168 research outputs found

    The age of Spitsbergen basement consolidation: U–Pb dating of detrital zircons from the Upper Precambrian and Lower Carboniferous clastic rocks of the northwestern part of Nordenskiöld Land

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    © 2017, Pleiades Publishing, Ltd. The age distribution of detrital zircons from Upper Riphean and Early Carboniferous sandstones of the northwest part of Nordenskiöld Land (Spitsbergen Island) was studied. The results obtained supplement the previously known data on the rocks of Precambrian and Paleozoic masses of West Spitsbergen. Integrated consideration of these data showed that the time interval from the Middle Riphean to the Early Carboniferous inclusive might be subdivided into at least five stages characterized by quite different provinces supplying detritus to sedimentary basins. (The relics of these latter are represented in the present structure of western Svalbard.) The most ancient distinguished event of alteration of the sources of sedimentary matter (at the boundary of the Middle and Late Riphean) corresponds to the consolidation time of the ancient basement of Svalbard

    Neotectonics and Modern Geodynamics of Verkhnekamskoe Potash Salt Deposit

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    Рассматривается новейшая структура территории Верхнекамского месторождения калийных солей (ВКМКС), которая может влиять на современное состояние соляной залежи и быть одной из причин происходящих негативных природнотехногенных процессов. На основании структурно-геодинамических исследований в пределах новейшего Соликамского поднятия выделены три неотектонические области, Северная, Центральная и Южная, отличающиеся типом новейших структур, геодинамическими условиями их формирования и степенью наследования соляных структур. Оценено происхождение новейших структур, которое связывается с латеральным СЗ-ЮВ сжатием, при котором формируются обратные соотношения разновозрастных структур и происходит активизация древних разломов. Отмечается, что для предупреждения катастрофических провалов и опасных горно-геологических явлений необходимы учет и оценка не только древних герцинских дислокаций, но и неотектонических структур и геодинамических условий их формирования

    Микробиологические параметры как показатель агрогенной трансформации солонца среднего кормовыми севооборотами

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    Vast territories of Western Siberia (about 40%) are saline. On such lands, perennial grasses - phytomeliorants are mainly grown. The article presents the results of a four-year study of plant-microbial interactions in medium-sodium solonetz under fodder crop rotations with sweet yellow clover and awnless brome. The studies were conducted in the Baraba lowland, where crop rotations using layer-by-layer tillage were cultivated at the SSRIF (Siberian Scientific Research Institute of Feed) station for 33 years. In a six-field crop rotation with sweet clover in the first field, sweet clover of the Alsheevsky variety was sown with a cover crop – Sudan grass of the Novosibirskaya 84 variety; the second field was occupied by sweet clover; the third field was planted with Krasnoobsky oats. After that, everything was repeated all over again. In the crop rotation with rump, millet Kormovoe 45 was buried in the first field; in the second field, an awnless brome cultivar of the Siberian Scientific Research Institute of Agriculture -189 and millet were planted. Then the rump grew for four years. As a result of tillage and long-term exposure to phytomeliorant herbs in the 0–20 cm layer of medium solonetz, the biodiversity of bacteria has changed, the nitrification activity of the soil has increased by 1.9–2.3 times (primarily affecting the productivity of grasses cultivated in crop rotations). Under the sweet clover, the process of microbiological humus accumulation was activated. Using metagenomic analysis of 16S rRNA, four taxonomic groups of bacteria (phyla) were identified, significantly different from the virgin soil. In both crop rotations in the average solonetz, under the influence of agrobiological reclamation, the proportion of bacteria of the phylum firmicutes, mineralises of complex nitrogen-containing substances and producers of plant growth stimulants, as well as beta- and deltaproteobacteria, functionally associated with improving soil fertility, increased. Under the rump, the representation of Chloroflexi, indicators of soil density, significantly decreased.Обширные территории Западной Сибири (около 40 %) засолены. На таких землях в основном выращивают многолетние травы – фитомелиоранты.  В статье представлены результаты четырехлетнего изучения растительно-микробных взаимодействий в солонце среднем средненатриевом под кормовыми севооборотами с донником желтым и кострецом безостым. Исследования проведены в Барабинской низменности, где севообороты с применением послойной обработки почвы возделывались на стационаре СибНИИ кормов в течение 33 лет. В шестипольном севообороте с донником в первом поле высевался донник сорта Альшеевский с покровной культурой – суданской травой сорта Новосибирская 84, второе поле было занято донником, третье – овсом сорта Краснообский, после чего все повторялось. В севообороте с кострецом в первом поле высевалось просо Кормовое 45, во втором поле – кострец безостый сорта СибНИИСХоз-189 и просо, далее 4 года рос кострец. В результате обработок почвы и длительного воздействия трав-фитомелиорантов в слое 0–20 см солонца среднего изменилось биоразнообразие бактерий, в 1,9–2,3 раза усилилась нитрификационная активность почвы (в первую очередь, повлиявшая на продуктивность возделываемых в севооборотах трав), и под донником активизировался процесс микробиологического гумусонакопления. С помощью метагеномного анализа 16S рРНК выявлены 4 таксономические группы бактерий (филы), достоверно отличающиеся от целинной почвы. В обоих севооборотах в солонце среднем под влиянием агробиологической мелиорации возросла доля бактерий филы фирмикутов – минерализаторов сложных азотсодержащих веществ и продуцентов стимуляторов роста растений, а также бета- и дельта-протеобактерий, функционально связанных с улучшением почвенного плодородия. Под кострецом достоверно снизилось представительство Chloroflexi – индикаторов плотности почвы

