289 research outputs found

    La relation à l’employé vue du côté employeur : le travail domestique des migrantes ukrainiennes en Pologne

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    La recrudescence du travail domestique rémunéré est marquée en Pologne, comme dans les autres pays européens, par un recours à la main-d’œuvre étrangère. Les migrations féminines y revêtent une importance particulière du fait de l’assignation des femmes à la sphère domestique. Bien que l’emploi des aides domestiques par la classe moyenne soit un phénomène relativement récent dans l’ensemble de l’Europe, le bagage socioculturel hérité des temps socialistes place la Pologne dans une situation spécifique par rapport aux pays occidentaux. En effet, la classe moyenne polonaise est « désocialisée » et « déculturée » face au rôle d’aide domestique et, partant, à celui de son employeur. En l’absence de traditions familiales ou d'expérience personnelle, les Polonais employant des aides domestiques sont confrontés à des situations inconnues. L’absence de schémas clairs crée une situation d’incertitude, qui donne lieu à des réponses diverses. On cherche alors à comprendre comment les employeurs se comportent en tant qu'employeur, quelle allure prennent leurs interactions avec l'aide domestique et comment ces différents acteurs définissent réciproquement leurs rôles. Les données de cet article sont issues d’une recherche doctorale en cours. Dans le texte qui suit, il s’agit, à travers deux récits particulièrement explicites, de présenter deux tendances récurrentes d’ajustement des comportements dans la relation employeur-employé domestique.The resurgence of paid domestic work is characterized in Poland, as in other European countries, by the presence of foreign labourers. The difference between Poland and Western countries is that currently in Poland native domestic workers are more widespread than migrant workers, most often women from the Ukraine, whereas elsewhere the domestic service sector is a highly migrantized one. The employment of domestic helpers by the middle class is a recent phenomenon present throughout Europe. The second difference between Poland and other countries though is the socio-cultural baggage inherited from the socialist period. Indeed, the Polish middle class is, at least in part “de-socialized” and “de-culturalized” from the idea and ways of dealing with paid domestic help. The aim of the paper is to depict two contrastive ways of constructing and transforming the relation with the domestic worker based on two case-studies: of a person with socialization experience at home and one without any previous experience with dealing with a domestic worker. The first case of a person with socialization experience demonstrates the process of intimacy entering an asymmetry-based relationship. The second one, of a person with no socialization experience, demonstrates a transformation of a purely personal (symmetrical and intimate) relationship to one with elements of asymmetry. Both processes are problematic to the employers experiencing them. The data used in this article stem from doctoral research in progress

    Odpowiedzialność kontraktowa w pismach Cuiaciusa – wybrane zagadnienia

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    Jacques Cujas (Cuiacius) was one of the most prominent scholars of the French legal humanism. The paper discusses particular examples of legal liability rules explained in his commentaries, shows his method of legal reasoning and poses the question about the importance of legal practice for proposed solutions. The first part provides a general model of liability as described by Cujas. The second part focuses on two different interpretations of liability rules in the contracts of pledge and loan for use.Jacques Cujas (Cuiacius) był jednym z najwybitniejszych uczonych francuskiego humanizmu prawniczego. W artykule omówiono konkretne przykłady reguł odpowiedzialności prawnej, które zostały wyjaśnione w jego komentarzach, wskazano sposób jego rozumowania prawnego oraz postawiono pytanie o znaczenie praktyki prawniczej dla proponowanych rozwiązań. Pierwsza część zawiera ogólny model odpowiedzialności opisany przez Cujasa. Druga część skupia się na dwóch odmiennych interpretacjach zasad odpowiedzialności w umowach zastawu i pożyczki

    Biografie pomocy domowych jako tworzywo tożsamościowe ich pracodawców - podejście alterbiograficzne

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    Badania biograficzne w naukach społecznych to niezwykle zróżnicowany zbiór podejść badawczych, charakteryzujący się odmiennymi metodami i problemami badawczymi. Wspólna jest im koncentracja na rekonstrukcji biografii pewnego ego, jednostki, której losy warte są poznania jako takie. Wydaje się, że ciekawym poszerzeniem pola badań biograficznych mogłaby być analiza sposobów wykorzystywania w narracji elementów cudzych biografii, biografii Innego. Proponowane w tym artykule podejście alterbiograficzne 1 miałoby na celu określenie, jakiego rodzaju zasobem tożsamościowym i narracyjnym jest biografia. W niniejszym tekście zaprezentowana zostanie analiza sposobów wykorzystywania elementów biografii pomocy domowych w narracjach ich pracodawców

