30 research outputs found

    Culture, economics and drugs addiction

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    Drug use is one of the pressing issues facing humanity since time immemorial. Ground reality exhibits that there are linear association of drug use with violence, corruption, incest and numerous other immoral activities. Towards drugs addiction the policy approach of economists are based on confusion. As usual on one hand economists encourage the prohibition of drug use, while on the other hand another influential group of economists apply the philosophy of market economy. They advocate that all inebriating materials should be legalized. In the economic case towards drug use, one cannot draw a clear line whether prohibition or legalization will be the best policy approach. Christianity which is considered as one of the universal religion encourages the use of drugs through the rite of Eucharist, Sacred Meal, and Holy Communion. In contrast Islam prohibits every type of inebriating materials including alcohol as extremely harmful, which is confirmed by the finding of recent scientific research. In Islamic societies on one hand there is a strict prohibition on the production of drugs, while on the other hand through moral education they discourage the use of drugs

    Disrupted in Schizophrenia 1 regulates the processing of reelin in the perinatal cortex

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    Disrupted in Schizophrenia 1 (DISC1) is a prominent gene in mental illness research, encoding a scaffold protein known to be of importance in the developing cerebral cortex. Reelin is a critical extracellular protein for development and lamination of the prenatal cortex and which has also been independently implicated in mental illness. Regulation of reelin activity occurs through processing by the metalloproteinases ADAMTS-4 and ADAMTS-5. Through cross-breeding of heterozygous transgenic DISC1 mice with heterozygous reeler mice, which have reduced reelin, pups heterozygous for both phenotypeswere generated. Fromthese,we determine that transgenic DISC1 leads to a reduction in the processing of reelin, with implications for its downstream signalling element Dab1. An effect of DISC1 on reelin processing was confirmed in vitro, and revealed that intracellular DISC1 affects ADAMTS-4 protein, which in turn is exported and affects processing of extracellular reelin. In transgenic rat cortical cultures, an effect of DISC1 on reelin processing could also be seen specifically in early, immature neurons, but was lost in calretinin and reelin-positive mature neurons, suggesting cell-type specificity. DISC1 therefore acts upstream of reelin in the perinatal cerebral cortex in a cell type/time specific manner, leading to regulation of its activity through altered proteolytic cleavage. Thus a functional link is demonstrated between two proteins, each of independent importance for both cortical development and associated cognitive functions leading to behavioural maladaptation and mental illness

    Digitalisierung beruflicher Lern- und Arbeitsprozesse. Impulse aus der Bauwirtschaft und anderen gewerblich-technischen Sektoren

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    Der Sammelband stellt aktuelle Ansätze zum digital unterstützten beruflichen Lernen dar. Die Beiträge geben Einblicke in die dynamische Entwicklung der Schnittstellen von Erwerbsarbeit und beruflicher Aus-, Fort- und Weiterbildung im Kontext der Digitalisierung Arbeits- und Lernmitteln. Der Band schließt damit an die 2019 ebenfalls im Universitätsverlag der Technischen Universität Berlin erschienene Publikation „Berufsbildung am Bau digital“ (hrsg. von Bernd Mahrin und Johannes Meyser) an. Das erste Kapitel erörtert grundsätzliche didaktische Fragen zu digital unterstütztem Lernen und Arbeiten einschließlich der Rahmenbedingungen. Im zweiten Kapitel schließen sich Beiträge zur Kapazitätsentwicklung, zu Standards und zu digitalen Werkzeugen an. Das dritte Kapitel widmet sich konkreten Einzellösungen mit starkem Praxisbezug und hohem Transferpotenzial zum digitalisierten Arbeiten und Lernen im Bausektor und im Metallbereich. Das abschließende vierte Kapitel präsentiert übergreifend nutzbare und frei zugängliche Online-Angebote wie einen Medienpool für Bildungszwecke, eine Lernmedien-Datenbank und ein hybrides Lernsystem mit virtuellem 3D-Gebäudemodell. Das Buch ist entstanden im Rahmen des durch das Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung und den Europäischen Sozialfonds geförderten Projektes DigiBAU – Digitales Bauberufliches Lernen und Arbeiten. (DIPF/Orig.)The anthology presents current approaches to digitally supported professional learning. The articles provide insights into the dynamic development of the interfaces between gainful employment and vocational training and further education in the context of digitization of work and learning aids. The volume is thus connected to the publication “Berufsbildung am Bau digital” (edited by Bernd Mahrin and Johannes Meyser), which was published in 2019 by the University Press of the Technische Universität Berlin. The first chapter discusses fundamental didactic questions about digitally supported learning and working, including the framework conditions. The second chapter picks contributions on capacity development, standards, and digital tools out as central themes. The third chapter is dedicated to concrete specific solutions with strong practical relevance and high transfer potential for digitized work and learning in the construction sector and in the metal sector. The final fourth chapter presents comprehensive and freely accessible online offers such as a media pool for educational purposes, a learning media database and a hybrid learning system with a virtual 3D building model. The book was created as part of the DigiBAU project - digital vocational learning and working in the field of construction - funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research and the European Social Fund. (DIPF/Orig.

    Konzeption mobiler, inklusiver Aufgaben und Hilfetools in der Ausbildung der Bauindustrie

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    Estimating the Energy Content of Wastewater Using Combustion Calorimetry and Different Drying Processes

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    The energy content of wastewater is routinely assessed by chemical oxygen demand (COD) measurements that only provide an incomplete picture and the data fundament of other energy parameters remains scarce. The volumetric heat of combustion (ΔCH) of raw wastewater from a municipal wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) was assessed using oven drying method (ΔCHvol = −6.8 ± 4.3 kJ L−1, n = 20) and freeze drying method (ΔCHvol = −20.2 ± 9.7 kJ L−1, n = 6) illustrating the substantial loss during the oven drying approach. Normalizing ΔCH to COD of raw wastewater yielded −6.2 ± 3.5 kJ gCOD−1 for oven-dried samples (n = 14) and −13.0 ± 1.6 kJ gCOD−1 for freeze-dried samples (n = 3). A subsequent correlation analysis with further chemical wastewater parameters revealed a dependency of ΔCHvol on COD, total organic carbon (TOC), C:N ratio, and total sulfur content. To verify these correlations, wastewater of a second WWTP was sampled and analyzed. Only COD and TOC were in accordance with the data set from the first WWTP representing potential predictors for the chemical energy stored in wastewater for comparable WWTPs. Unfortunately, during the most practical method (oven drying), a certain loss of volatile compounds is inevitable so that the derived ΔCHvol systematically underestimates the total energetic potential of wastewater. Nevertheless, this work expands the, so far, little data fundament on the energy resource wastewater and implies the requirement for further long-term studies on different sites and different wastewater types with a highly standardized sample treatment protocol

    Potenziale digitaler Medien : Inklusive Lernumgebungen in Überbetrieblichen Berufsbildungsstätten der Bauwirtschaft

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    Der Beitrag fokussiert die Entwicklung inklusive Lernumgebungen an überbetrieblichen Berufsbildungsstätten der Bauwirtschaft im Projekt mein Beruf Bau vor dem Hintergrund des Stands der Forschung zur Inklusion mithilfe digitaler Medien in der gewerblich-technischen Berufsbildung