136 research outputs found

    Bond yield spreads and short-term interest rate movements

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    The information content of the short end of the term structure depends on the stance of monetary policy. Based on the findings of several authors such as Simon (1990) and Hardouvelis (1988) the bond spreads can predict future short-term rate movements. Hence, we use monthly observations from 1997 to 2000 on inter-bank rate, treasury bill rates, government bond rates and corporate blond rates to better understand the relationship between the predictive power of the term structure and the stance of monetary policy


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    The exact survey of water resources of small catchment areas is very important to plan the utilization of resources. The wide use of Bayes' thesis assists to solve this problem. This paper gives an example for the Tetves-brook at section Visz (A = 70.3 km2). The resulting diagrams (Fig. 4) are suitable for technical planning, e.g. for the design of utilization of water resources produced by a given small catchment area for agricultural - irrigaton purposes


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    A quantitative characterization of the environmental situation provides important infor- mation whenever a judgement of the environment's quality is formed or investments are planned or decisions are to be supported. Such a quantitative qualification of the environ- ment may play an important role even on a regional scale when forming an opinion on the quality of the given region's environment or preparing regional strategies for environment protection or signing pacts for regional protection of the environment. The model and numerical examples to be shown in this paper describe the environment of a minor region by a parameter system of water, air, and soil quality. It is a task of the future to include ecological (biological) and social (economic) components into the model. In such a way, the model is an approximative measure of the environment's state, comparing the latter with computed quality categories, i. e., classifying the given state. If any of the quality parameters changes (e. g., the NOx emission of a country is reduced), the environment's quality changes as well and the numerical value of this change can be expressed by the model

    Sedan Performance/Economy Rear Diffuser

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    This project consists of designing in SolidWorks a model of the performance/fuel economy diffuser. The design is modeled with an Ahmed body (recommended shape for CFD testing vehicles) and the diffuser will be applied to the bottom of the rear bumper of the car. After this is done the model will be imported into ANSYS for CFD testing. Testing entails importing the model, then creating a mesh around the model, and then setting up the program to run analysis for calculating the coefficient of drag. Then building this SolidWorks model as a full working prototype for actual road-testing purposes. With the results from road testing, theoretical calculations can be compared with actual results


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    Long-term analysis of bending moment resistance on pre-cast concrete beams

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    Durability design of structures is an important part of the design process. A possible method for the durability design is the probabilistic approach considering changes of structural resistance and the load effect during a certain time period. In order to determine stochastic parameters of structural resistance as a function of time, deterioration of materials and the decrease of structural sizes due to environmental effects must be predicted. This paper is mainly focusing on the analysis of the bending moment resistance of pre-cast concrete beams as a function of time. The effect of creep, shrinkage, relaxation, carbonation induced corrosion and deterioration of cross-sectional sizes on the mean value and standard deviation of bending moment resistance were considered. The performed calculation method is illustrated by numerical example on a pre-cast, prestressed concrete beam. In case of the presented beam, the mean value of bending moment resistance decreases 4-6% and its standard deviation increases 200- 350% after 100 years depending on the relative ambient humidity. Results concerning mean value and standard deviation of structural resistance can be used for the purposes of probabilistic durability design. Considering the same safety level as in Eurocode 2, the introduced probabilistic design method delivers about 10% higher load carrying capacity as the application of relevant Eurocode 2 standard in case of the presented beam

    Challanges of sustainable food technology - A review

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    Over the last decades due to rapid development of human civilization along with revolution in technology, some burning issues about generation of environmental contaminant, management of by-products from technologies, high consumption of natural resources and conservation of natural resources have been dramatically raised. Without any contradiction, impacts in overall ecosystem as well as human civilization have negative effects. These evoked lots of scientific and industrial researches, and implemented several stricter environmental legislations on the development of sustainable ecosystem. Thus, sustainability has become an emerging topic all over the world, as evidenced by the growing body of scientific publications in the last 20 years with one order of magnitude increase since the start of the new century. The study attempts to perform a review ty is an emerging topic all over the world of the sustainable development from the food industry’s perspective. At present, the agro-food sector produces high amount of carbon dioxide, food waste, packaging waste, wastewater, etc. and it is still consuming a lot of water, land, oxygen and energy. Furthermore, taken into consideration the increasing number of the world’s population, there has been an enhancing interest experienced towards sustainable development among food manufacturers in the last decades. The article highlights the paramount areas of sustainable production, which offers new directions towards the increasing number of human beings for the future survival. The paper also gives an overview of the main perspectives contra constraints of sustainable food production, offers innovative food products from sustainable food waste and by-product, and focuses on the growing importance of sustainable food production in life cycle assessment methodology as well

    Membránok viselkedésének elméleti és kísérleti vizsgálata olajos közegek elválasztása és finomítása során

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    Az élelmiszeripari termelés során egyre fontosabb szemponttá válik az energiatakarékosság, a környezetvédelem és a természetes összetevők megőrzése. Membrántechnika alkalmazásával folyadékok szétválasztásánál, sok esetben kiváltható a hagyományos szétválasztási eljárás, méghozzá úgy, hogy a fenti elvárásokat is szem előtt tartjuk. A membrán műveletek a következő problémákra kínálnak hatékony megoldást: - magas energiafelhasználás, ami a hagyományos termikus műveletekre (pl.: bepárlás) jellemző, - eszenciális és egészséges beltartalmi összetevők mennyiségének és minőségének megőrzése, - csatornába nem engedhető és a termelési folyamatba vissza nem forgatható szennyvizek kezelése. Értekezésemben nyers növényolaj és olajtartalmú szennyvizek kíméletes és energiatakarékos kezelésével és tisztításával foglalkoztam. Laboratóriumi körülmények között vizsgáltam a membránszűrés alkalmazhatóságát nyers növényolajok finomítására, illetve olajtartalmú szennyvíz tisztítására, továbbá elvégeztem a folyamatok modellezését és igyekeztem választ találni a szűrés során lejátszódó folyamatokra
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