29 research outputs found

    Epistemological risk aspects

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    The paper considers risk in the context of the main characteristics of non-classical epistemology. It states that non-classical epistemology is characterized by transformation, according to which the major priority of cognitive activity shifts the focus from the present to the past. In this situation a subject is keen not on what he or she has learnt but on what can be learnt. Truth being a crucial criterion of scientific knowledge is becoming of less priority, while risk is becoming more and more significant and acts as one of the major epistemology measurements. Risk is gaining the status of epistemological phenomenon, which shows a growing degree of uncertainty as a cognitive process background and the necessity for a subject to learn the world (make decisions) under the conditions of uncertainty degree strengthening. The author states that risk is a comprehensive notion and it obtains a base value for all other aspects of its application, specifically, in the role of epistemological phenomenon

    Digitalization in the Russian healthcare: barriers to digital maturity

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    Over the last 20 years a significant progress has been made in the use of digital technologies in the Russian healthcare: a widespread introduction of health information systems (HIS), work with big data, and use of artificial intelligence. Hopes are pinned on IT technologies; it is expected that they will simplify healthcare activities, as well as take the quality of medical care to a new level. Ultimately, it will contribute to a better quality of life for the population. However, certain internal and external factors slow the advance of digital technologies, creating barriers to digital maturity in healthcare. Imperfection of the legal and regulatory framework and insufficient funding of healthcare and innovation have a negative impact on the rate of development and translation of new technologies into medicine. The article considers a low level of digital literacy among health care providers and low level of motivation to make changes in organizational processes as a serious barrier to e-health promotion. Modern Russian research on this topic has identified significant gaps in basic digital skills among health professionals. At the same time, a low level of digital knowledge and patients’ trust create a low demand for e-health product development, and thus cannot act as an additional driver of IT developments. Health digitalization is an absolute trend in the current development of healthcare in our country, and in view of modern social and demographic trends, the need for medical services will only increase. Introduction of digital technologies into practice should contribute to better quality of and higher access to medical services, therefore health digitalization is a timely and logical stage of medicine development in Russia

    Evaluation of the Effectiveness of VEGF Effect on the Regeneration of the Anterior Tracheal Surface in the Early Postoperative Period

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    Background. Violation of the regeneration of the tracheal wall after undergoing reconstructive surgeries remains an urgent problem of modern surgery. One of the reasons for the violation of the regeneration processes is insufficient blood supply to the organ. Finding new ways to improve blood flow is a promising area of research.Aim. To evaluate the effectiveness of VEGF effect on the regeneration of the anterior tracheal surface in the early postoperative period.Materials and methods. The study included 60 male Wistar rats at the age of 10 months. All animals underwent tracheal reconstructive surgery; the animals were divided into three groups: group 1 – without medicinal film, group 2 – with prolonged-release medicinal film, group 3 – with prolonged-release medicinal film containing VEGF. The sampling of histological material was carried out on days 3, 7 and 21 of the study, using morphometry to determine the thickness of the tracheal wall, the thickness of the postoperative scar, the area of the surgical intervention zone, the area of the vessels, the ratio of the thickness of the postoperative scar to the wall thickness trachea and the ratio of the area of the vessels to the area of the surgical intervention zone.Results. It was revealed that when exposed to a long-acting medicinal film containing VEGF, significant histological changes occurred on day 7 of the study. In groups 1 and 2, healing occurred by day 21 and was accompanied by defects of the mucous membrane and cartilage. On day 7 in group 3, there was a complete epithelialization of the tracheal wall, an increase in the number of newly formed vessels and glands in the area of surgical intervention. Healing was carried out with a thin postoperative scar without defects in all layers of the tracheal wall.Conclusion. The results obtained indicate the stimulating effect of VEGF on the regeneration of the tracheal wall in the early postoperative period after undergoing reconstructive surgery. The use of VEGF reduces the time of postoperative wound healing and preserves the anatomical structure of the tracheal wall

    Perspective trends in the design of Multifunctional Residential Units (MRUs) in the Russian Arctic: A discussion of potentials and challenges to their implementation

