373 research outputs found

    Image Reconstruction in Multi-Channel Model Under Gaussian Noise

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    The image reconstruction from noisy data is studied. A nonparametric boundary function is estimated from observations in N independent channels in Gaussian white noise. In each channel the image and the background intensities are unknown. They define a non-identifiable nuisance parameter that slows down the typical minimax rate of convergence. The large sample asymptotics of the minimax risk is found and an asymptotically optimal estimator for boundary function is suggested

    Correction of vertical dispersion and betatron coupling for the CLIC damping ring

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    The sensitivity of the CLIC damping ring to various kinds of alignment errors has been studied. Without any correction, fairly small vertical misalignments of the quadrupoles and, in particular, the sextupoles, introduce unacceptable distortions of the closed orbit as well as intolerable spurious vertical dispersion and coupling due to the strong focusing optics of the damping ring. A sophisticated beam-based correction scheme has been developed to bring the design target emittances and the dynamic aperture back to the ideal value. The correction using dipolar correctors and several skew quadrupole correctors allows a minimization of the closed-orbit distortion, the cross-talk between vertical and horizontal closed orbits, the residual vertical dispersion and the betatron coupling

    Parameter Scan for the CLIC Damping Rings

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    Triggered by the RF frequency reduction of the CLIC main linac cavities, the damping ring parameters had to be reevaluated and the rings performance adapted to the new luminosity requirements. In view of a staged approach for reaching the ultimate energy of the collider, the dependence of the rings output emittances under the influence of Intrabeam Scattering is evaluated with respect to different beam characteristics such as bunch population, beam energy, coupling and longitudinal beam characteristics

    Luminosity Tuning at the Interaction Point

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    Minimisation of the emittance in a linear collider is not enough to achieve optimal performance. For optimisation of the luminosity, tuning of collision parameters such as angle, offset, waist, etc. is needed, and a fast and reliable tuning signal is required. In this paper tuning knobs are presented, and their optimisation using beamstrahlung as a tuning signal is studied

    End-to-end beam simulations for the new muon G-2 experiment at Fermilab

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    The aim of the new muon g-2 experiment at Fermilab is to measure the anomalous magnetic moment of the muon with an unprecedented uncertainty of 140 ppb. A beam of positive muons required for the experiment is created by pion decay. Detailed studies of the beam dynamics and spin polarization of the muons are important to predict systematic uncertainties in the experiment. In this paper, we present the results of beam simulations and spin tracking from the pion production target to the muon storage ring. The end-to-end beam simulations are developed in Bmad and include the processes of particle decay, collimation (with accurate representation of all apertures) and spin tracking
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