9 research outputs found

    Granice wieku w służbie armii – lex Aelia Sentia i lex Visellia

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    In ancient Rome at the beginning of the first century A.D., a number of reforms in the field of personal rights were carried out. At that time, the lex Aelia Sentia was passed, which limited the liberation of slaves. During this period, lex Visellia also was passed, which tempted former slaves with Roman citizenship in exchange for serving in the army. The purpose of this article was an attempt to determine whether it can be said that the title acts, i.e. lex Aelia Sentia and lex Visellia, have a common goal and, in fact, part of their records together created one legal concept that was to ensure easy access of recruits to the newly formed paramilitary organisation militia vigilum, to which, after the civil war and general recruitment crisis in the army, there were no volunteers.Na początku I w. n.e. w starożytnym Rzymie przeprowadzono szereg reform w zakresie prawa osobowego. Wówczas została uchwalona lex Aelia Sentia, która ograniczała wyzwolenie niewolników. Ponadto w tym okresie uchwalono lex Visellia, która kusiła byłych niewolników obywatelstwem rzymskim w zamian za służbę w armii. Celem niniejszego artykułu była próba ustalenia, czy można mówić o tym, że ustawy wymienione w tytule (tj. lex Aelia Sentia i lex Visellia) łączył wspólny cel i tak naprawdę część ich przepisów łącznie tworzyła jeden koncept prawny, który miał zapewnić łatwy dostęp rekrutów do nowo utworzonej paramilitarnej organizacji militia vigilum, do której – po epoce wojen domowych i ogólnym kryzysie rekrutacyjnym w armii – nie było chętnych

    Nauczanie prawa rzymskiego we współczesnej Rosji

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    In the article, the focus is on teaching of Roman law at Russian universities. The study analyzed the teaching programs of major universities from all over Russia starting from Kaliningrad, through Moscow and Novosibirsk to Vladivostok. The main objective is to present programs and assumptions concerning Roman law operating in Russian scientific centers.W niniejszym artykule uwaga skupia się na nauczaniu prawa rzymskiego na rosyjskich uniwersytetach. W opracowaniu poddano analizie programy nauczania na większych uniwersytetach w Rosji, począwszy od Kaliningradu, przez Moskwę i Nowosybirsk, aż po Władywostok. Zasadniczym celem jest przedstawienie programów i założeń dotyczących prawa rzymskiego, funkcjonujących w rosyjskich ośrodkach naukowych

    Human age and its importance in roman commercial law

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    Objectives Within the commercial law the most important regulations are those which define when and what kind of business activities could be undertaken. In every legal system, regardless of whether we mean antique or modern law, there have always been and there are regulations that have specific effects depending on the age of a given person. Such regulations are known in all contemporary legal systems of the world in every branch of law. In the presented article the author has elaborated the influence of human age on persons’ trade rights in ancient Rome. Consequently it has occurred that in Roman law there were two age limits which played a significant role in commerce. The first one was the age of 14 years when a boy got full legal capacity, and the second one was the age of 25 years when he was becoming fully independent from any restrictions and special protection. Material and methods Materials - ancient legal sources e.g. Roman legal texts etc., books, articles, Methods - critique analysis Results Comparative remarks between Roman law and modern Polish law was achieved. Conclusions Commercial rights are incorporated in private right, so there should not be any differentiation when we talk about availability to run business. But in practice, in ancient Rome gaining full legal capacity with the day of 14th birthday was not enough to act successfully in the trade market as a business partner. Such possibility was coming when a person reached the age of 25 years and become able to act independently. In modern Poland, even though limited legal capacity is sufficient to undertake legal acts with the consent of legal guardians, acting in business effectively with all necessary concessions and licenses, is possible if a person has full legal capacity

    Age of a Victim as Crime’s Feature in Roman Law

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    The conducted research revealed that the matter of age in the sources of Roman law appeared several times in a combination with the victim and was the feature of some delicts and crimes. The article demonstrates that in Roman law, in cases of unlawful acts, not only was the perpetrator’s age important, but also sometimes the age of the victim depended on the perpetrator’s liability. In modern law, we can also find the provisions in which the perpetrator’s liability depends on the age of the victim. For example, Article 200 § 1 of the Polish Penal Code can be listed here. The aim of the presented article is to describe unlawful acts (mostly crimes) occurring in Roman law, in which the perpetrator’s liability depended on the age of the victim. So far, the above-mentioned thematic hasn’t been described in the literature of the subject, because when the matter of age in this context was analyzed, the most attention was focused on the age of the perpetrator and his ability to bear liability. The result of the research was to discover and elaborate Roman law sources where in fact the perpetrator’s liability depended on the age of the victim. Selected examples are presented in the text.Przeprowadzone badania ujawniły, że wiek w źródłach prawa rzymskiego, kilkakrotnie pojawił się w połączeniu z osobą pokrzywdzonego (poszkodowanego) i stanowił znamię niektórych deliktów i przestępstw. Pokazuje to, że w prawie rzymskim przy czynach bezprawnych wiek miał znaczenie nie tylko wtedy, gdy dotyczyło to samego sprawcy. Niekiedy odpowiedzialność sprawcy była uzależniona od tego, w jakim wieku był pokrzywdzony. We współczesnym prawie również możemy odkryć przepisy, które odpowiedzialność sprawcy uzależniają od wieku ofiary. Prezentowany artykuł ma na celu przedstawienie czynów bezprawnych występujących w prawie rzymskim, w których odpowiedzialność sprawcy była uzależniona od wieku ofiary. Dotychczas taka tematyka nie była podejmowana w literaturze przedmiotu, bowiem jeżeli temat wieku w takim kontekście był analizowany, to najczęściej uwaga skupiała się na wieku sprawcy i jego zdolności do ponoszenia odpowiedzialności

