475 research outputs found

    Archive Audio Record Content Identification

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    Tato práce se zabývá problematikou identifikace (rozpoznávaní) obsahu archivních zvukových záznamů. Cílem je seznámení s danou problematikou a realizace vybraného algoritmu identifikace v programovém prostředí MATLAB. Hlavními kroky v realizovaném algoritmu jsou segmentace, parametrizace a klasifikace. Implementovaný algoritmus využívá klasifikátoru k-Nearest Neighbors (KNN). Výstupem této práce je systém, který je schopný identifikovat jednotlivé typy zvukových záznamů (řeč, hudba, hluk, ticho) ve vstupní archivní nahrávce. Systém odhaduje pravděpodobnost výskytu jednotlivých typů zvuku v závislosti na čase. Funkce algoritmu je ověřena na ukázkách nahrávek z archivních filmů.This bachelor thesis introduces the problem of content-based identification (recognition) of archive audio records. The goal of this thesis is to familiarize with the problem and to implement the selected method of the identification in MATLAB environment. The main steps of the algorithm include segmentation, feature extraction and classification. The algorithm uses k-Nearest Neighbors (KNN) classifier. The outcome of this work is represented by a system which is capable of identifying different types of audio records (speech, music, noise, silence) in the input archive record. The system estimates the time relevant probability of occurrence of mentioned types of audio records. Functionality of the algorithm is verified with records from archive movies

    Multifunctional poly(organosiloxane) nanoparticles as a model system for biomedical applications

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    Polymere Nanomaterialien finden bereits ein sehr breites Anwendungsspektrum in der Biomedizin, speziell in Bereichen des Wirkstofftransports und der Krebsforschung. Dennoch ist die Synthese geeigneter Modellsysteme für ein besseres Verständnis der Wechselwirkungen von Nanopartikeln mit biologischen Systemen notwendig. Diese Studie berichtet über die Synthese und Charakterisierung multifunktioneller, fluoreszenzmarkierter Poly(organosiloxan)-Kern-Schale-Nanopartikel mit veränderbaren Oberflächeneigenschaften. Die Kern-Schale-Architektur erlaubt eine unabhängige Funktionalisierung unterschiedlicher Partikelkompartimente. So wurde der Kern der Partikel während der Polykondensation mit RhodaminB-Monomer markiert. Durch Einführung geladener Gruppen in der Partikelschale wurden elektrostatisch stabilisierte Partikel erhalten. Alternativ führt das Aufpfropfen von Polymeren (thermoresponsives Poly(2-isopropyl-2- oxazolin) oder Poly(ethylenglykol)) auf die Oberfläche zu sterisch stabilisierten, biokompatiblen Nanopartikeln. Schließlich wurde Biotin an die Partikeloberfläche gekuppelt, um die Immobilisierung weiterer Liganden wie Antikörper oder Enzyme auf der Partikeloberfläche zu ermöglichen. Die Nanopartikel wurden mittels Elektronenmikroskopie, winkelabhängiger dynamischer Lichtstreuung (DLS), asymmetrischer Fluss Feld-Fluss Fraktionierung (AF-FFF) und ζ-Potential-Messungen charakterisiert. Die spektroskopischen Eigenschaften wurden mit der Fluoreszenzspektroskopie untersucht, einschließlich der Bestimmung der absoluten Fluoreszenzquantenausbeuten. Auf Grund ihrer modularen Struktur und Vielfalt an möglichen Funktionalisierungen eignet sich das Poly(organosiloxan)-System für diverse biomedizinische Anwendungen, wie z.B. Abbildungsmethoden, spezifisches Targeting und Wirkstofftransport. Die zelluläre Aufnahme der Nanopartikel in vivo wird oft durch die Bildung einer Proteinkorona beeinflusst, deshalb wurde weiterhin das Verhalten unterschiedlich funktionalisierter Partikel unter physiologischen Bedingungen und in Anwesenheit von Serumproteinen mittels DLS und AF-FFF untersucht. Neben der Synthese und physikochemischen Charakterisierung wurden auch Zellaufnahmeexperimente durchgeführt, in denen die Wechselwirkung der Nanopartikel mit Lungengewebemodellen erforscht wurde. Diese Versuche zeigen Unterschiede in der zellulären Aufnahme der elektrostatisch und der sterisch stabilisierten Partikel.Polymeric nanomaterials offer a wide range of biomedical applications especially in the fields of drug delivery and cancer research. However, suitable model systems are still required to gain deeper knowledge of interactions of nanoparticles with biological systems. This study reports on the synthesis and characterization of multifunctional, fluorescent poly(organosiloxane) core-shell nanoparticles with tunable surface properties. The core-shell approach allows the independent functionalization of different compartments. Thus, rhodamine b-labeled monomer was efficiently incorporated into the core during polycondensation. By introduction of charged groups on the surface, electrostatic stabilization of the particles was achieved. Alternatively, grafting of polymers (e.g. thermo-responsive poly(2-isopropyl-2-oxazoline) or poly(ethylene glycol)) leads to sterically stabilized, biocompatible nanoparticles. Finally biotin was introduced on the surface allowing the immobilization of further ligands such as antibodies or enzymes on the particle’s surface. The nanoparticles were characterized by electron microscopy, multi-angle dynamic light scattering (DLS), asymmetrical flow field-flow fractionation (AF-FFF) and zeta potential measurements. The spectroscopic properties were studied by fluorescence spectroscopy, including the determination of absolute fluorescence quantum yields. Due to their modular structure and the variety of possible functionalizations, the poly(organosiloxane) system is suitable for diverse biomedical applications, e.g. imaging methods, specific targeting and drug delivery. The cellular uptake of nanoparticles in vivo is often determined by the formation of a protein corona. Therefore, the behavior of nanoparticles with different surface characteristics was compared under physiological conditions and in presence of serum proteins using DLS and AF-FFF. Besides the synthesis and the physico-chemical characterization, cell experiments are performed where nanoparticles are applied to lung tissue models. These experiments demonstrate differences in the uptake behavior of electrostatically and sterically stabilized nanoparticles

