275 research outputs found


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    Aim: To determine the prevalence of erosion of schoolchildren, and to reveal the relationship between the dental caries, gingival health statuses, dental plaque levels and dental erosion. Materials and methods: A cross-sectional analysis was performed on a representative sample of 473 children (aged 7─14 years). The O’Sullivan, Decayed-Missing-Filled (DMF), Plaque, and Gingival indices were used during the examination of the children. The values were evaluated using chi-square test, Tukey’s test, and multivariate logistic regression analysis. Results: Dental erosion was observed in 21.8% of the children. Lesions were mostly observed in the enamel but less than a half of the buccal surface was affected. Erosion was found to be statistically higher in older children (p=0.001). There was no statistically significant relationship between the children’s sexes and erosion (p=0.157). A higher level of erosion was observed in children with high DMFT and DMFS values and low dft and dfs values (p<0.05); children with dental erosion had higher plaque and gingival indices (p<0.05). Conclusion: Though limited to the enamel, the prevalence of erosion was high and was associated with age, dental caries, dental plaque, and gingival inflammation

    The effect of breast-feeding duration on bone mineral density in postmenopausal Turkish women: a population-based study

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    Alcelik, Aytekin/0000-0002-3156-1076WOS: 000292798400018PubMed: 22295033Introduction: In the present study, we investigated the effects of breast-feeding time on bone mineral density (BMD) later in life. Material and methods: The current study was based on a retrospective analysis of 586 postmenopausal women with a mean age of 60.8 years, who were screened for osteoporosis by dual energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA). They were classified into 4 groups with respect to the duration of their breast-feeding as never (group 1), 1-24 months (group 2), 25-60 months (group 3), or > 60 months (group 4). Bone mineral density results for the femur neck and lumbar spine were classified into 3 groups according to WHO criteria as normal (T score > -1.0 SD), osteopenia (T score -1.0 to -2.5 SD), and osteoporosis (T score < -2.5 SD). Patients with osteopenia or osteoporosis (T score < -1.0 SD) were considered as having low bone mass (LBM). Results: We found a correlation between duration of lactation and femur BMD or spine BMD in the study population (r = 0.116, p < 0.005; r = -0.151, p = 0.001, respectively). Significant differences were found between femur BMD and spine BMD of groups in one-way ANOVA analysis (p = 0.025, p = 0.005, respectively). Additionally, when compared with the other three groups, group 4 was older and had longer duration of menopause (p < 0.01). In logistic regression analysis, age and body mass index were found as independent risk factors of LBM [odds ratio: 1.084 (95% CI 1.031-1.141); odds ratio: 0.896 (95% CI 0.859-0.935)], while duration of lactation was not found as an independent predictor of LBM. Conclusions: In this study, we have found that changes of bone metabolism during lactation had no effect on postmenopausal BMD measured by DXA. Consequently, it can be suggested that long breast-feeding duration is not a risk factor for low bone mass later in life

    Gen verileri üzerinde ilginçlik ölçütleri kullanılarak birliktelik kuralları madenciliğinin uygulanması

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    Aim: Data mining is the discovery process of beneficial information, not revealed from large-scale data beforehand. One of the fields in which data mining is widely used is health. With data mining, the diagnosis and treatment of the disease and the risk factors affecting the disease can be determined quickly. Association rules are one of the data mining techniques. The aim of this study is to determine patient profiles by obtaining strong association rules with the apriori algorithm, which is one of the association rule algorithms. Material and Method: The data set used in the study consists of 205 acute myocardial infarction (AMI) patients. The patients have also carried the genotype of the FNDC5 (rs3480, rs726344, rs16835198) polymorphisms. Support and confidence measures are used to evaluate the rules obtained in the Apriori algorithm. The rules obtained by these measures are correct but not strong. Therefore, interest measures are used, besides two basic measures, with the aim of obtaining stronger rules. In this study For reaching stronger rules, interest measures lift, conviction, certainty factor, cosine, phi and mutual information are applied. Results: In this study, 108 rules were obtained. The proposed interest measures were implemented to reach stronger rules and as a result 29 of the rules were qualified as strong. Conclusion: As a result, stronger rules have been obtained with the use of interest measures in the clinical decision making process. Thanks to the strong rules obtained, it will facilitate the patient profile determination and clinical decision-making process of AMI patients.Amaç: Veri madenciliği, önceden büyük ölçekli verilerden ortaya çıkarılmayan faydalı bilgilerin keşfedilme sürecidir. Veri madenciliğinin yaygın olarak kullanıldığı alanlardan biri de sağlıktır. Veri madenciliği ile hastalığın tanı ve tedavisi ile hastalığı etkileyen risk faktörleri hızlı bir şekilde belirlenebilmektedir. Birliktelik kuralları, veri madenciliği tekniklerinden biridir. Bu çalışmanın amacı, birliktelik kuralı algoritmalarından biri olan apriori algoritması ile güçlü birliktelik kuralları elde ederek hasta profillerini belirlemektir. Materyal ve Metot: Çalışmada kullanılan veri seti 205 akut miyokard enfarktüsü (AMI) hastasından oluşmaktadır. Hastalar ayrıca FNDC5 polimorfizmlerinin rs3480, rs726344, rs16835198 genotipini de taşımaktadır. Apriori algoritması ile elde edilen kuralları değerlendirmek için destek ve güven ölçüleri kullanılır. Ancak bu ölçütler ile elde edilen kurallar doğrudur ancak güçlü değildir. Bu nedenle, daha güçlü kurallar elde etmek amacıyla iki temel ölçütün yanı sıra ilginçlik ölçütleri kullanılmaktadır. Bu çalışmada daha güçlü kurallara ulaşmak için ilginçlik ölçütlerinden kaldıraç, kanaat, kesinlik faktörü, cosine, korelasyon katsayısı (phi) ve karşılıklı bilgi ölçütleri uygulanmıştır. Bulgular: Çalışmada 108 kural elde edilmiştir. Bu kurallara ilginçlik ölçütlerinin de uygulanması ile elde edilen kural sayısı 29 olmuştur ve bu kurallar güçlü kural olarak nitelendirilmiştir. Sonuç: Sonuç olarak, klinik karar verme sürecinde ilginçlik ölçütlerinin kullanılmasıyla daha güçlü kurallar elde edilmiştir. Elde edilen güçlü kurallar sayesinde AMİ hastalarının hasta profili belirleme ve klinik karar verme sürecini kolaylaştıracaktır

