18 research outputs found

    The Impact of Diet and Physical Activity on Bone Health in Children and Adolescents

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    There is growing recognition of the role of diet and physical activity in modulating bone mineral density, bone mineral content, and remodeling, which in turn can impact bone health later in life. Adequate nutrient composition could influence bone health and help to maximize peak bone mass. Therefore, children’s nutrition may have lifelong consequences. Also, physical activity, adequate in volume or intensity, may have positive consequences on bone mineral content and density and may preserve bone loss in adulthood. Most of the literature that exists for children, about diet and physical activity on bone health, has been translated from studies conducted in adults. Thus, there are still many unanswered questions about what type of diet and physical activity may positively influence skeletal development. This review focuses on bone requirements in terms of nutrients and physical activity in childhood and adolescence to promote bone health. It explores the contemporary scientific literature that analyzes the impact of diet together with the typology and timing of physical activity that could be more appropriate depending on whether they are children and adolescents to assure an optimal skeleton formation. A description of the role of parathyroid hormone (PTH) and gut hormones (gastric inhibitory peptide (GIP), glucagon-like peptide (GLP)-1, and GLP-2) as potential candidates in this interaction to promote bone health is also presented

    24-weeks Pilates-aerobic and educative training to improve body fat mass in elderly Serbian women

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    Background: The purpose of this study was to examine the differences in anthropometric measurements using an aerobic and Pilates exercise program which lasted 24 weeks.Method: This was a clinical intervention study of 303 women over the age of 60 living in Novi Sad, Serbia. Changes in body mass index and skinfold thickness were estimated through height, weight, and anthropometric measurements. The program comprised Pilates exercises for upper- and lower-body strength, agility, and aerobic capacity.Results: Fat mass (FM) improved significantly (pre-test, 32.89%, 8.65; post-test, 28.25%, 6.58; P0.05), but there was a higher correlation between FM (%) and waist–hip ratio (rho, 0.80; P<0.01).Conclusion: A mixed program of aerobics and Pilates, controls and improves baseline muscle mass and decreases FM values, without causing deterioration during practice and follow-up exercises.This study was funded by the Provincial Secretariat for Science and Technological Development in Novi Sad, and was entitled “The Influence of physical activity on risk factors in the working population” (number: 114-451-2337/2011-01)

    Relationship between BMI and Skinfold Thicknesses to Risk Factors in Premenopausal and Postmenopausal Women

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    Studies conducted on children and adults have pointed to the correlation of BMI (kg/m2) with risk factors for certain diseases. Other studies have stressed a more intense correlation between the risk factors and indicators of subcutaneous fat obtained in other ways. The aim of the study was to compare the intensity of correlation between the risk factors and triceps and subscapular skinfold thickness in relation to BMI. The study included 53 postmenopausal and 107 premenopausal women, the risk factors were assessed upon systolic and diastolic blood pressure, glucose concentration, triglyceride and cholesterol levels. Statistically significant differences were established in almost all variables referring to premenopausal and postmenopausal women, except in body height, subscapular skinfold thickness and triglyceride concentration. Significant correlation with the risk factors was detected in BMI and both skinfold thicknesses, while the subscapular thickness correlates more intensively with the risk factors than it is the case with the triceps thickness. The results indicate that BMI equally correlates with risk factors as well as skinfold thickness

    Co-administration of molecular hydrogen and exercise on body composition, metabolic profiles and health-related quality of life in aged women