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    Intensive development is carried out in the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation (AZRF) with complex modernization of transport networks and infrastructure of various types through the design, construction of Multifunctional Residential Unit (MRU) and the reconstruction of existing terminals and stations. The problem of developing new and reconstructing existing infrastructure in the Arctic has not only socio-economic, technological and planning components but fundamentally any development needs to account for extreme climatic conditions which affect urban conception and operation. This paper focuses on discussing important features of MRU developments. It shows examples of two case studies of MRU settlements considering the challenges involved in their design, further expanding the discussion in relation to the inclusion of green spaces in these settlements as well as in relation to safety and protection of pedestrians, moving between different buildings in ‘enclosed’ roads

    Сравнительная оценка сортов тыквы в Удмуртской Республике

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    Relevance. Pumpkin is a food, medicinal and fodder crop of the Cucurbitaceae family. It is valued for its high content of vitamins, minerals, organic acids. At present, thanks to the huge variety of species and modern selection, it is possible to select pumpkin varieties for cultivation in almost any region, including areas with short and not too hot summers. Udmurtia belongs to the zone of risky farming, the end of spring frosts is observed on average in the first ten days of June, and autumn frosts on the soil are possible at the end of August. Due to the short frost-free period, it is necessary to choose earlier maturing varieties, grow the crop through seedlings and use temporary shelters. The pumpkin fruit is usually large in size, is a thick layer of pulp, covered with a dense peel. When cutting such a fruit, the pumpkin is not stored in the future, it requires urgent processing. In this connection, in recent years, portioned varieties of pumpkin, the size of the fruit of which does not exceed 1.5–3.0 kg, have become increasingly in demand.Materials and Methods. The purpose of the research: a comparative assessment of varietal characteristics of growth and productivity of pumpkin species. In 2020–2021 in the conditions of the Udmurt Republic, experiments were carried out to study the characteristics of growth and productivity of pumpkin varieties. We studied varieties of pumpkin: Pearl, Crumb, Honey Tale, Marble, Rossiyanka, Smile, Candied fruit.Results and its discussion. Within two years, pumpkin varieties of large-fruited and nutmeg were studied. On average, for two years, the pumpkin Medovaya skazka distinguished itself with the highest yield. In 2021, the yield for the Medovaya Skazka variety was 64.7 t/ha. The yield increase was obtained due to an increase in fruit weight, which in 2020 amounted to 2.9 kg, in 2021 - 6.5 kg. The studied varieties of pumpkin differed in quality indicators of fruits. On average, over two years, the varieties Rossiyanka and Mramornaya showed an increase in the content of water-soluble sugars in fruits. The fruits of the pumpkin Candied fruit and Kroshka were distinguished by a high content of dry matter.Актуальность. Тыква – пищевая, лекарственная и кормовая культура семейства Тыквенные (Cucurbitaceae). Ценится за высокое содержание витаминов, минералов, органических кислот. В настоящее время, благодаря огромному разнообразию видов и современной селекции можно подобрать сорта тыквы для выращивания практически в любом регионе, в том числе и для районов с коротким и не слишком жарким летом. Удмуртия относится к зоне рискованного земледелия, окончание весенних заморозков отмечается в среднем в первой декаде июня, а осенние заморозки на почве возможны в конце августа. В связи с коротким беззаморозковым периодом необходимо выбирать более раннеспелые сорта, выращивать культуру через рассаду и использовать временные укрытия. Плод тыквы, обычно, отличается большими размерами, представляет собой толстый слой мякоти, покрытый плотной кожурой. При разрезании такого плода, тыква в дальнейшем не хранится, требует срочной переработки. В связи с чем в последние годы все большим спросом начали пользоваться порционные сорта тыквы, размер плода которых не превышает 1,5–3,0 кг.Материалы и методы. Цель исследований: сравнительная оценка сортовых особенностей роста и продуктивности видов тыквы. В 2020–2021 гг. в условиях Удмуртской Республики были проведены опыты по изучению особенностей роста и урожайности сортов тыквы. Изучали сорта тыквы: Жемчужина, Крошка, Медовая сказка, Мраморная, Россиянка, Улыбка, Цукат.Результаты и их обсуждение. В течение двух лет были изучены сорта тыквы крупноплодной и мускатной. В среднем за два года наибольшей урожайностью отличилась тыква Медовая сказка. В 2021 г. по сорту Медовая сказка урожайность составила 64,7 т/га. Прибавка урожайности получена за счет увеличения массы плода, которая в 2020 г. составила 2,9 кг, в 2021 г. – 6,5 кг. Изучаемые сорта тыквы отличались по качественным показателям плодов. В среднем за два года по сортам Россиянка и Мраморная отмечено увеличение содержания водорастворимых сахаров в плодах. Плоды тыквы Цукат и Крошка отличались повышенным содержанием сухого вещества