    Testing CAPM using Markov switching model: the case of coal firms

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    In this study, the relation between the coal firms that are traded in New York Stock Exchange and S&P500 index is analyzed. The return of the coal firms and the market return are analyzed by using traditional CAPM and two-state Markov regime switching CAPM (MS-CAPM). According to the Likelihood Ratio test, two-state regime MS-CAPM gives better results and indicates a non-linear relation between return and risk. It is found that beta shows variability in regard to low and high volatile periods making linear CAPM to provide deviated results

    Inadvertent right ventricular apical exit after stereotactic body radiotherapy for ventricular tachycardia: Every cloud has a silver lining

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    A 78-year-old man suffering from gastric cancer with ischemic cardiomyopathy and recurrent ICD shocks consented to ventricular tachycardia (VT) ablation. He had a previous endocardial VT ablation 1 year ago, and a stereotactic radioablation for his recurrent VT 4 months ago. We planned again left ventricular endocardial mapping for his incessant slow VT suggesting an apical exit site (Figure 1A). However, the activation mapping of LV did not cover the whole VT cycle length, and we decide to map the right ventricular septal side instead of the epicardial access due to the patient's poor frailty. Fortunately, the mid-diastolic potential (MDP) was acquired in an unusual position (Figures 1A and 1B); however, the pericardial location of the mapping catheter was confirmed fluoroscopically (Figures 1C and 1D). An urgent surgical consultation was called for, and operative preparations were initiated. However, since no pericardial tamponade occurred and blood pressure remained stable, we continued the endo-epicardial ablation by ablating the MDP (Video 1)

    Transient changes in QRS morphology during a narrow complex tachycardia: What is the mechanism?

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    A22‐year‐old man with recurrent episodes of tachycardia inthe absence of structural heart disease underwent an electro-physiological evaluation. A narrow complex tachycardia (NCT)was induced by programmed by ventricular pacing. A transientchange in QRS morphology and H‐V interval in the middle of thetracing was noted during ongoing tachycardia (Figure1). What arethepossiblemechanismsoftachycardia and changes in QRS morphology


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    TARİHİ SİLLE SUBAŞI HAMAMI TAŞIYICI SİSTEM ANALİZİÖzetBu çalışmada, 19. yüzyıl Osmanlı Dönemi’nde inşa edilen ve Konya İli Selçuklu İlçesi’ne bağlı Sille Ak Mahallesi’nde bulunan tarihi Subaşı Hamamı’nın mevcut durum değerlendirmesi yapılıp, yapının statik ve dinamik yükler altındaki durumu incelenmiştir. Yapının üç boyutlu modeli oluşturulmuş, sonlu elemanlar yöntemine göre lineer analizi yapılmış ve taşıyıcı elemanları üzerinde oluşan gerilmeler ile yerdeğiştirmeler incelenmiştir. Subaşı Hamamı mimari açıdan kesit ve iç tasvir olarak iki sıcaklık, iki ılıklık ve bir su deposundan oluşmaktadır. İki sıcaklık ve iki ılıklık mekanının üzeri tuğladan yapılmış kubbeden, su deposunun üzeri ise beşik tonoz ile örtülmüştür. 19.5x18 metre boyutuna sahip olan hamamın yapılan araştırma, inceleme ve analiz sonucunda, yapının mevcut kesitlerinin büyük olmasından dolayı basınç ve kesme gerilmelerine karşı yeterli dayanımının olduğu; kubbe, beşik tonoz ve kapı köşelerinde bazı çatlakların oluştuğu; modal analiz sonunda mod şekilleri incelendiğinde en fazla zorlanan kısmın beşik tonoz olduğu tespit edilmiştir.Anahtar Kelimeler: Tarihi Yapı, Yığma Yapı, Taşıyıcı Sistem Analizi, Statik Lineer AnalizSTRUCTURAL ANALYSIS OF HISTORICAL SILLE SUBASI BATH AbstractIn this study, the present situation of the historical Subasi Bath, which was built in the 19th century Ottoman Period and located in the Sille Ak District of the Selcuklu District of Konya Province, was evaluated and the status of the building under static and dynamic loads was examined. A three-dimensional model of the structure was created using a computer program, a linear analysis was made according to the finite element method, and the stresses and displacements on the carrier elements were examined. Subasi Bath consists of two the hottest rooms, two the tepidity rooms and one water reservoir in terms of architectural cross-section and internal depiction. The hottest and the tepidity rooms spaces are covered with a dome made of brick, while the water tank is covered with a cradle vault. As a result of the research, examination and analysis of the bath, which has a size of 19.5x18 meters, it has sufficient resistance against pressure and shear stresses due to the big cross sections of the building; there are some cracks in the dome, cradle vault and door corners; When the modal analysis was examined, the most critical part was found to be the cradle vault.Keywords: Historical Structure, Masonry Structure, Structural Analysis, Static Analysi


