2,698 research outputs found

    Вербалізація гумору в англомовних ситкомах

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    У статті розглядаються основні методи вербалізації гумору у англомовних ситкомах останнього десятиліття. Увага фокусується на визначенні ролі реалій для досягнення комічності. Досліджено тематику гумору у сучасному медійному просторі, проаналізовані особливості процесу вербалізації гумору у англомовних ситкомах в період від 2000 до 2014 року. (This article observes and discusses methods of humor verbalization in English sitcoms of the previous decade. Attention is focused upon the usage of realia for the sake of humor. The role of humor in contemporary media has been researched, humor verbalization peculiarities of 2000 – 2014 English sitcoms have been analyzed.

    Channeling of Positrons through Periodically Bent Crystals: on Feasibility of Crystalline Undulator and Gamma-Laser

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    The electromagnetic radiation generated by ultra-relativistic positrons channelling in a crystalline undulator is discussed. The crystalline undulator is a crystal whose planes are bent periodically with the amplitude much larger than the interplanar spacing. Various conditions and criteria to be fulfilled for the crystalline undulator operation are established. Different methods of the crystal bending are described. We present the results of numeric calculations of spectral distributions of the spontaneous radiation emitted in the crystalline undulator and discuss the possibility to create the stimulated emission in such a system in analogy with the free electron laser. A careful literature survey covering the formulation of all essential ideas in this field is given. Our investigation shows that the proposed mechanism provides an efficient source for high energy photons, which is worth to study experimentally.Comment: 52 pages, MikTeX, 14 figure

    Hybridization-related correction to the jellium model for fullerenes

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    We introduce a new type of correction for a more accurate description of fullerenes within the spherically symmetric jellium model. This correction represents a pseudopotential which originates from the comparison between an accurate ab initio calculation and the jellium model calculation. It is shown that such a correction to the jellium model allows one to account, at least partly, for the sp2-hybridization of carbon atomic orbitals. Therefore, it may be considered as a more physically meaningful correction as compared with a structureless square-well pseudopotential which has been widely used earlier.Comment: 16 pages, 10 figure

    Organization of sorting and surgery of wounds with soft tissue defects during the joint force surgery

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    Introduction. The experience of providing medical care during the Anti-terrorist operation in eastern Ukraine showed that in the structure of modern combat surgical trauma gunshot wounds with soft tissue defects are between 64.9-68.2%, of which 36.4-37.5% are small and medium, 28.5-30.7% are large and very large defects.Aim: To improve the results of providing surgical care to the wounded with soft tissue defects by introducing a variety of surgical tactics of wound closure to the medical care levels.Material and Methods. The total array of the study was 2537 wounded with shrapnel, bullet and mine injuries from April 2014 to September 2018. The determination of surgical tactics for closing soft tissue defects was performed at the basis of metric classification taking into account the area, volume and anatomical areas of the lesion.Results. The combination of metric characteristics of wound defects by area, volume with localization of wounds in a single classification allowed the offer of a comprehensive approach to sorting the wounded at the level of medical care and to determine further surgical tactics to close soft tissue defects. In accordance with the sorting and evacuation purposes, the wounded with gunshot wounds to the foot and hand (third zone of injury) were treated in specialised centres to the fourth level of medical care. In the case of medium and large wounds of the thigh, leg, shoulder and forearm, medical care was provided at the second and third levels. And in the case of large and very large wounds of the specified localisation was provided in specialised clinics of the fourth level.Conclusions. The introduction of differentiated surgical tactics in the wounded with soft tissue defects at the levels of medical care has improved functional results: increase the proportion of good from 46.9% to 53.7%, reduce the relative number of unsatisfactory from 18.8% to 11, 6%

    The influence of the dechanneling process on the photon emission by an ultra-relativistc positron channeling in a periodically bent crystal

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    We investigate, both analytically and numerically, the influence of the dechanneling process on the parameters of undulator radiation generated by ultra-relativistic positron channelling along a crystal plane, which is periodically bent. The bending might be due either to the propagation of a transverse acoustic wave through the crystal, or due to the static strain as it occurs in superlattices. In either case the periodically bent crystal serves as an undulator which allows to generate X-ray and gamma-radiation. We propose the scheme for accurate quantitative treatment of the radiation in presence of the dechanneling. The scheme includes (i) the analytic expression for spectral-angular distribution which contains, as a parameter, the dechanneling length, (ii) the simulation procedure of the dechanneling process of a positron in periodically bent crystals. Using these we calculate the dechanneling lengths of 5 GeV positrons channeling in Si, Ge and W crystals, and the spectral-angular and spectral distributions of the undulator over broad ranges of the photons. The calculations are performed for various parameters of the channel bending.Comment: published in J. Phys. G: Nucl. Part. Phys. 27 (2001) 95-125, http://www.iop.or


