49 research outputs found

    Inscriptions of ā€œGood Luckā€ on Roman Objects from Viminacium

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    Recent discovery of a small lead tablet (or a plate, tray?) with an incised inscription utere was the oppurtunity to review other objects with this inscription or its Greek equivalent found at Viminacium. So far, the inscription utere/utere felix or its abbreviations have been found on a lead tablet, fingerrings, mirror frame and belt sets from Viminacium. This inscription made objects used in everyday life apotropaic, or some of the objects were intentionally made in the shape of the letters of this formula, with purpose to protect and bring good luck to its owner

    Inscriptions of "Good Luck" on Roman Objects from Viminacium

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    Recent finding of a small lead tablet (or a vessel, tray?) with an incised inscription utere was the oppurtunity to review other objects with this inscription or its Greek equivalent found at Viminacium. So far, the inscription utere/utere felix or its abbreviations have been found on a lead tablet, fingerrings, mirror/frame and belt sets at Viminacium. This inscription made objects used in everyday life apotropaic, or some of the objects were intentionally made in the shape of the letters of this formula, with purpose to bring good luck to its owne

    Inscriptions and stamps on Roman weapons and military equipment from the Serbian part of Limes

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    The presentation is dedicated to the rare examples of the inscribed and stamped weapons and military equipment from the Serbian part of Limes, i.e. provinces of Pannonia Inferior and Moesia Superior or later Pannonia Secunda and Moesia Prima. We are familiar with circa twenty finds of helmets, swords, spears, slights, parts of military equipment and horse gear, but also with an extraordinary specimen of parade armour, which belonged to the troops stationed on the Roman Limes in Serbia during the Principate and early Dominate. Analyses of the rare seals, that is, of their inscriptions, provide important data on the character of fabricae (state fabricae, military camp`s officinae, fabricate privatae). On the other hand, punctured and engraved inscriptions on weapons and military equipment are more common and contain more information about the owner, such as personal name, name of the unit (centuria, cohors), name of the superior officer, and in some cases name of the armourer, which could indicate his possible origin and indirectly the place of manufacture

    Danube limes in Serbia: on the way to a UNESCO World heritage site ā€“ problems, challenges and solutions

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    Since 1987, when the first part of the Roman Limes was inscribed to the UNESCO List of World Heritage, there has been an idea to unite this system, stretching over 5,000 km across the Roman provinces in Europe, the Near East and North Africa, into one big site ā€“ Frontiers of the Roman Empire (Ployer, Polak and Schmidt 2017). Apart from Hadrianā€™s and Antonineā€™s wall, the Lower Germanic, the Upper German-Raetian Limes and the western part of the Danube Limes have also been inscribed to this list so far. The Danube Limes was divided into two segments ā€“ western and eastern, with the parts in Germany, Slovakia and Austria already inscribed. The nomination of the eastern part of the Danube Limes is a joint project of four countries ā€“ Croatia, Serbia, Romania and Bulgaria. The Limes section in Serbia is 450 km long. Archaeological prospection and excavations have confirmed the existence of approximately 80 sites, 10 in the province of Pannonia Inferior and 70 in Moesia Superior (Korać et al. 2014). For the revised Tentative List, 35 sites were selected (Tentative List).1st International Conference with Workshop. Science for Conservation of the Danube Limes. Mortar Design for Conservation ā€“ Danube Roman Frontier 2000 Years after. Programme and Abstracts. June 27th ā€“ July 1st 2022, Viminacium, Serbi

    A new find of lead mirror frames from Rit (Viminacium)

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    Eleven miniature lead mirror frames were discovered during the protective archaeological excavations of Viminacium in 2015, at the Rit site. The frames were found in a ditch probably used at fi rst as a canal for drainage and was fi lled with waste material during the cleaning of the necropolis afterwards. Some of the mirrors represent a unique fi nd, since few of these types have been found on the territory of Viminacium so far, and the only analogies are the ones from the Hungarian National Museum in Budapest. These fi nds confi rm the widespread opinion about these mirrors not having been used as cosmetic or toilet articles, but as cult/apotropaic objects

    TeÅ”koće u održavanju oralnog zdravlja kod dece i adolescenata sa poremećajima iz autističnog spektra - opažanja roditelja