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    Istraživanja o primeni molekularnog vodonika prilično su nova, međutim dosadašnja naučna otkrića smatraju molekularni vodonik za važan agens u biomedicini, a sa saznanjem o njegovoj biološkoj raspoloživosti i terapeutskom potencijalu u poslednjih deset godina, primetan je porast upotrebe vodonika u preventivne i terapijske svrhe. Proces starenja često prate metabolički poremećaji, gojaznost, opadanje kvaliteta života i kognitivne funkcije. Molekularni vodonik (H2) efikasno rešava poremećaje povezane s metaboličkim poremećajima i kognitivnim funkcionisanjem na primerima dosadašnjih istraživanja. U cilju procene efekata primene molekularnog vodonika na telesnu kompoziciju, metabolički profil i kvalitet života kod odraslih starijih žena, sprovedena su dva eksperimenta. U prvom eksperimentalnom postupku ispitivani su efekti primene putem oralnog unošenja rastvora vode obogaćene molekularnim vodonikom (HRW) u trajanju od 28 dana. Prvo eksperimentalno istraživanje sprovedeno je na uzorku ispitanica ženskog pola srednjeg starosnog doba i prekomerne telesne težine (n = 10), koje su nasumice uzimale vodu obogaćenu molekularnim vodonikom i placebo. Analizirani su efekti primene HRW na indikatore telesne kompozicije, hormonalnog statusa, mitohondrijalne funkcije, kvalitet života, navike u ishrani, nivou fizičke aktivnosti, te kardiorespiratornim sposobnostima. Nakon primenjenog tretmana HRW došlo je do statistički značajnih promena između posmatranih grupa ispitanica i smanjenja procenta telesnih masti i indeksa masti nadlaktice u korist grupe koja je uzimala H2 (P 0,05). Nivoi serumskog insulina smanjeni su za 5,4%, dok je placebo intervencija uvećala odgovor insulina za 29,3% (P = 0,01). Došlo je do statistički značajnih efekata kod H2 grupe u odnosu na placebo grupu u vrednostima maksimalne potrošnje kiseonika VO2 max (P ≤ 0,03), ukupnog izvršenog rada prilikom testiranja (P = 0,01), te ukupnog vremena trajanja testa opterećenja (P ≤ 0,02). Na osnovu ovog istraživanja može se pretpostaviti da H2 može pozitivno uticati na telesnu strukturu i insulinsku rezistenciju i unapređenje kardiorespiratornih sposobnosti kod žena srednje starosne dobi, prekomerne telesne težine. Drugi eksperimentalni postupak odnosio se na primenu molekularnog vodonika H2 putem inhalacije svaki dan, po 15 minuta u trajanju od 28 dana. Analizirani su efekti primene H2 na telesnu kompoziciju, kognitivne performanse i kvalitet života povezan sa zdravljem žena (n = 13) starijeg starosnog doba. Inhalacija je sprovedena upotrebom inhalatora koji generiše 4% H2. Kognitivna funkcija učesnica ocenjena je pomoću kognitivne skale MMSE i skale za procenu Alchajmerove bolesti (ADAS-Cog). Na osnovu dobijenih rezultata nakon intervencije H2 došlo je do statistički značajnog povećanja ukupnih rezultata u vrednostima upitnika MMSE (za 13,7%; P 0.05). Levels of serum insulin were decreased to 5.4%, while placebo intervention increased the insulin level up to 29.3% (P = 0.01). This also resulted in statistically significant effects in H2 group in comparison to the placebo group when values of maximal oxygen consumption VO2 max (P ≤ 0.03), total performance during testing (P = 0.01), and total duration of physical endurance test (P ≤ 0.02) are concerned. On the grounds of this research, it might be assumed that H2 can have a positive impact on body structure and insulin resistance, as well as improvement of cardiorespiratory capacities in middle-aged overweighted women. The second experimental procedure referred to the application of molecular hydrogen H2 via inhalation on daily basis, 15 minutes per day over 28 days. The effects of molecular hydrogen application on body composition, cognitive performance and quality of life connected with health of elder women (n = 13) were analized. Inhalation was performed by using inhalator generating 4% of H2. The cognitive function of participants was graded by applying the cognitive MMSE scale, as well as the scale for Alzheimer's Disease Assessment Scale (ADAS-Cog). On the basis of results obtained  upon H2 intervention, a statistically significant increase in total results referring to the values of MMSE test (up to 13.7%; P < 0.01) was recorded. Apart from this, a significant improvement of ADAS-Cog values after H2 inhalation was observed, having better performances when testing word recall (P < 0.01) and word recognition (P = 0.01). The findings of both experiments indicate that H2 might be an efficient biomedical agent for managing complex states caused by aging due to metabolic and cognitive disorders, when aiming at improving quality of life

    Co-administration of molecular hydrogen and exercise on body composition, metabolic profiles and health-related quality of life in aged women

