383 research outputs found

    Proton-Stabilized Photochemically Reversible E/Z Isomerization of Spiropyrans

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    Spiropyrans undergo C-spiro-O bond breaking to their ring-open protonated E-merocyanine form upon protonation and irradiation via an intermediate protonated Z-merocyanine isomer. We show that the extent of acid-induced ring opening is controlled by matching both the concentration and strength of the acid used and with strong acids full ring opening to the Z-merocyanine isomer occurs spontaneously allowing its characterization by H-1 NMR spectroscopy as well as UV/vis spectroscopy, and reversible switching between Z/E-isomerization by irradiation with UV and visible light. Under sufficiently acidic conditions, both E- and Z-isomers are thermally stable. Judicious choice of acid such that its pK(a) lies between that of the E- and Z-merocyanine forms enables thermally stable switching between spiropyran and E-merocyanine forms and hence pH gating between thermally irreversible and reversible photochromic switching

    Marine aggregate extraction regulation in EU member states

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    This paper provides a brief review of regulations and procedures relevant to the authorization of marine aggregate (MA) operations in eight EU Member States. MA operations are affected by a multi-level legislative/regulatory regime, consisting of international conventions (e.g. the UNCLOS 1982, OSPAR, Helsinki, ICES, Barcelona and Espoo Conventions), secondary EC legislation (e.g. the Environmental Impact Assessment Directives (85/337/EEC and 97/11 EC) and the Freedom of Access to Environmental Information Directive (2003/4/EC)) and national legislation or regulation. It appears that rules and procedures relevant to MA extraction vary considerably between the considered Member States. In general, relevant information is not easily available in accurate, comprehensive and up-to date form. As a result, it is difficult to assess whether and to which extent national practice in relation to MA extraction authorization is in substantive compliance with the requirements of existing international and European rules and regulations aimed at sustainable development and protection of the marine and coastal environment

    Electrochemical Ring-Opening and -Closing of a Spiropyran

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    The bistability of molecular switches is an essential characteristic in their use as functional components in molecular-based devices and machines. For photoswitches, light-driven switching between two stable states proceeds via short-lived changes of the bond order in electronically excited states. Here, bistable switching of a ditertbutyl-substituted spiropyran photoswitch is instead demonstrated by oxidation and subsequent reduction in an overall four-state cycle. The spiropyran structure chosen has reduced sensitivity to the effect of secondary electrochemical processes such as H+ production and provides transient access to a decreased thermal Z-E isomerization barrier in the one electron oxidized state, akin to that achieved in the corresponding photochemical path. Thus, we show that the energy needed for switching spiropyrans to the merocyanine form on demand, typically delivered by a photon, can instead be provided electrochemically. This opens up further opportunities for the utilization of spiropyrans in electrically controlled applications and devices

    Atrioventricular nodal reentry tachycardia in pregnancy: 'I have ice for you'

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    BackgroundPregnancy is a known trigger of novel and pre-existing supraventricular tachyarrhythmias. We present a case of a stable pregnant patient presenting with atrioventricular nodal reentry tachycardia (AVNRT) and application of the ‘facial ice immersion technique’.Case summaryA 37-year-old pregnant woman presented with recurrent AVNRT. Due to unsuccessful attempts of conventional vagal manoeuvres (VMs) and refusal of pharmacological agents, we successfully performed a non-conventional VM with the ‘facial ice immersion technique’. This technique was applied successfully at repeated clinical presentation.DiscussionThe role of non-pharmacological interventions remains pivotal and may lead to desired therapeutical effects without the use of any costly pharmacological agents with possible adverse events. However, non-conventional VMs such as the ‘facial ice immersion technique’ are less commonly known but appear to be easy and a safe option for both mother and foetus in the management of AVNRT during pregnancy. Clinical awareness and understanding of treatment options are imperative in contemporary patient care.Cardiolog

    On the connection between level of education and the neural circuitry of emotion perception

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    Through education, a social group transmits accumulated knowledge, skills, customs, and values to its members. So far, to the best of our knowledge, the association between educational attainment and neural correlates of emotion processing has been left unexplored. In a retrospective analysis of The Netherlands Study of Depression and Anxiety (NESDA) functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) study, we compared two groups of fourteen healthy volunteers with intermediate and high educational attainment, matched for age and gender. The data concerned event-related fMRI of brain activation during perception of facial emotional expressions. The region of interest (ROI) analysis showed stronger right amygdala activation to facial expressions in participants with lower relative to higher educational attainment (HE). The psychophysiological interaction analysis revealed that participants with HE exhibited stronger right amygdala-right insula connectivity during perception of emotional and neutral facial expressions. This exploratory study suggests the relevance of educational attainment on the neural mechanism of facial expressions processing

    Noncommutative Switching of Double Spiropyrans

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    The spiropyran family of photochromes are key components in molecular-based responsive materials and devices, e.g., as multiphotochromes, covalently coupled dyads, triads, etc. This attention is in no small part due to the change in properties that accompany the switch between spiropyran and merocyanine forms. Although the spiropyran is a single structural isomer, the merocyanine form represents a family of isomers (TTT, TTC, CCT, etc.) and protonation states. Combining two spiropyrans into one compound increases the number of possible structures dramatically and the interaction between the units determines, which are impeded due to intramolecular quenching of excited states. Here, we show that the coupling of two spiropyran photochromes through their phenol units yields favorable interactions (crosstalk) between the components that provides access to species inaccessible with the component monospiropyran alone. Specifically, the ring opening of one spiropyran unit, which is thermally stable at-30 °C, prevents ring opening of the second spiropyran unit. Furthermore, whereas protonated E-and Z-monomerocyanines were previously shown to undergo thermal-and photo-equilibration, the corresponding protonated E-and Z-bimerocyanines are thermally stable and show one-way photoisomerization from the Z,Z-to an emissive E,E-bimerocyanine form. Subsequent deprotonation at room temperature resets the system to the bispiro ring-closed form, but deprotonation at-30 °C yields the otherwise inaccessible bimerocyanine form. This form is photochemically inert but undergoes a two-step thermal relaxation via the merocyanine-spiropyran form, showing that the connection at the phenol units provides sufficient intramolecular interaction to fine-tune the complex isomerization pathways of spiropyrans and demonstrating noncommutability in photo-and pH-regulated multistep isomerization pathways
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