    Comparison of Efficiency of Statistical Models Used for Formation of Feature Vectors by JPEG Images Steganalysis

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    In order to build effective analytical systems for digital covers steganalysis in the given practical conditions, it is necessary to analyze and evaluate the quality of existing methods and components. Thus, it is necessary to compare the baseline characteristics of the available candidates in order to select the optimal components of the system. However, the usage of results from open scientific publications may lead to incorrect comparison due to differences in the conditions of numerical experiments. This study is based on the principle of checking the performance of statistical models for feature vectors formation under the same conditions. The case of JPEG images steganalysis with the usage of machine learning techniques is considered. The performance and detection accuracy of statistical models such as CHEN, CC-CHEN, LIU, CC-PEV, CC-C300, GFR, and DCTR in case of message hiding in the frequency domain of digital images are analyzed. The results of the study are numerical estimates of the performance and accuracy of SVM classification in binary and multilevel steganalysis modes

    Environmental-Toxicological Characteristics of Waters and Their Sources at Magnitogorsk With the Its Iron and Steel Industry

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    This study summarizes the information necessary to characterize and assess the quality of drinking and industrial water supply in industrial centers with metallurgical engineering and provides information about the pollution impact on the natural environment. The study shows the influence of air pollution, of the soil pollution on the environment of water objects; it also demonstrates the role of the quality of water supply for establishing a higher risk of health problems for children

    Use of didactic terminology by teachers at various stages of professional communication

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    The article is based on the study that involved 115 students acquiring professional pedagogical education and 115 practicing teachers. The article describes the process of emergence of individual conceptual and terminological frameworks during various stages of professional communication, i.e. training and pedagogical activity. Individual frameworks of concepts have been studied through comparison of interpretations of definitions of basic didactic concepts by respondents (a total of 3487 definitions have been processed), 353 concept maps, as well as wordings of professionally significant problems in which didactic terms were used as well (a total of 400 statements have been analyzed). Factors that influence the nature of how teachers use didactic terms in various instances of professional communication have been described

    Real-time <sup>31</sup>P NMR reveals different gradient strengths in polyphosphoester copolymers as potential MRI-traceable nanomaterials

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    Polyphosphoesters (PPEs) are used in tissue engineering and drug delivery, as polyelectrolytes, and flame-retardants. Mostly polyphosphates have been investigated but copolymers involving different PPE subclasses have been rarely explored and the reactivity ratios of different cyclic phospholanes have not been reported. We synthesized binary and ternary PPE copolymers using cyclic comonomers, including side-chain phosphonates, phosphates, thiophosphate, and in-chain phosphonates, through organocatalyzed ring-opening copolymerization. Reactivity ratios were determined for all cases, including ternary PPE copolymers, using different nonterminal models. By combining different comonomers and organocatalysts, we created gradient copolymers with adjustable amphiphilicity and microstructure. Reactivity ratios ranging from 0.02 to 44 were observed for different comonomer sets. Statistical ring-opening copolymerization enabled the synthesis of amphiphilic gradient copolymers in a one-pot procedure, exhibiting tunable interfacial and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) properties. These copolymers self-assembled in aqueous solutions, 31 P MRI imaging confirmed their potential as MRI-traceable nanostructures. This systematic study expands the possibilities of PPE-copolymers for drug delivery and theranostics.</p

    Environmental-Toxicological Characteristics of Waters and Their Sources at Magnitogorsk With the Its Iron and Steel Industry

