572 research outputs found

    Shainin methodology: An alternative or an effective complement to Six Sigma?

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    Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to provide a brief overview of Six Sigma and Shainin RedX (R) methodology and to propose the modification of Six Sigma methodology in order to achieve the improved efficiency of DMAIC in the diagnostic journey using some of the approaches of Shainin RedX (R) methodology. Methodology/Approach: The diagnostic journey of Six Sigma has been revised by bringing key elements of Shainin RedX (R) methodology into DMAIC: task domain character of the method, focus on the dominant root-cause, use of the progressive elimination method and the application of a problem-solving strategy. Findings: This paper presents a proposal of DMAIC framework modification using selected tools and procedures of Shainin RedX (R) methodology in the diagnostic phase. Research Limitation/implication: Although the improved methodology is used in the environment of the automotive supplier, in this paper, practical examples are not included in order not to violate the licensing rules applied by Shainin LLC. Originality/Value of paper: The contribution of this article is the proposal of modified methodology, which should improve the effectiveness of problem-solving.Web of Science192311

    Strategies for Strengthening and Scaling up Community-based Seed Production

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    Maize, Agricultural economics, Seed production, Plant breeding, Pollination, Hybrids, Planting date, Models, Small farms, Training programmes, International cooperation, South Africa, Crop Production/Industries, E16, F03,

    Anomalous diameter dependence of thermal transport in ultra-narrow Si nanowires

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    We present atomistic valence force field calculations of thermal transport in Si nanowires of diameters from 12nm down to 1nm. We show that as the diameter is reduced, the phonon density-of-states and transmission function acquire a finite value at low frequency, in contrast to approaching zero as in the bulk material. It turns out that this effect results in what Ziman described as the "problem of long longitudinal waves" [1], which states that the thermal conductivity of a material increases as its length is increased due to the vanishing scattering for long-wavelength phonons. We show that this thermal transport improvement also appears in nanowires as their diameter is decreased below D=5nm (not only as the length increases) originating from the increase in the density of the long wavevector modes. The observation is present under ballistic transport conditions, and further enhanced with the introduction of phonon-phonon scattering. Because of this, in such ultra-narrow nanowires, as the diameter is reduced, phonon transport is dominated more and more by lower energy phonons with longer mean-free paths. We show that ~80% of the heat is carried by phonons with energies less than 5meV, most with mean-free paths of several hundreds of nanometers.Comment: 7 figure

    Testing laboratories management system

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    Diplomová práce popisuje a analyzuje současný systém rezervací zkušebních zařízení ve fir-mě Honeywell, spol. s r.o. – HTS CZ, o.z. divize ACS. Za pomoci metod Six Sigma je systém analyzován a jsou připraveny návrhy na zlepšení současného systému. Tato zlepšení mají vést ke zlepšení funkčnosti systému rezervací a možným úsporám. Jsou navrženy vhodné metriky pro měření a vyhodnocení funkčnosti systému.The master’s thesis describes and analyzes the current reservation system of testing devices in Honeywell, spol. s r.o. – HTS CZ, o.z. divize ACS. The system is analyzed by using Six Sigma methods and proposes for improving the current system are prepared. These improvements should improve the functionality of the reservation system and possible savings. Appropriate metrics for measuring and evaluating the functionality of the system are designed.

    Impacts of CIMMYT's International Training Linked to Long-Term Trials in Conservation Agriculture: 1996-2006

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    Education, Training courses, International cooperation, Research institutions, Natural resources, Resource conservation, Environmental Economics and Policy,