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    Istraživanja o primeni molekularnog vodonika prilično su nova, međutim dosadašnja naučna otkrića smatraju molekularni vodonik za važan agens u biomedicini, a sa saznanjem o njegovoj biološkoj raspoloživosti i terapeutskom potencijalu u poslednjih deset godina, primetan je porast upotrebe vodonika u preventivne i terapijske svrhe. Proces starenja često prate metabolički poremećaji, gojaznost, opadanje kvaliteta života i kognitivne funkcije. Molekularni vodonik (H2) efikasno rešava poremećaje povezane s metaboličkim poremećajima i kognitivnim funkcionisanjem na primerima dosadašnjih istraživanja. U cilju procene efekata primene molekularnog vodonika na telesnu kompoziciju, metabolički profil i kvalitet života kod odraslih starijih žena, sprovedena su dva eksperimenta. U prvom eksperimentalnom postupku ispitivani su efekti primene putem oralnog unošenja rastvora vode obogaćene molekularnim vodonikom (HRW) u trajanju od 28 dana. Prvo eksperimentalno istraživanje sprovedeno je na uzorku ispitanica ženskog pola srednjeg starosnog doba i prekomerne telesne težine (n = 10), koje su nasumice uzimale vodu obogaćenu molekularnim vodonikom i placebo. Analizirani su efekti primene HRW na indikatore telesne kompozicije, hormonalnog statusa, mitohondrijalne funkcije, kvalitet života, navike u ishrani, nivou fizičke aktivnosti, te kardiorespiratornim sposobnostima. Nakon primenjenog tretmana HRW došlo je do statistički značajnih promena između posmatranih grupa ispitanica i smanjenja procenta telesnih masti i indeksa masti nadlaktice u korist grupe koja je uzimala H2 (P 0,05). Nivoi serumskog insulina smanjeni su za 5,4%, dok je placebo intervencija uvećala odgovor insulina za 29,3% (P = 0,01). Došlo je do statistički značajnih efekata kod H2 grupe u odnosu na placebo grupu u vrednostima maksimalne potrošnje kiseonika VO2 max (P ≤ 0,03), ukupnog izvršenog rada prilikom testiranja (P = 0,01), te ukupnog vremena trajanja testa opterećenja (P ≤ 0,02). Na osnovu ovog istraživanja može se pretpostaviti da H2 može pozitivno uticati na telesnu strukturu i insulinsku rezistenciju i unapređenje kardiorespiratornih sposobnosti kod žena srednje starosne dobi, prekomerne telesne težine. Drugi eksperimentalni postupak odnosio se na primenu molekularnog vodonika H2 putem inhalacije svaki dan, po 15 minuta u trajanju od 28 dana. Analizirani su efekti primene H2 na telesnu kompoziciju, kognitivne performanse i kvalitet života povezan sa zdravljem žena (n = 13) starijeg starosnog doba. Inhalacija je sprovedena upotrebom inhalatora koji generiše 4% H2. Kognitivna funkcija učesnica ocenjena je pomoću kognitivne skale MMSE i skale za procenu Alchajmerove bolesti (ADAS-Cog). Na osnovu dobijenih rezultata nakon intervencije H2 došlo je do statistički značajnog povećanja ukupnih rezultata u vrednostima upitnika MMSE (za 13,7%; P 0.05). Levels of serum insulin were decreased to 5.4%, while placebo intervention increased the insulin level up to 29.3% (P = 0.01). This also resulted in statistically significant effects in H2 group in comparison to the placebo group when values of maximal oxygen consumption VO2 max (P ≤ 0.03), total performance during testing (P = 0.01), and total duration of physical endurance test (P ≤ 0.02) are concerned. On the grounds of this research, it might be assumed that H2 can have a positive impact on body structure and insulin resistance, as well as improvement of cardiorespiratory capacities in middle-aged overweighted women. The second experimental procedure referred to the application of molecular hydrogen H2 via inhalation on daily basis, 15 minutes per day over 28 days. The effects of molecular hydrogen application on body composition, cognitive performance and quality of life connected with health of elder women (n = 13) were analized. Inhalation was performed by using inhalator generating 4% of H2. The cognitive function of participants was graded by applying the cognitive MMSE scale, as well as the scale for Alzheimer's Disease Assessment Scale (ADAS-Cog). On the basis of results obtained  upon H2 intervention, a statistically significant increase in total results referring to the values of MMSE test (up to 13.7%; P < 0.01) was recorded. Apart from this, a significant improvement of ADAS-Cog values after H2 inhalation was observed, having better performances when testing word recall (P < 0.01) and word recognition (P = 0.01). The findings of both experiments indicate that H2 might be an efficient biomedical agent for managing complex states caused by aging due to metabolic and cognitive disorders, when aiming at improving quality of life