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    Introduction/Objective Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is characterized by features that have the potential to make oral hygiene and dental appointments challenging. The aim of this study was to investigate difficulties related to oral hygiene and dental appointments that may be encountered in children and adolescents with ASD, in comparison to their typically developing peers. Methods A 48-item questionnaire was prepared for the purpose of the study and distributed to parents of children and adolescents with ASD in three specialized daycare centers, as well as to parents of typically developing children and adolescents at the Clinic for Pediatric and Preventive Dentistry in Belgrade, Serbia. Ninety-two questionnaires were considered and statistically analyzed in the SPSS program, using Ļ‡2 and Mann-Whitney U-test. Results The following statistically significant differences were found between children and adolescents with ASD and their typically developing peers: general difficulties in everyday oral hygiene, need of help for basic oral hygiene tasks, tooth brushing frequency, sensory difficulties related to toothbrush and toothpaste, level of anxiety prior to dental appointment, cooperation during appointment, sensory difficulties related to touch, operatory light and sound of dental unit, number of treatments under general anesthesia, and the number of refused dental treatments. Conclusion Children and adolescents with ASD face significantly more difficulties concerning everyday oral hygiene and dental appointments in comparison to their typically developing peers. Dentists' awareness of issues that are specific to this population of patients is important in order to enable quality dental care.Uvod/Cilj Poremećaji autističnog spektra (PAS) mogu biti uzrok poteÅ”koća vezanih za održavanje oralne higijene, kao i za posete stomatologu. Cilj rada je bio da se utvrde razlike između dece i adolescenata sa PAS i kontrolne grupe neurotipičnih vrÅ”njaka sa aspekta održavanja oralne higijene i poseta stomatologu. Metode Upitnik od 48 pitanja distribuiran je roditeljima dece i adolescenata sa PAS u tri specijalizovana dnevna boravka, kao i roditeljima kontrolne grupe neurotipičnih vrÅ”njaka. Devedeset dva upitnika je uzeto u obzir i statistički analizirano u programu SPSS. Rezultati Statistički značajne razlike između dece i adolescenata sa PAS i njihovih tipično razvijenih vrÅ”njaka utvrđene su u sledećim kategorijama: teÅ”koće u svakodnevnoj oralnoj higijeni, potreba za pomoći u održavanju oralne higijene, učestalost pranja zuba, senzorne teÅ”koće vezane za četkicu i zubnu pastu, nivo anksioznosti pre posete stomatologu, saradnja tokom stomatoloÅ”kog tretmana, senzorne teÅ”koće vezane za dodir stomatologa, svetlo i zvuk stomatoloÅ”kog uređaja, broj tretmana pod opÅ”tom anestezijom i broj odbijenih stomatoloÅ”kih usluga. Zaključak Deca i adolescenti sa PAS suočavaju se sa znatno većim poteÅ”koćama u pogledu svakodnevne oralne higijene i poseta stomatologu u poređenju sa tipično razvijenim vrÅ”njacima. Svest stomatologa o pitanjima koja su specifična za ovu populaciju pacijenata je važna kako bi se deci i adolescentima sa PAS omogućila kvalitetna stomatoloÅ”ka nega

    ZaŔtitna arheoloŔka istraživanja nekropole na lokalitetu ViŔe grobalja (Viminacijum) u 2020. godini

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    Teritorija južnih nekropola grada Viminacijuma se u velikoj meri preklapa sa prostorom na kome se danas nalazi Termoelektrana Kostolac B u Drmnu, Å”to je dovelo do toga da se ovde sprovedu obimna zaÅ”titna arheoloÅ”ka iskopavanja, pre svega prilikom izgradnje Elektrane 70-ih i 80-ih godina proÅ”log veka (Š—Š¾Ń‚Š¾Š²Šøћ, ŠˆŠ¾Ń€Š“Š¾Š²Šøћ 1990; Korać, Golubović 2009), ali i kasnije, prilikom izgradnje novih i modifikacije starih postrojenja (Jovičić et al. 2017; Jovičić et al. 2021; Redžić et al. 2017; Redžić et al. 2018; Redžić et al. 2021a; Redžić et al. 2021b). Istraživanjima je otkriven veliki broj grobova iz rimskog perioda (Korać et al. 2018, 47ā€“48), ali i latena (Jovanović 2018), Seobe naroda (IvaniÅ”ević et al. 2006) i razvijenog srednjeg veka (Š”ŠæŠ°ŃŠøћ 1990). Lokacija poznata pod toponimom ViÅ”e grobalja obuhvata istočni deo Termoelektrane i do sada je na ovom prostoru istraženo oko 4300 grobova. Starija istraživanja su bila fokusirana uglavnom na centralni deo nekropole, gde je konstatovano sahranjivanje od kraja 1. do sredine 3. veka (Š—Š¾Ń‚Š¾Š²Šøћ, ŠˆŠ¾Ń€Š“Š¾Š²Šøћ 1990, 3ā€“4). Poslednjih godina, u okviru novih zaÅ”titnih iskopavanja istraživan je i severni deo ove nekropole. Uočeno je da se na ovom prostoru javljaju i neÅ”to poznije sahrane, sa kraja 3. i iz 4. veka (Jovičić et al. 2021). ZaÅ”titna arheoloÅ”ka iskopavanja na lokalitetu ViÅ”e grobalja sprovedena 2020. godine predstavljaju nastavak istraživanja iz 2018. i 2019. godine (sl. 1) (Jovičić et al. 2021; Redžić et al. 2021b). Sprovedena su u krugu Termoelektrane Kostolac B, na lokaciji predviđenoj za izgradnju treće deponijske linije uglja i njene prateće infrastrukture. Istražena je ukupna povrÅ”ina od 2371 m2, u okviru trinaest sondi (Sonde 303ā€“315)