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    In the program for 2022–2024 provides for the following areas of support for small and medium-sized businesses: • informing business entities and improving communication;• popularization of the culture of entrepreneurship and promotion of local business;• support of local crafters/producers;• support of exporters;• improvement of the business climate;• activation of self-employment of the population;• financial support of the unemployed / unemployed population;• regulatory regulation of entrepreneurial activity;• information and resource support.Effective application of business support mechanisms requires a deep understanding of the problems local entrepreneurs face in their activities and the threats they may face in the future. Some of these problems and challenges may be in the area of direct or indirect influence of local self-government bodies. Therefore, when forming a business support policy, it is necessary to focus on those tools and levers that will have the greatest impact on the removal of obstacles and barriers in the development of entrepreneurship.Interest compensation for loans from commercial banks is provided on a competitive basis to small and medium-sized business entities that are registered in the Unified State Register, are registered and are on taxrecords in the State Department of Internal Affairs in the Rivne region, carry out economic activities on the territory of the Rivne urban territorial community and pay taxes to the city budget. Participation in the competition requires entrepreneurs to prepare a package of documents confirming the compliance of the project with the conditions of the competition. In recent years, there has been low activity of entrepreneurs in the competition.Based on the results of the survey of entrepreneurs conducting their business activities in the city of Rivne, the reasons for the low activity of entrepreneurs in the competition were revealed. First of all, attention is drawn to the low level of awareness of entrepreneurs about holding competitions for receiving compensation, because 42% of surveyed business subjects have never heard of this competition.У статті досліджено проблеми малого та середнього підприємництва у м. Рівне.  Розвинуто організаційні аспекти запровадження пріоритетних форм та  інструментами фінансового забезпечення та розвитку малого і середнього  бізнесу в м. Рівне. Запропоновано напрями фінансової підтримки малого бізнесу  на основі пропозицій підприємців


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    The Ukrainian higher education system is in a state of permanent transformation, when from year to year the tendencies to formalize the requirements for the quality of the educational process and the qualification requirements of teaching staff engaged in training higher education at the appropriate levels. Between the level of training of university graduates and the qualification requirements for applicants for vacant positions, which are put forward by employers, there is a rather large discrepancy for many specialties for which future specialists are trained. This is indirectly followed by the results of periodic internal surveys of students, which one of the main problems of the educational process is the low level of practical training within the university.A key and topical issue for the group of developers of the educational and professional program and the most important external stakeholders (including students and their future employers), regardless of the university's field, specialty and level of higher education – to identify inconsistencies between employers' requests for certain employees. knowledge, competencies, experience gained and the relevant educational and professional set of characteristics. Periodic monitoring of trends in the requirements for applicants to fill vacancies in the labor market will allowtimely detection of new requests from employers and make changes if necessary.The study of requirements for filling vacancies and salary levels of specialists-managers in the city of Rivne and the region was conducted during two periods: 1) March 2019; 2) January 2022. Initially, the method of content analysis collected information on job search sites ‘robota.ua’ and ‘work.ua’. At the next stage, the method of aggregation was used for statistical processing of the collected information on the actual number of vacancies, requirements for them and the levels of salaries offered by local employers. At the final stage, the method of regression analysis of the dependence of the proposed salary on the components of educational and qualification competencies of applicants for vacancies.Summarizing the results of regression analysis of wages in Rivne region, based on a sample of 50 companies in 2019 and 100 companies in 2022, it can be argued that to increase the material prosperity of future graduates-managers must first form and develop their behavioral competencies (soft skills), as well as expand and improve their skills, which over time can be turned into skills and gain practical experience. In the future, such an analysis should be done periodically to have up-to-date information on the vacancy market for graduates trained by the relevant graduating department. In addition, tracking the trends in the requirements for applicants will allow timely changes to the main document, which is  the training of higher education.В статье проанализирована структура требований к замещению вакантных должностей и уровни заработных плат специалистовменеджеров в городе Ровно  и области на протяжении марта 2019 года и января 2022 года. Методом контент-анализа собрана информация на сайтах поиска работы «robota.ua» и «work.ua» с последующей агрегацией и визуализацией данных в виде управленческого дашборда.Методом регрессионного анализа проанализирована зависимость уровня предлагаемой заработной платы работодателем от составляющих образовательно-квалификационных компетенций претендентов на замещение вакантных должностей.У статті проаналізовано структуру вимог до заміщення вакантних посад і рівні заробітних плат фахівців-менеджерів в місті Рівному і області впродовж березня  2019 року і січня 2022 року. Методом контентаналізу зібрано інформацію на  сайтах пошуку роботи «robota.ua» і «work.ua» з подальшим агрегуванням і візуалізацією даних у вигляді управлінського дашборда. Методом регресійного аналізу проаналізовано залежність рівня пропонованої заробітної плати  роботодавцем від складових освітньо-кваліфікаційних компетенцій претендентів на заміщення вакантних посад


