11 research outputs found

    Design of synchronous reluctance motor

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    Diplomová práce se zabývá analýzou konkretního synchronního reluktančního motoru s vyniklými póly a návrhem synchronního reluktančního motoru s bariérami magnetického toku. Práce je rozdělena do pěti částí. V první částí je popsán princip funkce synchronního reluktančního motoru a uveden stručný přehled realizovaných řešení. V druhé kapitole jsou analytickým výpočtem zjištěny základní parametry synchronního reluktančního motoru s vyniklými póly. V třetí části práce jsou ověřeny výsledky analytického výpočtu pomocí programu FEMM v lineárním a nelineárním stavu a pomocí transientní analýzy motoru v programu Ansys Maxwell. V další části jsou uvedeny výsledky měření parametrů synchronního reluktančního motoru s vyniklými póly a porovnání s vypočítanými hodnotami a výsledky simulací. Závěrečná kapitola se zabývá návrhem motoru s bariérami magnetického toku. Dosažené parametry jsou ověřeny v programu FEMM a Ansys Maxwell. Finální varianta navrženého motoru je analyzovaná při napájení ze sítě a z frekvenčního měniče pomocí cosimulace Maxwell-Simplorer.Master thesis deals with analysis of the definite synchronous reluctance motor with salient poles and design of synchronous reluctance motor with barriers for magnetic flux. The work is divided into five parts. In the first part there is a brief overview of realized synchronous reluctance motor designs and also operating principle of motor of this type is described. The next part contains the basic parameters of the synchronous reluctance motor with salient poles; the parameters were found with analytical calculation. The third part demonstrates verified by means of FEMM results of analytical calculations for linear and nonlinear states and with transient analysis of motor using Ansys Maxwell environment. In the following part results of testing of the synchronous reluctance motor with salient poles are presented as well as the comparation of these results with calculated values and the results of simulations. The closing part of the thesis shows the design of synchronous reluctance motor with barriers for magnetic flux. All obtained parameters were examined using FEMM and Ansys Maxwell. The final version of the proposed motor was analysed when supplied directly by mains and through the converter by Maxwell- Simplorer co-simulation.

    Drone-Aided Detection of Weeds: Transfer Learning for Embedded Image Processing

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    In this article, we address the problem of hogweed detection using a drone equipped with red, green, blue (RGB) and multispectral cameras. We study two approaches: 1) offline detection running on the orthophoto of the area scanned within the mission and 2) real-time scanning from the frame stream directly on the edge device performing the flight mission. We show that by fusing the information from an additional multispectral camera installed on the drone, there is an opportunity to boost the detection quality, which can then be preserved even with a single RGB camera setup by the introduction of an additional convolution neural network trained with transfer learning to produce the fake multispectral images directly from the RGB stream. We show that this approach helps either eliminate the multispectral hardware from the drone or, if only the RGB camera is at hand, boost the segmentation performance by the cost of slight increase in computational budget. To support this claim, we have performed an extensive study of network performance in simulations of both the real-time and offline modes, where we achieve at least 1.1% increase in terms of the mean intersection over union metric when evaluated on the RGB stream from the camera and 1.4% when evaluated on orthophoto data. Our results show that the proper optimization guarantees a complete elimination of the multispectral camera from the flight mission by adding a preprocessing stage to the segmentation network without the loss of quality


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    International audienceA state of the art study of the parameters of the pure rotational R(0) line of carbon monoxide molecule (12 C 16 O) perturbed by Ar is presented. Experimental spectra were obtained at room temperature using three microwave spectrometers 1 differing by the principle of absorption measurement and covering a wide pressure range from less than one mTorr to several atmospheres. The experimental spectra were obtained with a signal-to-noise ratio of several thousands. The line shape analysis was performed using sophisticated profiles including speed-dependence and line mixing effects allowing the determination of the corresponding parameters. Quantum dynamical calculations of scattering matrix elements were performed on two different 3-dimensional potential energy surfaces (PES): the PES of Sumiyoshi et al. 2 and our recently calculated PES. For the R 0 (0) line of CO, calculations were performed for kinetic energies varying between 0.1 and 2000 cm −1. The obtained S-matrix elements (relevant to that electric dipole transition) were further used to calculate the generalized Hess spectroscopic cross sections 3. The thermally averaged values of these cross sections provided us the pressure broadening and shift coefficients as well as the real and imaginary parts of the Dicke frequency of the velocity changing collisions 4. In addition, our calculations allowed the speed dependence of these line shape parameters to be determined. We are thus in the position to perform an accurate line shape analysis. The work is supported by RFB

    Accurate bond dissociation energy of water determined by triple-resonance vibrational spectroscopy and ab initio calculations

