613 research outputs found

    Beban Penyakit Nasional Karena Tuberkulosis Paru

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    Besarnya masalah TB di negara berkembang termasuk Indonesia sangat besar dan memerlukan penanggulangan yang sungguh-sungguh. Masalahnya menjadi lebih unik karena penyakit ini terutama mengenai penduduk usia produktif (15-59 tahun) yang merupakan tulang punggung keluarga dan masyarakat.Tersedianya teknologi diagnostik dan obat anti tuberkulosis yang ampuh, tidak menjamin efektivitas program pemberantasan, karena banyaknya kendala yang dihadapi.Untuk Indonesia pemberantasan Tuberkulosis merupakan salah satu prioritas utama karena tingkat kesakitan dan kematian yang tinggi serta dampak ekonomi negatif yang ditanggung oleh keluarga, masyarakat dan negara

    Strong coupling of magnons in a YIG sphere to photons in a planar superconducting resonator in the quantum limit

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    We report measurements of a superconducting coplanar waveguide resonator (CPWR) coupled to a sphere of yttrium-iron garnet. The non-uniform CPWR field allows us to excite various magnon modes in the sphere. Mode frequencies and relative coupling strengths are consistent with theory. Strong coupling is observed to several modes even with, on average, less than one excitation present in the CPWR. The time response to square pulses shows oscillations at the mode splitting frequency. These results indicate the feasibility of combining magnonic and planar superconducting quantum devices.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Quantum interference between single photons from a single atom and a cold atomic ensemble

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    Abstract Background: Maternal and neonatal mortality rates are still a problem in Indonesia. Various efforts have been made, such as training and placing midwives in villages, increasing the number of deliveries performed in health facilities. There is a consensus that an important intervention is to provide appropriate health facilities managed by trained health workers who assist in childbirth, including midwives and doctors. One of the means of infrastructure that needs to be considered available at the community health center (puskesmas) is an ultrasound device to detect pregnancy complications. Objective: The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of the use of ultrasound devices to increase antenatal care (ANC) to health centers. Method: the study design was a quasi-experiment conducted at 20 puskesmas in Bogor district. Analyses was conducted in descriptive, the total sample participating in the study was 4,049 cases, but only 3,314 cases were analysed. Result: The results of the study prove that the availability of USG at the puskesmas increases ANC visits to the puskesmas. The availability of ultrasound and the use of ultrasound affect the number of ANC visits to health facilities, especially to puskesmas. As an attraction for screening and ANC during pregnancy, the government needs to provide an ultrasound device at puskesmas. Key words: Ultrasoundgraphic, antenatal care, Puskesmas, midwives, pregnancy complication Abstrak Latar belakang: Angka kematian ibu dan neonatal masih merupakan masalah di Indonesia. Berbagai upaya telah dilakukan, seperti melatih dan menempatkan bidan di desa, meningkatkan jumlah persalinan yang dilakukan di fasilitas kesehatan. Ada konsensus yang menyatakan bahwa intervensi yang penting dilakukan adalah memberikan fasilitas kesehatan yang layak dikelola oleh tenaga kesehatan terlatih yang menolong persalinan, antara lain bidan dan dokter. Salah satu sarana prasarana yang perlu dipertimbangkan tersedia di puskesmas adalah alat ultrasound untuk mendeteksi komplikasi kehamilan. Tujuan:  mengetahui pengaruh penggunaan alat USG terhadap peningkatan antenatal care (ANC) ke puskesmas. Metode: disain penelitian adalah quasi eksperimen yang dilakukan pada 20 puskesmas di kabupaten Bogor. Analisis dilakukan secara deskriptif, total sampel yang berpatisipasi dalam penelitian 4.049 kasus, namun yang di analisis hanya 3.314 kasus.  Hasil: Ketersedian USG di puskesmas meningkatkan kunjungan ANC ke puskesmas. Ketersediaan USG dan penggunaan USG mempengaruhi jumlah kunjungan ANC ke fasilitas kesehatan, khususnya ke puskesmas. Sebagai daya Tarik untuk melakukanskrining dan ANC pada saat kehamilan, maka pemerintah perlu menyediakan alat USG di puskesmas.   Kata kunci: Ultrasound, Antenatal Care, Puskesmas, Bidan, Komplikasi Kehamila

    Analysis of Potential Health and Economic Impact Oflarge Avian Influenza Epidemics in Indonesia

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    The analysis of potential health and economic impacts from large epidemics on avian flu in Indonesia had been conducted using several sources including data from health, agriculture, tourism and transportation sectors. This analysis aimed to socialize the understanding on negative impacts and the size of burden if a large epidemic happened in lndonesia. It was estimated 43.2 million people will suffer from avian flu with a total deaths in the first two weeks at about 525.000 persons and 605.000 cases need hospitalized in the first 2 (two) months of epidemics. The cost needed for case managements reach 539.9 million US Dollars. In agriculture sector, the direct lost because of disease or stumping out of poultry reached 97.2 million US Dollars and the preventing cost using vaccines for poultry is 74.7 million US Dollars. In tourism sector. the losses reached 8.6 million Dollars and in transportation sector reached 1.7 milliard US Dollars just in the first two months. The negative impact will increase if the epidemic was in a long duration or the virus type is more virulent. So the government and community efforts to do promotion and preventive activities including preventing the virus transmission in poultry, to protect if the epidemic starts and to decrease the negative impacts for community health is important to manage the situation

    Division of matrimonial property: equity versus equality

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    A Dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the degree of Bachelor of Laws (LL.B) at Strathmore UniversityThis study examines the efficacy of the current matrimonial property regime. The new regime was introduced to replace the archaic colonial law imposed by our colonial masters in the form of the Married Women's Property Act 1882. Even decades after independence, we clung to the same law in matters of division of matrimonial property. What followed were varied and contradictory decisions on division of matrimonial property. There were those that opined that only financial contribution was to be considered as seen in cases such as Njuguna v Njuguna.Others took non-monetary contribution as adequate for a claim, as seen in Kivuitu v Kivuitu.There was need for stability, which was to be provided by the 2010 Constitution, Marriage Act 2014 and Matrimonial Property Act 2013. The dissertation therefore attempts to establish whether this in fact was achieved, as we observe that Sections in the Matrimonial Property Act to a large extent take us back to the era of uncertainty that characterized the Pre-20 10 Constitution period

    Building capacity for mortality statistics programs: Perspectives from the Indonesian experience

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    Information on deaths by age, sex, and cause are primary inputs for health policy and epidemiological research. Currently, most developing countries lack efficient death registration systems that generate these data on a routine and timely basis. The global community is promoting initiatives to establish and strengthen national mortality statistics programs across the developing world. Building human, technical, and institutional capacity to operate these programs are essential elements for the program. In Indonesia, the government has established a national Sample Registration System (SRS) covering a population of 9 million and is looking toward further scaling up of operations of the mortality statistics program in conjunction with expansion of the national Civil Registration and Vital Statistics (CRVS) systems. This article reports the theoretical and practical perspectives gained from experiences in developing human capacity in the Indonesian context. These perspectives are described in terms of the institutional, personnel, and functional components of the program for collection, compilation, analysis, and utilisation of mortality and cause of death data. The article also describes the challenges and potential solutions for implementing capacity building activities at national and subnational level. In conclusion, the need for and availability of training resources are discussed, including the potential for involvement of public health academia and international collaborations within a research framework on program management, quality evaluation, and data utilisation. Adequate attention to capacity building is essential to ensure the success and sustainability of national mortality statistics programs.CR and MK are partially supported by a development partnership grant from the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Australia, which also supports part of the capacity building activities described in this manuscript