20 research outputs found

    A Novel Approach for the Selection of Power-Generation Technology Using a Linguistic Neutrosophic CODAS Method: A Case Study in Libya

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    Rapid increases in energy demand and international drive to reduce carbon emissions from fossil fuels have led many oil-rich countries to diversify their energy portfolio and resources. Libya is one of these countries, and it has recently become interested in utilizing its renewable-energy resources in order to reduce financial and energy dependency on oil reserves. This paper introduces an original multicriteria decision-making Pairwise-CODAS model in which the modification of the CODAS method was made using Linguistic Neutrosophic Numbers (LNN). The paper also suggests a new LNN Pairwise (LNN PW) model for determining the weight coefficients of the criteria developed by the authors. By integrating these models with linguistic neutrosophic numbers, it was shown that it is possible to a significant extent to eliminate subjective qualitative assessments and assumptions by decision makers in complex decision-making conditions. The LNN PW-CODAS model was tested and validated in a case study of the selection of optimal Power-Generation Technology (PGT) in Libya. Testing of the model showed that the proposed model based on linguistic neutrosophic numbers provides objective expert evaluation by eliminating subjective assessments when determining the numerical values of criteria. A sensitivity analysis of the LNN PW-CODAS model, carried out through 68 scenarios of changes in the weight coefficients, showed a high degree of stability of the solutions obtained in the ranking of the alternatives. The results were validated by comparison with LNN extensions of four multicriteria decision-making models

    A Novel Approach for the Selection of Power-Generation Technology Using a Linguistic Neutrosophic CODAS Method: A Case Study in Libya

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    Rapid increases in energy demand and international drive to reduce carbon emissions from fossil fuels have led many oil-rich countries to diversify their energy portfolio and resources. Libya is one of these countries, and it has recently become interested in utilizing its renewable-energy resources in order to reduce financial and energy dependency on oil reserves

    Personal traits and a sense of job-related stress in a military aviation crew

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    Uvod/Cilj. Ubrzane tehnološke i organizacione promene u mnogim zanimanjima dovode do porasta stresa na radu. Ove promene posebno su izražene u vojnoj avijaciji, tako da je u ovom istraživanju ispitivana povezanost samoprocene profesionalnog stresa kod letačkog osoblja tokom redovne trenažne obuke i određenih osobina ličnosti. Metode. Za ispitivanje faktora stresa na radu korišćen je modifikovani Cooper-ov upitnik, koji je prilagođen prema karakteristikama letačke profesije u vojnoj sredini. Osobine ličnosti ispitane su putem NEO-PI-R inventara ličnosti. Uzorak je obuhvatio 50 ispitanika (37 pilota i 13 članova drugog letačkog osoblja) zaposlenih u Vojsci Srbije. Ispitivanje je obavljeno tokom redovnih kontrolnih pregleda u Institutu za vazduhoplovnu medicinu, tokom 2007. godine. Statistička obrada podataka obuhvatila je deskriptivnu analizu, jednosmernu analizu varijanse i korelacionu analizu. Rezultati. Letačko osoblje u vojnoj avijaciji svoj posao doživljava kao vrlo stresan, pri čemu su najveću stresnu vrednost imali intrizički faktori posla (AS = 40,94) i uloga u organizaciji (AS = 39,92), dok je najmanji nivo stresa imao faktor međuljudski odnosi (AS = 29,98). Pokazano je, takođe, da neuroticizam, kao osobina ličnosti, i neke sociodemografske varijable (mlađi ispitanici, sa kraćim radnim stažom) značajno korelišu sa doživljajem profesionalnog stresa. Zaključak. Procena stresa i ispitivanje određenih osobina ličnosti može poslužiti kao osnova za razradu adekvatnih antistres programa i mera koje bi doprinele boljoj psihološkoj selekciji, adaptaciji, karijernom vođenju i organizaciji rada vojnih pilota i drugog letačkog osoblja.Background/Aim. Accelerated technological and organizational changes in numerous professions lead to increase in jobrelated stress. Since these changes are particularly common in military aviation, this study examined the way military aviation crew experiences job-related stress during a regular aviation drill, depending on particular social-demographic factors and personal traits. Methods. The modified Cooper questionnaire was used to examine the stress related factors at work. The questionnaire was adapted for the aviation crew in the army environment. Personal characteristics were examined using the NEO-PI-R personality inventory. The study included 50 examinees (37 pilots and 13 other crew members) employed in the Serbian Army. The studies were performed during routine physical examinations at the Institute for Aviation Medicine during the year 2007. Statistical analysis of the study results contained descriptive analysis, one-way analysis of variance and correlation analysis. Results. It was shown that army aviation crew works under high stress. The highest stress value had the intrinsic factor (AS = 40.94) and role in organisation (AS = 39.92), while the lowest one had the interpersonal relationship factor (AS = 29.98). The results also showed that some social-demographic variables (such as younger examinees, shorter working experience ) and neuroticism as a personality trait, were in correlation with job-related stress. Conclusion. Stress evaluation and certain personality characteristics examination can be used for the devalopment of the basic anti-stress programs and measures in order to achieve better psychological selection, adaptation career leadership and organization of military pilots and other crew members

