33 research outputs found


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    Oligodonti, üçüncü molarlar hariç altı yada daha fazla dişin konjenital eksikliği olarak ifade edilmektedir. Oligodonti bazı sendromlarla birlikte görülebileceği gibi izole olarak da ortaya çıkabilmektedir. Bu hastaların rehabilitasyonunda ortodontik, cerrahi ve protetik açıdan interdisipliner tedavi yaklaşımlarına ihtiyaç duyulmaktadır. Bu olgu raporunda izole oligodonti izlenen hastanın klinik bulguları ile uygulanan tedavi yaklaşımlarının sunulması amaçlanmıştır

    Evaluation of temperature changes in the pulp chamber during polymerization of pulp capping materials

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    Polymerization of resin-based materials leads to temperature rise, caused by the exothermic nature of the reaction and energy absorbed during polymerization. This temperature rise is influenced by intensity of light, composition of resins, and type of light source. This study evaluated thermal insulating properties of four photo-polymerizing pulp-capping agents in primary and permanent teeth. Roots of 80 primary and permanent teeth were removed. Class-I cavities were prepared on the occlusal surfaces of teeth. Materials used were TheraCal LC, Biner LC, ACTIVA BioACTIVE, and Calciplus LC and light sources were 3 M-Elipar and VALO LED. Temperature rise was measured using a J-type thermocouple. Data were statistically evaluated using ANOVA and Tukey`s tests (p = 0.05). VALO LED exhibited significantly lower temperature rise in all groups and temperature rise in primary teeth was significantly higher with all experimental materials (p < 0.05). The highest temperature change was observed in the Biner LC group (3.82 ± 0.58) and the lowest change in the Activa-BioACTIVE group (1.78 ± 0.34). The VALO LED light source caused a significantly lower increase in pulpal temperature compared with the 3 M-Elipar source. All tested materials and light sources maintained pulpal temperature under safe limits, with temperature increases not exceeding 5.5 °C

    Teaching 5th grades elementary students with scientific argument based method in the area of world and universe learning

