302 research outputs found
Modular Complexity Analysis for Term Rewriting
All current investigations to analyze the derivational complexity of term
rewrite systems are based on a single termination method, possibly preceded by
transformations. However, the exclusive use of direct criteria is problematic
due to their restricted power. To overcome this limitation the article
introduces a modular framework which allows to infer (polynomial) upper bounds
on the complexity of term rewrite systems by combining different criteria.
Since the fundamental idea is based on relative rewriting, we study how matrix
interpretations and match-bounds can be used and extended to measure complexity
for relative rewriting, respectively. The modular framework is proved strictly
more powerful than the conventional setting. Furthermore, the results have been
implemented and experiments show significant gains in power.Comment: 33 pages; Special issue of RTA 201
Re-thinking official educational organization towards friction-zones between divergent knowledges
In this article, I re-think official educational organization toward friction-zones. Thinking with a swimming event in physical education, and Deleuzeâs notion of pure difference and its accompanying characteristics, non-linearity, decentralization, pluralistic knowledge, virtual and actual multiplicities, nomadic waiting, and open ends, I outline conditions for official educational organization in the encounter between divergent knowledges. The aim is to bring teachers and students closer to each other and paradoxically let up-coming concepts, meanings, and ideas act instead of silence everything that is not in line with predefined educational goals. It is to create common histories of learning and knowledge productions, and hence to produce common grounds in/by motion. Ultimately, it is about inclusive processes in/by motion. And, it is also a call for us all to pay attention and resist unintentional productions of exclusion, and thus all colonizing processes that includes superior knowledge.publishedVersio
Koolide liikumisprogramm: sotsiaalsed praktikad ja eneseesitus
Uurisin oma magistritöös, mis kannab pealkirja âKoolide liikumisprogramm: sotsiaalsed praktikad ja eneseesitusâ, sotsiaalse muutuse programmi nimega Liikuma Kutsuv Kool.
TĂ€napĂ€eva laste vĂ€hene fĂŒĂŒsiline aktiivsus on keerukas probleem, mille lahendusvĂ”imalust nĂ€hakse seniste liikumispraktikate muutmises. Minu analĂŒĂŒsitud sekkumisprogramm on vĂ”tnud sihiks praktikate muutuse koolikeskkonnas. 2016. aastal alustanud programm piloteerib kĂŒmnes koolis, katsetades erinevaid liikumisaktiivsust soodustavaid sekkumismetoodikaid, toetades ja koolitades koolide meeskondi, juhtkondi, klassiĂ”petajaid ja Ă”pilasi, pakkudes koolidele nĂ”ustamist ning spordi- ja mĂ€nguvahendeid. Programmi eesmĂ€rk on muuta pilootkoolides koolikultuuri nii, et see hakkaks soosima paremaid liikumispraktikaid, ning laieneda seejĂ€rel ka teistesse Eesti koolidesse.
Oma töös olen tegelenud nelja kĂŒsimusega: (1) Millised on liikumisaktiivsust soodustavate sekkumiste rĂ”huasetused ja senised praktikamuutused? (2) Kes on sekkumisega seotud praktikate olulisemad osapooled? (3) Kuidas toimib vĂ”rgustik sotsiaalse muutuse toetajana? (4) Milline on eneseesituse roll sekkumisprogrammis? Esimesed kolm uurimiskĂŒsimust kaardistavad sekkumisprogrammi tegevustest moodustuvat âvĂ€ljaâ, tuginedes peamiselt sotsiaalsete praktikate teooriale. Neljas uurimiskĂŒsimus analĂŒĂŒsib seda vĂ€lja, inspireerituna sotsioloog Erving Goffmani loodud eneseesituse-teooriast ning sotsiaalset interaktsiooni organiseerivatest dramaturgilistest printsiipidest.
Töös olen analĂŒĂŒsinud ĂŒpriski mahukat andmevaramut, kus leidub eri meetodeil kogutud andmeid alates isiklikest uurimispĂ€evikutest ja vaatlusraportitest kuni erinevate dokumentide ja kĂŒsimustikeni.
Tööst jĂ€reldub, et programm on edukalt sekkunud kĂŒmne ĂŒpris erinevate eeltingimustega kooli toimimisse. Iga kool on moodustanud meeskonna, kes toetudes sekkumisprogrammi soovitustele on teinud suhteliselt autonoomsed otsused, millised uued praktikad koolis kasutusele vĂ”tta ja milliseid olemasolevaid praktikaid teisendada, samuti valinud vahendid, mille abil muutusi teostada. SĂ”ltuvalt kooli eeltingimustest ja meeskonna senistest tegevusest on igas koolis toimunud muutused liikumispraktikate sotsiomateriaalses vĂ”rgustikus. EelkĂ”ige on muutusi tunda kooliruumis: koridorides on rohkem
pingpongilaudu, vĂ”imlauksed on avatud ja vanemad ei sĂ”ida autodega enam treppi. Hoiakute, arusaamade ja teiste tĂ€hendustega seotud muutusi on koolikeskkonnas esmapilgul raskem mĂ€rgata, kuid minu analĂŒĂŒs osutab, et programm on kaasa toonud nihke selles, milliste praktikatega vahetundi seostatakse. Koos uute tĂ€hendustega on tekkinud ka hulk uusi oskusi, alates Ă”pilaste oskusest mĂ€ngida kitsas koridoris sulgpalli kuni Ă”petajate oskuseni see koridor muretult lĂ€bida. Ălaltoodud muutused puudutavad pea kĂ”iki osapooli.