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    Purpose: Denture cleansers are commonly used for cleaning partial and complete dentures. The purpose of this in vitro study was to evaluate the effect of denture cleansers on color stability of conventional acrylic, reinforced acrylic and porcelain denture teeth materials. Material and methods: Maxillary central incisors in A2 color were used from three types of denture teeth (n=10). Denture teeth kept in distilled water were considered as control group. Test specimens were immersed in denture cleansers, which prepared according to the manufacturers instructions. Color measurements were performed before immersion of cleansers, after 1 week and after 3 weeks with a colorimeter. Color changes (ΔE) of the specimens were calculated and the results were compared statistically with three way ANOVA. Results: Significant differences were found on the color changes of denture teeth after 1 week and 3 weeks of the immersion of denture cleansers (p&lt;0,05). Also ΔE values were increased significantly with time (p&lt;0,05). The lowest ΔE values were observed in distilled water. The lowest ΔE values were observed in porcelain teeth in all denture cleansers (p&lt;0,05). Color changes of conventional acrylic and reinforced acrylic teeth in all denture cleansers after 3 weeks were acceptable. Conclusion: The greatest color change was observed in conventional acrylic resin teeth, reinforced acrylic and porcelain teeth, respectively, after immersion of denture cleansers

    Stereotactic body radioablation therapy as an immediate and early term antiarrhythmic palliative therapeutic choice in patients with refractory ventricular tachycardia

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    Background: Stereotactic body radioablation therapy (SBRT) has recently been introduced with the ability to provide ablative energy noninvasively to arrhythmogenic substrate while reducing damage to normal cardiac tissue nearby and minimizing patients’ procedural risk. There is still debate regarding whether SBRT has a predominant effect in the early or late period after the procedure. We sought to assess the time course of SBRT’s efficacy as well as the value of using a blanking period following a SBRT session. Methods: Eight patients (mean age 58 ± 14 years) underwent eight SBRT sessions for refractory ventricular tachycardia (VT). SBRT was given using a linear accelerator device with a total dose of 25 Gy to the targeted area. Results: During a median follow-up of 8 months, all patients demonstrated VT recurrences; however, implantable cardioverter-defibrillator (ICD) and anti-tachycardia pacing therapies were significantly reduced with SBRT (8.46 to 0.83/per month, p = 0.047; 18.50 to 3.29/per month, p = 0.036, respectively). While analyzing the temporal SBRT outcomes, the 2 weeks to 3 months period demonstrated the most favorable outcomes. After 6 months, one patient was ICD therapy-free and the remaining patients demonstrated VT episodes. Conclusions: Our findings showed that the SBRT was associated with a marked reduction in the burden of VT and ICD interventions especially during first 3 months. Although SBRT does not seem to succeed complete termination of VT in long-term period, our findings support the strategy that SBRT can be utilized for immediate antiarrhythmic palliation in critically ill patients with otherwise untreatable refractory VT and electrical storm

    Case Report Lingual Thyroid Excision with Transoral Robotic Surgery

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    Ectopic thyroid gland may be detected at any place between foramen caecaum and normal thyroid localization due to inadequacy of the embryological migration of the thyroid gland. It has a prevalence varying between 1/10.000 and 1/100000 in the community. Usually follow-up without treatment is preferred except for obstructive symptoms, bleeding, and suspicion of malignity. Main symptoms are dysphagia, dysphonia, bleeding, dyspnea, and obstructive sleep apnea. In symptomatic cases, the first described method in surgical treatment is open approach since it is a region difficult to have access to. However, this approach has an increased risk of morbidity and postoperative complications. Transoral robotic surgery, which is a minimally invasive surgical procedure, has advantages such as larger three-dimensional point of view and ease of manipulation due to robotic instruments. In this report, a case at the age of 49 who presented to our clinic with obstructive symptoms increasing within the last year and was found to have lingual thyroid and underwent excision of ectopic thyroid tissue by da Vinci surgical system is presented