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    This study summarizes the information necessary to characterize and assess the quality of drinking and industrial water supply in industrial centers with metallurgical engineering and provides information about the pollution impact on the natural environment. The study shows the influence of air pollution, of the soil pollution on the environment of water objects; it also demonstrates the role of the quality of water supply for establishing a higher risk of health problems for children

    Extracellular dopamine concentration control: computational model of feedback control

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    Dopamine is one of the central neurotransmitters; its homeostatic concentration is highly maintained through release, uptake, and feedback. The dopamine release is mediated both presynaptic and postsynaptic mechanisms. The extracellular dopamine concentration is regulated presynaptically by the dopamine transporter and dopamine autoreceptors. The postsynaptic control is mediated by postsynaptic dopamine receptors.Dopamine is the subject of a numerous experimental studies. As a result, a great deal of experimental data describing the components of dopamine system has been collected. This experimental data provides an excellent foundation for theoretical study to model complex dopamine system. The integration of a published experimental data in one theoretical model would be a valuable tool to describe the dopamine system and generate better understanding of the complex process of the dopamine concentration control.The object of this thesis was to develop a computational system describing the behavior of the complex extracellular dopamine concentration control system. There are two principal processes of the dopamine concentration control: uptake and negative feedback. The novelty of the presented modeling work is that it integrates the dopamine concentration control by uptake and negative feedback in a single computational model.The proposed model was used to evaluate the contribution of kinetic and feedback mechanisms to maintain low basal dopamine concentration; test the extracellular dopamine concentration outcomes under conditions of increased/decreased dopamine release; and predict changes in extracellular dopamine concentration under conditions equivalent to the presence of dopamine agonist/antagonists in the experimental dopamine system.Mathematical modeling was based on published pharmacokinetic parameters for dopamine uptake and receptor binding in rat striatum, and the computational data generated by thesis developed models.The mathematical modeling results showed that the computational extracellular dopamine concentration outcomes were consistent with the experimentally observed responses for the dopamine system. It was demonstrated computationally that both uptake by DAT and negative feedback mediated by receptors are necessary components to maintain a low extracellular dopamine concentration under basal conditions. The mathematical modeling showed the critical role of negative feedback to control stable extracellular dopamine concentration under conditions of increased/decreased dopamine release. The model generated results predicting extracellular dopamine concentration change under conditions equivalent to the presence of dopamine agonist/antagonist were in a good accordance with published experimental data.In addition to the mathematical modeling, programming, and computational analysis, the value of this work is demonstrated through its ability to illustrate how integration of published experimental and model simulated data provides an excellent foundation for computational theoretical research.Ph.D., Biostatistics -- Drexel University, 200

    National payment system and financial security provision

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    The problem of ensuring the financial security of the state has worsened against the backdrop of the introduction of anti-Russian sanctions in 2014. In this connection, it became necessary to create financial instruments to reduce the impact of "financial" threats and ensure the sustainable functioning of the financial system. Financial security is one of the key factors of economic security, since it is based on ensuring the smooth functioning of the financial system of the country. The financial system, in turn, has an impact on all sectors of the economy through credit-monetary and commodity-money relations and the banking system. The Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of May 13, 2017 "On the Strategy of Economic Security of the Russian Federation for the period until 2030" addresses threats to economic security, including through indicators of the financial sector of the economy, the main tasks related to the sustainable development of the national financial system as an important component of the financial economic security. This paper deals with the national payment system as the factor of development of the state economy and the tool of formation of financial safety, and maintenance of steady functioning of national payment system. In the context of Russia's integration into the global financial system, the effectiveness of the national payment system (NPS) is one of the strategic state tasks

    Efficiency threshold of carbon layer growth in Li4Ti5O12/C composites

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    The core-shell morphology study is crucial for composite materials, comprised of a low conductive core with a highly conductive thin carbon shell. The study analyzed carbon morphology evolution for the two series of Li4Ti5O12/C samples with carbon content increasing from 0.9 to 5.6 wt%. The conventional X-Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS) study allowed us to conclude about the efficiency threshold of carbon layer growth over lithium titanate core for two carbon deposition methods - both sucrose and acetylene decompositions. Although the carbon layer thickness is increasing with carbon concentration growth in LTO/C composites, the efficiency of carbon coverage was shown to decrease with the threshold carbon concentrations about 1-2%. The chemical bonding analysis based on the same XPS data was used for C@LTO interface characterization. The proposed approach can be used for optimization of producing different composites with core-shell structure (carbon-based composites, materials with protective layers, and materials with gradient core-shell structure). © The Author(s) 2018. Published by ECS.This work was performed within the state task no. 3.6115.2017/8.9 of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation and supported by Government of the Russian Federation (Act 211, Agreement 02.A03.21.0006). The equipment of the Ural Center for Shared Use “Modern Nanotechnology” UrFU and JSC Eliont were used. Authors thanks Vasily Lebedev and Alexander Esin for fruitful discussions