    Role of mitochondrial raft-like microdomains in the regulation of cell apoptosis

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    Lipid rafts are envisaged as lateral assemblies of specific lipids and proteins that dissociate and associate rapidly and form functional clusters in cell membranes. These structural platforms are not confined to the plasma membrane; indeed lipid microdomains are similarly formed at subcellular organelles, which include endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi and mitochondria, named raft-like microdomains. In addition, some components of raft-like microdomains are present within ER-mitochondria associated membranes. This review is focused on the role of mitochondrial raft-like microdomains in the regulation of cell apoptosis, since these microdomains may represent preferential sites where key reactions take place, regulating mitochondria hyperpolarization, fission-associated changes, megapore formation and release of apoptogenic factors. These structural platforms appear to modulate cytoplasmic pathways switching cell fate towards cell survival or death. Main insights on this issue derive from some pathological conditions in which alterations of microdomains structure or function can lead to severe alterations of cell activity and life span. In the light of the role played by raft-like microdomains to integrate apoptotic signals and in regulating mitochondrial dynamics, it is conceivable that these membrane structures may play a role in the mitochondrial alterations observed in some of the most common human neurodegenerative diseases, such as Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, Huntington's chorea and prion-related diseases. These findings introduce an additional task for identifying new molecular target(s) of pharmacological agents in these pathologies

    Особенности проявления йододефицита на территории Республики Беларусь

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    A medium-scale map of iodine deficiency in the territory of the Republic of Belarus was created for the first time. The map characterizes in detail a spatial variation of iodine concentration in soils of Belarus. The article analyzes a spatial specificity of the ecological situation formed as a result of heterogeneity of the iodine content in soils. Using the means of a specialized GIS, the area of high iodine deficiency was identified at the level of administrative regions. The identified area was further differentiated in terms of different level of ecological risk due to a natural soil iodine deficiency. As a result of such geoinformation analysis, the areas of moderate, significant and greatest risks were established in the territory of Belarus. These regions should become the objects of high priority monitoring and are directly in need of targeted preventive measures.Впервые создана среднемасштабная карта, характеризующая состояние йододефицита на всей территории Беларуси. В сообщении анализируются полученные результаты и рассматривается пространственная специфика экологической обстановки, сложившейся в результате неоднородности содержания йода в почвах. С использованием возможностей специализированной ГИС на уровне административных областей районов была выделена зона повышенного йододефицита, которая дифференцирована по уровню риска возникновения йододефицитных заболеваний. В результате пространственного геоинформационного анализа для Беларуси впервые были выделены территории умеренного, значительного и наибольшего риска, которые должны стать объектами первоочередного контроля, непосредственно нуждающимися в целевом проведении адресной профилактики населения

