367 research outputs found

    Anomalous wave reflection from the interface of two strongly nonlinear granular media

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    Granular materials exhibit a strongly nonlinear behaviour affecting the propagation of information in the medium. Dynamically self-organized strongly nonlinear solitary waves are the main information carriers in granular chains. Here we report the first experimental observation of the dramatic change of reflectivity from the interface of two granular media triggered by a noncontact magnetically induced initial precompression. It may be appropriate to name this phenomenon the "acoustic diode" effect. Based on numerical simulations, we explain this effect by the high gradient of particle velocity near the interface.Comment: 14 pages, 3 figure

    New HI-detected Galaxies in the Zone of Avoidance

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    We present the first results of a blind HI survey for galaxies in the southern Zone of Avoidance with a multibeam receiver on the Parkes telescope. This survey is eventually expected to catalog several thousand galaxies within Galactic latitude |b|<5 degrees, mostly unrecognised before due to Galactic extinction and confusion. We present here results of the first three detections to have been imaged with the Australia Telescope Compact Array (ATCA). The galaxies all lie near Galactic longitude 325 degrees and were selected because of their large angular sizes, up to 1.3 degrees. Linear sizes range from 53 to 108 kpc. The first galaxy is a massive 5.7x10^11 solar mass disk galaxy with a faint optical counterpart, SGC 1511.1--5249. The second is probably an interacting group of galaxies straddling the Galactic equator. No optical identification is possible. The third object appears to be an interacting pair of low column density galaxies, possibly belonging to an extended Circinus or Centaurus A galaxy group. No optical counterpart has been seen despite the predicted extinction (A(B) = 2.7 - 4.4 mag) not being excessive. We discuss the implications of the results, in particular the low HI column densities (~10^19 atoms/sq.cm) found for two of the three galaxies.Comment: 17 pages, 8 figures (Fig.1 in three parts, Fig.5 in two parts). To appear in Astronomical Journal (Dec 1998). See http://www.atnf.csiro.au/research/multibea

    HI Bright Galaxies in the Southern Zone of Avoidance

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    A blind survey for HI bright galaxies in the southern Zone of Avoidance, (212 deg < l < 36 deg; |b| < 5 deg), has been made with the 21 cm multibeam receiver on the Parkes 64 m radiotelescope. The survey, sensitive to normal spiral galaxies to a distance of about 40 Mpc and more nearby dwarfs, detected 110 galaxies. Of these, 67 have no counterparts in the NASA/IPAC Extragalactic Database. In general, the uncataloged galaxies lie behind thicker obscuration than do the cataloged objects. All of the newly-discovered galaxies have HI flux integrals more than an order of magnitude lower than the Circinus galaxy. The survey recovers the Puppis cluster and foreground group (Kraan-Korteweg & Huchtmeier 1992), and the Local Void remains empty. The HI mass function derived for the sample is satisfactorily fit by a Schechter function with parameters alpha = 1.51 +- 0.12, Phi* = 0.006 +- 0.003, and log M* = 9.7 +- 0.10.Comment: To appear in The Astronomical Journa

    The MeerKAT Fornax Survey

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    We present the science case and observations plan of the MeerKAT Fornax Survey, an HI and radio continuum survey of the Fornax galaxy cluster to be carried out with the SKA precursor MeerKAT. Fornax is the second most massive cluster within 20 Mpc and the largest nearby cluster in the southern hemisphere. Its low X-ray luminosity makes it representative of the environment where most galaxies live and where substantial galaxy evolution takes place. Fornax's ongoing growth makes it an excellent laboratory for studying the assembly of clusters, the physics of gas accretion and stripping in galaxies falling in the cluster, and the connection between these processes and the neutral medium in the cosmic web. We will observe a region of 12 deg2^2 reaching a projected distance of 1.5 Mpc from the cluster centre. This will cover a wide range of environment density out to the outskirts of the cluster, where gas-rich in-falling groups are found. We will: study the HI morphology of resolved galaxies down to a column density of a few times 1e+19 cm2^{-2} at a resolution of 1 kpc; measure the slope of the HI mass function down to M(HI) 5e+5 M(sun); and attempt to detect HI in the cosmic web reaching a column density of 1e+18 cm2^{-2} at a resolution of 10 kpc.Comment: Proceedings of Science, "MeerKAT Science: On the Pathway to the SKA", Stellenbosch, 25-27 May 201

    Vector-soliton collision dynamics in nonlinear optical fibers

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    We consider the interactions of two identical, orthogonally polarized vector solitons in a nonlinear optical fiber with two polarization directions, described by a coupled pair of nonlinear Schroedinger equations. We study a low-dimensional model system of Hamiltonian ODE derived by Ueda and Kath and also studied by Tan and Yang. We derive a further simplified model which has similar dynamics but is more amenable to analysis. Sufficiently fast solitons move by each other without much interaction, but below a critical velocity the solitons may be captured. In certain bands of initial velocities the solitons are initially captured, but separate after passing each other twice, a phenomenon known as the two-bounce or two-pass resonance. We derive an analytic formula for the critical velocity. Using matched asymptotic expansions for separatrix crossing, we determine the location of these "resonance windows." Numerical simulations of the ODE models show they compare quite well with the asymptotic theory.Comment: 32 pages, submitted to Physical Review

