29 research outputs found

    A nanocomplex of C60 fullerene with cisplatin: design, characterization and toxicity

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    The self-organization of C60 fullerene and cisplatin in aqueous solution was investigated using the computer simulation, dynamic light scattering and atomic force microscopy techniques. The results evidence the complexation between the two compound

    The effect of water dynamics on conformation changes of albumin in pre-denaturation state:photon correlation spectroscopy and simulation

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    Water is essential for protein three-dimensional structure, conformational dynamics, and activity. Human serum albumin (HSA) is one of major blood plasma proteins, and its functioning is fundamentally determined by the dynamics of surrounding water. The goal of this study is to link the conformational dynamics of albumin to the thermal motions in water taking place in the physiological temperature range. We report the results of photon correlation spectroscopy and molecular dynamics simulations of HSA in aqueous solution. The experimental data processing produced the temperature dependence of the HSA hydrodynamic radius and its zeta potential. Molecular dynamics reproduced the results of experiments and revealed changes in the secondary structure caused by the destruction of hydrogen bonds in the macromolecule's globule

    Effective decisions for individualized assessment and minimization of the risk of unfriendly takeover of enterprises: the features of the game theory application

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    The conditions for doing business at this stage are often similar in a game in which you need to calculate your actions a few steps ahead. At the same time, it is important to highlight several possible current options and make the necessary decision at the control moment. Moreover, each of the options formed should be justified, understandable and take into account the risk factors and available resources.Today, the main problem of assessing and minimizing the risk of “unfriendly takeover” is due to the fact that in most cases the raider is a player who acts quite legitimately and relies on the loopholes of the current legislative framework. Therefore, it is easier to identify possible actions of the raider and to avoid them within the limits of the reverse game than to deal with the consequences.The purpose of the research is to study the specificity of the individualized assessment and minimization of the risk of “unfriendly takeover” by using elements of game theory.It has been taken into account that the effect of individualization in assessing the risk of unfriendly takeover of enterprises can possibly be achieved on the basis of the application of game theory, the elements of which provide simulation of the unfriendly takeover process within the mathematical description of the inherent combinations of attack/defence as if they actually occurred in time both within one state of the external environment and for their given set.The results allowed forming mathematical decision-making models based on the elements of the antagonistic game “raider-target enterprise” and “raider games with the external environment”, which proved the possibility to: 1) identify possible functions of wins/losses; 2) combinations of attacks that can be neglected (that is, from the point of view of the rationality of decisions, will be rejected by the raider); 3) the ranking of the raider’s “attack combinations” for the reliability of their use during “unfriendly takeover”. Under such conditions, the target company can provide not only a detailed assessment, but also an effective minimization of the risk of “unfriendly takeover” and allocate the best combination of protection

    Sustainable polyethylene fabrics with engineered moisture transport for passive cooling

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    Polyethylene (PE) has emerged recently as a promising polymer for incorporation in wearable textiles owing to its high infrared transparency and tuneable visible opacity, which allows the human body to cool via thermal radiation, potentially saving energy on building refrigeration. Here, we show that single-material PE fabrics may offer a sustainable, high-performance alternative to conventional textiles, extending beyond radiative cooling. PE fabrics exhibit ultra-light weight, low material cost and recyclability. Industrial materials sustainability (Higg) index calculations predict a low environmental footprint for PE fabrics in the production phase. We engineered PE fibres, yarns and fabrics to achieve efficient water wicking and fast-drying performance which, combined with their excellent stain resistance, offer promise in reducing energy and water consumption as well as the environmental footprint of PE textiles in their use phase. Unlike previously explored nanoporous PE materials, the high-performance PE fabrics in this study are made from fibres melt spun and woven on standard equipment used by the textile industry worldwide and do not require any chemical coatings. We further demonstrate that these PE fibres can be dry coloured during fabrication, resulting in dramatic water savings without masking the PE molecular fingerprints scanned during the automated recycling process

    Sustainable polyethylene fabrics with engineered moisture transport for passive cooling

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    Polyethylene (PE) has emerged recently as a promising polymer for incorporation in wearable textiles owing to its high infrared transparency and tuneable visible opacity, which allows the human body to cool via thermal radiation, potentially saving energy on building refrigeration. Here, we show that single-material PE fabrics may offer a sustainable, high-performance alternative to conventional textiles, extending beyond radiative cooling. PE fabrics exhibit ultra-light weight, low material cost and recyclability. Industrial materials sustainability (Higg) index calculations predict a low environmental footprint for PE fabrics in the production phase. We engineered PE fibres, yarns and fabrics to achieve efficient water wicking and fast-drying performance which, combined with their excellent stain resistance, offer promise in reducing energy and water consumption as well as the environmental footprint of PE textiles in their use phase. Unlike previously explored nanoporous PE materials, the high-performance PE fabrics in this study are made from fibres melt spun and woven on standard equipment used by the textile industry worldwide and do not require any chemical coatings. We further demonstrate that these PE fibres can be dry coloured during fabrication, resulting in dramatic water savings without masking the PE molecular fingerprints scanned during the automated recycling process.The textile industry is one of the largest polluters. Here the authors show that polyethylene is a sustainable alternative textile with water wicking and fast-drying performance. The fabrication of polyethylene fabrics is compatible with standard equipment and could be dry-coloured, further reducing water consumption