    Реакция посевов сои и гороха в Приобье на гуминовый антистрессант к гербицидам в лесостепи Западной Сибири

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    In the article, the authors presented those enticing actual herbicidal treatments (the active ingredient is cloquintocet-mexyl, fenoxaprop-P-ethyl), spring-summer and summer droughts, are stress factors for the development of early-ripening soybean varieties and zoned pea varieties in the forest-steppe of the Priobye region. They limit the realization of the biological yield potential of soybeans and reduce the coarseness of pea grains and their total protein. Use with the herbicide of humic preparation from leonardite Cytogumat at a rate of 0.4 l/ha relieves physiological stress on soybean plants, providing a rapid increase in biomass and grain yield of 4.2-5.5 c/ ha, or 19%. Furthermore, the humic product in a single year can increase the duration of soybean vegetation by 3-4 days and the height of lower bean attachment by 24%. The authors analyze the stress resistance to the anti-cereal herbicide of 5 varieties of peas. They also found that the varieties Altaysky Usatiy and Novosibirets mediumresistant, Yamal, and Astronaut are sensitive to the herbicide. The application of Cytogumat in susceptible varieties increased green mass by 30.1% and 24.0%, grain yield by 10.5-12.0%, weight of 1000 grains by 7.1-7.4%, and total protein. In moderately resistant varieties, the reaction to Cytogumat was less pronounced and was accompanied by an increase in yield by 8–10%, grain size by 5–5.4%, and protein content by 1.9%. The Yamalsky pea variety in the Ob River region proved to be tolerant to stress, and it is inexpedient to use Cytogumat on it.Показано, что стрессовыми факторами для развития раннеспелых сортов сои и районированных сортов гороха посевного в лесостепи Приобья служат противозлаковые гербицидные обработки (действующее вещество – клоквинтосет-мексил, феноксапроп-П-этил), весенне-летняя и летняя засухи. Они ограничивают реализацию биологического потенциала урожайности сои, снижают крупность зерна гороха и содержание в нем протеина. Использование совместно с гербицидом гуминового препарата из леонардита Цитогумата в норме 0,4 л/га снимает физиологический стресс растений сои, обеспечивая быстрый прирост биомассы и прибавку урожайности зерна 4,2–5,5 ц/га, или 19%. Гуминовый препарат в отдельный год может увеличить продолжительность вегетации сои на 3–4 дня и высоту прикрепления нижних бобов на 24%. Проанализирована стрессоустойчивость к противозлаковому гербициду 5 сортов гороха посевного. Установлено, что сорта Алтайский усатый и Новосибирец среднеустойчивы, Ямал и Астронавт – чувствительны к гербициду. Применение Цитогумата на чувствительных сортах давало прирост зеленой массы на 30,1 и 24,0%, повышало урожайность зерна на 10,5–12,0%, массу 1000 зерен на 7,1–7,4% и увеличивало содержание протеина. У среднеустойчивых сортов реакция на Цитогумат была выражена меньше и сопровождалась повышением урожайности на 8–10%, крупности зерна – на 5–5,4 и возрастанием его белковости на 1,9%. Сорт гороха Ямальский в Приобье показал себя толерантным к стрессу, и использовать Цитогумат на нем нецелесообразно

    SHANK3 mutations identified in autism lead to modification of dendritic spine morphology via an actin-dependent mechanism

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    Genetic mutations of SHANK3 have been reported in patients with intellectual disability, autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and schizophrenia. At the synapse, Shank3/ProSAP2 is a scaffolding protein that connects glutamate receptors to the actin cytoskeleton via a chain of intermediary elements. Although genetic studies have repeatedly confirmed the association of SHANK3 mutations with susceptibility to psychiatric disorders, very little is known about the neuronal consequences of these mutations. Here, we report the functional effects of two de novo mutations (STOP and Q321R) and two inherited variations (R12C and R300C) identified in patients with ASD. We show that Shank3 is located at the tip of actin filaments and enhances its polymerization. Shank3 also participates in growth cone motility in developing neurons. The truncating mutation (STOP) strongly affects the development and morphology of dendritic spines, reduces synaptic transmission in mature neurons and also inhibits the effect of Shank3 on growth cone motility. The de novo mutation in the ankyrin domain (Q321R) modifies the roles of Shank3 in spine induction and morphology, and actin accumulation in spines and affects growth cone motility. Finally, the two inherited mutations (R12C and R300C) have intermediate effects on spine density and synaptic transmission. Therefore, although inherited by healthy parents, the functional effects of these mutations strongly suggest that they could represent risk factors for ASD. Altogether, these data provide new insights into the synaptic alterations caused by SHANK3 mutations in humans and provide a robust cellular readout for the development of knowledge-based therapies