    MicroRNA profiling reveals marker of motor neuron disease in ALS models

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    Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is a progressive neurodegenerative disorder marked by the loss of motor neurons (MNs) in the brain and spinal cord, leading to fatally debilitating weakness. Because this disease predominantly affects MNs, we aimed to characterize the distinct expression profile of that cell type to elucidate underlying disease mechanisms and to identify novel targets that inform on MN health during ALS disease time course. microRNAs (miRNAs) are short, noncoding RNAs that can shape the expression profile of a cell and thus often exhibit cell-type-enriched expression. To determine MN-enriched miRNA expression, we used Cre recombinase-dependent miRNA tagging and affinity purification in mice. By defining thein vivomiRNA expression of MNs, all neurons, astrocytes, and microglia, we then focused on MN-enriched miRNAs via a comparative analysis and found that they may functionally distinguish MNs postnatally from other spinal neurons. Characterizing the levels of the MN-enriched miRNAs in CSF harvested from ALS models of MN disease demonstrated that one miRNA (miR-218) tracked with MN loss and was responsive to an ALS therapy in rodent models. Therefore, we have used cellular expression profiling tools to define the distinct miRNA expression of MNs, which is likely to enrich future studies of MN disease. This approach enabled the development of a novel, drug-responsive marker of MN disease in ALS rodents.SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENTAmyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is a neurodegenerative disease in which motor neurons (MNs) in the brain and spinal cord are selectively lost. To develop tools to aid in our understanding of the distinct expression profiles of MNs and, ultimately, to monitor MN disease progression, we identified small regulatory microRNAs (miRNAs) that were highly enriched or exclusive in MNs. The signal for one of these MN-enriched miRNAs is detectable in spinal tap biofluid from an ALS rat model, where its levels change as disease progresses, suggesting that it may be a clinically useful marker of disease status. Furthermore, rats treated with ALS therapy have restored expression of this MN RNA marker, making it an MN-specific and drug-responsive marker for ALS rodents.</jats:p

    Periprosthetic fractures after shoulder arthroplasty: a systematic review

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    Purpose: The goal of this study was to review available literature on periprosthetic shoulder fractures to evaluate epidemiology, risk factors and support clinical decision-making regarding diagnostics, preoperative planning, and treatment options. Methods: Two authors cross-checked the PubMed and Web of Science medical databases. The inclusion criteria were as follows: original human studies published in English, with the timeframe not limited, and the following keywords were used: ‘periprosthetic shoulder fracture,’ ‘total shoulder arthroplasty periprosthetic fractures,’ ‘total shoulder arthroplasty fracture,’ and ‘total shoulder replacement periprosthetic fracture.’ Seventy articles were included in the review. All articles were retrieved using the aforementioned criteria. Results: The fracture rate associated with total shoulder arthroplasty varied between 0 and 47.6%. Risk factors for periprosthetic fractures were female gender, body mass index < 25 kg/m2, smoking, rheumatoid arthritis, and Parkinson’s disease. The most commonly used classification is the Wright and Coefield classification. Periprosthetic fractures can be treated both, conservatively and operatively. Conclusion: Periprosthetic fracture frequency after shoulder arthroplasty ranges from 0 to 47.6%. The most common location of the fracture is the humerus and most commonly occurs intraoperatively. The most important factor influencing treatment is stem stability. Fractures with stem instability require revision arthroplasty with stem replacement. Fractures with a stable stem depending on the location, displacement and bone stock quality can be treated both conservatively and operatively. For internal fixation plates with cables and screws are most commonly used

    Alternative processing of human HTT mRNA with implications for Huntington's disease therapeutics

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    Huntington disease is caused by a CAG repeat expansion in exon 1 of the huntingtin gene (HTT) that is translated into a polyglutamine stretch in the huntingtin protein (HTT). We previously showed that HTT mRNA carrying an expanded CAG repeat was incompletely spliced to generate HTT1a, an exon 1 only transcript, which was translated to produce the highly aggregation-prone and pathogenic exon 1 HTT protein. This occurred in all knock-in mouse models of Huntington's disease and could be detected in patient cell lines and post-mortem brains. To extend these findings to a model system expressing human HTT, we took advantage of YAC128 mice that are transgenic for a yeast artificial chromosome carrying human HTT with an expanded CAG repeat. We discovered that the HTT1a transcript could be detected throughout the brains of YAC128 mice. We implemented RNAscope to visualise HTT transcripts at the single molecule level and found that full-length HTT and HTT1a were retained together in large nuclear RNA clusters, as well as being present as single transcripts in the cytoplasm. Homogeneous time-resolved fluorescence analysis demonstrated that the HTT1a transcript had been translated to produce the exon 1 HTT protein. The levels of exon 1 HTT in YAC128 mice, correlated with HTT aggregation, supportive of the hypothesis that exon 1 HTT initiates the aggregation process. Huntingtin-lowering strategies are a major focus of therapeutic development for Huntington's disease. These approaches often target full-length HTT alone and would not be expected to reduce pathogenic exon 1 HTT levels. We have established YAC128 mouse embryonic fibroblast lines and shown that, together with our QuantiGene multiplex assay, these provide an effective screening tool for agents that target HTT transcripts. The effects of current targeting strategies on nuclear RNA clusters are unknown, structures that may have a pathogenic role, or alternatively could be protective by retaining HTT1a in the nucleus and preventing it from being translated. In light of recently halted antisense oligonucleotide trials, it is vital that agents targeting HTT1a are developed, and that the effects of HTT-lowering strategies on the subcellular levels of all HTT transcripts and their various HTT protein isoforms are understood