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    Değişen günümüz şartlarını göz önüne aldığımızda insanoğlu bilimin ve tekniğin artık gerisinde kalmaktadır. Bilim ve teknik o kadar hızlı ilerlemektedir ki birçok akademisyen ve eğitimciler bu hızlı akışı takibe alamamaktadırlar. Bu süratli ilerleyişte eğitim alanında öğrencilerin daha aktif ve kalıcı öğrenmeler yapabilmesi için bilimi tartışmaya ve yorumlamaya ihtiyaçları vardır. Çoğu araştırmacı tarafından fen eğitiminde bilimsel tartışma yöntemi ile öğretimin önemine giderek artan bir şekilde vurgu yapılmasına rağmen, bilimsel tartışma ile öğretim fen sınıflarında son derece az uygulanmaktadır. Uygulama yeteri kadar fazla olmamasının sebepleri arasında fen öğretmenlerinin geleneksel yöntemlere olan bağlılığı, öğretmenlere bilimsel tartışma ile öğretim konusunda hizmet içi eğitimin verilmemesi ya da verilen eğitimlerin azlığı gösterilebilir. Bunların yanında öğretmenlerin bilimsel tartışma yöntemi hakkında bilgisi olsa da geleneksel bir öğretim metoduyla eğitim almalarından dolayı, öğrendiği gibi değil, gördüğü gibi eğitime devam etmesi, bu öğretim metodunun nasıl uygulanabileceği konusundaki örnek materyal sayısının yetersiz olması, MEB tarafından yeteri kadar materyal desteğinin olmaması ve bilimsel tartışma ile öğretim yönteminin etkililiğini inceleyen deneysel çalışmaların az olması da sayılabilir. Bununla beraber fen eğitiminin amaçlarından biri olan bilimin ve dünyanın doğası hakkındaki bilgileri yapılandırma sürecinde bilimi öğrenenler olarak bireylerin bilimsel tartışma ile nasıl meşgul oldukları konusunda da çok az şey bilinmektedir. Bu çalışmanın amaçlarından birisi bilimsel tartışma yöntemi ile öğretimin 5. sınıf öğrencilerinin Dünya ve Evren konusundaki kavramları anlamalarına, kavram ve prensiplerle ilgili soruları çözebilme başarılarına ve fen bilgisine yönelik tutumlarına etkilerini incelemektir. Çalışmanın diğer amacı bilimsel tartışma odaklı ders materyallerinin öğrencilerin bilimin doğası ile ilgili anlayışlarına etkilerini inceleyerek, onların eleştirel düşünme becerilerini geliştirmek, bilime ve bilimsel bilgiye eleştirel bir gözle bakmalarını sağlamak ve varsa bilimin doğası ile ilgili yanlış kavramalarını gidermektir. 2010-2011 eğitim-öğretim yılının ikinci döneminde yapılan bu çalışmanın örneklemini Çorum ili Sungurlu ilçesi Fevzi Çakmak İlköğretim Okulu 5. sınıf şubelerinde öğrenim gören 37 öğrenci oluşturmaktadır. Örneklem kolay ulaşılabilir örneklem metoduyla seçilmiş ve çalışmaya katılan her iki sınıftaki öğrencileri değiştirme imkanı olmadığından sınıflardan biri deney diğeri kontrol grubu olarak rastgele atanmıştır. Çalışmada yarı deneysel öntest-sontest kontrol grubu dizaynı kullanılmıştır. Kontrol grubunda geleneksel öğretim metodu (Düz anlatım, Soru-cevap yöntemi) kullanırken deneysel grupta bilimsel tartışma metodu kullanılmıştır. Bu çalışmanın verileri nicel ve nitel verilerden oluşmaktadır. Nicel veriler Dünya ve Evren Başarı Testi', Bilimsel Bilginin Doğası Ölçeği', Fen ve Teknoloji Dersine Karşı Tutum Ölçeği' ölçeklerinden elde edilmiştir. Nitel veriler ise Dünya ve Evren Görüşme Formu' kullanılarak toplanmıştır. Bu çalışmadaki verilen analizinde SPSS 16 paket programı kullanılmıştır. Analiz sonuçlarına göre bilimsel tartışma metoduyla eğitim verilen deney ile geleneksel öğretim metodu kullanılan kontrol grubunun akademik başarıları arasında deney grubu lehine (p<0,05) anlamlı bir fark bulunmuştur. Ancak deney ve kontrol grubunun fen ve teknooji dersine karşı tutumları arasında ve bilimsel bilginin doğası anlayışlarında anlamlı bir farkın olmadığı görülmüştür. Bu çalışmanın bulguları ışığında 5. sınıf öğrencilerinin Dünya ve Evren konusundaki kavramları anlamalarına, bu konudaki kavram ve prensiplerle ilgili soruları çözebilme başarılarına, bilimsel tartışma metoduyla öğretimin daha etkili olduğu sonucuna varılabilinir.Considering today's changing conditions, it is clear that human beings cannot follow the changes in the area of science and technique anymore. In addition to this, science and technique have advanced so fast that many academicians and educators have difficulties in following this progress. In this rapid progression, students need to argue and evaluate the science to learn more actively and permanently. In spite of the increasing stress of many researchers on the importance of teaching with scientific argument method in science education, teaching with scientific argumentation method is applied very rarely in science class. Some of the reasons of this rare application are science teachers' dependence on traditional teaching methods, inadequate or no in-service training about argumentation. In addition, even teachers have enough knowledge about scientific argumentation, since they have been educated with traditional teaching method, they model their teaching on how they have been taught, not on what they have learnt. Furthermore, insufficient sample materials about how to apply this teaching method, inadequate support by Ministry of National Education (MEB), and inadequacy of experimental studies which examine the effectiveness of teaching with scientific argumentation are some of the reasons. Nevertheless, very little things are known about how individuals are busy with scientific argumentation while they construct their knowledge about nature of world and science, which is one of the aim of science education. One of the aim of this study is to examine the effects of teaching with scientific argumentation on 5th grades students' understanding of ideas about world and universe, their success of solving problems about concepts and principles, and their attitudes toward science. The other aim of the study is, by examining the effects of the materials of scientific argumentation-based lessons on students' understanding about nature of science, to develop their critical thinking ability, to provide them critical view about science and scientific knowledge and dispel their myths about nature of science, if any. The method of this study was applied in Fevzi Çakmak Primary School (Çorum, Sungurlu) with 37 students of 5th grades in second semester of 2010-2011 education year. Intact classes were selected as the sample of the study as there is no possibility to change the students in each class who participate in the study, the classes were assigned randomly to either experimental or control group. Semi-experimental pre-test post-test control group design was used in study. While traditional teaching method was used in control group, scientific argumentation method was used in experimental group. This study's data are composed of qualitative and quantitative data. Quantitative data were evaluated according to data which were obtained from World and Universe Achievement Test, Nature of Scientific Knowledge Scale and The Attitude Toward Science Scale. Qualitative data were evaluated according to data obtained from World and Universe Interview Form. In order to test this study's hypothesis, t-test was used. According to results, significant difference was seen between academic achievement of the students who were educated with scientific argumentation method and of the students who were educated with traditional method. No significant difference was seen on their attitudes to Science and Technology lesson and their understanding about scientific knowledge nature. As the experimental group is compared with the control group, an increase was seen on experimental group students' academic success, their attitudes to Science and Technology lesson and their view of nature of scientific knowledge. In the lights of the findings of this study, it can be concluded that teaching with scientific argumentation is more effective on 5th grades students' understanding of the concepts of World and Universe, their success of problem solving about concepts and principles about this topic

