652 research outputs found

    Distribution of deformations and parameters of stress-strain state in steel Kh18N10T

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    Parameters of the laws of distribution of fields of micro- and submicrodeformations in steel Kh18N10T are determined under uniaxial tension of specimens. The components of the plastic strain tensor and their statistics are determined for grain arrays and in the plane of four individual grains. The intensities of the major micro-and submicrodeformations are computed. The correlation relations between the deformations of individual volumes of metal inside grains are estimated. The parameters of the strain-stress states of structural components (grains) of a polycrystal are determined. Qualitative analysis of the microstructural features of deformation of the steel studied is performed. © 2013 Springer Science+Business Media New York

    An effect of food additives on microbiome

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    The paper presents a review of available data about an effect of food additives on the human microbiome and lists the main physiological functions of the gut microbiome. The process of the human microbiome evolution is examined. The relationship between the emergence of a disease and the microbiome composition, as well as the main factors influencing the gut microbiome composition are described. The main food additives used today are listed, their key features are discussed and their structural formulas are given. The information about their effect on the human body through an influence on the microbiome composition is presented. The data on an effect of polysorbate 80, carboxymethylcellulose, sodium sulfite, nisin, potassium sorbate, sodium benzoate, sodium nitrate, essential oils, titanium dioxide and different sweeteners on the microbiome are analyzed. It is explained what microbial communities are suppressed and what communities gain advantages in multiplication when consumers eat food with one or another food additive. The consequences of alterations in the microbiome for the consumer’s body are examined. Conclusions were made about the necessity of additional studies about an effect of food additives on the composition of the human microbiome

    Review of new technologies used for meat identification

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    The present article represents an analysis of trends in development of test-systems for identification of meat. These test systems are commonly used in food production and research laboratories. The relevance of development of methods for identification of meat kinds is related not only to the food restrictions, which are practiced in some religions and related to consumption of certain types of meat, but also with the hygienic aspects of food production. Also, this research is inspired also by the acute issue of food products adulteration and the replacement of one type of meat with another one. The article considers the trends in the develop  ment of microanalysis method that use immunochromatic research, i. e. methods based on molecular biology. Also this article considers the devices that do not use chromatographic methods of analysis. Examples of the development of test systems based on various methods of analysis for the identification of meat are given below. Attention is focused on the prospects of combining these methods, including colorimetric methods for identification of meat. It is also specified that the emergence of new dyes and new enzyme systems, suitable for use in enzyme-immunoassay, can enhance the sensitivity of these test systems. It is also noted that the development of technologies associated with sorbents can contribute to a better separation of the test substrates and this way to increase the sensitivity of the test in case of small amounts of test substrate. It is also noted that the use of various types of iso  thermal amplification can reduce the analysis time necessary for meat identification. Various schemes of devices for microanalysis are given; their advantages and disadvantages are listed. An example of proteomes application for meat identification is given. It is shown that this method can also be applied in the heat treatment of meat. The prospects for the development of such devices are analyzed. It is concluded that the development of systems for microanalysis in the form of quick tests is quite relevant and promis  ing. It is indicated that theoretically in the future such analytical systems, due to the use of microfluidic technologies, will be able to combine several methods. The authors proposed to use machine-aided cognition methods to analyze data obtained from similar test systems in order to increase their sensitivity.The present article represents an analysis of trends in development of test-systems for identification of meat. These test systems are commonly used in food production and research laboratories. The relevance of development of methods for identification of meat kinds is related not only to the food restrictions, which are practiced in some religions and related to consumption of certain types of meat, but also with the hygienic aspects of food production. Also, this research is inspired also by the acute issue of food products adulteration and the replacement of one type of meat with another one. The article considers the trends in the develop  ment of microanalysis method that use immunochromatic research, i. e. methods based on molecular biology. Also this article considers the devices that do not use chromatographic methods of analysis. Examples of the development of test systems based on various methods of analysis for the identification of meat are given below. Attention is focused on the prospects of combining these methods, including colorimetric methods for identification of meat. It is also specified that the emergence of new dyes and new enzyme systems, suitable for use in enzyme-immunoassay, can enhance the sensitivity of these test systems. It is also noted that the development of technologies associated with sorbents can contribute to a better separation of the test substrates and this way to increase the sensitivity of the test in case of small amounts of test substrate. It is also noted that the use of various types of iso  thermal amplification can reduce the analysis time necessary for meat identification. Various schemes of devices for microanalysis are given; their advantages and disadvantages are listed. An example of proteomes application for meat identification is given. It is shown that this method can also be applied in the heat treatment of meat. The prospects for the development of such devices are analyzed. It is concluded that the development of systems for microanalysis in the form of quick tests is quite relevant and promis  ing. It is indicated that theoretically in the future such analytical systems, due to the use of microfluidic technologies, will be able to combine several methods. The authors proposed to use machine-aided cognition methods to analyze data obtained from similar test systems in order to increase their sensitivity