    Presentation of the results for deuterium retention and thermal release in a new type of low activation ferritic-martensitic steel EUROFER / Результаты исследования по удержанию дейтерия и термической десорбции в условиях низкой активации ферритно-мартенситной стали EUROFER / Rezultati zadržavanja i termalne desorpcije deuterijuma u EUROFER-u, novoj vrsti feritno-martenzitnog čelika niske aktivacije

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    This work presents the results of the investigation into deuterium retention and thermal release in low activation ferritic-martensitic steel EUROFER and its main components, Fe and Cr, using ion implantation, nuclear reaction depth profiling and the thermal desorption spectrometry technique. The samples were exposed to deuterium ECR plasma of 6.5*1024 Dm-2 fluence. Our NRA results show that, at 300 K, most of deuterium is trapped in the near-surface region. A part of the implanted deuterium diffuses into the bulk and is trapped by defects beyond the implantation range. The results of the TDS measurement of the Cr sample confirm the formation of an ordered Cr-hydride phase. / В данной статье приведены результаты исследований по удержанию и термической десорбции дейтерия в железе, хроме и сплаве EOROFER – представляющем новейший материал для фузионного (термоядерного) реактора. Исследования показали следующие результаты: *Удержание дейтерия в хроме намного выше, чем в железе (из-за образования гибридов хрома) *Удержание дейтерия в сплаве EUROFER выше на фактор 2, чем в железе *Выявлена специфиеская структура в концентрационном профиле железа и сплава EUROFER на глубине ~ 4 μm *Высокий уровень диффузии и удержания дейтерия свидетельствует о потенциальном применении Au в качестве диффузионного барьера в фузионном (термоядерном) реакторе. / U ovom radu ispitivano je zadržavanje i termalna desorpcija deuterijuma u gvožđu, hromu i EOROFER-u, leguri koja se razmatra kao najnoviji materijal za buduće fuzione reaktore. Studija je pokazala sledeće rezultate: zadržavanje deuterijuma u hromu je mnogo veće nego u gvožđu (usled formiranja hidrida hroma), zadržavanje deuterijuma u EUROFER-u je za faktor 2 veće nego u gvožđu, primećena je specifična struktura u koncentracionom profilu gvožđa i EUROFER-a na dubini ~ 4 μm, veliki stepen difuznosti i zadržavanja deuterijuma govore o potencijalnoj upotrebi Au kao difuzione barijere u fuzionom reaktoru

    Personal traits and a sense of job-related stress in a military aviation crew

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    Background/Aim. Accelerated technological and organizational changes in numerous professions lead to increase in jobrelated stress. Since these changes are particularly common in military aviation, this study examined the way military aviation crew experiences job-related stress during a regular aviation drill, depending on particular social-demographic factors and personal traits. Methods. The modified Cooper questionnaire was used to examine the stress related factors at work. The questionnaire was adapted for the aviation crew in the army environment. Personal characteristics were examined using the NEO-PI-R personality inventory. The study included 50 examinees (37 pilots and 13 other crew members) employed in the Serbian Army. The studies were performed during routine physical examinations at the Institute for Aviation Medicine during the year 2007. Statistical analysis of the study results contained descriptive analysis, one-way analysis of variance and correlation analysis. Results. It was shown that army aviation crew works under high stress. The highest stress value had the intrinsic factor (AS = 40.94) and role in organisation (AS = 39.92), while the lowest one had the interpersonal relationship factor (AS = 29.98). The results also showed that some social-demographic variables (such as younger examinees, shorter working experience ) and neuroticism as a personality trait, were in correlation with job-related stress. Conclusion. Stress evaluation and certain personality characteristics examination can be used for the devalopment of the basic anti-stress programs and measures in order to achieve better psychological selection, adaptation career leadership and organization of military pilots and other crew members

    Application of nuclear magnetic resonance in medicine and its influence on the quality of life and work environment / Применение ядерно-магнитного резонанса в медицине и его влияние на рабочую и окружающую среду / Primena nuklearne magnetne rezonance u medicini i njen uticaj na kvalitet radne i životne sredine