    ArheoloŔka istraživanja na lokalitetu Rit (Viminacijum) u 2016. godini

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    Severoistočno od gradskog jezgra Viminacijuma, na lokaciji Rit, tokom viÅ”egodiÅ”njih zaÅ”titnih arheoloÅ”kih istraživanja otkriveno je viÅ”e objekata privatnog karaktera ā€“ vila rustika, delovi antičke nekropole (Mikić et al. 2006; Redžić et al. 2012; Redžić et al. 2017; Danković, Petaković 2014; Milovanović et al. 2017), ali i ostaci praistorijskih i srednjovekovnih naseobina. To područje je često bilo plavljeno izlivanjem reke Mlave i rukavca Dunava, Dunavca. Samu udolinu je presecala manja reka Klepečka koja je danas presuÅ”ila i čiji se tok može pratiti samo u konfiguraciji terena. Blizina rečnih tokova je bila od presudnog značaja za podizanje prvih, bronzanodopskih naseobina, pre svega uz Klepečku reku, a zatim antičkih i srednjovekovnih objekata i staniÅ”ta. Za sada skromni nalazi praistorijskih i srednjovekovnih kultura se sporadično prate na obalama Klepečke reke, na uzviÅ”enjima koja su odolevala poplavama. Međutim, u vreme antičkog Viminacijuma, u Ritu je bio uspostavljen organizovani sistem za odvodnjavanje koga su činili brojni kanali-rovovi. Tokom prva dva veka naÅ”e ere na ovom području se prostirala jedna od starijih viminacijumskih nekropola, na kojoj je vrÅ”eno biritualno saranjivanje, da bi u 3. veku, u doba najvećeg procvata Viminacijuma, otpočela i izgradnja privatnih stambenih objekata ā€“ vila oko kojih su grupisani grobovi od opeka, kao i sarkofazi od kamena i olova

    Gerulata: a Fort on the Road from Taliata to Egeta

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    Since the earliest times of Roman military presence in the Balkans, the Danube had a vital role. The elaborate system of fortifications on the Danube limes was connected by roads, one of the most important ones being Via militaris, leading to the Black Sea. Apart from the main road following the Danube, there were alternative ones. After Porečka reka, the Danube bends and goes into the Dacian territory for 26 km, making a big curve. So, in order to get from Taliata (Donji Milanovac) to Egeta (Brza Palanka), by following the Danube road, it would take more time than by using an alternative one, across the Miroč mountain. The fort of Gerulata was erected to protect this alternative road. On Tabula Peutingeriana it is represented as one of two stations on this road, VIII miles from Taliata.6th International Conference on the Roman Danubian Provinces, Belgrade and Viminacium, 1st ā€“ 5th November 202

    ArheoloŔka istraživanja na lokalitetu Rit (Viminacijum) u 2017. godini

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    ZaÅ”titna arheoloÅ”ka istraživanja na lokalitetu Rit, koja su se nadovezala na radove iz prethodne godine (Milovanović et al. 2018), nastavljena su tokom marta i trajala sve do kraja decembra 2017. godine. Tim radovima je arheoloÅ”ki ispitana povrÅ”ina od 9.061,50 mĀ² sa ukupno 193 sondi (sonde 131ā€“323). Sonde su postavljene na prostoru od preko stotinu hektara duž oboda povrÅ”inskog kopa Drmno, u zoni gde se očekivao prolaz cevovoda, čija je trasa korigovana na osnovu rezultata istraživanja. Iskopavanjima su prethodila geofizička snimanja u zonama gde je to bilo moguće: zbog postojećih instalacija povrÅ”inskog kopa (linija bunara za visokonaponskim kablovima) i dalekovoda taj vid prospekcije nije bilo moguće izvÅ”iti na čitavom prostoru. Tokom viÅ”emesečnih iskopavanja, istražen je antički objekat stambenog karaktera (villa rustica), deo antičke nekropole i viÅ”e ukopa (pozajmiÅ”ta gline), četiri bunara i rov koji je koriŔćen kao kanal za odvođenje vode prilikom poplava