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    The aim of the study was to analyze the early and late outcomes of pediatric liver transplantation (LTx) program in the Novosibirsk region. Material and Methods. The retrospective study included 24 patients aged 72 ± 74.8 months (from 4 to 212 months, median – 20 months) with a body weight of 21.7 ± 18.1 kg (from 4.5 to 55 kg, median – 12.5 kg). Two (8.3 %) cadaveric whole liver grafts, 19 (79.2 %) living donor liver grafts, and 3 (12.5 %) cadaveric liver fragments (reduced-size or split-liver) were transplanted. Results. The features of vascular and biliary reconstruction in different types of LTx are discussed. The incidence of vascular and biliary complications was 8.3 and 20.8%, respectively. The patients stayed in the intensive care unit for 9 ± 5.1 days (from 4 to 22 days, median 8 days) and total length of hospital stay was for 40 ± 25.4 days (from 19 to 136 days, median 32 days). Two (8.3 %) recipients had early graft dysfunction. Perioperative mortality (up to 90 days) was absent. The overall 5-year patient and graft survival rates were 95 and 88 %, respectively. Conclusion. The Novosibirsk region has a pediatric LTx program with outcomes comparable to the data of the leading world and Russian centers

    Особенности экономического анализа доходов и расходов коммерческой организации

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    The article highlights the challenges and identifies the necessity for economic analysis of income and expenditure in the commercial organization. Methods and the peculiarities of the factor analysis of income were investigated, taking into account the influence of quantitative and qualitative indicators on the financial performance of the organization. The need of use of profitability indicators for evaluating the performance of a commercial organization was justified.В статье выделены задачи и определена необходимость экономического анализа доходов и расходов в коммерческой организации. Исследована методика и выявлены особенности проведения факторного анализа прибыли с целью учета влияния количественных и качественных показателей на финансовый результат деятельности организации. Обоснована необходимость использования показателей рентабельности для оценки эффективности деятельности коммерческой организации

    Online learning platforms: Reconstructing modern higher education

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    Online learning platforms play an important role in modern education. However, they may not be sufficiently represented in educational institutions. In this regard, the research objectives are set, namely: organize a comparative analysis of several popular distance learning platforms (Moodle, Open edX and NEO LMS) in accordance with the criteria (system features, content support, content creation, user management, reporting system; conduct consultation with university teachers, during which they will highlight the benefits of distance education systems from the point of view of the teacher; and test students, who use the online platform for learning in order to clarify its impact on academic performance. While consulting with 40 teachers of Russian and Chinese universities (Moscow State University, Higher School of Economics, Peking University, Tsinghua University), the following advantages of distance platforms have been highlighted: greater freedom of access, lower education prices, the possibility of dividing the content of the e-course into modules, flexibility of education, the ability to keep up with modern pace of life, and the ability to define criteria for assessing knowledge. According to the results of testing, after working with the Moodle platform, students (300 people in total) with different academic performance have improved their results. The most significant improvement has occurred among students with "unsatisfactory" grades; more than 50% have improved their results. Analysis of distance learning systems, testing of students and consultation with teachers allow saying that such platforms help to make education more accessible and convenient. Besides, information technologies are introduced in the educational process. That is why it is important to implement such platforms in higher education. © 2020 Kassel University Press GmbH.Guangxi Normal University, GXNU: YN2017004The first author was supported by Innovation Project of GuangXi Graduate Education (No.JGY2018020, JGY2019031)Funding of Pearl River-Xijiang River Economic Belt Development Institute, Guangxi Normal University (ZX202008)