11 research outputs found

    Učinak dijalize na peroksidaciju lipida i antioksidacijski status nerastove sjemene plazme pohranjene u tekućem stanju.

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    The aim of this study was to assess the effect of dialysis on the lipid peroxidation and antioxidant status in liquid stored boar semen. Seventeen ejaculates obtained from eight boars were divided into two aliquots. One aliquot was dialyzed; the other was used as a control. Semen was then stored at 16-17 °C for three days. Sperm quality parameters, capacitation status, thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS), superoxide dismutase activity (SOD) and total antioxidant capacity (TAC) of dialyzed and non-dialyzed semen were measured. The effect of lipid peroxidation and antioxidant status on semen quality was evaluated. Removal of low molecular weight components (LMWC) from seminal plasma by dialysis resulted in a signifi cantly higher percentage of morphologically normal spermatozoa (P = 0.002). Dialysis moderated the increasing level of acrosomal reacted spermatozoa, showing a significantly lower level of acrosomal reacted spermatozoa in dialyzed semen samples according to each day of storage (P<0.05). SOD increased with storage time in both groups, whereas control samples showed significantly higher levels of SOD than dialyzed ones (P<0.05). Dialyses yielded a significant decrease in TAC and an increase in the level of TBARS (P<0.05). Our results show that elevated levels of SOD in dialyzed semen are not able to counterbalance decreased levels of TAC and prevent oxidative injures to the spermatozoal sperm membrane.Cilj istraživanja bio je procijeniti učinak dijalize na peroksidaciju lipida i antioksidacijski status nerastova sjemena pohranjena u tekućem stanju. Sedamnaest ejakulata od osam nerastova bilo je podijeljeno u dvije skupine. Jedna skupina bila je podvrgnuta dijalizi, a druga je bila kontrolna. Sjeme je nakon toga bilo pohranjeno na 16 do 17 °C tijekom tri dana. Izmjereni su pokazatelji kvalitete sjemena: kapacitiranje spermija, reaktivne tvari tiobarbiturne kiseline, aktivnost superoksidne dismutaze i ukupna antioksidacijska sposobnost dijaliziranog i nedijaliziranog sjemena. Procijenjen je učinak peroksidacije lipida i antioksidacijski status na kvalitetu sjemena. Uklanjanje sastojaka male molekulske mase dijalizom iz sjemene plazme dovelo je do značajno povećanog postotka morfološki normalnih spermija (P = 0,002). Dijaliza je utjecala na razinu akrosomski reaktivnih spermija pokazujući njihovu značajno manju razinu reaktivnosti u dijaliziranim uzorcima po svakom danu pohrane (P<0,05). Aktivnost superoksidne dismutaze povećavala se s vremenom pohrane u obje skupine, ali su kontrolni uzorci pokazivali značajno veću aktivnost nego dijalizirani (P<0,05). Dijaliza je značajno smanjila antioksidacijsku sposobnost, a povećala reaktivne tvari tiobarbiturne kiseline (P<0,05). Rezultati pokazuju da povećane razine aktivnosti superoksidne dismutaze u dijaliziranom sjemenu ne mogu uravnotežiti smanjenu razinu antioksidacijske sposobnosti i spriječiti oksidativna oštećenja membrane spermija

    Value of semen parameters, with special reference to TNF-α, in predicting the quality of boar semen after short-term storage

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    The aim of this study was to address the question whether changes in boar semen quality after short-term storage could be predicted on the basis of standard semen parameters and TNF-α level determined on the day of semen collection under commercial conditions. Progressive motility showed the highest positive correlation with morphology on day 0 of collection, and progressive motility on day 3 (P 0.5; P < 0.05). TNF-α in seminal plasma is the only parameter measured on day 0 to show a significant correlation with the percentage of viable spermatozoa after 3 days of semen storage (r = 0.495, P < 0.05). ROC analysis shows that TNF-α level is helpful in discriminating viability outcome after semen storage (AUC = 0.94, P < 0.001). We can predict with 92.35% certainty that fresh semen samples with more than 150 pg/ml of TNF-α in the seminal plasma will retain more than 85% of viable spermatozoa after 3 days of storage. Thus, TNF-α can contribute to predicting the quality of short-term stored semen

    Influence of sexually transmitted infections in a horse breeding

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    The most frequent problems in horses reproduction are generally divided into those of infectious and non infectious etiology. Common causes of infectious diseases are usual­ly viruses and bacteria, and less frequently protozoa, mykoplasma and fungi. In this work there are presented the most important fact about sexually transmitted diseases, their clinical picture, risk factors, preventive measures as well as measures to prevent and eradicate the diseases. The biggest risk factor for sexually transmitted diseases in horses are breeding stallions, both in natural mating and in artificial insemination. Therefore, in order to prevent genital infections in horses, it is essential that the stallions used for breeding are healthy (non-infected). That can be determined with certainty only if the stallions are examined (tested) just before the breeding season on most frequent sexually transmitted diseases (CEM,EAV). It is well known that in most cases the clinical picture of sexually transmitted diseses is not manifested on genitals. As well, variations in clinical picture can be expected also in mares, depending on the stage of the disease and its etiology. Harms arising from sexually transmitted diseases can be divided into direct and indirect. Direct damage occurs in the form of endometritis, miscarriage, stillbirths and births of weak foals, and indirect in restricting the traffic of infected and suspicios animals, isolation of the infected ones as well as medical treatment and interrupting mating

    Equine viral arteritis

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    Equine viral arteritis (EVA) is a contagious disease of equids caused by equine artheritis virus (EAV), widespread in most countries in the world, where patients are diagnosed. The infection usually starts asymptomatic. Clinical signs indicate respiratory infection of different intensity and also abortions are present at different stages of gestation. Large prevalence of this disease in the world has become a growing economic problem. The disease is specific to a particular kind of animals, and it affects only equids (horses, donkeys, mules, mule and zebras). In countries where the infection has been confirmed, the percentage of positive animals differ. Likewise, there is difference in percentage among certain animal kinds. The highest percentage of positive animals has been found in totters and the lowest in cold-blooded

    Superoxide Dismutase: A Predicting Factor for Boar Semen Characteristics for Short-Term Preservation

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    Superoxide dismutase (SOD), total antioxidant capacity (TAC), and thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS) in seminal plasma were evaluated on the basis of receiver operating characteristics (ROC) analysis as predictors for distinguishing satisfactory from unsatisfactory boar semen samples after storage. SOD on day 0 correlated significantly with progressive motility (r=-0.686; P<0.05) and viability (r=-0.513; P<0.05) after storage; TBARS correlated only with motility (r=-0.480; P<0.05). Semen samples that, after 3 days of storage, fulfilled all criteria for semen characteristics (viability > 85%, motility > 70%, progressive motility > 25%, and normal morphology > 50%) had significantly lower SOD levels on the day 0 than those with at least one criterion not fulfilled (P<0.05) following storage. SOD levels of less than 1.05 U/mL predicted with 87.5% accuracy that fresh semen will suit the requirements for satisfactory semen characteristics after storage, while semen with SOD levels higher than 1.05 U/mL will not fulfill with 100% accuracy at least one semen characteristic after storage. These results support the proposal that SOD in fresh boar semen can be used as a predictor of semen quality after storage