126 research outputs found

    Die Grabinschriften des Kolumbariums libertorum Liviae Augustae: Eine quellenkritische Untersuchung

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    Krim Ukrainan ja Venäjän välissä

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    Tuhatvuotinen korruptio ja Venäjä

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    Lännessä totuus on matemaattisesti mitattava ja rationaalisesti selitettävä asia. Täällä moniarvoisen, demokraattisen sekä läpinäkyvyyttä ja ihmisoikeuksia kunnioittavan laillisuusyhteiskunnan ajatellaan olevan absoluuttinen, historiasta ja kulttuurista irti oleva asia ja kaikkien tavoite. Historiatiede kuitenkin selittää myös moraaliset ja tiedolliset rakenteet ajasta ja paikasta riippuviksi. Sattumien summana länsimainen, mutta maailman mitassa poikkeuksellinen arvomaailma syntyi vähitellen keskiajalta lähtien ja levisi läntisen talouden myötä ja alkoi dominoida viimeisen vuosisadan aikana. Valtaa ja oikeudenmukaisuutta voidaan kuitenkin toteuttaa myös yksilöitä syrjivissä, mystiikkaa ja salakähmäisyyttä suosivissa klaaniverkostoissa. Ne myös tarjoavat suuret näköalat rikkauksiin. Venäjän yhteiskunta näyttää länsimaista käsin korruptoituneelta, irrationaalilta, rosvoklaanien hallitsemalta ja ihmisoikeuksia loukkaavalta. Pyrkimys rakentaa Venäjästä länsimainen demokratia on epäonnistunut useasti. Artikkeli esittää syyksi sen, että kun lännestä poikkeavat perusrakenteet on valittu kaukana historiassa, uuden toimintatavan liimaaminen päälle ei onnistu, koska perinteinen järjestelmä on oman kulttuurin silmissä legitiimi ja toimiva. Artikkelissa käydään läpi näkemyksen tueksi aate- ja taloushistorian pitkiä rakenteita ja niiden kehitystä varhaiskeskiajalta nykyisyyteen

    Historian ja esihistorian rajoilla : onko historia tiede, metodi vain yleiskäsite

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    Baptized and Not Baptized Nemcy in the Muscovite Society of the 16th century

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    The east European trade of slaves was big business. It had long roots at least from the age of Vikings and thousands of prisoners were transported yearly from Crimea and Kazan’ – Astrakhan to the markets of Central Asia, Asia Minor and Mediterranean area and finally even to India. The wars of the 15th and 16th centuries may have increased the number of northern slaves in the Muscovite – Volga markets. The slaves of the trade were divided into two main categories. First there were ordinary cheap manpower and secondly extraordinary cases which were bought for the harems for noble families and as luxury. The point of this article is to illuminate the difference between baptized and unbaptized persons in the connection of the slave trade. It is namely curious that this religious aspect was stressed so seriously, and therefore it requests for an explanation. This phenomenon belongs only to the late 16th century. The state formation had created the Baptism as a criterium for the subject of ruler and this as a side product the protection against slave trade. From the author’s point of view one should pay attention to: 1) The slave trade of blond (nemci) girls must have been a big issue already early, because the administration building did not of course form the request. 2) Earlier the religion of the trading objects was a concern of the Church but not of the ruler. When the new economic thinking created an idea of realm economy, the people living in the realm became to means of production and tax payers. This required to limit their kidnapping away. 3) Because the religion became to be a criterium in state formation it became accidentally also a qualification of slave trade. 4) The traders did not take otherwise care of religious issues in this connection, and therefore the illegal trade may have continued also with baptized persons

    Juhlakirja JUFO-maailmassa

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    Arvosteltu teos: Times, things & places: 36 essays for Jussi-Pekka Taavitsainen / [editors: Janne Harjula, Maija Helamaa, Janne Haarala]. [Masku] : J.-P. Taavitsainen Festschrift Committee, 2011

    Digital Supply Chain Transformation toward Blockchain Integration

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    Digital supply chain integration is becoming \ increasingly dynamic. Access to customer demand \ needs to be shared effectively, and product and service \ deliveries must be tracked to provide visibility in the \ supply chain. Business process integration is based on \ standards and reference architectures, which should \ offer end-to-end integration of product data. \ Companies operating in supply chains establish \ process and data integration through the specialized \ intermediate companies, whose role is to establish \ interoperability by mapping and integrating companyspecific \ data for various organizations and systems. \ This has typically caused high integration costs, and \ diffusion is slow. This paper investigates the \ requirements and functionalities of supply chain \ integration. Cloud integration can be expected to offer \ a cost-effective business model for interoperable \ digital supply chains. We explain how supply chain \ integration through the blockchain technology can \ achieve disruptive transformation in digital supply \ chains and networks

    Realizing the Value Potential of AI in Service Needs Assessment: Cases in Child Welfare and Mental Health Services

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    In social and health care the use of technology that utilizes data has great potential from the point of view of value creation. This case study examines the factors that impact the value potential realization of AI prediction models as part of the customer/patient service need assessment process. The research focuses on a pilot project of a Finnish case organization, in which prediction models were tested in child welfare and mental health services. Both positive and negative value-realizing factors were found in the research. The information produced by artificial intelligence has great value potential. Regulation and transparency of data need to be addressed, but at the same time, more flexible use of social and health register data needs to be considered to ensure that resources are allocated in a value-added way