    A nanocomplex of C60 fullerene with cisplatin: design, characterization and toxicity

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    The self-organization of C60 fullerene and cisplatin in aqueous solution was investigated using the computer simulation, dynamic light scattering and atomic force microscopy techniques. The results evidence the complexation between the two compounds. The genotoxicity of С60 fullerene, Cis and their complex was evaluated in vitro with the comet assay using human resting lymphocytes and lymphocytes after blast transformation. The cytotoxicity of the mentioned compounds was estimated by Annexin V/PI double staining followed by flow cytometry. The results clearly demonstrate that water-soluble C60 fullerene nanoparticles (0.1 mg/mL) do not induce DNA strand breaks in normal and transformed cells. C60 fullerene in the mixture with Cis does not influence genotoxic Cis activity in vitro, affects the cell-death mode in treated resting human lymphocytes and reduces the fraction of necrotic cells

    Problems of Financial Sustainability Analysis of Manufacturing Enterprise

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    The purpose of the article is to reveal the peculiarities of a comprehensive analysis of the financial sustainability of a production enterprise, namely that which could become the basis of optimization decisions. It has been determined that according to traditional approaches to the analysis of financial stability, an entity is not able to assess its available reserves for development, under conditions of acceptable level of risk (that is, with the provision of an optimal level of financial stability). In the article the features of complex analysis of the financial stability of a production enterprise have been disclosed, namely, that which can become the basis of optimization decisions. The outline is achieved at the expense of the following research tasks: the definition of the variables that contribute to the complex analysis of the financial sustainability of the production enterprise; characteristic of changing properties of the internal state of financial stability of the enterprise and the peculiarities of their analysis. The author's approach is to provide requirements for the complex analysis of the financial stability of a production enterprise based on the use of its variables, namely: solvency, creditworthiness, financial resources. In the study, coefficient methods and methods of balance-sheet agreement, within the organization of data processing and the comparison of systems interrelated variables of the properties of financial sustainability of the enterprise have been applied. According to the results, it has been proved that the ball form of concretization of variables in the analysis of financial stability quite effectively summarizes the results concerning: the limits of the use of liquid assets; conditions that determine the financial capacity of the entity; level of provision of assets and liabilities. This approach distinguishes the possibility of compiling a portrait of financial sustainability of the enterprise, as an abstract description of its main properties. The practical significance of the results lies in the possibility of their use for the development of optimization solutions, the formation of a forecast scenario of optimization (within the formalization of the target function of the process of optimization changes). Further research will be aimed at adapting the results of the research to the practical activities of manufacturing enterprises in the regio

    Corporate Law and Corporate Culture as Means of Influencing the Efficiency of Corporations

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    Corporate law and corporate culture are a set of means of multidirectional influence on the efficiency of corporate legal entities, they regulate relations that may arise during the creation, performance, and termination of economic activities, determine the means, forms, and structure of the organisation of activities. The purpose of the study is to determine the features and basic principles under which corporate law and corporate culture develop patterns that facilitate achieving the goals and optimising certain processes in the activities of corporate legal entities. The research methodology is based on the methods of logical analysis, critical analysis of scientific literature, and practical experience. The results of the study allowed considering corporate culture and corporate law as specific means of modelling personnel behaviour or managing it. These tools pose scientific originality and allow achieving such an image of personnel interaction that is acceptable for the efficiency of corporate legal entities. The basic result that poses originality is the structuring of corporate culture and corporate law, implemented in the context of: a model framework that defines the features and basic principles of influencing personnel behaviour; patterns of behaviour in the organisation that determine the internal environment, where each employee invests strength in a common goal (efficiency of the enterprise). The study of the model basis of corporate culture and corporate law, patterns of behaviour in the organisation allowed identifying the basic principles which positively affect the efficiency of corporate legal entities. The highlighted principles of corporate culture and corporate law positively impact the efficiency of corporate legal entities if clan or adhocratic types of corporate culture are developed. The practical value of the study is to identify elements for software development that will help corporate legal entities involve employees in work processes, create and strengthen corporate cultur

    Парадигма регіонального управління інтегрованими зусиллями розвитку елементів кластеру туризму та рекреації