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    This work describes the application of nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) in medicine and its influence on the work and life environment. Nuclear magnetic resonance, a powerful research tool, is based on the physical principle that cores of certain atoms (in this case hydrogen) can absorb or emit radiofrequency waves when placed in a magnetic field. This method is used for making high quality section pictures of the inside of the human body; in addition, it shows high sensitivity in revealing cancer, its position and its relation to the surrounding tissue. It is characterised by the use of non-ionizing radiation and a strong magnetic field, and, as explored by now, it does not have harmful effects on the human body. Therefore, it is completely noninvasive, comfortable and safe for patients as well for medical workers. / В данной работе описано применение в медицине ядерно- магнитного резонанса (ЯМР), являющегося мощным исследовательским средством в различных сферах, а также описано его влияние на рабочую и окружающую среду. Ядерно- магнитный резонанс основан на физическом явлении поглощения веществом электромагнитного излучения, атомных ядер, находящихся в постоянном магнитном поле. Данный метод используется для получения высококачественных изображений органов человеческого тела, а также для диагностики онкологических заболеваний и выявления опухолей. ЯМР отличается нейонизирующим излучением и сильным магнитным полем, не представляющих опасности для организма. Следовательно, применение ЯМР безболезненно, безвредно, удобно и безопасно, как для пациентов, так и для медсотрудников, проводящих процедуру. / U ovom radu opisana je primena nuklearne magnetne rezonance (NMR) u medicini, kao moćnog istraživačkog sredstva u različitim oblastima, i njen uticaj na radnu i životnu sredinu. Nuklearna magnetna rezonanca zasniva se na fizičkom fenomenu da jezgra određenih atoma (u ovom slučaju vodonika), postavljena u magnetno polje, mogu apsorbovati i emitovati radiofrekventne talase. Ova metoda koristi se za dobijanje visokokvalitetnih slika preseka unutrašnjosti tela, a pokazuje i visoku osetljivost u otkrivanju tumora, njihovog smeštaja i odnosa prema okolini. Odlikuje se korišćenjem nejonizujućeg zračenja i jakog magnetnog polja, a prema dosadašnjim istraživanjima nema štetno dejstvo na organizam. Potpuno je bezbolna, neinvazivna, konforna i bezopasna, kako za pacijenta, tako i za zdravstveno osoblje koje učestvuje u pregledu

    Coincidence study of double electron emission associated with K-shell photoionization of C60 / Исследование двойной электронной эмиссии, связанной с Фотоионизацией к-оболочки С60 / Koincidentna studija dvostruke elektronske emisije povezane sa fotojonizacijom K-ljuske C60

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    The (multiple) photoionization and subsequent fragmentation of the C60 molecule was studied with the synchrotron radiation after removing electrons from the inner K-shell. Our intention was especially focused on the dynamics of the subsequent fragmentation. In addition to ’normal’ (non-coincident) electron and ion time-of-flight spectroscopy, we investigated this topic with the help of an electron–electron-coincidence measurement. Our experiment shows that in these processes Cq+ 60 ions with charge states up to 3+ and several smaller Cq+ 60-2m fragments are formed. In addition, the broad peak besides the C(1s) line, usually referred to as the 'plasmon' peak, has been observed. / (Многогранная) фотоионизация и сопроводительная фрагментация молекулы C60 исследовалась с помощью синхротронного излучения после выброса электрона из внутренней К-оболочки. Наше исследование было сосредоточено на динамике сопроводительной фрагментации. Кроме «нормальной» (несовпадающей) электронной и ионной спектроскопии, применялись и другие методы измерений, так например, было проведено измерение электронного совпадения. Наш эксперимент показал, что в течение этих процессов формируются Cq+ 60 ионы с зарядом до трех + и несколько небольших Cq+ 60-2m фрагментов. Кроме того, был выявлен широкий пик рядом с основной линией C (1s), так называемым «плазмоном». / Fotojonizacija (višestruka) i prateća fragmentacija molekula C60 proučavana je uz pomoć sinhrotronskog zračenja nakon izbacivanja elektrona iz unutrašnje K-ljuske. Naše istraživanje bilo je posebno fokusirano na dinamiku prateće fragmentacije. Pored 'normalne' (nekoincidentne) elektronske i jonske TOF spektroskopije, ovu temu izučavali smo i uz pomoć elektron-elektron koincidentnog merenja. Naš eksperiment pokazuje da se u ovim procesima formiraju Cq+60 joni sa naelektrisanjem do 3+ i nekoliko manjih Cq+60-2m fragmenata. Pored toga, pored glavne C(1s) linije uočen je široki pik, tzv. plazmon

