17 research outputs found

    Der orthopädische Operationstisch der Chirurgischen Universitätsklinik zu Leipzig

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    ∗^{*}This research was supported in part by a grant extended to the University of Washington by the Office of Naval Research. †^{\dag}In absentia from Department of Chemistry, University of Washington, Seattle 5, Washington. ††^{\dag\dag}dLNational Science Foundation Cooperative Fellow 1961-63.Author Institution: Department of Chemistry, University of California“Ordinary second order perturbation theory, when applied to an electronic perturbation P{P} [for convenience assume (o∣P∣o)=o](o|{P}|o) = o], yields an intractable sum over states Σi’(Eo−Ee)−1\Sigma_{i}’ (E_{o} - E_{e})^{-1} . Expanding each denominator Eo−E1E_{o}-E_{1}, about an average energy ϵav\epsilon_{av}, leads to a power series in (Eo−Ei−ϵnv)/ϵnv(E_{o}-E_{i}-\epsilon_{nv})/\epsilon_{nv}. The first term, after closure, is /ϵnv/\epsilon_{nv} which is just the average energy approximation. Setting the second term equal to zero determines an ϵnv\epsilon_{nv} which is identical to the one obtained by minimizing the energy with, respect to a trial wavefunction of the form Ψtrial=Ψo+ϵav−1PΨo\Psi_{trial} = \Psi_{o} + \epsilon_{av}^{-1} {P} \Psi_{o}. Certain Ps{P}_{s}, however, possess singularities which would give rise to a non-allowed Ψtrial\Psi_{trial} (actually, ϵav−1\epsilon_{{ av}}^{-1} is forced to be zero). This suggests choosing different ϵav’s\epsilon_{av}’s for different regions in space so that singularities can be ignored. A general method for doing this has been developed which leads, ultimately, to replacement of the sum over states by an integral over regions in spare. Furthermore, Ψtrial\Psi_{trial} can be correctly scaled by a suitable perturbation procedure. Applications to electric and magnetic perturbation problems will be discussed.