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    The purpose of the research. It was noted that management of integrated effort of clusters elements based on a targeted approach. This approach has the following features: it orients production activities, to the needs of target consumers; it's characterized by structural flexibility of dynamic states of the external environment; it provides a strong orientation of integrative development of cluster actors for the future (through the system description model that defines development goals and translates them across a cluster network). These processes integrate changes in the components of the production and management systems of the cluster actors. The purpose of the research lies in systematic description of the management model of integrated efforts of tourism and recreation cluster, adopted in the scientific space. Methodology. By the study process the following general scientific and concrete methods have been used: comparative, structural (used for determining the factors that determine the competitive advantage of the cluster) and secondary data analysis (used for methodical algorithms of strategic evaluation of "Human capital training» determining; used for methodical algorithms of strategic evaluation of possibilities for the preservation of the best personnel determining; used for methodical algorithms of liquidity position of cluster actors determining), sifting and interpreting, the data and reaching logic techniques (used for matrix of market segmentation of cluster actors formation). Results. The proposed design model of the management cycle is based on the balanced scorecard introduction. With the formation of a target management cycle of integrated efforts for cluster elements this design is implemented in parallel. Thus, it is proposed to use balanced scorecard as the basis for the formation of a corporate strategy of integrative development of clusters and a strategy for the development of its cluster in all levels of their decomposition. In fact, the strategy of development of actors, according to the project, should contain rank strategies. Rank strategies are linked to the cluster strategy of integrated development and from the main provisions of the strategy of development of such cluster actors. Practical meaning. It had been shown that regional management paradigm of integrated effort of development elements of a recreation and tourism cluster contains: 1) generalized analysis and diagnostic cluster portrait; 2) Mission and Vision for the future of cluster integrative development; 3) analysis of competitive advantages (macro- and micro-) and future limitations for integrated development of the external and internal environment of clusters; 4) strategic directions of action or set of strategic objectives and predicted actions for achievement of objectives are outlined. In accordance with existing specificity of cluster strategy decomposition, the strategy of integrating development fits in the highest level of its hierarchy. Prospects for further research. The prospects of further research are the development of the concept of management of clusters in the Ukraine regions.Мета статті. Виявлено, що управління інтегрованими зусиллями елементів кластеру ґрунтується, на цільовому підході до управління, яке: орієнтує виробничу діяльність, на потреби цільових споживачів; характеризується структурною гнучкістю, щодо динамічних станів зовнішнього середовища; забезпечує жорстку орієнтацію інтегративного розвитку учасників на перспективу, завдяки моделі системного опису діяльності, що окреслює цілі розвитку та транслює їх по кластерній мережі. Процеси інтегрують зміни необхідних компонентів виробниче-управлінських систем учасників кластеру. Мета роботи полягає у системному описі прийнятої у науковому просторі моделі управління інтегрованими зусиллями розвитку елементів кластеру туризму та рекреації. Методологія. У процесі проведення дослідження використані такі загальнонаукові та конкретні методи: порівняльний, структурний (при визначенні факторів, що визначають конкурентні переваги кластеру), методи системного аналізу та аналізу вторинних даних (при визначенні методичних алгоритмів стратегічної оцінки «навчання людського капіталу»; методичних алгоритмів стратегічної оцінки можливостей збереження найкращих кадрів, методичних алгоритмів оцінки ліквідності балансу автономного учасника кластеру), узагальнення та інтерпретації, логічний (при побудові матриці сегментації ринку автономного учасника кластеру). Результати. Запропонована проектна модель циклу управління на основі впровадження Збалансованої системі показників (ЗСП). Проектування реалізоване паралельно із формуванням циклу цільового управління інтегрованими зусиллями розвитку елементів кластеру. Запропоновано використання ЗСП, як основи формування корпоративної стратегії інтегративного розвитку та стратегії розвитку його автономних одиниць, які окреслені за всіма рівнями їх декомпозиції. Фактично, це означає, що за проектним задумом стратегії розвитку автономних учасників мають, містити рангові стратегії, котрі знаходяться у взаємозв’язку із кластерною стратегією інтегративного розвитку та формують основні положення стратегії розвитку такого учасника. Практичне значення. Доведено, що парадигма регіонального управління інтегрованими зусиллями розвитку елементами кластеру туризму та рекреації має, містити: 1) узагальнений аналіз та діагностичний портрет кластеру; 2) місію та баченням майбутнього, що окреслюють перспективи інтегративного розвитку кластеру; 3) макро- та мікроаналізи конкурентних переваг та обмежень майбутнього інтегративного розвитку зовнішнього і внутрішнього кластерів; 4) намічені стратегічні напрями дій, викладені як сукупність стратегічних цілей та прогнозних дій, щодо досягнення цілей. Стратегія інтегративного розвитку займає в ієрархії найвищий рівень, відповідно до існуючої специфіки декомпозиції. Перспективи подальших досліджень. Перспективи подальших досліджень полягають у розробці концепції управління розвитком кластерів у регіонах України