1,157 research outputs found

    Media aandacht maakt het verschil: invloeden van mediatisering op het beleid in Gouda

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    In deze casestudy brengen we de invloed van mediatisering op lokaal beleid in kaart. We bekijken in hoeverre de framing in de mediahype van invloed is op de genomen beleidsbeslissingen. Na een mediahype in 2008 over overlastgevende jeugd in het Goudse Oosterwei schrijft de gemeente een nieuw beleidsplan. Voorafgaand hebben gedramatiseerde verhalen van journalisten en stevige sound bites van politici een zeer negatief beeld van de situatie geschetst. Het gemeentelijk beleidsplan stelt een nieuwe hardere aanpak van de onveiligheidsproblematiek voor, aansluitend bij die beeldvorming. Gouda werft daarmee aanzienlijke geldelijke middelen van het Rijk. We constateren dat de medialogica – een centraal concept binnen de literatuur over mediatisering – van grote verklarende waarde is voor het verloop van het publiek debat en de framing van de gebeurtenissen. Op Rijksniveau en op gemeentelijk niveau zijn beleidsbeslissingen genomen op basis van de gedramatiseerde gebeurtenisse

    Complex decision making as a source of infotainment

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    Abstract In many policy processes nowadays a variety of actors is involved which results in complex decision making processes, since these different actors have various perspectives on the problem and the matching solutions. Such complex processes are difficult to grasp in short reports in newspapers or on television, especially since journalists have to deal with increasing time pressures and demands to make news items more entertaining. This leads to biases in the construction of the policy processes. In this study we examine whether the biases of fragmentization, dramatization, personalization, the authority-disorder bias and the negativity bias can be found in media reporting on complex decision making processes in the Netherlands. We conducted a quantitative content analysis on media reports on five complex water management projects in the Netherlands. We found that in these media reports stories are often fragmentized, dramatized and unfavourably towards the project, and frequently an authority is blamed for not taking appropriates measures. Certain actors take advantage of these biases more than other actors: media attention for oppositional politicians and interest groups in particular relate significantly to the media biases

    Who Gets on the News? The relation between media biases and different actors in news reporting on complex policy processes

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    __Abstract__ Having a voice in media is important to gain power and legitimacy in policy processes. However, media are biased in transmitting information. Using a quantitative content analysis of ten years’ news reporting around water management policies in the Netherlands, we study how much media attention different groups of actors receive and how media biases relate to this attention. Executive politicians get on the news because of their authoritative position; less authoritative actors getting on the news is more related to information biases. Information biases can thus function as a form of checks and balances in news reporting on policy processes

    Reasons for contract changes in implementing Dutch transportation infrastructure projects: An empirical exploration

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    __Abstract__ An important contributor to cost overruns of infrastructure projects is contract changes after the construction contract has been concluded. Using mainly descriptive statistics and non-parametric tests, real project data were analyzed from forty-five Dutch transportation infrastructure projects with a total construction contract value of over € 8.5 billion. First it was explored if we could find evidence for the presumption that contractors bid low on contracts to recover the loss of bid profit by claiming contract change costs in the project implementation. We conclude that we could not find evidence for the opportunistic behavior of contractors. Second, the different sizes and reasons for the contract changes were explored. We conclude that: scope changes are the most significant reason for contract changes, followed by technical necessities; smaller projects tend to have higher relative contract change costs; and contract changes due to omissions in the contract are more present in smaller projects than in larger projects. The results of the analysis suggest among other things that policymakers and planners should pay more attention to flexible contracting, and to the contract management of smaller projects

    Некоторые вопросы диагностики и терапии хламидийных пневмоний у детей

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    Рассмотрены анамнестические и клинические особенности хламидийных пневмоний у детей. Показана высокая терапевтическая эффективность использования препарата азивок в комплексной терапии пневмоний хламидийной природы.The peculiarities of the case history and clinical course of Chlamydia pneumonia in children are featured. High therapeutic efficacy of Azivok in complex therapy for Chlamydia pneumonia is shown

    Media Logic Versus the Logic of Network Governance

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    __Abstract__ In Dutch public debates, grand statements are made to decry the power that news media have in Dutch democracy; many contributors claim the Netherlands has become a mediacracy or drama democracy