    Noise, sources of noise and its influence on the quality of work and living environment / Шум, источники шума и их воздействие на качество рабочей и окружающей среды / Buka, izvori buke i njen uticaj na kvalitet radne i životne sredine

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    Fast technological development has made noise an inevitable part of everyday life. The main sources of noise are: machines, factories, traffic and noise from the neighbourhood. As a mixture of sounds of different charcteristics, noise can be permanent, nonpermanent and impact with different levels, duration and time distribution. Due to the harmful effects of noise on human health, it is necessary to undertake steps which will conrtribute to the reduction of noise levels. Noise pollution and activities for the protection against noise have been analysed in this paper. / Вследствие технологического развития в современном мире, шум стал неотъемлемой частью повседневности. Основными источниками шума являются различные машины, станки, фабрики, заводы, транспорт и прочие звуки из окружения. Как совокупность различных звуков шум может быть стационарным и нестационарным, постоянным и непостоянным, колеблющимся, прерывистым и импульсным, отличаться по уровню и периоду воздействия. Так как шум оказывает негативное воздействие на здоровье человека, необходимо принять все возможные меры по снижению уровня шума. В данной статье представлен анализ негативного воздействия шума и описаны меры и средства по защите от шума. / Ubrzanim tehnološkim razvojem savremenog čovečanstva buka je postala neizbežan deo svakodnevnog života. Osnovni izvori buke su mašine, fabrike, saobraćaj, kao i zvuci iz susedstva. Kao mešavina zvukova različitih karakteristika buka može biti trajna, isprekidana i udarna, promjenljivih nivoa, različitog trajanja i vremenske raspodele. Zbog njenog štetnog uticaja na ljudsko zdravlje potrebno je preduzeti određene aktivnosti radi redukovanja nivoa buke. U ovom radu analizirana je zagađenost bukom i delatnosti na planu zaštite od nje

    Strong enhancement of double Auger decay following plasmon excitation in C60 / Усиление двойного Оже-распада, сопровождающего возбуждение плазмонов в С60 / Jako pojačanje dvostrukog ožeovog raspada koji prati plazmonsku ekscitaciju u C60

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    One of the important characteristics of the C60 molecule is the collective response of its valence electron cloud to the electromagnetic radiation. This collective behavior gives rise to the occurrence of the giant dipole resonance (so called surface plasmon) in the absorption spectrum centered around 20 eV, which has also been analyzed theoretically by various authors. Concerning photoelectron emission, plasmonic excitation is characterized by a particular intensity behavior near the threshold. We present here a new series of the K-shell photoelectron spectra with particular emphasis on the qualitative analysis of all ionization with excitation and double ionization processes. Our measurements of the C60 plasmon excitation follow the so-called Thomas-Derrah law and are in good agreement with the corresponding behavior of satellite excitations in atoms such as neon. / Одной из самых значительных свойств молекулы С60 является коллективная реакция ее валентных электронов на электромагнитные излучения. Вследствие коллективной реакции в спектре поглащения возникает огромный дипольный резонанс (так называемый поверхностный плазмон), приблизительно на 20 eV, который был неоднократно представлен различными авторами в их теоретических исследованиях. В случае фотоэлектронной эмиссии, наблюдаются характерное поведение плазмонов при возбуждении на пороге ионизации. В работе представлена новая серия фотоэлектронных спектров Коболочки, а также подробный квалитативный анализ всех ионизаций с возбуждениями в процессе двойной ионизации. На основании проведенного анализа и измерений плазмонного возбуждения С60 при применении так называемого закона ТомасДерраха можно утверждать, что они полностью совпадают с соответствующим поведением сателлитного возбуждения атомов в неонах. / Jedna od značajnih karakteristika C60 molekula je kolektivni odgovor njegovih valentnih elektrona na elektromagnetno zračenje. Ovo kolektivno ponašanje dovodi do pojave ogromne dipolne rezonance (tzv. površinski plazmon) u apsorpcionom spektru na oko 20 eV, koji su različiti autori i teorijski analizirali. Kada je u pitanju fotoelektronska emisija, plazmonsku ekscitaciju karakteriše posebno ponašanje na pragu jonizacije. Prikazana je nova serija fotoelektronskih spektara K-ljuske sa težištem na kvalitativnoj analizi svih jonizacija sa ekscitacijama i procesima dvostruke jonizacije. Merenja plazmonske ekscitacije S60 prate tzv. Tomas-Dirahov zakon i u velikoj su saglasnosti sa odgovarajućim ponašanjem satelitskih ekscitacija u atomima kao što je neon