206 research outputs found

    Quantum teleportation from a telecom-wavelength photon to a solid-state quantum memory

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    In quantum teleportation, the state of a single quantum system is disembodied into classical information and purely quantum correlations, to be later reconstructed onto a second system that has never directly interacted with the first one. This counterintuitive phenomenon is a cornerstone of quantum information science due to its essential role in several important tasks such as the long-distance transmission of quantum information using quantum repeaters. In this context, a challenge of paramount importance is the distribution of entanglement between remote nodes, and to use this entanglement as a resource for long-distance light-to-matter quantum teleportation. Here we demonstrate quantum teleportation of the polarization state of a telecom-wavelength photon onto the state of a solid-state quantum memory. Entanglement is established between a rare-earth-ion doped crystal storing a single photon that is polarization-entangled with a flying telecom-wavelength photon. The latter is jointly measured with another flying qubit carrying the polarization state to be teleported, which heralds the teleportation. The fidelity of the polarization state of the photon retrieved from the memory is shown to be greater than the maximum fidelity achievable without entanglement, even when the combined distances travelled by the two flying qubits is 25 km of standard optical fibre. This light-to-matter teleportation channel paves the way towards long-distance implementations of quantum networks with solid-state quantum memories.Comment: 5 pages (main text) + appendix (10 pages

    Modern Going Near Application of Respiratory Exercises at Obesity for Women

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    У статті розглядається методика дихальної гімнастики «Бодіфлекс»під час реабілітації жінок з ожирінням.In the article the method of respiratory gymnastics of «Bodifleks»pid is examined time of rehabilitation of women with obesity

    High-efficiency WSi superconducting nanowire single-photon detectors operating at 2.5 K

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    We investigate the operation of WSi superconducting nanowire single-photon detectors (SNSPDs) at 2.5 K, a temperature which is ~ 70 % of the superconducting transition temperature (TC) of 3.4 K. We demonstrate saturation of the system detection efficiency at 78 +- 2 % with a jitter of 191 ps. We find that the jitter at 2.5 K is limited by the noise of the readout, and can be improved through the use of cryogenic amplifiers. Operation of SNSPDs with high efficiency at temperatures very close to TC appears to be a unique property of amorphous WSi

    High-efficiency superconducting nanowire single-photon detectors fabricated from MoSi thin-films

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    We demonstrate high-efficiency superconducting nanowire single-photon detectors (SNSPDs) fabricated from MoSi thin-films. We measure a maximum system detection efficiency (SDE) of 87 +- 0.5 % at 1542 nm at a temperature of 0.7 K, with a jitter of 76 ps, maximum count rate approaching 10 MHz, and polarization dependence as low as 3.4 +- 0.7 % The SDE curves show saturation of the internal efficiency similar to WSi-based SNSPDs at temperatures as high as 2.3 K. We show that at similar cryogenic temperatures, MoSi SNSPDs achieve efficiencies comparable to WSi-based SNSPDs with nearly a factor of two reduction in jitter

    Frequency-domain multiplexing of SNSPDs with tunable superconducting resonators

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    This work culminates in a demonstration of an alternative Frequency Domain Multiplexing (FDM) scheme for Superconducting Nanowire Single-Photon Detectors (SNSPDs) using the Kinetic inductance Parametric UP-converter (KPUP) made out of NbTiN. There are multiple multiplexing architectures for SNSPDs that are already in use, but FDM could prove superior in applications where the operational bias currents are very low, especially for mid- and far-infrared SNSPDs. Previous FDM schemes integrated the SNSPD within the resonator, while in this work we use an external resonator, which gives more flexibility to optimize the SNSPD architecture. The KPUP is a DC-biased superconducting resonator in which a nanowire is used as its inductive element to enable sensitivity to current perturbations. When coupled to an SNSPD, the KPUP can be used to read out current pulses on the few μ\muA scale. The KPUP is made out of NbTiN, which has high non-linear kinetic inductance for increased sensitivity at higher current bias and high operating temperature. Meanwhile, the SNSPD is made from WSi, which is a popular material for broadband SNSPDs. To read out the KPUP and SNSPD array, a software-defined radio platform and a graphics processing unit are used. Frequency Domain Multiplexed SNSPDs have applications in astronomy, remote sensing, exoplanet science, dark matter detection, and quantum sensing