    Evaluation of wettability characteristics and adhesion of resin composite to photo-polymerized pulp-capping materials with and without bioactive glass

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    Objective: The purpose of this study was to evaluate mechanical and physical properties of three different light-curable resin-based materials (TheraCal LC, Biner LC, and CalciPlus LC) with or without BAG. Material and Methods: 15 cylindrically shaped specimens (n=5) were prepared for contact angle test. The test values (Θ) were determined with the sessile drop method using three test liquids. 30 acrylic cylindrical blocks were prepared, and holes of (6mmx1mm) were made in the center of the cylinders for shear bond strength test. An adhesive system and a restorative composite material were applied via cylindrically shaped plastic tubes of (2mmx2mm) at the center of the light-curable resin-based material surfaces. The specimens were mounted in a universal testing machine. A crosshead speed of 1 mm/min was applied to each specimen using a knife-edge blade. Results: The highest (74.77°±13.56) and the lowest (35.35°±12.89) contact angle values were recorded for the MB Biner LC group and the CalciPlus LC, respectively. Statistically significant differences observed in contact angle values between the test groups (p&lt;0.05). The surface free energy of Biner LC (γS 36.22) was lower than that of TheraCal LC (γS 44.70) and CalciPlus LC (γS 46.20) (p&lt;0.05). There was no significant difference in shear bond strength values between TheraCal LC and CalciPlus LC (p&gt;0.05). Conclusions: Hydrophilic property of Theracal LC and Calciplus LC resulted in better bonding strength in these materials. The BAG used in Calciplus LC did not adversely affect mechanical and surface properties of the material

    Marfan Sendromunda Dental Bulgular: Olgu Sunumu

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    WOS:000408113700010PubMed ID: 28955598Marfan sendromu, öncelikle kas-iskelet sistemi, kalp-damar sistemi ve gözleri etkileyen anomaliler ile karakterize, otozomal dominant bir bağ dokusu hastalığıdır. Enfektif endokardit riski nedeniyle sendromun erken tanısının önemli olduğu ileri sürülmektedir. 7 yaşındaki kadın hasta alt çenenin ön bölgesindeki dişlerin çapraşıklığı şikâyeti ile kliniğimize başvurdu. Ayrıntılı klinik ve radyografik muayene sonucu hastanın çoklu tedavi ihtiyacı olduğu belirlendi. Hastanın derin çürükleri dikkate tedaviler girişimden bir saat önce olacak şekilde tasarlanan antibiyotik proflaksisi altında gerçekleştirildi. Hastaya diş hekimine düzenli olarak gelmesi önerildi ve ortodontik değerlendirilmeye yönlendirildiMarfan syndrome is an autosomal dominant disorder of connective tissue primarily characterized with anomalies affecting the musculoskeletal system, the cardiovascular system and the eyes. It has been suggested that early diagnosis of the syndrome is important, because of the risk of infective endocarditis. A 7-year-old female was referred to our clinic, with a chief complaint of dental crowding in the anterior region of mandible. It was observed that the patient needed multiple treatments based on detailed clinical and radiographic examinations. The treatment was carried out with antibiotic prophylaxis an hour prior to her appointment considering her profound caries. The patient was advised to visit regularly for follow up and she was referred for orthodontic evaluatio


