesis approaches the research area through the concept of societal routines. Societal routines are seen as proxies to local context, and the aim of this research is to analyse how these routines affect application development throughout the application development process. The research takes the form of a case study and studies the topic from the perspective of application development that occurs in Kampala, Uganda. Although the local developers and start-ups are generally comfortable with the technological affordances provided by the technological resources, the local context poses certain conditions, which not only impact how applications are built, but also what kinds of application are developed. The results show how existing societal routines form the basis for the applications, and how technology that originates from outside carries meanings and structures that may or may not fit with local realities. Overall, the research proposes a framework for understanding context and its impact on application development. With this, it aims to contribute to our understanding on local technology production, technology implementation and digital divide in developing countries. Furthermore, it also questions the role often given to technology in addressing societal challenges

    With software updates, Tesla upends product life cycle in the car industry

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    With this system, any product can be open-ended and continuously in the making, argue Antti Lyyra and Kari Koskine

    Actor Positioning and Its Implications to Value Co-Creation in SaaS Ecosystems

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    Research on platform ecosystems often takes a binary view of the ecosystem and its actors by dividing the actors belonging either to the core or the periphery of the platform. Platform ecosystems tend to be more nuanced, however, and contain a variety of groups of actors with different roles and interests. These different groups of actors seek to occupy and defend particular positions in the ecosystem that enable them to capture the maximum amount of value from the value co-creation occurring in the ecosystem. By studying SaaS ecosystems, this research maps the positions the different actors seek to occupy and the impact these have to the value creation processes and evolution of platform ecosystems. The results further highlight the preferred positions of the different actors and demonstrates how the interests of the actors are not always aligned but may also lead to value co-destruction instead of value co-creation

    Taloudellista kasvua vai inhimillistä kehitystä? : Yritysten rooli kehityksessä UNDP:n näkökulmasta

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    Only abstract. Paper copies of master’s theses are listed in the Helka database (http://www.helsinki.fi/helka). Electronic copies of master’s theses are either available as open access or only on thesis terminals in the Helsinki University Library.Vain tiivistelmä. Sidottujen gradujen saatavuuden voit tarkistaa Helka-tietokannasta (http://www.helsinki.fi/helka). Digitaaliset gradut voivat olla luettavissa avoimesti verkossa tai rajoitetusti kirjaston opinnäytekioskeilla.Endast sammandrag. Inbundna avhandlingar kan sökas i Helka-databasen (http://www.helsinki.fi/helka). Elektroniska kopior av avhandlingar finns antingen öppet på nätet eller endast tillgängliga i bibliotekets avhandlingsterminaler.Viimeaikaisen taloudellisen globalisaation on katsottu johtaneen yritysten vallan kasvuun muiden yhteiskunnallisten toimijoiden kustannuksella. Vallan kertymiseen on suhtauduttu pääosin kriittisesti, mutta samalla se on herättänyt ajatuksia yritysten yhteiskuntavastuun laajentumisesta. Yritysten yhteiskuntavastuuta on nostettu esiin myös kehityskontekstissa, jossa yrityksille on ajoittain osoitettu niiden perinteistä taloudellista roolia pidemmälle meneviä tehtäviä. Tämä työ keskittyy tarkastelemaan sitä, minkälaisina toimijoina yritykset oikeastaan kehitysasioiden suhteen nähdään. Taustalla toimii ajatus toimijuuden kaksijakoisuudesta: yritysten voidaan joko katsoa olevan puhtaasti taloudellisia toimijoita, tai sitten niillä voidaan nähdä tätä laajempia vastuualueita. Ajatus taloudellisten ja sitä laajempien vastuiden vastakkainasettelusta nousee esille myös itse kehityksen käsitettä ja sisältöä pohdittaessa. Työssä ei käytetä yhtä yritysten kehitysvastuuta selittävää teoriaa, vaan aihetta lähestytään useista eri katsantokannoista käsin. Yritysten yhteiskuntavastuusta esiintyviä näkökulmia tutkitaan työssä sekä Klonoskin että Garrigan ja Melén yhteiskuntavastuuteorioiden luokittelun kautta. Vastuun osoittamisen ja yritysten yhteiskunnallisen aseman tutkimisessa käytetään erityisesti Millerin, O´Neillin ja Kuperin näkemyksiä aiheesta, mutta myös muiden tutkijoiden ajatukset nousevat esille. Työn tutkimusmenetelmänä toimii sisällönanalyysi. Tutkimusaineistona työssä ovat YK:n kehitysalajärjestön UNDP:n vuosiraportit. Raporttien kautta pyritään astumaan ulos yhteiskuntavastuukeskustelun normatiivisuudesta ja tutkimaan yritysten yhteiskuntavastuun sisältöä kehitysasioiden omalla maaperällä. Työn tuloksista nähdään, että yritysten merkitys kehitykselle lähtee UNDP:n raporteissa ensisijaisesti yritysten taloudellisista toiminnoista. Raporteissa yrityksille kuitenkin annetaan myös laajempaa vastuuta edellyttäviä ja taloudellista toimintaa pidemmälle meneviä tehtäviä. Tämä puolestaan johtaa kysymykseen yritysten yhteiskunnallisen roolin muutoksesta, jota pohditaan työn lopuksi Wendtin ja sosiaalisen konstruktivismin ajatuksia lainaillen