    Discovery of Highly Obscured Galaxies in the Zone of Avoidance

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    We report the discovery of twenty-five previously unknown galaxies in the Zone of Avoidance. Our systematic search for extended extra-galactic sources in the GLIMPSE and MIPSGAL mid-infrared surveys of the Galactic plane has revealed two overdensities of these sources, located around l ~ 47 and 55 degrees and |b| less than 1 degree in the Sagitta-Aquila region. These overdensities are consistent with the local large-scale structure found at similar Galactic longitude and extending from |b| ~ 4 to 40 degrees. We show that the infrared spectral energy distribution of these sources is indeed consistent with those of normal galaxies. Photometric estimates of their redshift indicate that the majority of these galaxies are found in the redshift range z = 0.01 - 0.05, with one source located at z = 0.07. Comparison with known sources in the local Universe reveals that these galaxies are located at similar overdensities in redshift space. These new galaxies are the first evidence of a bridge linking the large-scale structure between both sides of the Galactic plane at very low Galactic latitude and clearly demonstrate the feasibility of detecting galaxies in the Zone of Avoidance using mid-to-far infrared surveys.Comment: Accepted for publication in the Astronomical Journal, 28 pages, 5 tables, 11 figure

    SN 1986J VLBI. The Evolution and Deceleration of the Complex Source and a Search for a Pulsar Nebula

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    We report on VLBI observations of supernova 1986J in the spiral galaxy NGC 891 at two new epochs, 1990 July and 1999 February, t=7.4 and 15.9 yr after the explosion, and on a comprehensive analysis of these and earlier observations from t~4 yr after the explosion date, which we estimate to be 1983.2 +/- 1.1. The source is a shell or composite, and continues to show a complex morphology with large brightness modulations along the ridge and with protrusions. The supernova is moderately to strongly decelerated. The average outer radius expands as t^(0.71 +/- 0.11), and the expansion velocity has slowed to 6000 km/s at t=15.9 yr from an extrapolated 20,000 km/s at t=0.25 yr. The structure changes significantly with time, showing that the evolution is not self-similar. The shell structure is best visible at the latest epoch, when the protrusions have diminished somewhat in prominence and a new, compact component has appeared. The radio spectrum shows a clear inversion above 10 GHz. This might be related to a pulsar nebula becoming visible through the debris of the explosion. The radio flux density between 1.5 and 23 GHz decreases strongly with time, with the flux density proportional to t^(-2.94 +/- 0.24) between t~15 to 19 yr. This decrease is much more rapid than that found in earlier measurements up to t~6 yr.Comment: 24 pages, 9 Figures, LaTeX Accepted for Publication in the Astrophysical Journa

    The diversity of Type Ia Supernovae: evidence for systematics?

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    The photometric and spectroscopic properties of 26 well observed Type Ia Supernovae (SNeIa) were analyzed with the aim to explore SNIa diversity. The sample includes (Branch-)normal SNe as well as extreme events like SNe 1991T and 1991bg, while the truly peculiar SNIa, SN2000cx and SN2002cx are not included in our sample . A statistical treatment reveals the existence of three different groups. The first group (FAINT) consists of faint SNeIa similar to SN1991bg, with low expansion velocities and rapid evolution of SiII velocity. A second group consists of ``normal'' SNeIa, also with high temporal velocity gradient (HVG), but with brighter mean absolute magnitude =-19.3 and higher expansion velocities than the FAINT SNe. The third group includes both ``normal'' and SN1991T-like SNeIa: these SNe populate a narrow strip in the SiII velocity evolution plot, with a small velocity gradient (SVG), but have absolute magnitudes similar to HVGs. While the FAINT and HVG SNeIa together seem to define a relation between RSi(II) and Dm15(B), the SVG ones either do not conform with that relation or define a new, looser one. The RSi(II) pre-maximum evolution of HVGs is strikingly different from that of SVGs. The impact of this evidence on the understanding of SNIa diversity, in terms of explosion mechanisms, degree of ejecta mixing, and ejecta-CSM interaction, is discussed.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figures, accepted for publication to ApJ; few referee's comments adde

    Redshift clustering in the Hubble Deep Field

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    We present initial results from a redshift survey carried out with the Low Resolution Imaging Spectrograph on the 10~m W. M. Keck Telescope in the Hubble Deep Field. In the redshift distribution of the 140 extragalactic objects in this sample we find 6 strong peaks, with velocity dispersions of 400{\sim}400{\kms}. The areal density of objects within a particular peak, while it may be non-uniform, does not show evidence for strong central concentration. These peaks have characteristics (velocity dispersions, density enhancements, spacing, and spatial extent) similar to those seen in a comparable redshift survey in a different high galactic latitude field (Cohen et al 1996), confirming that the structures are generic. They are probably the high redshift counterparts of huge galaxy structures (``walls'') observed locally.Comment: 14 pages, including 2 figures, to appear in ApJ Letter