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    Triple-resonance vibrational spectroscopy is used to determine the lowest dissociation energy, D0, for the water isotopologue HD16O as 41 239.7 ± 0.2 cm−1 and to improve D0 for H216O to 41 145.92 ± 0.12 cm−1. Ab initio calculations including systematic basis set and electron correlation convergence studies, relativistic and Lamb shift effects as well as corrections beyond the Born–Oppenheimer approximation, agree with the measured values to 1 and 2 cm−1 respectively. The improved treatment of high-order correlation terms is key to this high theoretical accuracy. Predicted values for D0 for the other five major water isotopologues are expected to be correct within 1 cm−1

    Multipurpose monitoring system for icebreakers: Development, implementation, and testing

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    We demonstrate the results of a project on implementing a complete and practical multipurpose monitoring system for icebreakers. We describe the basic principles of operating the developed monitoring system. We present a 3D finite element analysis of the ship model to optimise the sensor arrangement. We also present the benchmarks and test results of the system during an expedition on the Russian scientific research vessel Akademik Tryoshnikov

    Multipurpose monitoring system for icebreakers: Development, implementation, and testing

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    We demonstrate the results of a project on implementing a complete and practical multipurpose monitoring system for icebreakers. We describe the basic principles of operating the developed monitoring system. We present a 3D finite element analysis of the ship model to optimise the sensor arrangement. We also present the benchmarks and test results of the system during an expedition on the Russian scientific research vessel Akademik Tryoshnikov

    Limited Cheese Intake Paradigm Replaces Patterns of Behavioral Disorders in Experimental PTSD: Focus on Resveratrol Supplementation

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    Currently, the efficacy of drug therapy for post-traumatic stress disorder or PTSD leaves much to be desired, making nutraceutical support a promising avenue for treatment. Recent research has identified the protective effects of resveratrol in PTSD. Here, we tested the behavioral and neurobiological effects of combining cheese consumption with resveratrol supplements in an experimental PTSD model. Using the elevated plus maze test, we observed that cheese intake resulted in a shift from anxiety-like behavior to depressive behavior, evident in increased freezing acts. However, no significant changes in the anxiety index value were observed. Interestingly, supplementation with cheese and resveratrol only led to the elimination of freezing behavior in half of the PTSD rats. We further segregated the rats into two groups based on freezing behavior: Freezing+ and Freezing0 phenotypes. Resveratrol ameliorated the abnormalities in Monoamine Oxidize -A and Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor gene expression in the hippocampus, but only in the Freezing0 rats. Moreover, a negative correlation was found between the number of freezing acts and the levels of Monoamine Oxidize-A and Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor mRNAs in the hippocampus. The study results show promise for resveratrol supplementation in PTSD treatment. Further research is warranted to better understand the underlying mechanisms and optimize the potential benefits of resveratrol supplementation for PTSD

    Carbonate Reservoir as a Source Rock

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    В результате комплексного детального изучения литологии, петрофизики и закономерностей распределения углеводородов-биомаркеров и углеводородов алмазоподобного строения в растворимом органическом веществе и продуктах термолиза нерастворимого органического вещества (керогена) карбонатных пород-коллекторов нижнего кембрия (осинский горизонт) Восточной Сибири был сделан вывод, что они являются одновременно и нефтематеринскими толщами. Дополнительным подтверждением такого вывода служит близкое распределение углеводородного состава на молекулярном уровне в нефтях, отобранных из тех же отложенийA complex detailed study of lithology, petrophysics, and distribution of hydrocarbon biomarkers and hydrocarbons of diamond-like structure in a soluble organic matter and products of thermolysis of insoluble organic matter (kerogen) of the Lower Cambrian Eastern Siberian сarbonate reservoir rocks (osinsky horizon) showed that these rocksare source rocksat the same time. An additional research validation of this conclusion is the close distribution of the hydrocarbon composition at the molecular level of crude oils taken from the same deposit

    Nonlinear Metamaterials

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    Metamaterials are engineered structures designed to exhibit exotic electromagnetic properties. Early on in the development of metamaterials, these properties were extended to exotic regimes of nonlinear behaviour, unknown in classical nonlinear optics. In this chapter, we give a historical overview of metamaterials, considering first their exotic linear properties, and show how these give rise to exotic nonlinear properties, at frequency ranges from RF to visible. We overview the main attractive features of metamaterials for nonlinear applications, namely their strong local field enhancement, their ability to achieve exotic phase matching conditions, and the possibility to create inclusions with the correct symmetry to enhance a chosen nonlinear process. We then summarise the two most important classes of nonlinear optical metamaterials, plasmonic and all-dielectric