    Contexts that favor the evolution of teachers’ beliefs about plurilingual and intercultural education

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    [EN] This article examines which contexts make possible to become aware and to favor the transformation of teacher beliefs system through formative processes. Different reflective strategies have been used to demonstrate the (re) conceptualization of thought and action in relation to plurilingual and intercultural education. The use of different qualitative methods to generate data, such as life stories, linguistic self-portraits and cartographies, semi-structured interviews or discussion groups shows that formative processes are a useful strategy to help teachers to change their belief system. These processes of self-confrontation make possible to emerge tensions and contradictions as a way to favor beliefs’ change and transformation.[ES] En aquest article s’examinen contextos que fan possible la presa de consciència i la transformació del sistema de creences del professorat en processos de formació. A través de l’ús de diferents estratègies d’investigació reflexives es fa evident la (re)conceptualització de formes de pensament i d’actuació en relació amb l’educació plurilingüe i intercultural. L’ús de diferents mètodes qualitatius per generar dades, com poden ser relats de vida, autoretrats i cartografies lingüístiques, entrevistes semiestructurades o grups de discussió, demostra que els processos d’intervenció formativa són una estratègia idònia per ajudar el professorat a modificar les seves creences. Aquests processos d’(auto)confrontació fan emergir tensions i contradiccions com a pas previ al canvi i a la transformació.Tresserras, E.; Cabré, M. (2019). Contextos que afavoreixen l’evolució de les creences del professorat sobre l’educació plurilingüe i intercultural. Lenguaje y Textos. (49):19-28. https://doi.org/10.4995/lyt.2019.11456SWORD192849Aguilar Ródenas, C. (2017). La DLL en la universidad pública: una aproximación al estado de la cuestión en la formación inicial de maestros y maestras. Parte II.. Lenguaje y Textos, 0(45), 29-42. https://doi.org/10.4995/lyt.2017.6735Cabré, M. (en premsa). The development of the plurilingual education through multimodal reflection in Teacher Education: A case study of a pre-service teacher's beliefs about language education. Canadian Modern Language Review.Cabré, M. (2018). La competència plurilingüe en la formació inicial de mestres. Estudi longitudinal de casos sobre l'evolució de les creences relacionades amb l'educació plurilingüe. Tesi Doctoral. Universitat de Barcelona.Cabré, M., i Palou, J. (2018). La competencia plurilingüe en la formación inicial de maestros: estudio de las trayectorias de aprendizaje de lenguas de dos maestros en formación inicial. Revista Docencia e investigación, 28, 6-26.Cabré, M., i Tresserras E. (2017). La resistencia como oportunidad de cambio. Investigar para innovar (Tema del mes) en Cuadernos de Pedagogía 481, 65-68.Carrasco, E. (2013). Los (futuros) docentes frente a la competència plurilingüe (Grenoble/Barcelona). Lenguaje y textos, 37, 91-100.Civera, I., i Codina, R. (2017). El enfoque multimodal para el estudio de las creencias. Investigar para innovar (Tema del mes) en Cuadernos de Pedagogía, 481, 60-64.Consell d'Europa. (2018). Common European Framework of Reference for Languages: Learning, teaching, assessment. Companion volume with new descriptors. Language Policy Division. Estrasburg: Consell d'Europa.Engeström, Y. (2012). Whatever happened to process theories of learning? Learning, Culture and Social Interaction, 1, 45-56.Esteve, O. (2013). Entre la práctica y la teoría. Comprender para actuar. Ikastaria(19), 13-36.Esteve, O.,Fernández, F.,Martin Peris, E. and Atienza, E. (2017). The Integrated Plurilingual Approach: A didactic model providing guidance to Spanish schools for reconceptualizing the teaching of additional languages. Language and Sociocultural Theory, 4 (1), pp. 1-24.Kalaja, P., Alanen, R., i Dufva, H. (2008). Self-portraits of EFL learners: Finnish students draw and tell. Dins de P. Kalaja, V. Menezes, i A. Mª. F. Barcelos (Eds.), Narratives of learning and teaching EFL (pp. 186-198). Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.Korthagen, F. A. (2001). Linking Practice and Theory. The Pedagogy of Realistic Teacher Education. London: LEA.Johnson, K. E. i Golombek, P. R. (2016). Mindful L2 teacher education. New York, NY: Routledge.Lantolf, J. i Esteve, O. (en premsa). Concept-Based Instruction for Concept-Based Instruction: A Model for Language Teacher Education. In M. Sato, and Sh. Loewen, eds. Evidence-based second language pedagogy: A collection of Instructed Second Language Acquisition studies. New York: Routledge.Lantolf, J. P. i Poehner, M. E. (2014). Sociocultural Theory and the Pedagogical Imperative in L2 Education: Vygotskian Praxis and the Research/Practice Divide. New York, NY and London, UK: Routledge.Melo-Pfeifer, S. (2015). Multilingual awareness and heritage language education: Children's multimodal representations of their multilingualism. Language Awareness, 24 (3), 197-215. https://doi.org/10.1080/09658416.2015.1072208Negueruela-Azarola, E. (2011). Beliefs as conceptualizing activity: A dialectical approach for the second language classroom. System 39: 359−369.Palou. J, i Cabré, M. (2017). Beliefs regarding plurilingual competence: the perspective in Catalonia through a case study of a pre-service teacher. Modern Journal of Language Teaching Methods (MJLTM), 7 (8), 63-75.Pérez-Peitx, M., Civera, I., i Palou, J. (2018). Awareness of Plurilingual Competence in Teacher Education. Dins de P. Kalaja, i S. Melo-Pfeifer (Eds.), More than words: The lives and worlds of multilinguals (Cap.13). Bristol: Multilingual Matters.Prasad, G. (2014). Portraits of Plurilingualism in a French International School in Toronto: Exploring the Role of Visual Methods to Access Students' Representations of their Linguistically Diverse Identities. The Canadian Journal of Applied Linguistics, 17 (1), 51-77.Tresserras, E. (2017). Contradiccions que emergeixen de la reflexió sobre la pràctica docent en contextos plurilingües i interculturals. Tesi doctoral. Barcelona: Universitat de Barcelona.Vygotsky, L. S. (1978). Mind in society: The development of higher psychological processes. M. Cole, V. John-Steiner, S. Scribner and E. Souberman (Eds.). Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.Vygotsky, L. S. (1986). Thought and Language. The MiT Press. Cambridge, Massachusetts: London, England.Zimmermann, M., Levisen, C., Beck, f. G., i van Scherpenberg, C. (2015). Please pass me the skin coloured crayon! Semantics, socialisation, and folk models of race in contemporary Europe. Language Sciences, 49, 35-50. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.langsci.2014.07.01

