855 research outputs found

    Internet Ethics Issues and Actions in Japan

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    The International Symposium on Internet Ethics 2012 was planned and organized by the Korea Internet Security Agency and was held in September 2012 at the Lotte Hotel World in Seoul. This note relates to the presentation in Japan, it outlines current Internet ethics issues and actions in Japan. Moreover, four aspects of Japanese civilization were introduced as the bases of these ethics issues

    How Design Plays Strategic Roles in Internet Service Innovation: Lessons from Korean Companies

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    In order to survive in the highly competitive internet business, companies have to provide differentiated services that can satisfy the rapidly changing users’ tastes and needs. Designers have been increasingly committed to achieving user satisfaction by generating and visualizing innovative solutions in new internet service development. The roles of internet service design have expanded from a narrow focus on aesthetics into a more strategic aspect. This paper investigates the methods of managing design in order to enhance companies’ competitiveness in internet business. The main research processes are to: (1) explore the current state of internet service design in Korea through in-depth interviews with professional designers and survey questionnaires to 30 digital design agencies and 60 clients; (2) compare how design is managed between in-house design groups and digital design agencies though the case studies of five Korean companies; and (3) develop a taxonomy characterizing four roles of designers in conjunction with the levels of their strategic contributions to internet service innovation: visualist, solution provider, concept generator, and service initiator. In addition, we demonstrate the growing contributions of the strategic use of design for innovating internet services, building robust brand equity, and increasing business performance. Keywords: Design Management; Internet Business; Internet Service Design; Digital Design; Digital Design Agency; In-House Design Group, Case Study</p

    Variation in honey bee gut microbial diversity affected by ontogenetic stage, age and geographic location

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    Social honey bees, Apis mellifera, host a set of distinct microbiota, which is similar across the continents and various honey bee species. Some of these bacteria, such as lactobacilli, have been linked to immunity and defence against pathogens. Pathogen defence is crucial, particularly in larval stages, as many pathogens affect the brood. However, information on larval microbiota is conflicting. Seven developmental stages and drones were sampled from 3 colonies at each of the 4 geographic locations of A. mellifera carnica, and the samples were maintained separately for analysis. We analysed the variation and abundance of important bacterial groups and taxa in the collected bees. Major bacterial groups were evaluated over the entire life of honey bee individuals, where digestive tracts of same aged bees were sampled in the course of time. The results showed that the microbial tract of 6-day-old 5th instar larvae were nearly equally rich in total microbial counts per total digestive tract weight as foraging bees, showing a high percentage of various lactobacilli (Firmicutes) and Gilliamella apicola (Gammaproteobacteria 1). However, during pupation, microbial counts were significantly reduced but recovered quickly by 6 days post-emergence. Between emergence and day 6, imago reached the highest counts of Firmicutes and Gammaproteobacteria, which then gradually declined with bee age. Redundancy analysis conducted using denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis identified bacterial species that were characteristic of each developmental stage. The results suggest that 3-day 4th instar larvae contain low microbial counts that increase 2-fold by day 6 and then decrease during pupation. Microbial succession of the imago begins soon after emergence. We found that bacterial counts do not show only yearly cycles within a colony, but vary on the individual level. Sampling and pooling adult bees or 6th day larvae may lead to high errors and variability, as both of these stages may be undergoing dynamic succession

    Design and analysis of an unmanned small-scale air-land-water vehicle

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    The designs of small-scale unmanned aerial, land and water vehicles are currently being researched in both civilian and military applications. However, these unmanned vehicles are limited to only one and two mode of operation. The problems arise when a mission is required for two and three-mode of operation, it take two or three units of vehicles to support the mission. This thesis presents the design and analysis of an Unmanned Small-scale Air-Land-Water Vehicle (USALWaV). The vehicle named as a “three-mode vehicle”, is aimed to be an innovative vehicle that could fly, move on the land and traversing the water surface for search and rescue, and surveillance missions. The design process starts with an analysis of requirements to translate the customer needs using a Quality Function Deployment (QFD) matrix. A design concept was generated by developing an optimal configuration for the platform using QFD with a non-exhaustive comparison method. A detailed analysis of the concept followed by designing, analyzing and developing main components of the drive train, main frame, main rotor, rotor blades, control system, transmission system, pontoon mechanism and propeller system. Further, the analysis was done to determine the vehicle weight, aerodynamics, and stability using several software; SolidWorks, XFLR5, and Matlab. Then, the model of USALWaV has been fabricated, tested and successfully operates using remote control system. The final USALWaV configuration is main coaxial rotor 460 mm in diameter, propeller diameter 85 mm, weighing 550 grams; it is capable of hovering and flying with forward speed between 0 and 0.7 m/s, move forward and backward speed between 0 and 0.11 m/s, and operation speed between 0 and 0.47 m/s on the water surface. It is powered by an Xtreme Lithium Polymer battery, and has an endurance of 10 minutes. The main contribution of this design results is provide a new concept of an unmanned vehicle system in three-mode of operation i.e. in air, land and water surface