    The Caenorhabditis elegans Eph Receptor Activates NCK and N-WASP, and Inhibits Ena/VASP to Regulate Growth Cone Dynamics during Axon Guidance

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    The Eph receptor tyrosine kinases (RTKs) are regulators of cell migration and axon guidance. However, our understanding of the molecular mechanisms by which Eph RTKs regulate these processes is still incomplete. To understand how Eph receptors regulate axon guidance in Caenorhabditis elegans, we screened for suppressors of axon guidance defects caused by a hyperactive VAB-1/Eph RTK. We identified NCK-1 and WSP-1/N-WASP as downstream effectors of VAB-1. Furthermore, VAB-1, NCK-1, and WSP-1 can form a complex in vitro. We also report that NCK-1 can physically bind UNC-34/Enabled (Ena), and suggest that VAB-1 inhibits the NCK-1/UNC-34 complex and negatively regulates UNC-34. Our results provide a model of the molecular events that allow the VAB-1 RTK to regulate actin dynamics for axon guidance. We suggest that VAB-1/Eph RTK can stop axonal outgrowth by inhibiting filopodia formation at the growth cone by activating Arp2/3 through a VAB-1/NCK-1/WSP-1 complex and by inhibiting UNC-34/Ena activity

    Theoretical Model for Cellular Shapes Driven by Protrusive and Adhesive Forces

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    The forces that arise from the actin cytoskeleton play a crucial role in determining the cell shape. These include protrusive forces due to actin polymerization and adhesion to the external matrix. We present here a theoretical model for the cellular shapes resulting from the feedback between the membrane shape and the forces acting on the membrane, mediated by curvature-sensitive membrane complexes of a convex shape. In previous theoretical studies we have investigated the regimes of linear instability where spontaneous formation of cellular protrusions is initiated. Here we calculate the evolution of a two dimensional cell contour beyond the linear regime and determine the final steady-state shapes arising within the model. We find that shapes driven by adhesion or by actin polymerization (lamellipodia) have very different morphologies, as observed in cells. Furthermore, we find that as the strength of the protrusive forces diminish, the system approaches a stabilization of a periodic pattern of protrusions. This result can provide an explanation for a number of puzzling experimental observations regarding cellular shape dependence on the properties of the extra-cellular matrix

    Formin1 Mediates the Induction of Dendritogenesis and Synaptogenesis by Neurogenin3 in Mouse Hippocampal Neurons

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    Neurogenin3, a proneural transcription factor controlled by Notch receptor, has been recently shown to regulate dendritogenesis and synaptogenesis in mouse hippocampal neurons. However, little is known about the molecular mechanisms involved in these actions of Ngn3. We have used a microarray analysis to identify Ngn3 regulated genes related with cytoskeleton dynamics. One of such genes is Fmn1, whose protein, Formin1, is associated with actin and microtubule cytoskeleton. Overexpression of the Fmn1 isoform-Ib in cultured mouse hippocampal neurons induced an increase in the number of primary dendrites and in the number of glutamatergic synaptic inputs at 4 days in vitro. The same changes were provoked by overexpression of Ngn3. In addition downregulation of Fmn1 by the use of Fmn1-siRNAs impaired such morphological and synaptic changes induced by Ngn3 overexpression in neurons. These results reveal a previously unknown involvement of Formin1 in dendritogenesis and synaptogenesis and indicate that this protein is a key component of the Ngn3 signaling pathway that controls neuronal differentiation