    Prosecutor’s Office in the Visegrad Group Countries – History, Comparative Legal Remarks, Cooperation

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    The public prosecutor’s office is one of the most important state organs responsible for upholding the rule of law and prosecuting crimes. The efficient functioning of the office is one of the guarantees of the implementation of a democratic state ruled by law. After 1989, in the countries of Central and Eastern Europe, after independence from Soviet influence, the prosecution authorities began to reform, trying to adapt to the new conditions. The exchange of mutual experiences in this area has a special form in the case of Poland, Hungary, Slovakia and the Czech Republic, i.e. the countries making up the so-called Visegrad Group, within which the prosecutors general meet each year to deepen cooperation. The purpose of this article is to present the principles of the functioning of the prosecutor’s office in the V4 countries and to compare them also from a historical perspective.Prokuratura należy do jednych z najważniejszych organów państwa, do zadań którego należy stanie na straży praworządności oraz ściganie przestępstw. Sprawne funkcjonowanie prokuratury jest jedną z gwarancji realizacji demokratycznego państwa prawnego. Po 1989 r., w państwach Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej po uniezależnieniu się od wpływów sowieckich zaczęto reformować organy prokuratury starając się dostosować je do nowych warunków. Wymiana wzajemnych doświadczeń w tym zakresie przybrała szczególną postać w przypadku Polski, Węgier, Słowacji i Czech, to jest państw tworzących tak zwaną Grupę Wyszehradzką, w ramach której dochodzi do corocznych spotkań prokuratorów generalnych. Spotkania te mają na celu pogłębienie współpracy w ramach państw grupy. Celem niniejszego artykułu jest przybliżenie zasad funkcjonowania prokuratury w państwach Grupy Wyszehradzkiej i dokonanie ich porównania także w ujęciu historycznym

    Impact of diabetes mellitus on in-hospital mortality in adult patients with COVID-19: a systematic review and meta-analysis

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    Background: The novel coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) has spread worldwide since the beginning of 2020, placing the heavy burden on the health systems all over the world. The population that particularly has been affected by the pandemic is the group of patients suffering from diabetes mellitus. Having taken the public health in considerations, we have decided to perform a systematic review and meta-analysis of diabetes mellitus on in-hospital mortality in patients with COVID-19. Methods: A systematic literature review (MEDLINE, EMBASE, Web of Science, Scopus, Cochrane) including all published clinical trials or observational studies published till December 10, 2020, was performed using following terms “diabetes mellitus” OR “diabetes” OR “DM” AND “survival” OR “mortality” AND “SARS-CoV-2” OR “COVID-19”. Results: Nineteen studies were included out of the 7327 initially identified studies. Mortality of DM patients vs non-DM patients was 21.3 versus 6.1%, respectively (OR = 2.39; 95%CI: 1.65, 3.64; P < 0.001), while severe disease in DM and non-DM group varied and amounted to 34.8% versus 22.8% (OR = 1.43; 95%CI: 0.82, 2.50; P = 0.20). In the DM group, the complications were observed far more often when compared with non-DM group, both in acute respiratory distress (31.4 vs. 17.2%; OR = 2.38; 95%CI:1.80, 3.13; P < 0.001), acute cardiac injury (22.0% vs. 12.8%; OR = 2.59; 95%CI: 1.81, 3.73; P < 0.001), and acute kidney injury (19.1 vs. 10.2%; OR = 1.97; 95%CI: 1.36, 2.85; P < 0.001). Conclusions: Based on the findings, we shall conclude that diabetes is an independent risk factor of the severity of COVID-19 in-hospital settings; therefore, patients with diabetes shall aim to reduce the exposure to the potential infection of COVID-19

    Analysis of Outcomes in Ischemic vs Nonischemic Cardiomyopathy in Patients With Atrial Fibrillation A Report From the GARFIELD-AF Registry

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    IMPORTANCE Congestive heart failure (CHF) is commonly associated with nonvalvular atrial fibrillation (AF), and their combination may affect treatment strategies and outcomes