3 research outputs found

    Cluster analysis of uric acid exchange parameters in female rats

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    Background. Uric acid is traditionally considered as the final product of human and primate DNA/RNA degradation, devoid ofuseful physiological activity. However, there is an opinion that theuric acid molecule, by analogy with methylxanthines (caffeine, theophylin, theobromine) has physiological activity. The acquired experience allows us to offer a topic for future research: “Neurotropic and immunotropic activity of endogenous uric acid”. Working hypothesis. Uric acid, interacting with A1 and A2a adenosine receptors as well as phosphodiesterase and Na,K-ATPase of neurons, modulates the activity of nerve centers, which in turn modulate immunocytes. Perhaps the direct effect of uric acid on immunocytes, since the existence oftheophylline-resistant and theophylline-sensitive subpopulations of T-lymphocytes has long been known. The proposed article is the first swallow of the announced project.Material and Methods. Experiment was performed on 58 healthy female Wistar rats 220-300 g. Among them 10 animals remained intact, using tap water from drinking ad libitum. The rats of others groups for 6 days administered through the tube various fluids at a dose of 1,5 mL/100 g of body mass.The day after the completion of the drinking course the plasma and urine levels of the uric acid (uricase method) were determined. Results. We obtained a wide range of uric acid metabolism parameters, divided into four clusters, quantitatively and qualitatively different from each other. On the basis of the accepted criteria, 29,3% of animals state normouricemia in combination with normal or slightly increased excretion of uric acid. In 24,1% of rats, hypouricemia is combined with normal or slightly reduced uricosuria. In 31,0% of animals normal or slightly elevated levels of plasma uric acid are accompanied by a very marked dispersion of uricosuria. The remaining 15,5% of rats expressed hyperuricemia combined with normal or slightly increased uricosuria. In the following articles, functional relationships of uricemia and uricosuria with the parameters of autonomic regulation, immunity and metabolism will be analyzed

    Uric acid, metabolism, neuro-endocrine-immune complex, 258 s.

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