Sekkumisprogramm on taganud kompleksse vĂ”rgustikulise tegevuse, kus on ĂŒhendatud erineva tausta ja vĂ”imekustega organisatsioonidest moodustunud koalitsioon, projektimeeskond ning pilootkoolide esindajad. See vĂ”rgustik toetab pilootkoolide meeskondi nii inspiratsiooni, normide ĂŒmberkujundamise kui argise eeskujuga. SeetĂ”ttu on vĂ”rgustikune tegevus programmis osalt toimima hakanud kui sotsiaalsete muutuste kiirendi.
Liikuma Kutsuv Kool on sekkumise katselava, mille toimimises on mÔjurina ilmnenud ka eneseesitus. Uute praktikate loomine koolis, nende kohandumine, toimivate praktikate muutmine, vÔrgustikutegevus, koolis toimuvate tegevuste tutvustamine vÔi raporteerimine ning programmimeeskonna enesegi tegevus eeldavad kommunikatiivseid tegevusi, mille oluliseks aspektiks on sageli eneseesitus. Sotsiaalse muutuse programmi jaoks on tÔhusam selline eneseesitus, mis nÀitab koolikeskkonna argielu, selles tehtud katsetusi, tÀhenduslikke hetki muutuste protsessis ja laseb vaatajal ka tegevustest osa saada.http://hdl.handle.net/10062/5686
Is it possible to think physical education forward and dismantle ourselves - in a quantum space?
This paper invites readers to an encounter of novel learning in the school subject physical education, and specifically swimming training. In collaboration with Deleuzeâs immanent philosophy and creative observations in a case-assemblage, I speculate about productive experiences and educational events as movements toward physical activation, higher education, and the dissolution of health inequalities. Troubling situations of a standardized model of swimming training is combined with a quantum space where multiple divergent ideas, forces, and feelings interact and produce unforeseen learnings, values, and qualities. Frictions between segmented spaces and quantum spaces orient/reorient the studentâs/swimming instructorâs/my/your? learning, values, and qualities. Finally, I emphasize quantum spaces as the heart of educational movement and the importance of creating open educational systems to perhaps think physical education forward.publishedVersio
Lauri Sommeri omamĂŒtoloogia âRĂ€estu raamatuâ ja âSealpool soodâ nĂ€itel
Bakalaureusetöös vaadeldakse, kuidas avaldub Lauri Sommeri omamĂŒtoloogia tema kahes omaeluloolises proosateoses âRĂ€estu raamatâ (2012) ja âSealpool soodâ (2014).
Uurimuse eesmÀrgiks on selgitada, et Sommeri jutustused rÀÀgivad inimestest ja
kohtadest, kuid samas ka temast endast. Sellest, kuidas autor on teksti subjektidest
kirjutanud, ilmneb ka midagi, mis on Sommerile ainuomane, kuid mida vÔib tema
vaatepunkti jĂ€rgi pidada ĂŒldinimlikuks. Jutustused inimestest ja kohtadest
moodustavad terviku, mida nimetatakse kĂ€esolevas bakalaureusetöös omamĂŒtoloogiaks
Generic Encodings of Constructor Rewriting Systems
Rewriting is a formalism widely used in computer science and mathematical
logic. The classical formalism has been extended, in the context of functional
languages, with an order over the rules and, in the context of rewrite based
languages, with the negation over patterns. We propose in this paper a concise
and clear algorithm computing the difference over patterns which can be used to
define generic encodings of constructor term rewriting systems with negation
and order into classical term rewriting systems. As a direct consequence,
established methods used for term rewriting systems can be applied to analyze
properties of the extended systems. The approach can also be seen as a generic
compiler which targets any language providing basic pattern matching
primitives. The formalism provides also a new method for deciding if a set of
patterns subsumes a given pattern and thus, for checking the presence of
useless patterns or the completeness of a set of patterns.Comment: Added appendix with proofs and extended example
Cops and CoCoWeb: Infrastructure for Confluence Tools
In this paper we describe the infrastructure supporting confluence tools and competitions: Cops, the confluence problems database, and CoCoWeb, a convenient web interface for tools that participate in the annual confluence competition
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A Smalltalk-based extension to traditional Geographic Information Systems
The Dynamic Environmental Effects Model{copyright} (DEEM), under development at Argonne National Laboratory, is a fully object-based modeling software system that supports distributed, dynamic representation of the interlinked processes and behavior of the earth`s surface and near-surface environment, at variable scales of resolution and aggregation. Many of these real world objects are not stored in a format conducive to efficient GIS usage. Their dynamic nature, complexity and number of possible DEEM entity classes precluded efficient integration with traditional GIS technologies due to the loosely coupled nature of their data representations. To address these shortcomings, an intelligent object-oriented GIS engine (OOGIS) was developed. This engine provides not only a spatially optimized object representation, but also direct linkages to the underlying object, its data and behaviors
6,6âČ-DihydrÂoxy-3,3âČ-dithioÂdibenzoic acid
In the title compound, C14H10O6S2, the dihedral angle between the planes of the two phenylÂene rings is 55.9â
(1)°. Both hydrÂoxy groups form intraÂmolecular hydrogen bonds; however, one of them also engages in interÂmolecular hydrogen bonding. In the crystal, molÂecules are connected into helical chains by OâHâŻO hydrogen bonds. The crystal studied was an inversion twin with a domain ratio of 0.51â
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