    Lessons learnt from the broadband diffusion in South Korea and the UK: Implications for future government intervention in technology diffusion

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    Governments around the globe are rapidly introducing e-government initiatives with the role of the internet being regarded as pertinent. Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) offer the capacity to an improved internet. Broadband technology is a form of ICT that is currently being adopted and diffused in many countries. In this paper, we outline how the role of the government can sustain broadband adoption. We use a framework developed by King et al. regarding institutional actions related to IT diffusion and examine the institutional actions taken by the South Korean government (hereafter referred as Korea) and we compare them with relevant policies pursued in Britain (hereafter referred as UK). We demonstrate that a comparison between the IT policies of the two countries allows research to extract the 'success factors' in government intervention in supporting technology diffusion, in order to render favourable results if applied elsewhere

    A web of stakeholders and strategies: A case of broadband diffusion in South Korea

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    When a new technology is launched, its diffusion becomes an issue of importance. There are various stakeholders that influence diffusion. The question that remains to be determined is their identification and roles. This paper outlines how the strategies pursued by a government acting as the key stakeholder affected the diffusion of a new technology. The analysis is based on a theoretical framework derived from innovation diffusion and stakeholder theories. The empirical evidence comes from a study of broadband development in South Korea. A web of stakeholders and strategies is drawn in order to identify the major stakeholders involved and highlight their relations. The case of South Korea offers implications for other countries that are pursuing broadband diffusion strategies

    "Je suis ami(e) avec ma prof sur Facebook". Les effets d'interaction orale-écrite sur les sites de réseautage social

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    Les étudiants arrivant à l'université en Corée du Sud présentent deux caractéristiques qui motivent notre étude. D'une part, leur apprentissage des LE (langues étrangères) dans l'enseignement secondaire s'est concentré sur la grammaire et la compréhension écrite, d'autre part, la plupart des exercices grammaticaux a reposé sur la répétition, le but étant de passer un baccalauréat conçu dans cet esprit. A l'université, ces étudiants rencontrent donc de grandes difficultés pour interagir en LE. Par ailleurs, les statistiques données par KISA (Korea Internet & Security Agency) montrent que 97,4% des jeunes entre 20 et 29 ans utilisent un Smartphone ; et 87,1% d'entre eux l'utilisent pour se connecter sur les SRS comme Facebook et Twitter. Plus de dix millions d'internautes coréens (soit plus de 20% de la population) étaient abonnés à Facebook en 2011. Il nous a donc semblé intéressant d'explorer les effets d'interaction orale-écrite de ce SRS pour l'apprentissage du FLE à l'université en contexte coréen afin de jouer sur leurs atouts pour pallier les insuffisances de la formation antérieure en langue étrangère. Nous espérons contribuer ainsi à un domaine de recherche en développement en didactique des langues (Blattner & Lomicka, 2012) et plus spécialement dans le domaine Epal (Alsic, 2012)

    Toward automatic censorship detection in microblogs

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    Social media is an area where users often experience censorship through a variety of means such as the restriction of search terms or active and retroactive deletion of messages. In this paper we examine the feasibility of automatically detecting censorship of microblogs. We use a network growing model to simulate discussion over a microblog follow network and compare two censorship strategies to simulate varying levels of message deletion. Using topological features extracted from the resulting graphs, a classifier is trained to detect whether or not a given communication graph has been censored. The results show that censorship detection is feasible under empirically measured levels of message deletion. The proposed framework can enable automated censorship measurement and tracking, which, when combined with aggregated citizen reports of censorship, can allow users to make informed decisions about online communication habits.Comment: 13 pages. Updated with example cascades figure and typo fixes. To appear at the International Workshop on Data Mining in Social Networks (PAKDD-SocNet) 201