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    During the process of aging at female population, certain changes in body composition take place. Those changes are inevitable and mainly biologically conditioned (Nassis & Geladas (2003); Heymsfield, Lohman, Wang & Going, 2005). Previous researches confirmed positive effects of regular exercising and programmed exercising on body composition. Promotion of motor and functional abilities, and consequently morphological characteristics, application of appropriate recreational activities, greatly influences “delay” of aging and rules which this process is bringing (Mišigoj-Duraković, 2006). The aim of this research was to establish whether there are statistically significant variances in body composition between the groups of individuals that actively exercise, and in relation to the age. The sample of individuals was made of 49 women in total (30-49 years of age) that actively exercise in the fitness club „World Class“, Novi Sad. The individuals were grouped in two sub-samples, in relation to the age. The first sub-sample was made of individuals of 30-39 years of age (N=21), and the second sub-sample of individuals of 40-49 years of age (N=28). Application of t test for independent samples established statistically significant variances between pairs of groups in variables Body weight, Fat mass and Body mass index (p<0,05)


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    The research included (N=60) females from the territory of Municipality of Novi Sad. The sample of individuals included females of the average age of 58.5 ±6.90, average body mass of 70.9 kg±15.32, and average body height of 164.8 m±7.24. The walking test of 2 kilometres of length offers the possibility to determine the Fitness Index (general ability) and evaluate maximal consumption of oxygen VO2max. Since the individuals were older, very demanding tests were not recommendable, so we chose UKK test of 2 kilometre walking. Although it engages great muscle groups, it is not considered a risky activity which can bring to quick body exhaustion. Nordic walking is very convenient for intensifying of the training, and the important thing is that it protects joints. The use of sticks off-loads the whole passive composition for moving, such as ligaments and connective tissues, back and joints (especially knees), for some 15 to 35 tonnes per hour. Because of that, Nordic walking is ideal as a rehabilitation sport for people with orthopaedic disorders. The protocol of the test requires observation of the air temperature in the span of 5 - 25°C, moderate humidity, casual clothes or sweat suit and appropriate clothes and sneakers, and 5 to 10 minutes of warm-up: stretching of the spine muscles, legs muscles, and fast walking of 200 meters. After such preparations, the test starts, and each individual sets own tempo of walking. After 2 kilometres, we measure achieved time and the value of the puls


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    Walking is one of the few physical activities that suit most people: do not burden the body as intensely as other activities, injuries are rare, and it is necessary to determine the conditions for its exercise. Unlike normal walking, when the upper body is relatively passive, Nordic Walking activates more muscles of the back and arms. Using poles while walking reduces the load on the lower extremities, especially the hip joints, knees and ankles. Elderly people use sticks provides greater stability as it increases the support surface and thus reduces the risk of falls and injury, dangerous occurrence of fractures. The aim of the research is the evaluation of the effects of two models of walking and determine the differences in the results on the morphological characteristics of elderly women. The study comprised 87 individuals, females, aged between 50 and 60 years, territories, municipalities Novi Sad. In the first experimental group'' E1'' was regular and 30 females and their data are taken into consideration. The second experimental group'' E2'' had 27 trainees have been regular. Those in the control group were 30th The measurement of skin fold and circumference measurements and procedures were performed in accordance with IBP - player. The experimental program lasted three months. Differences between individual groups in each variable were calculated using LSD - post hoc test. Were found statistically significant differences between experimental groups and between the two experimental

    Temporal trends in dietary creatine intake from 1999 to 2018: an ecological study with 89,161 participants

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    Introduction We described here the annual variations in mean dietary creatine intake from 1999 to 2018 in U.S. children and adults using National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) database. Methods Dietary intake information from ten consecutive rounds of NHANES (from 1999 to 2000 to 2017–2018) was extracted for a total of 89,161 respondents aged 0–85 years. Individual values for total grams of creatine consumed per day were computed using the average amount of creatine (3.88 g/kg) across all creatine-containing food sources. Results The average daily intake of creatine across the entire sample was 0.70 ± 0.78 g (95% confidence interval [CI], from 0.69 to 0.71) and 13.1 ± 16.5 mg/kg body weight (95% CI, from 13.0 to 13.2). A significant negative trend for dietary creatine intake was found in infants (r = − 0.019; P = 0.042), and children and adolescents (r = − 0.024; P < 0.001). Conclusions Our findings suggest a variation in dietary creatine intake in the U.S. population during the past 20 years, with young persons tend to consume fewer grams of creatine per day from 1999 onwards. Long-running studies are highly warranted to assess possible health consequences of variable creatine intake in human nutrition