93 research outputs found

    Agresja i przemoc w szkole, czyli co powinniśmy wiedzieć, by skutecznie działać

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    publikacja opracowana na zlecenie Ministerstwa Edukacji Narodowej, sfinansowana z rezerwy celowej w ramach rządowego programu na lata 2014-2016 "Bezpieczna i przyjazna szkoła

    Gyroscope‐based control and stabilization of unmanned aerial mini‐vehicle (mini‐UAV)

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    This work discusses the use of a mini gyroscope with three degrees of freedom to control or remote control an unmanned aerial mini‐vehicle (mini‐UAV). The gyroscope determines the reference system for the navigation of the UAV. The algorithm of the gyroscope control moments and the law of deflection of the UAV surface control are presented. The mini autopilot plays a role of a system that makes the longitudinal line coincide with the gyroscope axis. The structure and durability aspects of the remote and programmed navigation are considered. First Published Online: 14 Oct 201

    Analysis of a Hybrid Guided Bomb Control System while Self-guided to a Ground Target

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    This article presents a mathematical model and an algorithm for controlling a guided bomb to a moving and a stationary ground target. The target path was determined from the kinematic relationships of the reciprocal movement of the bomb and the ground target, based on the proportional approximation method. The analysed control system used sliding control, with the PID algorithm to determine the sliding plane. Three types of sliding planes were considered. In addition, a comparative analysis was carried out for three types of controllers: classic PID, sliding and hybrid. Selected results of the computer simulation are listed

    Experimental research of flow servo-valve

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    Positional control of pneumatic drives is particularly important in pneumatic systems. Some methods of positioning pneumatic cylinders for changeover and tracking control are known. Choking method is the most development-oriented and has the greatest potential. An optimal and effective method, particularly when applied to pneumatic drives, has been searched for a long time. Sophisticated control systems with algorithms utilizing artificial intelligence methods are designed therefor. In order to design the control algorithm, knowledge about real parameters of servo-valves used in control systems of electro-pneumatic servo-drives is required. The paper presents the experimental research of flow servo-valve

    Model tests of wind turbine with a vertical axis of rotation type Lenz 2

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    A building design of vertical axis wind turbines (VAWT) was presented in the article. The construction and operating principle of a wind turbine were described therein. Two VAWT turbine models were compared, i.a. Darrieus and Lenz2, taking their strengths and weaknesses into consideration. 3D solid models of turbine components were presented with the use of SolidWorks software. Using CFD methods, the air flow on two aerodynamic fins, symmetrical and asymmetrical, at different angles of attack were tested. On the basis of flow simulation conducted in FlowSimulation, an asymmetrical fin was chosen as the one showing greater load bearing capacities. Due to the uncertainty of trouble-free operation of Darrieus turbine on construction elements creating the basis thereof, a 3D model of Lenz2 turbine was constructed, which is more reliable and makes turbine self-start possible. On the basis of the research, components were designed and technical docu mentation was compiled

    Sterowanie i korekcja platformy giroskopowej umieszczonej na pokładzie obiektu latającego

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    The work is concerned with the optimal control and correction of a three-axis gyroscopic platform fixed on board of a flying object. The deviations from the predetermined motion are minimized by means of a method of programmed control, an algorithm of the optimal correction control, and selection of optimal parameters for the gyroscopic platform.W pracy przedstawione jest sterowanie optymalne i korekcja trzyosiowej platformy giroskopowej, umieszczonej na pokładzie obiektu latającego. Odchylenia od ruchu zadanego są minimalizowane za pomocą sterowania programowego, algorytmu optymalnego sterowania korekcyjnego oraz wyboru optymalnych parametrów platformy giroskopowej