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    Marfan syndrome is an autosomal dominant disorder of connective tissue primarily characterized with anomalies affecting the musculoskeletal system, the cardiovascular system and the eyes. It has been suggested that early diagnosis of the syndrome is important, because of the risk of infective endocarditis. A 7-year-old female was referred to our clinic, with a chief complaint of dental crowding in the anterior region of mandible. It was observed that the patient needed multiple treatments based on detailed clinical and radiographic examinations. The treatment was carried out with antibiotic prophylaxis an hour prior to her appointment considering her profound caries. The patient was advised to visit regularly for follow up and she was referred for orthodontic evaluation

    Dental Approach in the Pediatric Oncology Patient

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    Çocukluk çağı kanserlerinin oranı son iki yıldır nispeten sabit kalmış olmasına rağmen, erken tanı ve tedavi yöntemlerindeki gelişmeler sayesinde ölüm oranlarında ciddi düşüşler olmuştur. Günümüzde yaşanan tüm bu gelişmelere rağmen halen, kanser tanısı alan çocukların %75’inden fazlası beş yıldan fazla yaşayamamaktadır. Ağız ve diş sağlığı problemleri; kanser tedavisi öncesinde, sırasında ve sonrasında çocuğun sağlığını ve yaşam kalitesini bozabilir. Bu nedenle pediatrik diş hekimleri, bu hastaların ağız hijyeni ve diş tedavi gereksinimlerinin sağlanmasında çok önemli bir yere sahiptir.Although it remains relatively stable childhood cancer rates in the last two years, thanks to advances in early diagnosis and treatment there has been a serious decline in the mortality rate. Despite all these developments, it still experienced today that children diagnosed with cancer 75% more than they can not survive more than five years. Before cancer treatment, oral and dental health problems may impair during and after the child’s health and quality of life. Therefore, pediatric dentists, the provision of oral hygiene and dental treatment needs of these patients have a very important place

    Evaluation of Er:YAG lasers on pain perception in pediatric patients during caries removal: a split-mouth study

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    Objective: Fear and anxiety is a major problem in the treatment of pediatric patients. The pain that occurs during the use of caries removal instruments has a strong potential of triggering dental anxiety and fear in most children and adults. This study aimed to evaluate and compare the pain perceptions of children who underwent caries removal via an Er:YAG laser and traditional rotary instruments. Materials and Method: Occlusal caries was removed from the permanent molar teeth of 120 pediatric patients who referred to the Department of Pediatric Dentistry, Faculty of Dentistry, Necmettin Erbakan University, using an Er:YAG laser and high- and low-speed rotary instruments. All restorative procedures were performed by one clinician. The participant children were asked to choose a value or figure from the Wong-Baker FACES Pain Rating Scale, and the data were analyzed using the Wilcoxon test (α=0.05). Results: A statistically significant difference was found between the groups (p<0.05). In the Er:YAG laser group, 20.83% of the participants, and in the conventional group, 6.66% of the participants selected the option ‘no hurt’. The option ‘hurts worst’ was selected in neither of the groups. Conclusion: The use of Er:YAG laser for caries removal causes less or no pain during the operations, compared to traditional rotary instruments. Therefore, it can be argued that Er:YAG laser is a more comfortable and acceptable alternative for pediatric patients

    Retrospective evaluation of the effectiveness of teledentistry approach during COVID-19 in pediatric dentistry: A parental perspective

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    Objective Dentistry necessarily requires close face-to-face contact with patients, so it was largely halted during the COVID-19 pandemic. During this pandemic, teledentistry (TD) could be a novel way to resume dental practice. It was aimed to investigate the satisfaction of the parents who received teledentistry (TD) service in a pediatric dentistry clinic during the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as other factors that may have contributed to this satisfaction. Methods It was conducted using a telephone survey to interview the parents who used the TD system between June and December 2020. The survey includes participant demographics, COVID-19 anxiety, TD system, reasons for using TD, and Internet use in the field of health. Five-point Likert scale was used. A Chi-squared test was used and p   0.05). Conclusions Parents benefited greatly from the TD system and would be open to using it after the pandemic. The education and parental job categories of parents, anxiety level, and use of the Internet in healthcare seem to have relationships with overall satisfaction