    Learning in a self-managed management career: The relation between managers: HRD-patterns, psychological career contracts and mobility perspectives

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    Learning in a self-managed management career; The relation between managers: HRD-patterns, psychological career contracts and mobility perspective

    European E-Democracy in Practice

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    This open access book explores how digital tools and social media technologies can contribute to better participation and involvement of EU citizens in European politics. By analyzing selected representative e-participation projects at the local, national and European governmental levels, it identifies the preconditions, best practices and shortcomings of e-participation practices in connection with EU decision-making procedures and institutions. The book features case studies on parliamentary monitoring, e-voting practices, and e-publics, and offers recommendations for improving the integration of e-democracy in European politics and governance. Accordingly, it will appeal to scholars as well as practitioners interested in identifying suitable e-participation tools for European institutions and thus helps to reduce the EU’s current democratic deficit. This book is a continuation of the book “Electronic Democracy in Europe” published by Springer

    Management en besluitvorming van complexe stedelijke projecten; respondentenverslag survey G4

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    Voorwoord: Wat doen managers van complexe stedelijke projecten, hoe zien de netwerken waar zij zich in bevinden er uit, hoe is hun relatie met de opdrachtgever binnen de gemeente en is vertrouwen tussen betrokken partijen belangrijk? Dit zijn een paar van de intrigerende vragen die wij hadden bij het opzetten van een enquête naar projectmanagers van de vier grote steden (Den Haag, Amsterdam, Utrecht en Rotterdam) en twee adviesbureaus die ook projecten doen in de grote steden