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    The growth in demand for fish products as a result of globalization of trade caused a risks and threats of selling poor-quality and falsified fish products. This has become a great problem both for supervising agencies and for consumers.Many countries have regulations on food labelling and safety. For example, in the Russian Federation, Republic of Belarus and Republic of Kazakhstan has been passed the Technical Regulation of the Customs Union TR CU022/2011 “Food products in part of their labeling” that aims to prevent misinformation of consumers to ensuring realization of consumer rights to reliable information about food products, and Technical Regulation TR EAEU040/2016 “On safety of fish and fish products” requires indication of the zoological name of the species of the aquatic biological resource or the object of aquaculture.Fish species identification is traditionally carried out based on external morphological traits. However, it becomes impossible to identify species by ichthyological traits upon fish cutting, if the head and fins are removed, and the body is cut on pieces (especially, in case of fillets) and even more so upon technological processing. In this case, objective analytical methods of species identification are used, which are based on ELISA or PCR. However, DNA‑based methods have several advantages compared to ELISA methods and complement traditional morphological identification methods. This paper gives a wide overview of the most recent and used methods of fish species identification based on DNA analysis such as single-strand conformation polymorphism (SSCP) analysis, species-specific PCR, real-time PCR, polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis (PCR-RFLP), DNA barcoding, Sanger sequencing and next-generation sequencing (NGS)

    A сomparative analysis of classical and postmodern views on the idea of a university

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    Background: The crisis that the modern university is experiencing today, is conditioned by the crisis of its idea as of a classical essence. The idea of university was formulated by W. von Humboldt, however, its history starts with the Greek-Roman era when the ancient philosophy in its cognitive attitude to the world saw its truth, leaning on intelligence that brought it to the harmony of beauty and good. In this quality, the idea of university was changing the university history. However, today, by rejecting any natural unity and integrity and also reconsidering classics, the postmodern views diversify the classical university and eliminate the possibility of its common form. Questions arise: can the common idea for the university be preserved in these conditions? Will it be preserved (and should it be preserved) by the postmodern culture? Is it possible today to have the unity of the university as a classical social and educational institution? Do modern university models (entrepreneurial, corporate, research, etc.) have their own idea

    Design as Means of Countering Vandalism

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    In this research the design in hardening of aesthetically valuable objects against vandalism is analyzed. There are two distinguished forms of vandalism: meaningless and meaningful ones. The purpose of this research is to develop design methods that enhance protection of aesthetically valuable objects against vandals. The harmonious development of the society is the main goal of culture. Actions that prevent movement to the harmonious development of society are treated as vandalism in this study, in a broad sense of the word. Meaningful vandalism is aimed at the destruction or desecration of objects with aesthetic or cultural value. The counteraction against the meaningful vandalism cannot be realized through the design. The research of vandalism motivation shows that meaningless vandalism does not have a pronounced goal. The main characteristic of meaningless vandalism is a destruction of the most at the lowest cost. It is shown in the study, how to resist the meaningless vandalism by using the objects of design. The relationship of design and mindless vandalism is not linear. Inharmonious design can provoke this type of vandalism. It is important to avoid stress and attention concentrators, when designing aesthetically valuable objects. Aimless (mindless) production is a kind of meaningless vandalism. Trash is the lower border of mindless vandalism and the upper border is meaningful vandalism. Violation of physical and spiritual ecology is the main source of mindless vandalism

    Controlling the Frequency-Temperature Sensitivity of a Cryogenic Sapphire Maser Frequency Standard by Manipulating Fe3+ Spins in the Sapphire Lattice

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    To create a stable signal from a cryogenic sapphire maser frequency standard, the frequency-temperature dependence of the supporting Whispering Gallery mode must be annulled. We report the ability to control this dependence by manipulating the paramagnetic susceptibility of Fe3+ ions in the sapphire lattice. We show that the maser signal depends on other Whispering Gallery modes tuned to the pump signal near 31 GHz, and the annulment point can be controlled to exist between 5 to 10 K depending on the Fe3+ ion concentration and the frequency of the pump. This level of control has not been achieved previously, and will allow improvements in the stability of such devices.Comment: 17 pages, 10 figure

    The Idea of Subsidies in the New Russian State Policy

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    The main goals of social and economic modernization, manifested by the Russian government in social policy have been studied. The basic cause of Russia losing its advantages in the social policy implementation is outlined. The Federal Law on the reform in the public sector has been analyzed. The shortcomings and problems affecting the introduction of this law into effect have been detected

    Creating traveling waves from standing waves from the gyrotropic paramagnetic properties of Fe3+^{3+} ions in a high-Q whispering gallery mode sapphire resonator

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    We report observations of the gyrotropic change in magnetic susceptibility of the Fe3+^{3+} electron paramagnetic resonance at 12.037GHz (between spin states 1/2>|1/2> and 3/2>|3/2>) in sapphire with respect to applied magnetic field. Measurements were made by observing the response of the high-Q Whispering Gallery doublet (WGH±17,0,0_{\pm17,0,0}) in a Hemex sapphire resonator cooled to 5 K. The doublets initially existed as standing waves at zero field and were transformed to traveling waves due to the gyrotropic response.Comment: Accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.