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    With the completion of administrative reform, local communities have needed quality strategy. The process of developing strategic documents of territorial communities is rather slow. The analysis of the sites of territorial communities of Rivne region showed that 18 out of 64 territorial communities have development strategies, which is 28%. Programs of socioeconomic development of territorial  communities, although they are documents, the availability of which is a prerequisite for financing expenditures from the local budget, could be found only on the websites of 11 territorial communities. In territorial communities where development strategies have been developed, these documents rarely play their main role - they become real guidelines for strategic development of communities, which assess the effectiveness of local governments. The peculiarity of projects for the development of strategic documents of local communities is that they require significant involvement of stakeholders in the initiation, development, monitoring and evaluation of results. This requires the establishment of a quality system of interaction with stakeholders, using a wide arsenal of methods and tools for dissemination and collection of information. However, as the analysis of the sites of territorial communities of Rivne region showed, only in Krupetsk territorial community there is a communication strategy. In other territorial communities such documents are absent.The success of such projects largely depends on the following tasks: 1. Actualization of the problem solved by the project in different targetgroups.2. Involvement of stakeholders in the project implementation process. 3. Involvement of stakeholders in project monitoring, verification and evaluation.An important step towards solving these tasks is to build a clear system of indicators for achieving the results of the strategy or program. The methodological basis of such a system of indicators should be the Theory of Change, which provides for the decomposition of key results of a strategy or program of socio-economic development according to the logic of the «chain of change»: Impact-Outcome-Output-Input. The beneficiaries of the results, and therefore the objects of interaction, will be different target groups and beneficiaries. Each level of indicators in the chain of change requires the use of an appropriate set of methods and tools for communicating with stakeholders. For example, it is advisable to communicate with Impact-results and Outcomes-results with all residents of the community, using the community website, reports on the implementation of strategic documents. It is advisable to present information in a simple and understandable form for residents, using a variety of visualization tools. Users of information about Inputs-results and Outputs-results will be target groups that are directly involved in the processes of obtaining these results. Even if it is distributed to the community, it will be of little use. Conversely, this will lead to a loss of interest in the strategic documents of the local community.Stakeholders play a key role in monitoring and evaluating the implementation of local community development strategies and programs, as they are directly involved in monitoring and evaluation processes. Monitoring and evaluation can be organized and conducted by local governments or non-profit organizations. The selection of methods and tools for disseminating monitoring information should be such as to ensure maximum dissemination of information to different groups of the population.В статье исследованы методы системной организации коммуникаций со стейкхолдерами в процессе разработки стратегий развития и программ социально-экономического развития территориальных общин. Доказано, что качество процесса стратегирования во многом зависит от выбора каналов коммуникаций и методов представления информации. Исследована роль визуализации данных при налаживании устойчивого взаимодействия с разными группами стейкхолдеров проекта разработки стратегических документов территориальной общины.У статті досліджено методи системної організації комунікацій зі стейкхолдерами у процесі розроблення стратегій розвитку та програм соціально-економічного розвитку територіальних громад. Доведено, що якість процесу стратегування значною мірою залежить від вибору каналів комунікацій та методів подання інформації. Досліджено роль візуалізації даних при налагодженні сталої взаємодії з різними групами стейкхолдерів проєкту розроблення стратегічних документів територіальної громади

    Serous Pigment Epithelium Detachment Associated with Age-Related Macular Degeneration: A Possible Treatment Approach

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    To evaluate the effects of intravitreal triamcinolone acetonide (TA) as a monotherapy of serous Pigment Epithelial Detachment (PED) associated with AMD (Age-Related Macular Degeneration), this study has been performed. Seventeen patients (19 eyes) with serous PED associated with AMD were observed. All patients received 0.1ml (4mg) of intravitreal TA. The mean follow-up period was 18 months. Re-attachment of serous PED was observed in 37% of cases to the end of follow-up. In other cases, the height and length of serous PED significantly decreased. Visual acuity remained stable in all cases. No evidence of RPE tear or CNV development were noted. Before TA administration, intraocular pressure (IOP) was 20.18 ± 2.58 mmHg however, after intravitreal TA, IOP increased gradually and reached its maximum of all period of observation (23.25±1.85mmHg) six months after injection (P=0.031). In 7 (37%) of the cases, progression to cataract was observed after treatment. After surgery, the visual acuity in all cases increased by 0.2 to 0.5. As a conclusion, intravitreal TA decreases of both the height and length of serous PED associated with AMD after 18 months follow-up in most cases. The presented data provides support for the hypothesis regarding the possibility of monotherapy of serous PED with intravitreal TA